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Ruth King


Campus Anti-Semitism: Where Are The Christians?

The Brownshirts are back on campus, speaking Arabic. But where are the Christians who grew up in the land of the free?

First, a confession. I hated school. Teachers frightened me and I still get nightmares thinking of our principal, Mr. Webster.

I got a case of the willies from the moment I got up in the morning. I’d walk to school with one black eye from yesterday and get back home with another black eye from today. Win or lose, you had to fight back. The schoolyard itself was just as tough. Montreal was a tough town.

But these were skirmishes and scuffles, a rite of passages from boyhood to manhood.

You were being taught that life in and around the schoolyard was a sample of what it’s going to be like later on – and you had friends.

Doodie and Moishe and Tevee…we were always there for one another. We could count on the Cohens and the Goldbergs.

We could also count on the Smiths and the Pattersons. Jews, Christians, we were in it together.

So where are the Christians today? From campus to campus, Jewish students are hurting. Waiting for them are armies of trained specialists, Arabs who are ready to pounce on them by use of Beer Hall tactics and Brownshirt thuggery. They have been sent over here, and funded, by their sheiks and imams to intimidate and to radicalize and they appear to be succeeding.

Of course a respectable number of Arab students are just that, students and legitimate, but that makes the burden on Jewish kids no easier.



Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org) and author of Eco-Imperialism: Green power – Black death.

David R. Legates is a Professor of Climatology at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware, USA. He is a Christian and a senior fellow of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/needed-accurate-climate-forecasts?f=must_reads#ixzz3K5AMfDBy
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President Obama’s agreement with China is about as credible as his “affordable care” pronouncements.

Pleistocene glaciers repeatedly buried almost half of the Northern Hemisphere under a mile of ice. The Medieval Warm Period (~950-1250 AD) enriched agriculture and civilizations across Asia and Europe, while the Little Ice Age that followed (~1350-1850) brought widespread famines and disasters. The Dust Bowl upended lives and livelihoods for millions of Americans, while decades-long droughts vanquished once-thriving Anasazi and Mayan cultures, and flood and drought cycles repeatedly pounded African, Asian and Australian communities. Hurricanes and tornadoes have alsobattered states and countries throughout history, in numbers and intensities that have been impossible to pattern or predict.

But today we are supposed to believe climate variability is due to humans – and computer models can now forecast climate changes with amazing accuracy. These models and the alarmist scientists behind them say greenhouse gases will increasingly trigger more “severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people, species and ecosystems,” a recent UN report insists.

In reality, carbon dioxide’s effect on devastating weather patterns is greatly overstated. We are near a 30-year low in hurricane energy (measured by the ACE index of “accumulated cyclone energy”), and tropical cyclone and storm activity has not increased globally over that period. In fact, as of November 18, it’s been 3,310 days since a Category 3-5 hurricane hit the US mainland – by far the longest stretch since records began in 1900. This Atlantic hurricane season was the least active in 30 years.


In Vienna on Monday, after the deadline for reaching a deal on Iran’s nuclear program ‎expired, and yet another extension was agreed upon, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry ‎gave a joint press conference with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.‎

‎”Today we are closer to a deal that will make our partners like Israel and the Gulf states ‎safer,” he said. “We now see a path for solving issues that until now were intractable.”‎

Responding to this turn of events at a forum in Tehran on the same day, Iran’s Islamic ‎Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari ‎expressed satisfaction.‎

‎”The Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might,” he said. “[Which] is ‎obvious in their behavior in the region and in the negotiations.”‎


He then pointed to the fact that Iran is arming Hezbollah and Hamas with heavy ‎weaponry for the purpose of defeating Israel and attaining a “final victory” over the ‎West.‎

Jafari was referring to hundreds of Fateh missiles — with 160- to 220-mile ranges and the ‎ability to carry 1,100-pound warheads — whose transfer was announced over the weekend ‎by Revolutionary Guard Aerospace Force Brig. Gen. Seyed Majid Moussavi.‎

‎”Our strategic guiding principle is … to allow the resistance groups to deal with the ‎bloodthirsty Zionist regime,” Moussavi told Iran’s Fars news agency.‎

This is in keeping with the nine-point plan for Israel’s destruction tweeted ‎earlier this month by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. It also jibes with Khamenei’s anti-‎Israel and anti-American speeches surrounding the celebration of the Nov. 4, 1979, ‎takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Islamic revolutionaries who had ousted Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and ushered in the reign of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. ‎

It was spelled out, as well, in a communique issued by the Revolutionary Guard in honor of the 35th ‎anniversary of the taking of dozens of American diplomats hostage for 444 days (and the ‎coinciding Ashura day of mourning for the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, ‎Hussein ibn Ali).‎

Jewish Settlements and Palestinian Terror By Joseph Puder

The 28 States that make up the European Union (EU) would like to see the Israeli-Palestinian peace process resume. They seek an ultimate solution that will establish a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital alongside the Jewish state. Both the Swedish and British parliaments (also Spain) have already voted to recognize a Palestinian state and others are sure to follow.

The Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday, (November 18, 2014) that “An internal European Union document proposes unspecified “actions” against Israel for its settlement activities in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, reflecting unhappiness with the lack of progress in Mideast peace efforts.”

According to the AP report, “The document calls for unspecified moves against European companies operating in Israeli settlements. It also proposes actions against settlers themselves, including a “no contact” policy toward settler organizations, and a refusal “to engage with settlers,” including public figures who oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The Europeans, burdened by a radicalized Muslim constituency, which in some of the EU states account for 10% of the population (France, Belgium), are pandering to their Muslim constituents with domestic and foreign policy concessions. One such concession is to push for a Palestinian state and punish Israel. The Muslim minorities have been co-opted by the socialist and leftist parties as a permanent voting bloc.

European colonial powers, including Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and others are laden with colonial guilt in a time when alleged “victimhood” is celebrated and pandered to, and “Human Rights” has become the Continent’s new religion, replacing Christianity. In today’s EU world, “Better red than dead” has been replaced by “Better green than dead.”

In order to preserve their “Dolce vita” or good life, the Europeans were willing to submit to Communism if they could keep their month-long paid vacations and generous welfare perks. Today, they are willing to submit to Islam in order to preserve their lives and property. After two world wars, the Europeans are tired and unwilling to fight. They resent America even though the U.S. has protected them from the Soviet Union, and is continuing to protect them from Russian, Iranian, and Islamic jihadist threats. They also resent Israel for resisting the jihadists, and for its chosen particularism as a Jewish state. Anti-Semitism of the pre-war years is in decline on the Continent, but Israel has become the “collective Jew,” a subject of derision and hatred.

Hagel Takes the Fall By Robert Spencer

Chuck Hagel is out at the Department of Defense, and one administration official explained that it was because “the next couple of years will demand a different kind of focus” – apparently one that doesn’t shed such a bright light upon the smoking ruin that is Barack Obama’s foreign policy.

Hagel may have sealed his fate last week, when Charlie Rose asked him in an interview about the decline of the U.S. military. “I am worried about it,” Hagel responded with unexpected candor, “I am concerned about it, Chairman Dempsey is, the chiefs are, every leader of this institution” – as Bryan Preston of PJ Media has noted, he perhaps pointedly left Obama and Joe Biden off this list of concerned officials.

Yet who is the single individual most responsible for the decline of the military? Hagel must have known the answer to that question when he added: “The main responsibility of any leader is to prepare your institution for the future. If you don’t do that, you’ve failed. I don’t care how good you are, how smart you are, any part of your job. If you don’t prepare your institution, you’ve failed.”

Did Obama take that as a reference to his steep defense cuts at a time when the world is on fire? Or did he object to Hagel’s surprisingly cordial relations with Israeli officials?

We may never know what the true story is. It may be that Obama chose Hagel, the sole Republican on his national security team, to be the one to take the blame for his spectacular misjudgment of the Islamic State, which he famously dismissed in January 2014 as a “JV team.”

Did Chuck Hagel whisper that notorious analogy in Obama’s ear?

Or maybe Hagel is walking the plank for Obama’s insistence upon referring to jihad terrorists in Syria as “vetted moderates.” “We have a Free Syrian Army and a moderate opposition that we have steadily been working with that we have vetted,” said Obama in September 2014. What was he working with them for? To get them to fight the Islamic State. Yet long before that, in July 2013, Free Syrian Army fighters entered the Christian village of Oum Sharshouh and began burning down houses and terrorizing the population, forcing 250 Christian families to flee the area.

Ferguson in Flames Posted By Matthew Vadum

Grand jurors in Ferguson, Mo., refused to indict local police officer Darren Wilson yesterday, heroically resisting pressure from President Obama on down to lynch an innocent police officer who fought off a violent attacker.

