Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

The Ghastly Transaction That Freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl By Michael B. Mukasey,

Michael B. Mukasey was U.S. attorney general from 2007 to 2009.

The seeds of what blossomed grotesquely in the Rose Garden last weekend — a celebration of the release of five senior Taliban military leaders in exchange for a U.S. sergeant purported to be a deserter — were sown a long time ago: on the second and third days of President Obama’s first term, to be precise.

On his second day in office, the president signed an executive order directing that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility be closed. You can watch the cringe-inducing video of the signing ceremony on YouTube, as the president stumbles through a reading of the order to close the facility “consistent with the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice,” signs with a flourish, and asks then-White House counsel Greg Craig, whether there is a separate executive order describing what is to be done with the Guantanamo detainees; Craig is heard to reply off camera that “a process” will be set up, whereupon the president repeats solemnly into the camera that “a process” will be set up.

In exchange for the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. agreed to free five Taliban commanders from the military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They were among the Taliban’s most influential commanders.
The following day, the president met with congressional leaders to discuss his economic stimulus. When Republican House whip Eric Cantor offered some suggestions, the president reminded him and others of the vanquished who were present that “elections have consequences” and “I won.”

The president apparently hadn’t thought through how he would accomplish the goal and serve the interests he had announced. But he had indeed won.

Fast forward, and characteristically the Obama administration has apologized only for the least of the president’s transgressions in this sorry affair: his failure to consult Congress 30 days in advance of freeing any Guantanamo detainees, as required by the National Defense Authorization Act. At the time the president signed that law he issued an accompanying signing statement taking the position, I believe probably correctly, that the law is unconstitutional as a restriction on his Article II executive powers. However, his own criticism of his predecessor for alleged misuse of executive authority apparently left him diffident about relying on that, so he relied instead on two excuses with neither legal nor factual basis: concern for the rapid deterioration of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s health, which does not explain why no notice was given; and simple neglect due to the rush of events, which contradicts the first.

It is difficult to believe that the president actually understood last weekend the enormity of what he had done. All the details of how Bergdahl left his unit may have to be teased out in the setting of a court martial, but it has long been known that he was a malcontent who had sent his belongings home well before the day in June 2009 when he left his unit in Afghanistan, that he wrote that the army he served in was a “joke” and that he was ashamed to be an American. Was the president perhaps not aware that desertion is an act viewed with such seriousness under the Uniform Code of Military Justice that in wartime it can carry the death penalty?


If a trial proves that he’s a defector, he deserves no freeing.
What is it with Susan Rice and the Sunday-morning talk shows? This time she said Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl had served in Afghanistan “with honor and distinction” — the biggest whopper since she insisted the Benghazi attack was caused by a video.

There is strong eyewitness evidence that Bergdahl deserted his unit and that the search for him endangered his fellow soldiers. Otherwise, there would be no national uproar over his ransom, and some of the widely aired objections to the deal would be as muted as they are flimsy. For example:

1. America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.

Nonsense. Of course we do. Everyone does, while pretending not to. The Israelis, by necessity the toughest of all anti-terror fighters, in 2011 gave up 1,027 prisoners, some with blood on their hands, for one captured staff sergeant.

2. The administration did not give Congress 30-days’ notice as required by law.

Of all the jurisdictional disputes between president and Congress, the president stands on the firmest ground as commander-in-chief. And commanders have the power to negotiate prisoner exchanges.

Moreover, from where did this sudden assertion of congressional prerogative spring? After five years of supine acquiescence to President Obama’s multiple usurpations, Congress suddenly becomes exercised over a war power — where its claim is weakest. Congress does nothing in the face of 23 separate violations of the president’s own Affordable Care Act. It does nothing when Obama essentially enacts by executive order the DREAM Act. It does nothing when the Justice Department unilaterally rewrites drug laws. And now it rises indignantly on its hind legs because it didn’t get 30 days’ notice of a prisoner swap?

3. The Taliban release endangers national security.

Indeed it does. The five released detainees are unrepentant, militant, and dangerous. The administration pretense that we and the Qataris will monitor them is a joke. They can start planning against us tonight. And if they decide to leave Qatar tomorrow, who’s going to stop them?

The administration might have tried honesty here and said: Yes, we gave away five important combatants. But that’s what you do to redeem hostages. In such exchanges, the West always gives more than it gets for the simple reason that we value individual human life more than do the barbarians with whom we deal.

No shame here, merely a lamentable reality. So why does the Bergdahl deal so rankle? Because of how he became captive in the first place. That’s the real issue. He appears to have deserted, perhaps even defected.

The distinction is important. If he’s a defector — joined the enemy to fight against his country — then he deserves no freeing. Indeed, he deserves killing, the way we kill other enemies in the field, the way we killed Anwar al-Awlaki, an American who had openly joined al-Qaeda. A U.S. passport does not entitle a traitor to any special protection. (Caveat: If a POW is turned, Stockholm-syndrome-like, after falling captive, these condemnatory considerations don’t apply.)

Assume, however — and we will find out soon enough — that Bergdahl was not a defector. Simply wanted out — a deserter who walked or wandered away from his duty and his comrades for reasons as yet unknown. Do you bargain for a deserter?

Two imperatives should guide the answer. Bergdahl remains a member of the U.S. military and therefore is (a) subject to military justice and (b) subject to the soldiers’ creed that we don’t leave anyone behind.


