Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Humberto Fontova, the author of three critically-acclaimed and internationally-published books on the Cuban Revolution. He was born in Havana, Cuba in 1954 and escaped from Castro’s communist regime in 1961 with his family. His father remained briefly in Cuba as a political prisoner while Humberto and his family were accepted as political refugees in the USA. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of New Orleans and a Masters Degree in Latin American Studies from Tulane University. Humberto has become FoxNews’ “go-to-guy” on Cuban matters and has been a regular Frontpage Magazine contributor for almost a decade. He is the author of the new book, The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro.
FP: Welcome, amigo.
Fontova: Great to be here, Jamie. Thanks for the invite.
FP: Let’s begin with what inspired you to write this book.
Fontova: I’m gritting my teeth as I write this, because I normally detest the term “consciousness-raising,” —but I simply can’t avoid it here. That’s precisely what I’m attempting with this book, as I have with my previous ones on the so-called Cuban Revolution. Few events in modern history are as misunderstood. Few have been as effectively propagandized. Among historical figures, Fidel Castro wins, hands down, as the most persistently effective liar of modern times. Castro’s colorful cachet as worldwide icon of anti-Americanism and as pioneering beatnik allows his record as a warmonger, racist/Stalinist and the godfather of modern terrorism to be forgiven, ignored and falsified. The Longest Romance exposes this record, the abettors and the falsifiers.
FP: So what story does The Longest Romance tell and how is it different from other books on the subject?