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Ruth King

Will Obama Become a “Lame Duck” President? Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger,

The outcome of the US midterm November 4, 2014 elections – for all 435 House seats, 36 (of the 100) Senate seats, 36 (of the 50) Governors and 87 (of the 99) State Chambers – will significantly impact the maneuverability of President Obama domestically and internationally: a “lame duck”, or a “bullish,” transformational president. It will, also, impact US-Israel strategic cooperation, particularly the effectiveness of President Obama’s pressure on Israel.

The US midterm elections represent a unique electoral system, which highlights the centrality of the constituent, the concept of limited government, the total independence of the Legislature, and the co-determining and co-equal status of the three branches of government. Unlike the European and Israeli political systems, the US Executive is heavily constrained by the world’s most powerful Legislature (Congress), especially during the second presidential term; even more so if the president’s party does not control both chambers of Congress. Historically, midterm elections do not bode well for the president and his party. Historically, the American constituent and Congress – on both sides of the aisle – have been systematic supporters of the Jewish State; frequently in defiance of US presidents.

The thundering potential of the “6th year itch” elections was recently demonstrated in 1994 (the GOP revolution: 54 House and 8 Senate seats), 2006 (a DEM sweep: 31 House and 5 Senate seats) and 2010 (a DEM crush: 63 House and 6 Senate seats). The core cause of these tidal waves was the plunge of presidential approval ratings, which nationalized the elections, triggering a ripple effect into House and Senate elections.

If there is a decisive outcome in the November 2014 midterm election, it will be a direct result of President Obama’s plummeting approval ratings, which has become the most critical issue of the upcoming election. Obama has been transformed into an “anchor-chained” – and not a “coattail” – president, significantly undermining Democratic candidates. According to Time Magazine, “after President Bush had similar poor approval ratings in 2006, Democrats enjoyed a wave election that gave them control of Congress….”

A perceived presidential responsibility for a Democratic defeat in the Senate races would further undermine Obama’s clout among Capitol Hill Democrats, who forced him to oppose Israel’s condemnation by UN Security Council resolution in 2011, and to release committed funds for the “Iron Dome” (missile defense) during the recent war in Gaza.


A controversial Islamist group – Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which is run by the American Muslims for Palestine – will gather at Tufts University on Friday for a weekend-long conference that will include training students to take “direct action” against pro-Israel and Jewish students on U.S. campuses (see below).

SJP is known for leading some the most hostile anti-Israel campaigns on campus, including comparisons of the Jewish state to Nazi Germany, promotion of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and advocacy for the terrorist group Hamas.

So why would Tufts University allow this activity?

Because it’s “part of the ‘robust exchange of ideas,’ which ‘can be challenging and uncomfortable,'” according to a Tuft’s spokeswoman.

Nice, except that Tufts University, like many other American universities, has yet to learn the difference between free speech and hate speech, and the difference between a “robust exchange of ideas” and incitement to violence.

Washington Free Beacon | October 24, 2014

Tufts University Hosting Islamists to Train Students in ‘Direct Action’

Tufts welcomes group known for anti-Semitism, violence, connections to Hamas

By Adam Kredo


URL to article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/geert-wilders/to-keep-the-flame-of-liberty-burning/

Below is Geert Wilders’ speech to the Danish Free Press Society in Copenhagen on Nov. 2, 2014.

Dear friends,

I am happy to be in Copenhagen again.

It is always a pleasure to return to this wonderful city – the home of my good friend and fellow freedom fighter, the Danish hero Lars Hedegaard.

It is always a privilege to be in the capital of the brave Danish people.

And it is always an honor to be a guest of your great organization.

The Danish Free Press Society is a beacon of light. For Denmark, for Scandinavia, for the whole of Europe, and for the entire West. Your staunch defense of civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, serves as an inspiration for many, including myself and my party.

On a moment like this, when the free world is in mortal danger, an organization such as the Danish Free Press Society is needed more than ever.

Exactly ten years ago, today, my fellow countryman Van Gogh fell as a martyr of free speech.

I remember that morning very well. The press came to my office to ask for a reaction, but hardly anyone could believe that what had happened was really true. We all realized that the Netherlands would never be the same again. Unfortunately few lessons have been learned since that horrible day in 2004.

Islam claims that Muhammad was a prophet. But Muhammad was not a prophet; Theo van Gogh was a prophet.

Van Gogh saw what was coming. He spoke out forcefully against the danger of Islamization.




Harvard University’s annual Sex Week observance, which launched Sunday, includes a workshop called “What What in the Butt: Anal Sex 101″ that aims to teach the Ivy League students how to have anal sex.

So-called sex experts from a local adult store will lead the Tuesday talk, which seeks to “dispel myths about anal sex and give you insight into why people do it and how to do it well,” the Fall 2014 Harvard Sex Week agenda states.

