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Ruth King

Massacre on J Street :ControversialGroup’s Anti-Israel Perspective Fails to Resonate :Adam Kredo

Political candidates backed by the controversial Middle East advocacy group J Street were trounced at the polls on Tuesday, with J Street’s endorsees losing in almost every competitive race.

J Street scrambled to save face on Wednesday after two candidates that the group described as must-wins were defeated by their Republican opponents.

While J Street spread its money across 92 races around the country—the majority of them uncompetitive contests—J Street candidates locked in tight races were repudiated by voters.

Analysts say this is further proof that voters are increasingly likely to embrace more hawkish pro-Israel candidates over the dovish views characteristic of J Street and its allies in the Obama administration.

Democrats Mark Udall (Colo.) and Bruce Braley (Iowa), both of whom lost yesterday, received repeated endorsements and cash from J Street, which claimed that both candidates would counter “dangerous, neoconservative ideas” in the Senate.

“We can’t afford to lose these two [Senate] races,” J Street political director Dan Kalik wrote in a September email to supporters, urging them to donate at least $18 dollars to Udall and Braley.

“If Mark and Bruce don’t have the resources they need in these last few weeks, you can expect their opponents’ dangerous, neoconservative ideas to gain momentum in the Senate,” J Street wrote at the time.

J Street’s efforts to make the races about its anti-Israel agenda appears to have flopped, as voters in both states favored the Republican challengers Joni Ernst and Cory Gardner.

J Street endorsee Michelle Nunn, who the group made several high-profile pitches for, lost her race in Georgia to Republican David Perdue, a candidate J Street described as “shameful.”

“These guys think they can scare votes their way by borrowing a page from the neoconservative playbook. Will you prove them wrong?” J Street asked in an October fundraising pitch for Nunn.

The organization’s efforts to unseat Republican Sen. Susan Collins in Maine also ended in failure.


In Nigeria and Iraq, Muslim armies are selling women as slaves. Iran hanged a woman for fighting off a rapist. ISIS was more direct about it and beheaded a woman who resisted one of its fighters.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-D7E74LmOii0/VFpZ7tB7IhI/AAAAAAAAOhc/zK-lQmnYrkY/s1600/This-is-what-a-feminist-l-009.jpgBut we don’t have to travel to the Middle East to see real horrors. The sex grooming scandal in the UK involved the rape of thousands of girls. The rapists were Muslim men so instead of talking about it, the UK’s feminists bought $75 shirts reading, “This is what a feminist looks like” which were actually being made by Third World women living sixteen to a room. This was what a feminist looked like and it wasn’t a pretty picture.

The same willful unseriousness saw Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a survivor of genital mutilation and an informed critic of Muslim misogyny, booted from Brandeis by self-proclaimed feminists. Meanwhile the major feminist cause at the moment is Gamergate, a controversy over video games which can be traced back to a female game developer who slept with a video game reviewer. Professional feminists have spent more time and energy denouncing video games than the sale and rape of girls in Nigeria and Iraq.

That is what feminism looks like and there is something seriously wrong with that.

Women Against Feminism touched a nerve because professional feminists know that few women want to identify as feminists. Polls have found that the majority of women view feminism negatively. Even among young women, the feminist label doesn’t come close to breaking the halfway mark.

Professional feminists respond to the negative feedback by claiming that feminism is simply equality. But if feminism were equality, women, and for that matter men, wouldn’t dislike it so much.

A feminist looks like a professional activist wearing a $75 t-shirt made by slave labor while proclaiming that she is a feminist. It isn’t fighting for the rights of women that makes her a feminist. It’s the pricey fashion statement of someone who toots their own horn while exploiting less fortunate women.

The professional feminist is not there to help women, but to promote the agenda of the institutional left. She will turn campus rape into a political cause while criticizing every rape prevention measure, from a rape drug detecting nail polish to self-defense for women, for not dealing with rape culture. Stopping rape doesn’t interest her. Exploiting the abuse of women to fight a culture war does.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform: what is it?