1. The mega-billion dollar Chinese food conglomerate, Brightfood ($17bn annual sales) acquired 56% of the Israel-based Tnuvah – Israel’s largest food/dairy company – for $1.4bn, aiming to dramatically expand Tnuvah’s global market (Globes Business Daily, May 23, 2014). China’s giant, Shenyang Yuanda ($4bn annual sales) signed a joint venture agreement with the Israel irrigation and fertilizer company, AutoAgronom, including a $2mn investment in expanding AutoAgronom’s marketing posture in China (Globes, May 23). Liu Yandong, Vice Premier of China’s State Council: “[Israel reflects] diligence, wisdom, creativity and perseverance…. China and Israel signed science and technology cooperation agreements in 1993 and 2010…. China and Israel cooperation in science, technology and innovations (STI) has taken deep roots, blossoming and yielding fruitful results…. China is Israel’s largest trading partner in Asia and Israel’s third largest trading partner globally…. Enhancing China-Israel STI cooperation will bring more benefits to the peoples of both countries….” (Jerusalem Post, May 17).

2. Singapore’s holding company, Kusto ($1.4bn annual sales), acquired Israel’s Tambour paint manufacturer for $140mn (Globes May 28).

3. ”South Korea will host during July 14-16, 2014 a South Korea-Israel conference, upgrading bilateral cooperation in the area of industrial technology, including information security and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Israel is the world’s second technology leader – following the USA – in the area of UAV technologies. Israel is recognized as one of the world’s best developers of cyber threat response systems. In 1999, South Korea and Israel signed a cooperation agreement; in 2001, they established the Korea-Israel Industrial Research & Development Foundation, a $2mn annual venture financing (so far) 132 joint industrial R&D activities. Israel is our great benchmarking model, as it has set an example by developing a creative economy and leading the global market and technology through innovation-based entrepreneurship (South Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, April 18).”

4. France’s Alcatel-Lucent plans to open a Bell Labs research center in Kfar Saba, Israel – in a building housing an existing Alcatel-Lucent cloud-band technology facility – in order to upgrade its cloud-band technology in face of global competition. Bell Labs is Alcatel’s research arm. Alcatel’s CEO, Michel Combes: “Israel was the first country to really innovate the interaction between telecommunications and Internet technologies…. Alcatel may invest in Israeli cyber technologies.” Israel is one of three-four peak sites for Alcatel’s investments. According to the San Francisco-based Compass, Inc., Israel’s commercial hub is the world’s second-best startup area behind Silicon Valley (Bloomberg, May 20).


Facebook, Fascism, and Floods: Kosovo’s Face(book)lift

As we know, Facebook is a place where people make just a little more of themselves than what they really are. Where they’re something other, something greater, something better. Quite often, it’s also the epicenter of ‘Thou Dost Protest Too Much.’

On Facebook, you are what you’d like to be, and would like to be perceived as being. And so, if Kosovo is a country on Facebook, that probably means it’s not a country.

Then again, Facebook recognition could make it official, despite the social network’s protestations of modesty:

Kosovo Gets A Facebook ‘Like’ (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Nov. 20, 2013)

The world’s largest social network, Facebook, has finally listed Kosovo as its own country — more than five years after the breakaway territory proclaimed independence from Serbia and after more than 100 countries…have extended formal recognition.

…Kosovars who wanted to create or promote a Facebook account would now have the option of choosing “Kosovo” as their location. Until now most users simply had the option of “Serbia.”

Kosovo’s prime minister, Hashim Thaci, welcomed the move, saying that senior Facebook executives had informed him earlier in the week about the company’s decision…Kosovo’s minister for EU integration, Vlora Citaku, went even further in her enthusiasm, stating on her Twitter account that Facebook now “recognizes Kosovo as a state.” She included the hashtag #digitaldiplomacy with the tweet, underscoring the increasing importance that social-media websites have for smaller, emerging countries like Kosovo.

Facebook confirmed the move to RFE/RL, though was quick to tamp down any suggestion that Facebook had the power to “recognize” Kosovo (or indeed any other country)… “Companies have clearly no role to play in the formal recognition of countries as this is a matter for the international community to decide. We do try to ensure that our service meets the needs of our users….”

The move appeared to validate the activities of groups like DigitalKosovo and others who have tried to raise public awareness of the importance to the economy of being correctly identified by websites like Facebook (as well as other e-commerce sites like hotel-bookers, car-rental agencies, and internet retailers).

In addition to helping Kosovo, the move underscores the overwhelming — and sometimes uncomfortable — importance of Facebook with its approximately 1.2 billion monthly active users.

Facebook did not comment on what prompted it in this instance to identify Kosovo as a location, but clearly the move has vast implications — and not just for Kosovo’s relatively small user base. […]

Here’s what may have prompted it: “[A] Group of Facebook users recently launched an online campaign to gather signatures for the letter addressed to Mark Zuckerberg, founder and the owner, asking him to recognize Kosovo.”

“Asking” appears to be a subjective term. I did a search to find this appeal, this ‘letter’ that surely must have been an effective piece of digital diplomacy and political sophistry to have achieved such swift and defined results. Here is what I found:

Kosovo is not Serbia Mark Zuckerberg: We want from Facebook to recognize Kosovo as an independent state

Luard Kullolli

Petition by Luard Kullolli clinton twp, MI

Kosovo is recognized the world over 100 countries and is an independent state, we regret that still qualifies facebook.com Kosovo as Serbian province. As every country in the world and Albanians in Kosovo have the right to be represented at Facebook.com them as citizens of Kosovo.To:
Kosovo is not Serbia Mark Zuckerberg
We want from Facebook to recognize Kosovo as an independent state

[Your name]

Indeed, the “letter,” and the “asking,” come across more like an order, to the extent they come across at all. This is the sort of thing that Facebook high-ups respond to? Meanwhile, do they have any clue that in a few years they’ll have to change the Kosovo designation again, from Kosovo to Kosova, the usurper pronunciation. (Already by 2010, the ‘Kosovo passport’ accepted by EU countries was marked “Republic of Kosova.”) Then, a few years later when the full Albanian jig is revealed, Facebook will have to change the designation yet again, to Albania, after the temporary ‘country’ merges with the fatherland then adds pieces of Macedonia, Montenegro, more Serbia, Greece and maybe Bulgaria.

