The Keystone XL pipeline has now been approved by both houses of Congress and will be sent to the president’s desk within the next ten days. Obama has vowed to veto the bill, and it will be interesting to hear his excuse for doing so. Having stated time and again that he “has not made up his mind,” he will have to come up with something decisive that has occurred within the past few weeks. Or perhaps he is just a slow thinker.
The reality is that Obama seems to have made up his mind a long time ago. He remained “undecided” so as to avoid the issue during the 2012 and 2014 elections. Now that he is a lame duck, his true colors are coming out. Obama opposes the pipeline because his big-money environmental backers oppose it. End of story.
Not that the president is going to admit that his veto is payback for his largest campaign contributions — or a down payment for future donations to his party. Tom Steyer, the Democratic Party’s biggest donor in the 2014 election cycle, ponied up an estimated $80 million. Even though that money failed to retain control of the Senate, environmentalists made their point. If Democrats want to have a chance in 2016, they need to suppress fossil-fuel development over the rest of Obama’s term. That is what the expected veto is all about.