The decision is infuriating left-wingers across America because it rebuts the underlying assumption they embrace which is that white police racism caused the death of Michael Brown, a young black thug who tried to seize Wilson’s gun in an attempt to do the officer harm.

As fresh rioting was already underway in the St. Louis area, the decision also angered President Obama who could barely contain his hostility in a disgraceful, unprecedented television appearance following the release of the announcement about the non-indictments. Obama urged activists to refrain from using violence. The president himself bears direct responsibility for fomenting the combustible situation, however.

The county’s elected prosecuting attorney, Robert McCulloch, calmly explained the process in detail last night that the grand jury employed in choosing not to return indictments in five potential charges from first-degree murder to lesser offenses.

McCulloch is a white Democrat who has come under heavy fire from race-baiting members of his own political party. His partisans hate him because he does not share their antipathy for police officers, and presumably, because he is the wrong color. McCulloch easily secured the Democratic nomination for his office in a primary election four days before Brown was killed. In that contest, he handily beat former state public defender Leslie T. Broadnax, a black woman, by a margin of 71.4 percent to 28.6 percent.

McCulloch said many witnesses gave testimony that was not believable. Witnesses fabricated events, admitted they were in error, clung to discredited factual accounts, or gave evidence inconsistent with the physical evidence.

McCulloch said grand jurors were “the only people who heard every witness … and every piece of evidence.”

“These grand jurors poured their hearts and soul into this process,” he said. The grand jury consisted of nine whites and three blacks and was meeting every week since Aug. 20 to hear evidence in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. The panel convened for 70 hours and heard from 60 witnesses.


David Isaac is an editor at Newsmax. He is also the founder of a Zionist history site, Zionism101.org.

David Wolpe, Newsweek’s pick for most influential U.S. rabbi in 2012, serves as rabbi of Temple Sinai in Los Angeles. When approached by Yale University Press to write about an important Jewish figure, Wolpe says “the choice was easy and obvious.” He chose his Biblical namesake, the “most complex character” in the Bible. So complex is David, in fact, that Wolpe reports that in one well-known ancient text, the rabbis confessed they “were unable to make sense” of his character. Yet, that’s just what Wolpe sets out to do. The result is David: The Divided Heart, a character study of Israel’s greatest king.

Wolpe organizes the material thematically, on the theory that “cutting across slices of the story to build a picture of this man, we will have a rounded portrait.” He begins with the “Young David,” and goes on to explore David’s relationships as a lover and husband, as a fugitive from King Saul, as king, as sinner, as father, as a man faithful to God, as a poet of God. He seeks to answer the question, “Why of all the characters in history, does David hold such an exalted place?”

We are introduced to the young David when the Prophet Samuel is sent by God to find a new king when Saul, the ruling monarch, falls from favor. Samuel is told to seek out the home of Jesse the Bethlehemite. He is impressed by Jesse’s first son Eliab, but God says: “Look not to his appearance … For not as man sees does God see.” David, the youngest son of Jesse, is finally brought forward. Samuel anoints him and, “The spirit of the Lord gripped David from that day onward.”

It’s clear that David’s central character trait is faith. David writes in Psalm 34, “I bless the Lord at all times.” And though David will stumble badly later, God will forgive him. Wolpe notes what he takes to be an important reason: “One of David’s most distinguishing features was the sin he avoided: idolatry. Unlike many of his successors, not once in the entire David narrative does he worship idols or false gods. … Not only is David free from the stain of idolatry, his relationship with God is steady and assured throughout the story.”

As a result, even King David’s worst crime, the one he commits against his loyal soldier Uriah, does not destroy that relationship. With Uriah off fighting one of David’s wars, the king sleeps with Uriah’s wife Bathsheba. When Bathsheba becomes pregnant, David has Uriah killed in order to cover up the crime — compounding this villainy he has Uriah himself deliver the letter ordering his commanding officer to ensure that he will be killed in battle. When the prophet Nathan comes to reproach David for his transgression, Wolpe writes: “Here is what David did not do: He did not have Nathan put to death.” On the contrary, David’s reaction is “immediate penitence – ‘I have offended against the Lord.’”

Get Ready for the Super Bowl of Outrage in Ferguson By Deroy Murdock

Many of those on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., have legitimate concerns about police conduct and the possibility of wrongful force regarding Officer Darren Wilson’s fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Unfortunately, Ferguson also has become a huge electromagnet for professional protesters who bounce from one focus of fury to the next.