Thank You, or Else. From “Europe’s Youngest State.” (So Young, it’s Not Even a State .)

Hillary to New York Times: Back Off

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides blasted the New York Times for what they said was unfair coverage of the former first lady during a recent secret meeting with the paper’s Washington bureau, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Sources said the meeting included Clinton advisers Philippe Reines and Huma Abedin, as well as Times Washington bureau chief Carolyn Ryan and national political reporter Amy Chozick, who has been on the Clinton beat for the paper.

During the closed-door gathering, Clinton aides reportedly griped about the paper’s coverage of the potential 2016 candidate, arguing that Clinton has left public office and should not be subjected to harsh scrutiny, according to a source familiar with the discussions.

Neither the Times nor the Clinton camp would discuss on the record specifics. However, sources familiar with the meeting describe it as an attempt to brush back and even intimidate the staff of the Times. The sometimes fraught relationship between Clinton and the press has been well documented.

“We are not going to comment,” said a Times spokesperson when contacted by the Free Beacon.

Reines and another spokesperson for Clinton did not respond to requests for comment.

Chozick’s recent reporting includes a story last month that suggested a family feud was brewing between the Clintons and Marjorie Margolies, Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law.

Margolies lost her Democratic primary bid for U.S. Congress in late May, and the Times reported that Hillary Clinton’s conspicuous absence from the campaign had rankled some Margolies allies.

In April, the Times also reported on Clinton’s difficulty defining her accomplishments at the State Department.

Z Street and the IRS

The Z Street case may be what forces the IRS to pull aside its carefully constructed curtain and reveal how it made decisions regarding organizations deemed out of step with the current US administration.
While congressional efforts to investigate the alleged wrongdoings have been stymied, a decision by a federal judge in Washington may force the IRS to disclose whether a small, staunchly pro-Israel group was victimized.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson of the US District Court for the District of Columbia threw out every legal defense the IRS raised in Z Street v. Koskinen, IRS Commissioner. She ordered the IRS to provide a substantive answer to Z Street’s complaint by June 26.

Z Street brought its lawsuit for viewpoint discrimination after, it alleges, the IRS agent to whom the organization’s file had been assigned said Z Street’s application for tax exemption might take a long time to process because the IRS “has to give special scrutiny to organizations connected to Israel,” and that the files of some of those applicants “will be sent to a special unit in Washington to determine whether the activities of the organization contradict the public policies of the administration.”

If borne out by the evidence, this would be an astounding violation of free speech rights.

Documents disclosed in response to congressional investigation reveal that the IRS created a special category for review of organizations engaged in “disputed territory advocacy.” A legitimate reason for the IRS to have created such a category is hard to imagine.



To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).
U.S. Senate

Richard Burr (R) Next Election 2016
Kay Hagan (D) Incumbent
http://www.hagan.senate.gov/ http://www.ontheissues.org/senate/kay_hagan.htm **

ENERGY Senator Hagan knows that North Carolina can lead the nation in the new energy economy, and she supports a comprehensive approach to meeting the energy challenges of the 21st century. Our current dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels makes our nation less secure and leaves America less competitive in the global marketplace. She is working in Congress to support investments in research and development to build a domestic clean energy economy that will support good-paying jobs that cannot be outsourced. Senator Hagan strongly supports Defense Department efforts to reduce the military’s reliance on foreign fuel. She included a bipartisan amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act to allow the Navy to proceed with a public-private partnership that helps create refineries needed to produce advanced biofuels for the military.
As we develop new energy technologies, Senator Hagan believes we must invest in responsible domestic production of oil and gas, and the Senator has advocated for the approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline to help create American jobs and support American energy security.
Friday, January 31, 2014: Hagan Reiterates Call for Administration to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline after Release of Final Environmental Report
Pipeline would create tens of thousands of American jobs, support American energy security
HEALTHCARE I’d vote for ObamaCare again, but do “sensible fixes” – Kay Hagan, a rookie Democratic senator who voted for ObamaCare, says, however haltingly, that she would do so again. Hagan and her party are hoping she’ll be spared despite the problems with ObamaCare. Some 473,000 state residents have recently been told their health policies would be canceled after the president and Hagan pledged that people who liked their plans could keep them. “She appears to be a pawn in the hands of the Obama administration,” [said one GOP opponent].
Acknowledging the problems with ObamaCare, Hagan said she’s working on “sensible fixes” and insisted that the outcome of the campaign wouldn’t turn exclusively on the Affordable Care Act. Instead, she pointed to her work on local issues. When pressed about whether she would back the health care law if she had another chance, Hagan said: “Yeah, I would vote for it again. People have to realize that the cost of health care was getting out of reach for everybody.”
SECOND AMENDMENT Senator Hagan is a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights. Obtaining a lifetime hunting license is a Hagan family tradition, and her husband is qualified to teach hunter safety. Senator Hagan knows that responsible gun ownership is part of the fabric of North Carolina. She is working to protect the constitutional right to bear arms and works to ensure that any legislation in this area meets the basic test of being commonsense and protecting the rights of responsible gun owners in North Carolina.
As Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, Senator Hagan is committed to protecting North Carolina’s rich outdoor heritage and supporting the 1.4 million sportsmen and women who call North Carolina home and contribute more than $7.5 billion to the state’s economy every year.
Thom Tillis (R) Challenger
GOVERNMENT Under the Obama Administration, big government handouts and bailouts have increased while millions of Americans have lost their jobs. Thom knows that big government doesn’t create jobs-the private sector does. Government has simply become too big, too expensive, and too intrusive in our lives and businesses. In the Senate, Thom will work to shrink the size of our federal government to its core Constitutional role so the private sector can thrive.. In the Senate, Thom will be a stalwart conservative reformer, pushing at every opportunity for the tough decisions it will take to balance the budget every year by cutting spending, and reducing our outrageous $17 trillion national debt.
HEALTHCARE ObamaCare is a cancer on our national economy and it threatens the quality of every American’s health care. It is paralyzing business expansion, displacing families from the health coverage they have now, raising costs, and threatening the federal treasury for all future years. ObamaCare is ridden with policies that are bad for families, bad for seniors, bad for businesses, and bad for the economy. Thom will fight in the Senate for full repeal of ObamaCare, for defunding ObamaCare, and he will work to implement private sector solutions to reduce healthcare costs for North Carolinians.
IMMIGRATION Our porous border threatens our national security and undermines our rule of law. Thom believes we must provide border patrol agents with the additional resources, personnel, and technology needed to effectually protect us and keep out those who want to do us harm, those who are transporting narcotics, and those who would break our laws. Thom opposes amnesty and he believes Congress should solve our border security crisis now before it even debates any other changes to our immigration laws.
REGULATIONS North Carolina families and businesses are suffering greatly as a result of costly and excessive federal government regulation. These unnecessary regulations drive up the cost of everyday purchases such as groceries and cripple small businesses with additional costs and uncontrollable red tape. As a businessman who led the reform movement that swept the North Carolina Capitol, Thom has made regulatory reform his signature crusade. As a result, the state legislature recently passed an extensive regulatory overhaul measure that will free North Carolina businesses of numerous government regulations that hinder economic growth and job creation. In Washington, Thom will continue his fight for regulatory reform to get our oppressive government out of our families and small businesses.
Not sure of your district? Click here to find out

