Displaying the most recent of 91923 posts written by

Ruth King

When Will We Wake Up? By Bruce Thornton

The three Muslim gunmen who killed 12 journalists in Paris targeted not just those people and their satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, but a core ideal and human right of the West––the right to free speech in the public square defined by tolerance for different opinions. That’s why the killers, after they had called out the names of their individual victims before they shot them, bragged as they made their escape that they had “killed” Charlie Hebdo. That’s why they also cried, “The Prophet has been avenged,” since the magazine had frequently spoofed Mohammed, most famously in its reprinting in 2006 of cartoons parodying Mohammed. Apparently President Obama was prescient, at least in the case of the twelve dead Parisians, when he warned in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

Laughing at Mohammed By Daniel Greenfield

Draw a cartoon of anyone. Start by exaggerating the features. Make his ears bigger, his nose longer, stretch out his jaw, push out his eyes and if your picture is wearing a turban, watch the bullets fly.

Islam frowns on images of its frowning prophet, not to mention images of anything else, but it is particularly offended by the institution of the cartoon. The photo keeps us human. The painting can even enhance and flatter its subject. But the cartoon reminds us of our flaws.

And Mohammed, despite his child-molesting, caravan-robbing, sex slave-keeping and occasional demonical possession ways (see Satanic Verses; The, the subject of yet another murderous censorship Jihad), is considered the perfect man. And anyone who disagrees must die.

Boys of the Taliban By Jamie Glazov

President Obama recently announced the end of the war in Afghanistan, thereby officially surrendering what he himself had once called the ‘Good War.’ With thousands of American lives now squandered as the Radical-in-Chief oversees the triumph of the enemy, Frontpage is re-running Jamie Glazov’s article “Boys of the Taliban,” from our Jan 1, 2007 issue, to help crystallize the true nature of the barbaric enemy Obama is now handing Afghanistan to. The article has been updated and edited.


Just recently, the Taliban issued a new set of 30 rules to its fighters.

Many of the instructions were to be expected: rule No. 25 commands the murder of teachers if a warning and a beating does not dissuade them from teaching. No. 26 outlines the exquisite delicacy of burning schools and destroying anything that aid organizations might undertake — such as the building of a new road, school or clinic. The essence of the other rules are easily left to the imagination, basically involving what Islamic Jihad is all about: vile hate, death and destruction.

Frank Pledge The Left’s Unholy Alliance with Islam

Their philosophies are antithetical, but the common ground of their contempt for liberty, free speech and all who disagree has fused to spawn an alliance of convenience that never ceases to expand its frontiers. How much longer can a supine West tolerate the erosion of its institutions and values?
For many years we have been sold the idea of multicultural Australia as a significant and energising factor in our national evolution. Cultural differences are supposed to be gradually absorbed into the mainstream, leaving it enriched and reinvigorated in the process. When multiculturalism means colourful costumes, exotic recipes and unusual music, there may be some truth in this. At least there is little appreciable harm.

But what happens when those imported cultures involve more than mere fancy dress, when they arrive with their own power relationships, their own political ideologies and a parallel legal system, all of which is incompatible with Australian norms and traditions? What happens when new arrivals have no intention of relinquishing these features of their cultures and integrating into the mainstream? What happens when the intent is first to modify the host culture and, ultimately, to replace it? How do multiculturalism’s promoters propose to deal with a scenario in which one or more of its celebrated minorities is fully committed to promoting its own political agenda?

Take Islam, which is not simply a religion. Rather, it is a political movement with imperialist intentions, stated quite openly in its sacred texts, and a vision of religion as the ultimate source of legal authority and social control. Rooted entirely in a theocratic conception of the world as it must be, Islam remains in its essence quite incompatible with democracy.

Iran General: Our Ultimate Goal Is the Destruction of America And Israel by Reza Kahlili

The commander of Iran’s notorious Basij forces declared Monday that the Islamic Republic’s ultimate goal is the destruction of America and Israel.
“Today there is no mandate to end our fight because Iran’s greatness in the region and the repeated losses by the Zionists and America are the proof of our fight up to today,” Gen. Mohammad Naghdi said, according to Fars News Agency. “Our ideal is not [nuclear] centrifuges but the destruction of the White House and the annihilation of Zionism [Israel].”
The regime’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has also called for the continuation of the fight to destroy America, saying: “This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought. … This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and a need for great strides.”
Naghdi denounced comments by the Rouhani government over the weekend on a possible referendum on the country’s nuclear issue in an effort to remove international sanctions and negotiate a solution with the West.

