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Ruth King


The most righteous of men cannot live in peace if his evil neighbor will not let him be.
– Wilhelm Tell, Act IV, Scene III, by Friedrich von Schiller, 1804

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.
– Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

There is always a cost to defeat an evil. It never comes free, unfortunately. But the cost of failure to defeat a great evil is far higher.
– Jamie Shea, NATO spokesman, BBC News, May 31, 1999, on civilian casualties inflicted by NATO in the Balkans.

As Operation Protective Edge – which could have been dubbed “Pillar of Defensive II” or “Cast Lead III” – drags on, it is becoming increasingly clear that the government is misconstruing its role..

Running the country vs. leading the nation

It seems to believe that its primary role is to run the country, rather than lead the nation. This is a disastrously inappropriate misperception of its task

The manner in which the current round of military operations is being conducted clearly reflects a state of mind preoccupied with tactical management of existing realities, rather than strategic leadership, which strives to forge new realities.

The objective of the campaign – articulated as the restoration of calm – makes any other conclusion difficult to reach. Indeed, when “calm” is chronically impermanent, the desire for a return to the precarious status quo ante has a ring of despairing resignation to it, and conveys little hope of any better realities.

This debilitating syndrome was diagnosed in a perceptive opinion piece titled “Defeatism at its worst” (Jerusalem Post, July 14) by Anya Zhuravel Segal – who interestingly enough served on Binyamin Netanyahu’s staff prior to the 2005 disengagement from Gaza: “We are facing a deep crisis of political leadership, and a deep disbelief in our power to shape reality.”

Sadly, it is difficult to imagine a more fitting characterization of the mindset of Israel’s leadership in recent years, underscored not only by the definition of the objectives of military campaigns undertaken, but by the means employed to wage them.

Tactical brilliance, strategic imbecility


This week marks the 70th anniversary of a plot whose success might well have spared millions of lives, while claiming that of history’s most infamous mass-murderer, Adolf Hitler.

The elaborate conspiracy centered on Claus von Stauffenberg was the most well-prepared and organized attempt to put an end to Hitler, but it was scarcely the first. The number of serious attempts on Hitler’s life would fill a book and indeed have; Roger Moorhouse’s Killing Hitler (2006), for example, covers the ground of several such attempts from the moment Hitler came to power in 1933, at which time his security detail was remarkably small and haphazard. Early, amateurish attempts, however, put him on his guard and before the Second World War had begun, Hitler never moved anywhere without a phalanx of security. Weaknesses in his security were nonetheless identified and exploited by attempted assassins –– yet fortune favored Hitler.

Thus, one of the most remarkable attempts on Hitler’s life was carried out in November 1939, just weeks into the Second World War. The idea was brilliantly conceived, painstakingly prepared, carried into execution and ought to have succeeded but, because it failed, its author is largely forgotten today. Johann Georg Elser, a carpenter from a humble family of lumber traders, had decided Hitler was a menace to Germany and the world who had to be eliminated. He conceived his plan the previous November in Munich, watching commemorations of Hitler’s abortive Beer Hall Putschof 1923. This event was a fixture of the Nazi calendar and thus followed a fixed, ceremonial pattern which included Hitler delivering an address in the Bürgerbräukeller.

Elser planned to kill Hitler at the next commemoration during his speech. In the course of the next twelve months, Elserstole gunpowder, obtained a job which gave him access to explosives and detonators, and taught himself the rudiments of their use. He dined nightly at the Bürgerbräukeller, secreting himself upstairs when it closed, and set to work by night, hollowing out a cavity in the pillar beside the dais used by Hitler each year in order to instal a bomb inside it. Elseringeniously modified a clock to enable him to have a timer that could be set 144 hours in advance, and lined the cavity with cork to conceal the sound of its ticking, before sealing the cavity and sedulously concealing all evidence of his work. He timed the bomb to detonate at 9.20 PM on November 8, 1939, in the middle of Hitler’s speech.

Elser’s bomb worked perfectly, exploding punctually and bringing down the gallery supported by the detonated pillar on the appointed date at 9.20 PM –– except Hitler had altered his schedule, shortened his speech, delivered it early and thus departed the scene 13 minutes earlier. Taken in for questioning at the Swiss border while seeking to cross it, Elser’s possessions were self-incriminating and under interrogation he eventually confessed all. He was kept as a special prisoner until April 1945 when, in the dying days of the war, he was murdered along with other special prisoners warehoused by the Third Reich.