District 1
G.K. Butterfield (D) Incumbent
http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/G_K__Butterfield.htm http://butterfield.house.gov/
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT America’s energy policy must lay the foundation for future economic growth and power us into a new era of prosperity. Americans deserve a thoughtful energy plan that will supply its robust energy demands and consider the environmental concerns of energy consumption. Traditional energy sources such as oil, gas and coal can have detrimental consequences to society by polluting the environment, endangering public health and contributing to climate change. Additionally, these sources are becoming increasingly scarce producing adverse effects on the American economy. Moving forward, the business community must develop these traditional energies responsibly while investing in cleaner, low cost, domestically-produced alternatives.
President Obama has pursued an all-of-the-above energy strategy, which I support and is outlined in his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future. This strategy responsibly uses the nation’s natural resources like oil and gas, reduces dependence on foreign oil, and continues the development of advanced alternative fuels.
Voted Against construction of Keystone XL Pipeline.
HEALTHCARE The Affordable Care Act is a landmark law that will provide new protections for people with insurance and opportunities for people without insurance to gain coverage.
VOTER IDENTITY Suppressing Voting Rights – In April 2013, the Voter Information Verification Act, House Bill 589, passed the House in an 81-36 vote. This bill would require voters to show a state-issued identification in order to vote. The changes would go into effect in 2016. The bill will allow use of identification from public colleges/university but not private universities.
The bill would disproportionally affect minorities and low-low income voters. Many low-income voters cannot afford state issued-identification and would have trouble obtaining them. If one has to decide whether to purchase food/medicine or a state identification card, it is more likely that the person would choose life sustaining means. The issues of fraud that Republicans say this bill will prevent are minimal. Out of the 18 million ballots cast in the presidential and congressional elections in North Carolina between 2000 and 2011, only 22 cases of fraud have been discovered, according to News 21.

Arthur Rich (R) Challenger

District 2

Renee Ellmers (R) Incumbent
http://www.reneeforcongress.com/ http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/Renee_Ellmers.htm**
Rated -4 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)

Since you sent me to Washington in 2010, I have fought against President Obama’s failed job-killing, tax and spend, big government policies. Will you join my campaign for a smaller, more efficient and more accountable government? Together we can repeal and replace Obamacare, cut spending, cut regulations and put America back to work.
HEALTHCARE As a nurse, I understand the importance of health care that empowers patients and the doctors that care for them. Bureaucrats should not be in the examining room and patients must come first. I am committed to the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare. But simply opposing Obamacare is not enough. We must replace Obamacare with free market-based and patient-centered solutions that will increase accessibility, lower costs and improve technologies that save, improve and enrich lives without raising taxes, rationing care or increasing government control.
ENERGY The price of gas is skyrocketing while President Obama blocks new permits to drill domestically and rejects important projects like the Keystone XL pipeline. I support an all-of-the-above approach to our energy needs and believe government should get out of the way and allow the energy market to develop lasting and efficient technologies and harvest our natural gas, coal, and oil supplies.
I have opposed legislation that would expand the EPA’s regulatory reach and will continue to be a vocal opponent against the President’s cap and trade bill, which would only make things worse. I believe that while we should certainly encourage improvements in technology to harness new forms of energy, we should not neglect the natural resources already available to keep costs low for everyone. It’s time to use common sense and in our nation’s energy policy. God has blessed our nation with the natural resources and the ability to responsibly develop them to grow our economy and secure our nation.”
IMMIGRATION The immigration issue affects many facets of our nation. It is an economic issue, an education issue, a national security issue and a health care issue. Our economy cannot withstand the strain of so many illegals. Our schools cannot handle the overcrowded classrooms. Our hospitals are taxed beyond the abilities and those who wish to do us harm can easily cross our porous borders. America must protect and defend its borders. The unwillingness of the federal government to enforce our immigration laws makes it easier for terrorists to cross our borders and cause us harm. It also burdens taxpayers with higher costs in public safety, education, health care and other areas.
I oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. We must implement a strong employment verification system that allows for companies to check whether or not they are hiring legal workers and those who hire illegal workers should face stiff penalties.