Saving lives in the Middle East: Paul Driessen

Yazidi and other Christian communities trace their Syrian and Iraqi roots back nearly 2,000 years. Now they are being systematically exterminated. Not merely driven out. Exterminated – along with Jews, Baha’is and even Muslims insufficiently fundamentalist to suit Islamic State (ISIS) butchers.
While they have not yet attained the scale of Nazi and Communist slaughters, these Islamofascist savages may have surpassed their Twentieth Century predecessors in depravity. They ask terrified children, “Who wants to be beheaded first?” then butcher them in front of the others. They bury people alive. Islamist “soldiers” teach little boys how to slice the heads off every man in “enemy” Syrian tribes. They torture and rape girls and women, before selling them into slavery, prostitution or forced marriage – and demand that surviving women dress “modestly” in black robes, gloves and veils, and be banned from school and public life. They sell their victims’ blood and organs, to finance still more weapons and atrocities.

Not Securing Our Borders — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was guest-hosted by PolitiChicks.com Editor-in-Chief Ann-Marie Murrell and joined by Michael Cutler, Former Senior INS Special Agent.

Michael Cutler came on the show to discuss Not Securing Our Borders, analyzing how the Left has succeeded in making pro-enforcement of immigration laws to be considered “racist.” The discussion occurred within the context of U.S. Immigration Policy and Exposure to Terror.

Father of Fallen Marine to Obama: “Marines Die Because You Tied Their Hands”: Daniel Greenfield

Under Bush 1 and 2 the media were willing to make a major story out of any mistreatment or alleged mistreatment of soldiers such as Gulf War Syndrome , but when thousands of soldiers have been wounded and killed because of Obama wishing to prioritize Muslim feelings over the lives of American soldiers, the media lays down the heavy hand of censorship and the only ones who will talk about it are the families of the fallen.

Steven R. Hogan, father of fallen US Marine Lance Corporal Hunter D. Hogan took the condolence letter he received from Barack Obama and wrote with his own hand the following:http://www.dcclothesline.com/2015/01/04/fallen-us-marines-father-returns-obamas-condolence-letter-incredible-rebuke/

“I wonder how many of these get returned to you!

“Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama,

I am deeply saddened that you are the President of the United States. You sir are an embarrassment to the Oval Office. My son, as well as most Marines I know, despise you and your lack of representation for our military.

Your ridiculous rules of engagement have caused the massive amount of casualties on your watch in Afghanistan. While we watch your media pander to your administration and clearly sweep things under the rug for you, I fully understand Marines die. You have tied their hands & feet!

I am thankful I did not serve under a Comm. in Chief such as you. I am sickened that my son had to. I wonder… I doubt that you will see this, I hope you do though!

If Obama did see it all he would think is mission accomplished.

Some “conservatives” in recent weeks have suggested that the NYPD should take a cue from American soldiers and stay silent no matter what outrages are committed against them by an elected official, but some might suggest that it should be the other way around.

What Made America Great By Ben Carson

It wasn’t taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots.The U.S Constitution was designed to preserve the freedom and rights of all citizens. Our Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal and that we have certain God-given rights. With documents like these, how have we arrived at a state of such discord between purported haves and have-nots in our society?

Some will try, of course, to discount any discussion of this topic by talking about the treatment of slaves, indentured servants, Native Americans, and others who historically were not treated well. I am willing to acknowledge that the same human frailties that characterized societies throughout the world found their way into America, but it is unfair to demonize a nation and its many constituents based on the shortcomings of some of its members. Those who condemn America for its past seldom talk about the tremendous good and generosity that have been demonstrated by the country that cannot be denied the title of most benign pinnacle nation in the history of the world.

The Disturbing Coburn Report By Ryan Lovelace

The departing senator’s final oversight report shows a DHS that’s wasteful, prone to corruption, and unable to keep us safe.

Only three in every 100 illegal immigrants will ever face deportation. That’s one of many shocking revelations found in the final oversight report of Oklahoma senator Tom Coburn. Coburn, who was the ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has exposed some glaring problems at the Department of Homeland Security. Coburn’s report, released on Saturday, details DHS’s failure to fulfill any of its five core functions: securing the border, enforcing immigration law, preventing terrorism, safeguarding cyberspace, and strengthening national preparedness.

While the federal government continues to increase spending on border security, more than 700 miles of the nation’s southern border and thousands of miles of its northern border remain unsecured, according to the report. “With these broad gaps in coverage of both our Southern and Northern borders, the problem of people and goods illegally entering our country remains a significant concern,” the report states. “DHS has not succeeded in its efforts to secure U.S. port facilities, infrastructure, and incoming cargo from potential terrorist attacks, despite spending upward of $5 billion on these initiatives since 2002.” One of the reasons for its failures, as the report goes on to point out, is that the DHS lacked a department-wide border-security plan until late last year.