“They will cover a wide variety of topics, including: anal anatomy and the potential for pleasure for all genders; how to talk about it with a partner; basic preparation and hygiene; lubes, anal toys, and safer sex; anal penetration for beginners, and much more,” the agenda adds. “Learn the facts about this exciting yet often misunderstood form of pleasure, find out the common mistakes people make, and get all your questions answered.”

Student organizers of Harvard Sex Week did not respond to emails over the weekend from The College Fix seeking comment about the appropriateness and academic value of the event. University officials could not be reached Sunday for comment.

In addition to the anal sex workshop, other planned activities, according to the agenda, include “Brown Girlz Do it Well: a Queer Diaspora Remix,” a workshop that will “situate our personal narratives within broader systems of racism, casteism, classism, islamophobia, and imperialism.” Sex Ed 101 promises to teach students the ins and outs of safer sex, including the proper use of dental dams. “Losing Your (Concept of) Virginity” will question whether virginity matters. And “Fifty Shades of False: Kink, Fantasy, and Fetish” is expected to delve into how the bestselling book apparently got BDSM all wrong.

Reza Aslan’s Lies About Islamic Female Genital Mutilation — on The Glazov Gang

Reza Aslan’s Lies About Islamic Female Genital Mutilation — on The Glazov Gang
A doctor from Egypt gives a harrowing account about a vicious Islamic crime perpetrated against Muslim girls.


I’ve been off the Big Climate beat out promoting my new book this last fortnight, so when this came wafting into my in-box the other day I read it carefully three or four times just to be certain it wasn’t an ingenious parody:

Climate Depression Is For Real. Just Ask A Scientist.

By “climate depression”, they don’t mean a low-pressure system off Labrador. Rather, the massed ranks of climate scientists are depressed because nobody’s listening to them – well, nobody except President Obama, the Prince of Wales, the European Union, John Kerry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jessica Alba, etc. Reporter Madeleine Thomas lays out the grim toll “climate depression” can take:

Two years ago, Camille Parmesan, a professor at Plymouth University and the University of Texas at Austin, became so “professionally depressed” that she questioned abandoning her research in climate change entirely.

Parmesan has a pretty serious stake in the field. In 2007, she shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore for her work as a lead author of th…

Whoa, whoa, hold up there. Professor Parmesan shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore? Who knew? Certainly not the Nobel Institute in Oslo nor the King of Norway. Be that as it may, Ms Thomas continues:

In 2009, The Atlantic named her one of 27 “Brave Thinkers” for her work on the impacts of climate change on species around the globe. Barack Obama and Mark Zuckerberg were also on the list.

Despite the accolades, she was fed up. “I felt like here was this huge signal I was finding and no one was paying attention to it,” Parmesan says. “I was really thinking, ‘Why am I doing this?'” She ultimately packed up her life here in the States and moved to her husband’s native United Kingdom.

“Native United Kingdom”? Her climate depression was so severe she was reduced to moving to Britain? Good grief. But it could have been worse:

From depression to substance abuse to suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder, growing bodies of research in the relatively new field of psychology of global warming suggest…


Islam is changing the West

Western leaders keep saying that we must not be intimidated by militant Islam. Yet their actions suggest we are indeed being intimidated, all the time, and that our way of life in Britain and elsewhere is changing

After the recent Islamist outrage in Ottawa, Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper said, “let there be no misunderstanding. We will not be intimidated.”

That’s tough talk, just what the public expect. And we’ve heard it before from another politician, David Cameron, after the Islamist murder of Lee Rigby. Mr Cameron said: “We will never give in to terror—or terrorism—in any of its forms.”

When politicians say such things, are they saying they are determined to speak the truth and seriously defend our Western way of life, or is such talk little more than fear and bravado, hoping to reassure an increasingly worried public about Islam in the West?

Mr Cameron went on to say, “one of the best ways of defeating terrorism is to go about our normal lives.”

Presumably, going about our normal lives is what “not being intimidated” means. Yet recently, the Home Secretary Theresa May threatened the most sweeping changes to traditional freedoms that the British have enjoyed for hundreds of years, all because of Islamic terrorism. What is normal or “not being intimidated” about abolishing long-held traditional freedoms?

And now armed soldiers have to guard Horse Guards Parade, with its ritual ceremony of the Changing of the Guard. That’s London today. Innocent tourists have to be protected from threatened Islamist attacks. What is normal, we may ask, about armed soldiers on London’s streets protecting the public from Muslim extremists?

Over in Canada after the latest atrocity, military personnel have been requested “to restrict movement in uniform as much as possible.” That request came from Rear Admiral John Newton, Commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic.

So the Canadian military’s response to Islamist aggression in Canada is to instruct military personnel to take off their uniforms. Is that defending our Western way of life? How is it “not being intimidated” when you are afraid to walk your own streets in your country’s uniform?

Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians Terry Scambray

Terry Scambray’s review of Raymond Ibrahim’s “Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians” (Regnery. 247 pages.) first appeared in New Oxford Review. Terry Scambray lives and writes in Fresno, California
The former period of tolerance toward Christians in Muslim lands is an exception, and the present attacks on Christians are the norm. Christians are being slaughtered and the West is making matters worse

Throughout the Muslim world, from Morocco to Nigeria to Indonesia — and even occasionally in Western Europe and North America — Christians are being harassed, tortured, and murdered. Reuters reported in January 2012 that a hundred million Christians were being persecuted, while a few years earlier Britain’s Secret Service, MI6, put the number closer to two hundred million.

In November 2012, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Christianity, “the most persecuted religion worldwide,” a statement that elicited condemnation from many world leaders. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe estimates that a Christian is killed for his faith every five minutes.

What is the reason for such atrocity? By any measure, the persecution of Christians is one of the dramatic stories of our time. So why is it ignored? Raymond Ibrahim, a fluent speaker of Arabic and a fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, answers these questions and explains both the sources of Islamic violence and the infirmities that cripple the West in his new book Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians.

History provides a large part of the answer. Islam, from its beginnings, in contrast to Christianity, promised its followers worldly success and prosperity. From Mohammed’s first raids, down through the centuries of conquests that followed, Islam has been a religion of victors vanquishing victims.

Contemporary Muslim lands in the Middle East and Africa include what were once great centers of Christendom, such as Jerusalem, Alexandria, Damascus, Antioch, and Constantinople. Lest anyone forget, imperialism is not a Western invention.

Having conquered vast territory, Muslims then went on to dominate it by imposing the cruelties of Sharia law and dhimmitude, both of which reduce “infidels,” non-Muslims, to servile positions. Ibrahim provides examples of brutal conditions under Muslim rule during these early conquests when, “according to one medieval Muslim historian, over the two year course of a particularly ruthless Christian persecution campaign, some 30,000 churches were burned or pillaged in Egypt and Syria alone.”

Does Barack Obama Have Blood on His Hands? By Selwyn Duke

Little Eli Waller will never grow up to be president. The four-year-old New Jersey boy will never grow up to be anything, because enterovirus D68 took his life – quite possibly because a boy who did grow up to be president, but not really a man, invited the virus into our country.

How many American children have to die in deference to the Democrats’ voter-importation demographic-warfare effort? We often hear that you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, but how much Ebola, enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), Chagas disease, malaria, and tuberculosis is an acceptable price to pay to maintain Barack Obama’s open-borders-über-alles policy? These are relevant questions now, especially with a recent report confirming what was always just common sense:

The deadly EV-D68 epidemic in America was likely the result of Obama’s insistence on flooding our country with tens of thousands of illegal-alien minors.

Reports Neil Munro at The Daily Caller, “The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations.”

This isn’t something hard to prove or disprove. All you need do is ascertain if the strain prevalent in the U.S. is the same as one found south of the border. This is simple epidemiology, and there’s only one reason we don’t know:

The powers that be don’t want us to know.

Can you imagine the revolutionary uproar that would have ensued if, just when EV-D68 was big in the news, it had been revealed that Obama’s lawless abdication of his responsibility had led to American deaths?

Can you imagine what would be said if it were proven that Obama has blood on his hands?


Below is Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, delivering a kickass speech a few days ago before the UN Security Council Emergency Session on Jerusalem:
“It says a great deal that the international community is outraged when Jews build homes in Jerusalem, but doesn’t say a word when Jews are murdered for living in Jerusalem. Throughout history, Jerusalem has been the capital for one people and only one people – the Jewish people.
Following are excerpts on from remarks by Ambassador Ron Prosor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, to the Security Council during the Emergency Session on Jerusalem:

• I am here to convey one simple truth. The people of Israel are not occupiers and we are not settlers. Israel is our home and Jerusalem is the eternal capital of our sovereign state.

• There are many threats in the Middle East, but the presence of Jewish homes in the Jewish homeland has never been one of them.

• It says a great deal that the international community is outraged when Jews build homes in Jerusalem, but doesn’t say a word when Jews are murdered for living in Jerusalem. The hypocrisy is appalling.

• Throughout history, Jerusalem has been the capital for one people and only one people – the Jewish people.

• Jerusalem is central to our identity and our tradition. The holy city is named more than 900 times in the Bible. On holidays we sing לשנה הבאה בירושלים – “Next year in Jerusalem.”

For thousands of years, through persecution and massacres, expulsions and crusades, blood libels and pogroms, Jews turned their hearts in prayer towards Jerusalem. The connection between the Jewish people and our capital cannot be denied.

• The Palestinians and others have had the audacity to accuse us of trying to alter the historic Jewish character of our ancient city. Really? The truth of the matter is that Jerusalem had a Jewish character long before most cities in the world had any character. It was the capital of the Jewish people long before Homer composed the Iliad, before Romulus and Remus founded Rome, and before the armies of Alexander the Great swept across the Middle East. Jerusalem is steeped in Jewish history.