Clay Aiken (D) Challenger

District 3
Walter Jones Jr. (R) Incumbent
http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/Walter_Beaman_Jones.htm **

IMMIGRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) issued the following statement in response to a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document revealing that 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions were released instead of deported in 2013, with most of the releases coming as a result of the Obama administration’s “prosecutorial discretion” policies. Furthermore, the report stated that 870,000 illegal immigrants who have been ordered removed remain unlawfully in the United States.
“By refusing to enforce our country’s immigration laws, the Obama administration is compromising the safety of law-abiding American citizens,” said Congressman Jones. “Furthermore, allowing illegal immigrants to remain and work in the United States costs American jobs and decreases American wages. Complacency in enforcement only rewards the individuals who have cheated the system and encourages others to do the same. The president of our country should be committed to defending the public safety and economic security of the American people – and that means enforcing our immigration laws.”
HEALTHCARE While our healthcare system needs reform, a comprehensive government takeover that will cost almost two trillion dollars and make it more difficult for the average American to afford insurance is not the right choice for our country. Obamacare implements an unprecedented individual mandate, burdens small businesses with excessive taxes and regulations, and – as the Congressional Budget Office has confirmed – will eliminate 2.5 million full-time jobs at a time when Eastern North Carolinians need jobs and economic growth.
Obamacare’s damaging impact on North Carolina has become increasingly clear with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ release of data on the cost of health insurance premiums under the law in 2014. Our state will see some of the most dramatic increases in individual-market rates in the nation. For example, rates will go up by 305 percent for 40-year-old males, 132.5 percent for 27-year-old males, and 51.2 percent for 27-year-old females.
That’s why I voted against Obamacare each time it was considered in the House and have cosponsored every bill aimed at repealing all or part of the law. Furthermore, I have voted nearly 40 times to repeal, defund, or dismantle this disastrous government takeover.
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT I believe we must balance the needs of a healthy environment with the needs of a vibrant economy. In recent years, the federal government has in too many instances veered away from common-sense environmental protection and instead pursued an ideological agenda. These policies destroy jobs and do little, if anything, to help the people, wildlife or plants they purport to protect.
On the national level, similarly unnecessarily restrictive policies are increasing the cost of energy for all of us – particularly those who can least afford it. They also encourage businesses to relocate overseas. The reality is that the American economy depends on low-cost energy. We ought to be getting as much of that energy as possible from right here at home, instead of depending on foreign entities in the Middle East and elsewhere that don’t have our best interests in mind. As a result, I am a strong supporter of efforts to open up areas such as Alaska’s Arctic to new oil and gas development, as well as immediately starting construction on the Keystone XL pipeline.

Marshall Adame (D) Challenger
THE MARSHALL PLAN Whether as a U.S. Marine, a Diplomat, a member of a U.S. Congressional Commission, or a private citizen, Marshall has always stood for common sense and what’s right for the country we all love. He will strive to bring common sense values and honest, workable solutions to our nation’s capital. He will work to bring people together from all political parties to forge a workable path for America’s future. Marshall’s agenda is to draw support from members of all political parties and schools of thought to reach workable common sense solutions for a better tomorrow.
VOTER ID Marshall believes that America must work to expand voting and participation in our Democracy and not begin to go back to restricting citizens from voting, or participating in our Democracy. Marshall will fight to re-establish the Voting Rights assurances and guarantees in the Voting Rights Act that were set aside by the US Supreme Court in 2012. He believes that America cannot support any action that disenfranchises voters, or creates roadblocks to voting by any segment of our society.
STANDING UP FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Marshall supports the Violence Against Women Act, which provides funding to help prevent domestic abuse. He believes that standing with and defending people when they are vulnerable is one of the core values of this country. Protecting anyone from abuse, but particularly women and children from abuse is one of his top priorities. Marshall came from a very abusive childhood himself and knows first hand what is means to be hungry and physically abused. Marshall believes that Government must have its limits in a Democracy, or a Democratic Republic as we have in the United States. He does not believe that it is government’s role to dictate the outcome any medical decision between a woman and her doctor. The very notion that a woman may be paid less than a man for doing the same job is absurd and may even violate the U.S. Constitution

District 4

David Price (D) Incumbent
http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/David_Eugene_Price.htm ** http://www.priceforcongress.com/
Rated +4 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)

Supports a comprehensive energy policy that reduces our dependence on foreign oil and moves us to a clean energy economy.
Supports tax incentives and loans for renewable energy technologies, which are being developed right here in the Fourth District.
Helped pass tough reforms that would ensure oil companies are responsible for their actions and are held to higher safety standards for offshore drilling.
Worked as ranking member of the homeland security funding committee to bolster the Coast Guard’s oil spill response mission.
Played a key role in locating the EPA’s major research facility in RTP.
Voted against KeystoneXL Pipeline without limiting amendments.
Helped President Obama pass the landmark Affordable Care Act creating new health insurance consumer protections for every American.
Voted to stop insurance companies from denying coverage based on preexisting conditions, eliminate lifetime caps of insurance benefits so patients don’t lose coverage when they need it most, and empower state regulators to stop unreasonable premium increases.
Helped enact tax credits to help small businesses cover their employees.
Voted to help 32 million Americans afford health care who do not get it today.
Is working to advance stem cell research with appropriate ethical safeguards, which holds great promise for North Carolinians suffering from debilitating illnesses.