Tonight, I shall make a comprehensive meal. My wife will eat it to learn what is in it…

When I hear law makers and pundits say “comprehensive” I cringe. There are never details, just the magic word. I think it is a deliberate attempt to hoodwink the people for the benefit of the lawmakers.

So, I have come up with my own set of details on a plan for “comprehensive immigration reform”. Will any lawmaker ever see it? Probably not. Will the lawmakers come up with anything vaguely resembling my plan? Assuredly not. Can the people scream for it? I sure hope so. So, let’s spread this around the internet. Our most pressing problem is the Southern border.

1. Close the border. Station the military along the whole border. Anyone not coming in through a legal crossing point meeting legal requirements should be immediately put back on the Mexican side of the border. Do we want to be humane? Give them some bottles of water and MREs (Meals ready to eat).

Make this Mexico’s problem, not ours. Let it cost Mexico money, not us.

2. Make sanctuary cities illegal. Cut any Federal funds by, say, 25%. Let their actions cost the cities taxpayer’s money, not the rest of us.

3. Any alien accused of a violent crime should be tried in a court. If found guilty, then he/she should serve time in prison and then deported across the border he/she came through.

Any alien convicted of a non-violent felony should be deported along with immediate family members.


The 2014 elections are over, and the work of actually resolving America’s many crises must begin. Delay is unacceptable.

The essential linchpin of the American economy is a healthy middle class. A combination of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, the increased costs to businesses and consumers alike of Obamacare, heightened fuel prices, and the loss of steady jobs has wreaked havoc with this vital group.

Taxes on middle income families must be lowered. Policies that have discouraged the creation of middle class jobs, including Obamacare mandates and corporate tax policies that have sent businesses overseas must be repealed.

The U.S. balance of trade continues to see far too many dollars going overseas. It is time to keep those dollars home. The most rapid way of doing that is making the nation truly energy independent. Lands under federal control must finally be opened for energy exploitation. Also, attempts to limit other energy sources, including coal, must stop.

The most imminent threat is the dramatic deterioration of America’s defense posture during the past several years. This has occurred have at the same time that Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran have dramatically built up both the size and sophistication of their forces. Also, it is irresponsible to not deploy a comprehensive anti-missile policy.

These are crises whose solutions cannot be postponed.

For Israel, Two-State Is No Solution By NAFTALI BENNETT

JERUSALEM – Recent events in the Middle East are a reminder of how the old models of peace between Israel and the Palestinians are no longer relevant.

The time has come to rethink the two-state solution.

This past summer, Hamas and its allies fired over 4,500 rockets and mortars at Israel, demonstrating once again what happens when we evacuate territory to the so-called 1967 lines and hand it over to our adversaries. Peace is not obtained. Rather, we are met by war and bloodshed.

The rise of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, and other extreme elements in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, make the risks just as clear. Israel cannot afford to gamble with its security. There are no second chances in the volatile Middle East.

That is why, for its security, Israel cannot withdraw from more territory and cannot allow for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank. If we were to pull out of the West Bank, the entire country would become a target for terrorists who would be able to set up rocket launchers adjacent to the Old City of Jerusalem and on the hills above the runways of Ben-Gurion International Airport and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

Take the Jordan Valley. The Palestinians demand that Israel withdraw from this narrow piece of land, which borders Jordan. But if we do so in today’s climate, we potentially open the door for the Islamic State and other extremists to flood into the new Palestinian state. We cannot take that risk.

How do I know? Because it happened. Not once, not twice, but three times.

Governors Can Rescue America from Obama’s Illegal Executive Orders By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

Barack Obama may pay lip service to working with Republicans, but we know he’ll ultimately ram-rod to implement policies he hopes will transform America, actually damage her. Mr. Obama came to America with a chip on his shoulder, and that splinter remains despite Americans twice electing him. A man with a gracious and forgiving nature would have been moved by this outpouring; yet, despite all this, he seems unable to shed himself of his anti-Americanism, revealing a lack of charitable character.