Thousands of anti-Semites have today succeeded in bringing central
London to an almost total standstill.

They marched though the centre of the city before congregating to
scream outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington. It was interesting
to watch this rather non-diverse crowd pass. Most of the women seem to
be wearing headscarves or the burka, while their men-folk were
naturally more appropriately dressed for a sweltering summer day.

But what a picture. These are the people who stayed at home throughout
the Syrian civil war, stayed at home when ISIS rampaged across Iraq,
stayed at home when Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab carried out their
atrocities across central Africa and showed no concern whatsoever when
the Muslim Brotherhood was running Egypt into the ground. Yet they
pretend to care about Muslims.

Muslims in America Chant: “Jews Back in the Ovens, NUKE Israel” see the video


What the mainstream media is NOT showing you and telling you about the blatant anti semitism and Jew hatred by American muslims and muslims around the world.

The hate filled protests by muslims on public streets in America.

If Christians were chanting “death to muslims and nuke Islamic nations, there would be saturated coverage by every major news outlet in the world, anxious to share this hate based religion.

Do you think American cities would hand out demonstration permits to Christians if they were inciting violence?
Why are these people allowed to openly call for the death and destruction of Jews and Israel?

Thanks to the National Center for Security Policy and The United West, you can see here what the national and international media refuses to show you.


The bamboozlers who gave us Oslo and its deformed derivative Disengagement have never expressed the slightest contrition and never begged the nation’s forgiveness – not even now when Gazan rockets threaten Israel’s heartland. The same goes for their craven accomplices, who ran with the pack and derided nonconformist compatriots who dared protest. But while the promoters of folly bask in self-proclaimed infallibility, they’re uncannily quick to blame others for their sins.

This is hypocrisy most foul and it’s not limited to territorial surrenders and the chimera of attaining peace and acceptance by rewarding belligerence.

Take, for example, the inflammatory issue of swap deals with terrorists and how it’s tied to the abduction and execution of three innocent boys on their way home from school. To hear our talking heads and swaggering former security chiefs, this heartrending saga started with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s 2011 decision to trade 1,027 duly convicted Hamas murderers and mass-murder masterminds for hostage Gilad Schalit, a.k.a. “the child of us all.”

It’s as if precedents weren’t already set and as if the Schalit kidnapping wasn’t in itself the result of previous cowardly surrenders to extortion. Worse yet is the fact that the very ones who spearheaded the campaign to do the deal with Hamas now pin the blame for what they actively advocated on the man they had anyway always viscerally opposed. He was to blame when he didn’t want to do the deal and he’s to blame for having done the deal.

They conducted a colossal pro-deal crusade and it would have taken nerves of super-fortified steel to defy it. Politicians on the whole – especially the sort inclined to heed the vox populi, imbecilic as it may be – are unlikely to outbrave the orchestrated outcry. Netanyahu tried but finally gave in. And when he did, the brainwashed nation stupidly celebrated and heaped profuse praise on what was essentially capitulation.

The fatal shooting of Baruch Mizrahi hadn’t yet occurred but it was a foregone conclusion that the released murders would murder again. Nevertheless, throngs of surreally ecstatic Israelis lined the roadways to get a glimpse of their highly questionable hero, Gilad. In time he became a celebrity. His father, Noam, had the unmitigated temerity to run for the Knesset (on the Labor list) for no other achievement than hoarsely demanding Hamas be paid the full asking price.

And hot on the revelation that it was Ziad Awad – a murderer released for his son’s sake – who murdered Mizrahi, Noam Schalit brazenly argued that “we didn’t demand the prisoner release and we weren’t the ones who put together the list of which prisoners were to be freed.” Yeah, right! It all happened because Martians made a ruckus for reasons understood only on Mars. Little green extraterrestrials were the ones who twisted Netanyahu’s arm and he buckled due to his own inexcusable caprice. Ergo, all’s indisputably Netanyahu’s fault!