Paul Wright (R) Challenger

District 5

Virginia Foxx (R) Incumbent
http://virginiafoxx.com/ https://foxx.house.gov/

Rated -6 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)

HEALTHCARE In Summer of 2012, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act in a ruling that establishes a dangerous precedent that the federal government has unlimited ability to punish the behavior of its citizens by levying taxes against them.
Like my Republican colleagues, I remain committed to a full repeal of ObamaCare so that an honest health care reform conversation can begin – with the American people, not Washington, leading the discussion. When ObamaCare came before the House of Representatives in 2010, I voted against it and recently cast my 40th vote to repeal, de-fund or dismantle the law.
ENERGY Families from the Fifth District spend far too much of their budgets paying for gas to make it to and from work, and therefore must cut back on other important things like education or summer vacations. Green-lighting construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, a project that will transport affordable North American oil into American oil refineries, is just one issue I am working on to help North Carolinians save money on energy and invest instead in plans for the future.

Other federal government policies, such as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which mandates ethanol blending in gasoline, are increasing the cost of gas for consumers. Mandating ethanol blending drives up the cost of corn, which increases food costs, and threatens the environment. Mandates such as the RFS have a wealth of unintended consequences and should be eliminated, which is why I am a proud cosponsor of H.R. 1461, the Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act. An important issue is ensuring onerous regulatory burdens don’t stand in the way of accessing or advancing all forms of American energy. We must ensure clean air, clean water and a healthy, safe environment based on science, not top-down regulation.
IMMIGRATION National security starts with border security. With an estimated 400,000 undocumented workers living North Carolina, and an additional 10,000 illegal immigrants coming to our state each year, the time for meaningful immigration reform is now. Sustained border protection can stem illegal entry. Until we commit to fortifying our borders, illegal immigration will remain a threat to our security and prosperity.
The incentive for illegal immigration into the United States must also be removed. Breaking the law to enter the United States should not be rewarded with easy employment or access to taxpayer-funded benefits and programs. Workplace enforcement is a critical component to immigration reform. Those who knowingly hire illegal workers are complicit in the broken state of immigration in this country. America currently operates with an optional E-Verify system that allows employers to confirm whether prospective employees are, in fact, legal to hire. Congress should explore making E-Verify mandatory and consider consequences for employer violations that amount to more than a slap on the wrist.
Furthermore, immigration reform must also correct glaring problems with the current visa system. It is estimated that as many as 40 percent of illegal residents in this country have overstayed once-legal visas. The existing visa bureaucracy has to be overhauled in favor of a responsive system that tracks individuals upon entry and ensures timely exits. We should also give priority to those with sought-after skills in science and math career fields.
America is a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. Deference to the rule of law is a defining feature of our great country and part of what makes us a beacon of hope for those escaping corruption and poverty in their home countries. Amnesty undermines that and only serves to make immigration problems worse. Reform cannot simply forgive illegal entry. Though lax or even nonexistent enforcement provided an incentive, people made a choice to break the law. We should not condone, legalize, or reward that choice.

Josh Brannon (D) Challenger

District 6

Howard Coble (R) Retiring in 2014

Phil Berger (R) Challenger

HEALTHCARE Ending Obamacare – I support the full repeal of Obamacare, and I will fight to make certain that doctors and patients – not government bureaucrats – control healthcare decisions. Congress should then implement market-based reforms that expand choice and make healthcare more affordable for hard-working Americans.
“When it comes to healthcare, he gets it – he understands Obamacare is a government infringement on constitutional liberties.” Heather Higgins, president and CEO Independent Women’s Voice
GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY It is my belief that we must hold the current administration accountable for the events that have occurred under their watch. The terrorist acts in Benghazi that resulted in the killing of 4 Americans, the Fast and Furious scandal and other abuses from Eric Holder’s Department of Justice are events that have not been resolved. My experience as a prosecutor will serve me in this role and I can ask the tough questions to get the truth in Washington to ensure the administration is held accountable to Congress and more importantly, the American people.

Mark Walker (R) Challenger


* The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights as well as the additional 17 amendments of our Constitution consist of approximately 7,400 words. The new healthcare plan (Affordable Care Act) has over 379,000 words and 2,400 pages of infringements. The Center for Medicaid and Medicare confirms that the current administration has hired tens of thousands of “navigators” who will try and explain Obamacare. This “train-wreck” is about control of the individual as well as one-sixth of our economy.
* There’s no doubt that health-care reform is needed, but any such mandate, when forced upon individuals, business and churches, should be labeled as unconstitutional. One trillion dollars of new taxes over the next ten years is not the answer. I believe the ACA should be repealed. Tort reform, free markets and access to all plans across state lines would bring costs down for the insured.
ENVIRONMENT All Americans should be concerned about the environment. Climate change has become a political football and the secular left has used it to drive through restricting regulations that have damaged our economy. We can be green without being extreme. Much of the “so-called” science of climate change is contested though it’s made a few politicians quite wealthy. I believe that God provided the earth to us and we have a responsibility to conserve and respect the environment. When companies damage or abuse our environment, they should be held accountable.
* The topic of illegal immigration has become complex. Immigration laws have been on the books for decades. The failure to enforce these laws has created a real problem in our country. Our representatives have failed to offer real solutions and much like the fiscal woes of today, Congress shows irresponsibility by handing off the illegal immigration issue to the next generation.
* There’s no question that immigration helped build this country through the industrial revolution. Legal immigrants have brought beautiful culture and continue to contribute deeply to many areas including arts and sciences. However, many countries and terrorist groups exist today who seek entry into the United States with the sole purpose of destroying our great republic. It is imperative that we secure our borders and ports of entry by adding the necessary manpower and technology to accomplish this urgent task. Whatever political debates arise, we must all agree that keeping our country secure from potential threat should be our number one priority.