So, how will Americans protect themselves from his arbitrary Executive Orders that undoubtedly fall beyond his Constitutional limits? How will we be saved from Orders of a fascist nature rarely seen before in American history, such as wholesale amnesty, treaties designed to help Iran manufacture the nuclear bombs that will one day be used against us, or his tying the hands of law enforcement trying to stop domestic jihadism? Congress can impeach, but they probably won’t. They can turn off the monetary spigot, but that’s no guarantee of stopping Obama… after all, money is fungible.

One of the surprise outcomes of Tuesday’s election were the governorships won by Republicans, often in Democratic states. Be it Obamacare, protecting state borders, minimizing illegals, guaranteeing free speech, religious and business rights, outlawing shariah law, or standing by law enforcement, governors and state legislatures have the ability to tell Obama and the Feds: “Not in my backyard.”

The one thing separating the rights and safety of citizens within a state from the indignities and transformation edicts of Mr. Obama and his Attorney General are the state governors. Governors are the firewall between citizens and a lording Obama. Indeed, the Founding Fathers wished it that way, giving states and local officials greater say in the lives of citizens within their state jurisdiction. It is a Constitutional imperative. That is what state’s rights – our rights – are all about. These rights safeguard us from the tyrannical man the Founding Fathers feared in Mr. Obama.

Islamic Female Genital Mutilation and Islam-Denial — on The Glazov Gang

Islamic Female Genital Mutilation and Islam-Denial — on The Glazov Gang
Two leading scholars of Islam discuss a vicious Islamic crime against women — and the effort to hide it.


This election- whatever you want to call it- tsunami, wave, ripple….was a real referendum on Obama policies and on liberals gone wild in America. My thumb hurt from continual switching channels for five hours. The coverage was absolutely dim witted and dismal.

On CNN there was the spectacle of Van Jones- the attorney and activist for life who is so radical he had to resign from the Obaminations in 2009, gurgling Gergen and Clinton artifact gmome Paul Begala and terminally insipid Candy Crowley.

But it was Fox News that was so disappointing in its coverage. Bret Baier and Chris Matthews were alright but the beautiful Megyn Kelly who quipped and cackled at her own jokes was annoying and without a clue about the issues that newly elected legislators ran on in both houses. And Kelly took pains to say, several times, that they were not from the “far right.”

No mention of the Keystone pipeline; no mention of the crippling regulations of the EPA that stifle the economy; no mention of opposition to any amnesty in immigration reform; no mention of the opposition to Obamacare; no mention of the need for robust foreign policy and a strong military; no mention of the abandonment of Veterans and the chicanery at so many government institutions; no mention of any commitment to Israel; no mention of gun rights; no mention of the real contribution of the Tea Party to the debate. I could go on and on.

Dave Perdue, Thom Tillis, Cory Gardner, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Ben Sasse, Shelly Moore Capito, and Dr.Bill Cassidy of Louisiana who is chasing Senator Mary Landrieu to a run-off are all real conservatives….not John Boehner clones. Many have been in congress and have a record and campaign sites but none of the team at Fox even checked on the issues they represent.

Here is just an example from the campaign of Dave Perdue who won in Georgia:

Repeal ObamaCare

ObamaCare is an overreaching federal program that will actually reduce the quality of health care and increase costs. I am one of the millions of Americans that had my personal policy cancelled after being told I could keep it. To make matters worse, Obamacare is discouraging full-time job creation. The consequences of politicians passing a massive bill without reading it continue to emerge. We need to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with more affordable free market solutions.

The United States – Israel Relationship

In dangerous times like these, when Israelis are being attacked by a terrorist government that controls the Gaza Strip, my commitment to Israel is not equivocal, “to be determined”, or for sale. I full-heartedly support Israel’s right to defend itself, and as United States Senator, I will strongly support legislation to assist Israel in this time of need. Read more about how I support Israel

These things are on the record but the chickens in the FOX house never bothered to look and offered inanities instead of real election news and opinion.