Peace? Not at this street protest

“The Jews control the media, control the banks, control governments,
control everything,” shouted the man in front of me, cheered on by a
mob of men and women who quickly assembled around him.

“Will I condemn the murder of the three Israeli teens? Speak sense!
They were killed in a car accident two weeks earlier and used by the
Zionists to justify the holocaust on Gaza. Their families were part of
the plot.” More cheering.

Welcome to the wonderful world of a Toronto protest against the
Israeli response to Hamas and its killing of Jewish kids and firing of
thousands of rockets into Israel.

There was several hundred Palestinians lined up across the road from
the Israeli consulate, joined by Muslims from various countries and a
few dozen Marxists and even a couple of ultra-orthodox Jews. These
fringe anti-Israel Jews – some of them appearing to be disturbed – are
paraded around at every demonstration, and on this night were pushed
in front of me quite aggressively to prove that the Holocaust-denying,
Jew-hating lunatics to whom I was speaking were not anti-Semitic.




Transforming liver cells to cure type 1 diabetes. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel’s Orgenesis is a pioneer in the field of “cellular trans-differentiation”, a process to transform a type 1 diabetic patient’s own liver cells into new insulin-producing cells. Orgenesis is partnering with Belgium’s MaSTherCell to scale up development.

Minimally invasive implant to cure diabetes. Globes “startup of the week” is Israel’s Endobetix with its implanted device that traps bile fluids and diverts them to another part of the intestine. The result is lower blood sugar without drugs or major surgery; hence no more diabetes.
http://trendlines.com/endobetix-featured-start-week/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJYxTtHUQTU

Hadassah professor wins Euro Cystic Fibrosis award. Professor Eitan Kerem, MD, Chief of Pediatrics at Israel’s Hadassah University Medical Center, is the recipient of the prestigious 2014 European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Award, for his research and contribution towards further understanding and treating the disease.

National Education award for experimental hospital school. Hadassah’s Experimental School (HES) has been awarded Israel’s Ministry of Education “National Education Award”. HES serves children of all ages and backgrounds in the Jerusalem area, providing a unique taste of “healthy life”.

FDA approves EarlySense smart chair sensor. EarlySense, developer and marketer of a hospital bed-monitoring device, has developed a chair to perform the same task. The chair monitors heart rate, respiration, and activity level. The product has now received US medical approval for marketing to hospitals in the USA.

Get rid of your reading glasses. (Thanks to NoCamels.com) Scientists at Israel’s GlassesOff have developed a proprietary method for improving near vision sharpness, by improving the image processing function in the visual cortex of the brain. A smartphone app can turn back the age clock of your eyes by over 8.5 years.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12dlMyjatKI http://www.glassesoff.com/

Another Alzheimer’s breakthrough. Technion scientists have discovered that mutant gene UBB+1 is responsible for preventing the protein ubiquitin from marking other proteins for destruction. The proteins then are more likely to form the deadly plaque associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Mapping autism in the brain. (Thanks to Nevet – www.broaderview.org) Ilan Dinstein, from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, is using MRIs, DTIs and EEGs to transform the definition of autism from one that is behavioral to one that is biological.

The Doctrine of Proportionality by Shoshana Bryen

Proportionality in international law is not about equality of death or civilian suffering, or even about [equality of] firepower. Proportionality weighs the necessity of a military action against suffering that the action might cause to enemy civilians in the vicinity.

“Under international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute, the death of civilians during an armed conflict, no matter how grave and regrettable does not constitute a war crime…. even when it is known that some civilian deaths or injuries will occur. A crime occurs if there is an intentional attack directed against civilians (principle of distinction) or an attack is launched on a military objective in the knowledge that the incidental civilian injuries would be clearly excessive in relation to the anticipated military advantage (principle of proportionality).” — Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court.

“The greater the military advantage anticipated, the larger the amount of collateral damage — often civilian casualties — which will be “justified” and “necessary.” — Dr. Françoise Hampton, University of Essex, UK.