Laura Fjeld (D) Challenger
* Instead of prioritizing the education of our youth and our strong future, the majority administration in Raleigh has done great harm to our students, teachers and parents with drastic cuts that have increased class sizes, cut the number of teachers and teachers’ assistants, and cut pay for public school teachers. This is bad for business, communities, and all North Carolinians, and I will fight against any strategy in Washington that would weaken our public education system in North Carolina.
* Congress should prioritize the education of our nation’s children so that they are prepared for the 21st century, global economy. Congress should provide leadership and support for local school boards, teachers, parents, and students instead of instituting national tests that limit our children’s potential by wasting time and energy on test preparation. We need to support programs that will reward innovation and creativity and allow students to develop problem-solving skills necessary for success.
* Congress can do more to encourage business and job growth – starting with creating a stable environment for business planning. Estimated at a cost to the taxpayers of over $24 billion dollars, the recent government shutdown also had a serious detrimental effect on our local economy, still struggling to recover from recession. Paychecks and services were halted, which had a ripple effect, starting with consumer spending. The stock market took a hit impacting personal retirement savings. The extreme partisan politics in Washington hurt North Carolina’s families, communities and businesses.
* I would work hard with colleagues to avoid any political gamesmanship that results in hurting North Carolinians by bringing our economy to a halt. Common sense, bi-partisan solutions can remove economic hurdles facing our communities.
* I will support an increase in the minimum wage. There are 700,000 workers in North Carolina who would greatly benefit from an increase. Most are women who are supporting a family.
* The first step is to cut the deficit. We need to streamline government and be sure that we are spending tax dollars effectively and efficiently. Instead of shutting down the government and halting economic growth, we need to come together to agree on a set of principles that will protect the futures of our children, families and seniors, and leave the next generation better off.
* We also need to address tax loopholes that encourage U.S. companies to ship jobs overseas, subsidies for oil companies who are making record profits, and the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%.
* I will oppose any budget proposal that balances the budget on the backs of seniors and our children. We must hold strong for those who built this great nation so that the promise of Social Security and Medicare is never broken.
WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE I believe that a woman’s health care options and decisions should be between a woman and her doctor. I will stand up to extremists in Washington who seem to think that government has a right to dictate a woman’s health care decisions.

District 7

Mike McIntyre (D) Retiring in 2014
Jonathan Barfield (D) Challenger
HEALTHCARE I am a strong supporter of the Health Care Act, and believe in affordable health care for all Americans. I support common sense solutions that combine quality health care with fiscal responsibility, like the implementation of vigorous preventative care systems; the adoption of standard practices that offer incentives for early detection of health issues; the expansion of electronic medical records; and the establishment of small business networks where small business owners come together to form larger buying groups, thereby reducing the cost of coverage to employers while increasing the amount of small businesses that are able to offer their employees’ health insurance coverage. Having served on the Board of Trustees of my local hospital for the past 2 1/2 years I truly see the need for every American to have access to affordable health care. Because many Americans do not have health care, many use their local emergency room doctors as their primary care physician. As a REALTOR, I recognize that many in my field do not have adequate, or at times any health care insurance due to cost. What I have learned is the health care industry as a whole has been waiting for and is now embracing health care reform. I stand committed to the Affordable Care Act.
Bringing new jobs and corporate investment to the district will rank among my highest priorities. Doing this requires federal support for programs, policies and assets that spur economic development in Southeastern North Carolina.
JOBS AND ECONOMY Infrastructure Modernization- The region’s infrastructure must be aligned with the needs of the 21st Century global economy. Wilmington’s role as “North Carolina’s Gateway to the Global Economy” is based on the competitive posture of the Port of Wilmington. Similarly, Wilmington International Airport is another economic asset that connects our business community to the lucrative opportunities around the world. Modern highways and rail service are critical links that make many counties in the district a viable destination for inter-modal commerce. In Congress, I will work to bring federal resources to our district to enhance and improve these vital infrastructure assets.
Workforce Innovation- We must complement our hard infrastructure with equally competitive human resources. The district is a Mecca for well-educated, talented people from all over the world. But there remains a large population of displaced workers in need of re-training for the jobs of tomorrow. I will work closely with our Universities, K-12 school systems and Community Colleges to tap federal resources for education and training programs that match our hard-working citizens with sustainable employment. Workforce readiness is a key path to the economic prosperity our district needs and deserves.

David Rouzer (R) Challenger

HEALTHCARE President Obama’s new health care law must be repealed. It is having a chilling effect on job growth. Companies that were set to hire new college graduates have canceled their plans because of the increased cost of health insurance projected under this new law. My own primary care doctor is seriously considering his own exit strategy because of the new mandates imposed on health care professionals that will hinder his ability to provide quality care. Fewer jobs and fewer doctors is not a good combination for our health care system! In fact, it simply means that health care costs will grow even faster. The result: the wealthy will be flying to India and other countries for health care. The rest of us will be in long lines hoping for the best.
There is no question that our health care system needs to be reformed. Even before Obamacare, we had too much government intervention and control – the very reason why health care costs continue to increase at exponential rates. This is one of the primary threats to long-term economic growth in this country. Increased health care costs not only hurt working families, but it is putting a major pinch on all taxpayers in the form of the increasing cost of Medicare and Medicaid. The healthcare system needs to be reformed significantly and soon in order to bring down the cost of individual health care. We must enact free market reforms to our health care system in order to increase competition among health insurance companies, attract more of the very best and brightest to the health care profession, and increase transparency if we expect to reduce the cost of health care. The less costly health care, the less costly Medicare and Medicaid will become.
However, these two entitlement programs have systematic problems that must be addressed through reform as well. Otherwise, the cost of these two government-run programs will be unsustainable and will require a significant increase in taxes to pay for even fewer benefits than recipients of these programs currently receive today.
IMMIGRATION Here are the fundamental principles that I believe immigration reform should center around:
1) Secure the border. I signed the Border Security Pledge by Americans for Securing the Border, supporting the construction of a date-certain, double fence across the entire US border with Mexico prior to the end of 2013.
2) Identify and deport those who have a criminal record immediately.
3) Repeal the federal laws that allow citizenship via family ties and marriage and replace it with the option of a military service requirement or a work requirement. Additionally, a basic knowledge of US history and its origin, fluency in English, and documentation of community service should be required to earn citizenship.
4) The more than 12 to 15 million illegal immigrants that have come to this country over the past 30 years should not be eligible for citizenship or enjoy government benefits at any point in time.
The current system is so broken employers can follow the letter of the law and hire an illegal worker unknowingly. Often, we discover that these employees have been with their employer for more than 10 to 20 years and have demonstrated an excellent work ethic. Therefore, a system should be established that identifies the illegal worker and allows both the employee and the employer to come forward to get on track to a legal workforce without disrupting the economy.
5) Establish workable guest worker programs so that US employers can bring in the skilled and unskilled labor that meets the demands of the job. An economy cannot grow if it does not have an adequate labor supply. Employers that cannot find necessary labor in the US either go out of business or move their operations to another country where they have access to the labor they need. I believe it is important for our national security and our economic security to keep as much business based in this country as possible.