By Sharyl Attkisson
Harper, $27.99, 432 pages

Full disclosure first: I was one of those military analysts regularly seen on network television until a 2008 New York Times expose accused us of succumbing to improper influences by the Rumsfeld Pentagon. Because congressional Democrats howled for our heads, it took three years, four federal investigations and more than $2 million in tax dollars before The Times report was discredited and we were exonerated.

Ironically, we were accused of precisely the same pattern of government-media corruption at the heart of Sharyl Attkisson’s new blockbuster, “Stonewalled.” Her path-breaking CBS News investigative reports uncovered “phony scandals” from Fast and Furious to Benghazi and Obamacare. All were inconvenient truths that the Obama White House constantly stonewalled – hence the title and three of her eight chapters. Those revelations alone compare favorably with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s “All the President’s Men,” the canonical account of Watergate and the crimes of President Nixon.

With the heart of a lion and a beaver colony’s work ethic, Mrs. Attkisson also possesses the lockjawed determination of a pit bull. She needed that courage in 2012, when a “well-informed acquaintance” with intelligence connections warned that her Benghazi stories were raising eyebrows. “Keep at it. But you’d better watch out.” Her Deep Throat added, “The average American would be shocked at the extent to which this administration is conducting surveillance on private citizens.”

Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Attkisson’s phones and computers began acting strangely. As she prepared to confront Ambassador Thomas Pickering about his Benghazi report, “Suddenly the data in my computer file begins wiping at hyperspeed before my very eyes. Deleted line by line a split second: it’s gone, gone, gone.” While they might have been remaking the movie “Enemy of the State,” an exhaustive forensics analysis of Mrs. Attkisson’s iMac found evidence of classified documents planted deep in her hard drive; systematic intrusions allowing remote control of her personal files; most damning of all, “a backdoor link to an ISP address for a government computer.” It was slam-dunk confirmation of a deliberately planned government penetration, all predictably denied by Eric Holder Jr.’s Justice Department.

From the Editors at Family Security Matters: Mechric Asks Church to Remove Jihadist-Linked Nihad Awad of CAIR

MECHRIC, the largest coalition of Middle East Christian NGOs in the United States and internationally asked the Archbishop to remove Nihad Awad, the director of Islamist group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) from a coalition said to be aimed at helping Christian minorities in the Middle East. MECHRIC said “Middle East Christian minorities are offended by having Nihad Awad and his Islamist group CAIR claim they are part of a coalition in defense of Christian minorities.” MECHRIC argued that Awad and his group are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, a terror organization in Egypt and other Arab countries, linked to Hamas, and part of a bigoted campaign against Middle East Christians in the US and worldwide.

Following is the text of the letter, with copies send to many members of Congress:

Nov 4th 2014

Archbishop Atallah Hanna
Archbishop of Sebastia,
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem
P.O. Box 14518, Jerusalem 91145
Re: interfaith Coalition to Protect Christians

Dear Bishop Hanna:

We have learned that you have sponsored the formation of an “interfaith coalition to protect Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East.” We are troubled by the fact that among the NGOs and activists invited to join the coalition are a number of Islamist and pro-Jihadi groups whose agenda has been and continues to be hostile to the freedom and survival of Christian and other minorities in the Middle East.

Among the activists you have included is Nihad Awad, the President of the Council on Islamic American Relations (CAIR), which is an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Terrorism case and is not the civil rights organization it claims to be. For more than a decade, CAIR members and former members have been indicted, and some are serving jail sentences, for terrorism cases successfully brought against them. The Islamist organization is considered by experts as a front to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has inspired leading members of al Qaeda and ISIS (Daesh) and has been put on terror lists by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Bahrain. Several members of Congress, including the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Pete King, and the Chairwoman of the subcommittee on Intelligence, Rep. Sue Myrick, have considered CAIR an extremist Islamist organization. There are bills introduced in the US House of Representatives calling for identifying the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terror organization.