As the Israeli ground incursion into Gaza continues, increased attention will be focused on the notion of “proportionality” in both the number of casualties on both sides and the sophistication of the weapons each side brings to bear. Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg characterized Israel’s operations against Hamas in language that came close to an accusation of war crimes. “I really do think now the Israeli response appears to be deliberately disproportionate. It is amounting now to a disproportionate form of collective punishment.” Even President Obama, who has been a firm advocate of Israel’s self-defense in this instance, told reporters that he “encouraged” Prime Minister Netanyahu to “minimize civilian deaths.”

An Israeli journalist called Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system “unsportsmanlike.” He wondered what FIFA would say “if Germany, with its superior economy and industry, were to replace Manuel Neuer with a bionic goalkeeper… capable of calculating where each Argentine ball will come from, the exact position to stand in and amount of force needed to block it… On the modern battlefield (Israel) is a bionic Germany.”

How unsportsmanlike!

Even among Israel’s friends – and some Israelis – a “yes, but…” response is common. “Yes” Hamas started it; “Yes” Hamas puts military infrastructure in civilian neighborhoods; “Yes” Israel is entitled to self-defense, “Yes” the Israelis warn Palestinians. “But” more than 240 Palestinians have been killed to date and only one Israeli has died directly from rocket fire.


From Calgary United with Israel:

Pro-Israel Jews and Christians were attacked by an angry mob yesterday at Calgary’s city hall. Video footage shows this clearly:


In addition to the males, 2 females were taken to the ground and kicked by a group of men. They sustained injuries. The crowd also changed “kill the Jews”. The organizer of the rally is a UofC student and her club. She is previously quoted stating “I will soak a koffiyah in your blood”: http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/01/09/former-head-of-pro-palestinian-student-group-accused-of-hate-speech-over-violent-martyrdom-posts-on-facebook/

We believe police were negligent. We believe the video above shows this. The police would not arrest anyone and would not take statements from victims at the scene. 5 of the victims went to the hospital and sustained injuries (concussion, broken nose and more). We have heard the large group of 1000+ protestors did not have a permit. We were approximately 12 people holding Canadian and Israeli flags on the other side of the street before being swarmed. We were there for approximately 50 seconds before the swarm occurred. After the assault, police didn’t automatically order paramedics to the scene. One girl and her Mom were surrounded by about 10 men kicking and hiting them on the ground.

We have funds to pursue legal action. We need help with:

1. Representation
2. Understanding what the potential charges are: criminal? hate crime?
3. Whether there is a case against the police for negligence
4. Whether there are steps that can be taken against media for misreporting this story and compromising the safety of one of the victims in their misreporting (namely: Calgary Herald).

(NOTE: CCW (license to carry) is NOT permitted in Canada so self-defense is limited).



To understand why, let’s step into a time machine and go back to the spring of 632. The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius is engaged in the first of a series of wars with Mohammed’s maddened followers. England is divided into seven quarreling kingdoms. Across the water, the Merovingians are killing each other in ways that would give George R.R. Martin nightmares. Meanwhile in a more civilized part of the world, China’s fading Sui Dynasty fields an army of over a million men in a failed effort to invade Korea.

Back in Medina, Mohammed had come down with the sniffles. He had a fever and a headache and there wasn’t any Tylenol around for miles. Mohammed hadn’t been a very good man and he made a very bad patient. Upon being told that he had pleurisy, he claimed that only people possessed by Satan came down with that disease so he couldn’t possibly have it and instead blamed the Jews for poisoning him.

His own homemade cures, such as bathing in seven skins of water from seven different wells, didn’t help. But before he died, he managed to make the Middle East an even worse place by ordering the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed’s War Against the Jews

How Can Justin Amash be the “Conservative” Candidate if he Supports Illegal Alien Amnesty?


The biggest problem with Hard Choices was always the title. The Clintons don’t make hard choices because they have no impulse control.

That’s what led Bill Clinton to harass every woman within a hundred mile radius and it’s also why Hillary Clinton allowed herself to be recorded laughing about the time she helped a rapist who beat a 12-year-old girl into a coma beat the rap. It’s why the greedy couple stole White House furniture, traded pardons for cash and grabbed every bit of loose change that they could get their sweaty hands on.

The Clintons have always been oblivious to their own vulgarity. They have never understood how they embarrassed their own political allies. Hillary’s gaffes about money, like Bill Clinton’s gaffes about sex, are symptoms of their obliviousness to their lack of self-control.