These permanently angry people starred in anti-globalization demonstrations in Seattle, Miami, and Cancun. They screamed themselves hoarse as Governor Scott Walker curtailed the special privileges of the Badger State’s unionized government workers. This mob moved on to Occupy Wall Street — where they turned Zuccotti Park into an open toilet and rape camp — and Occupy Oakland, which featured vandalism and arson.

And now they are in Ferguson. Amid shuttered storefronts, padlocked school yards, and deployed National Guardsmen, this scene threatens to become the Super Bowl of mass public outrage.

The looting and rioting began in Ferguson last summer, soon after Wilson shot Brown. The initial narrative was as painful as it was clear. A ruthless, perhaps racist, police officer cut down an unarmed, college-bound “gentle giant.”

But things soon became clouded.

Brown was not so gentle after all. A security camera caught him stealing cigars from a convenience store. Brown then shoved a clerk who confronted him before he fled with the merchandise. In a recently released audio tape, a Ferguson police dispatcher told officers about a “stealing in progress” last August 9 at 11:53 a.m. Another dispatcher soon added that the suspect was a black male who had stolen a box of Swisher cigars. “He’s with another male. He’s got a red Cardinals hat, white T-shirt, yellow socks, and khaki shorts.”

As the store’s surveillance video confirms, the dispatcher’s description perfectly matches Brown’s attire as he swiped those smokes.

The Forgotten Americans Obama’s Coalition is Held Together Only by his Personal Mythography. By Victor Davis Hanson

Political analysts still are arguing over why the Democratic party was washed away in the midterm election. Since 2008, ascendant progressives had been crowing over a fresh mosaic of energized minorities, newly franchised immigrants, single young urban women, greens, gays, and — less often mentioned — upscale professionals and the 1-percenter super-wealthy.

These groups were united by their support for the expansion of entitlements, higher taxes, neo-isolationism, amnesty, opposition to any restrictions on abortion, curbs on carbon-energy development, and gay marriage. But what really held them together was Barack Obama. His exotic name, his racial background, his leftwing ideology, and his Ivy League training appealed to each of these diverse groups. Without him on the ballot — as in 2010 and 2014 — most of these identity groups apparently were not energized enough to turn out in sufficient numbers to make up for middle-class voters turned off by progressive rhetoric and the by-any-means-necessary distortions to achieve its ends.

Indeed, a cynic would sum up the unlikely liberal coalition as a bridge over the middle class. Wealthy, influential progressives had enough capital and income to support new efforts at government redistribution, higher taxes, and the sort of green projects that, at least in the short term, would slow the economy and cost blue-collar jobs — but not really affect the 1 percenters’ own livelihoods much.

At the other end, the underclass welcomed expansions of federal entitlement programs and the idea of an activist state guaranteeing an equality of result for the less-well-off, with the taxes to pay for it all falling on someone else.

Note that the new progressive coalition was largely abstract. In their own personal lives, the upscale denizens of Santa Monica, Chevy Chase, and the Upper West Side did not put their children in diverse public schools, much less live among undocumented immigrants or give up their Mercedeses and Volvo SUVs for fleets of Priuses. None promised to take two fewer trips by jet each year.


Our political discourse, national and international, is filled with total dishonesty and it is time we called them on it.

For Iran and the 5+1 does not take a year and a half. If Iran was not working on nuclear weapons, they would reach an agreement in a month and would allow inspectors to go anywhere they want. They do neither; So it is only reasonable and the safe thing to believe that they are working on nuclear weapons. For the Obama administration to keep giving Iran more time only leads to the conclusion that the Administration expects them to have nuclear weapons and is willing to delay them , not stop them.

The Administration is proposing a 10 year agreement. How convenient for Iran. What is being proposed is a Hudna. To agree to a Hudna is to tell them that we won’t attack them and they won’t attack us for 10 years unless the Iranians feel strong enough to attack us. It they have nukes, they will feel strong enough to wage nuclear war.. President Obama went to a madrasa as a youngster. There is no reason to believe that he does not know what a Hudna is and what danger it poses to us.

The Administration does not condemn Muslim violence and genocide against non-Muslims, or Muslims of another sect. However, if a non-Muslim attacks a Muslim it is roundly condemned by the Administration. A case in point is the Hamas war of 2014. Israel attacked a UNWRA school used to store Hamas rockets and/or launch rockets against Israel. Israel is condemned for the attack while Hamas and UNWRA are not attacked for their actions.

Geneva Convention IV

Article 28 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.”

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949, Article 28.