District 8

Richard Hudson (R) Incumbent
http://www.richardhudsonforcongress.com/ http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/Richard_Hudson.htm **
HEALTHCARE Sunday, March 23, 2014 marked the four-year anniversary of President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act into law. Although Nancy Pelosi was comfortable “passing the law to find out what’s in it,” we all knew this would be a disastrous litany of broken promises and empty rhetoric. Four years later, our deepest fears have unfortunately proved to be true.
On top of stopping job creation for millions of Americans who are out of work and creating a part-time economy, this harmful law is forcing hard-working individuals and families to deal with rising health care costs, restricted access and canceled insurance plans. Just last week, WTVD in Raleigh reported that in response to the law’s 30-hour work week definition, our state’s public and private employers are considering cutting employee hours just to stay afloat and avoid Obamacare’s burdensome mandates. In Greenville, WITN reports that the same Obamacare mandate is causing hours to be cut for as many as 200 North Carolina teachers.
The pain this law is causing for millions of Americans is tragic. It is no surprise that with fewer than 10 days left to sign up, the administration was nowhere near the original enrollment numbers they needed and decided to once again unilaterally delay the deadline in order to provide themselves political cover. This marks more than 30 times that the administration has delayed its own law. The American people deserve basic fairness and genuine accountability from their government, not self-serving executive overreach that only proves this law is unworkable and in need of a permanent delay for everyone.
It’s past time that everyone admit that Obamacare is an utter failure. Instead of digging in their heels and trying to force this train wreck on the American people, the administration should scrap it and start over by working with Republicans to advance patient-centered reforms that ensure quality, affordable health care. I joined my House colleagues in proposing The American Health Care Reform Act (H.R. 3121)-a patient-centered system that strengthens the doctor-patient relationship, reduces cost, increases access and allows American businesses to grow again. I will continue to do everything in my power to defund, repeal and replace Obamacare.
NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE WAR ON TERROR Richard understands that winning the War on Terror is vital to our survival as a civilization. As our Congressman, he will fight to provide our military and national security agencies with all the resources they need to defeat Islamic extremists who want to destroy our way of life. Richard believes the top priority of the federal government must be to protect the lives of the American people and he will work hard to make certain the government is living up to that responsibility.
IMMIGRATION Richard opposes illegal immigration in all forms. He believes government should discontinue offering public assistance to illegals to discourage them from coming to America illegally. Richard will fight to build the entire fence along the Southern Border of the United States and believes securing the border is the necessary first step in reforming our immigration policy. He opposes amnesty for illegals and will work to ensure that illegals convicted of crimes are swiftly deported upon the completion of their sentence.
ISRAEL Unreserved strong support for Israel: Position paper: http://www.richardhudsonforcongress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Israeli-Position-Paper.pdf

Antonio Blue (D) Challenger

District 9

Robert Pittenger (R) Incumbent -Elected in 2012
http://www.robertpittenger.com/ http://www.robertpittenger.com/
ENERGY One of America’s most important goals should be achieving energy independence. Our policies must reflect an “all-of-the-above” strategy, making greater use of our oil and natural gas reserves and promoting greater use of our technology. Instead of President Obama’s “war on coal,” we need common-sense policies to safely and effectively use America’s abundant resources, both renewable and non-renewable.
This summer, I urged the U.S. House of Representatives to pass legislation allowing the development of oil and natural gas resources along our maritime border with Mexico. According to an ICF International study, developing America’s vast domestic oil and natural gas resources, including opening some of our Federal lands, could generate more than $1.7 trillion in government revenue. A win-win-win, these policies would promote energy independence, help address our national debt, and help repay the billions of taxpayer dollars lost when President Obama invested in risky green energy projects. America has natural gas reserves larger than the crude oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, and the technology to extract that gas while protecting the environment. We need policies that allow us to capitalize on this great resource.
Renewable energy, which now makes up nine percent of the energy consumed in the U.S., is very important, but only part of the equation. The Federal Government has made significant investments in renewable energy, but further growth needs to come with private investment, just like other energy sectors. Washington borrows $3.8 billion every day, and we can’t afford to continue underwriting green energy while ignoring our vast reserves of oil, natural gas, and coal.
Supports construction of the KeystoneXL Pipeline without limiting amendments.
IMMIGRATION Clearly, reform is necessary. However, it is critical we carefully consider the options and avoid unintended consequences. For example, amnesty would only encourage additional illegal immigration, making the problem worse. Our borders must be secured first. This is a basic national security issue, as it is critical we know who is in our country. After the borders are secured and we stem the tide of illegal immigrants, further reform becomes easier to implement. We need to ensure the rules are fair, provide for current employment needs, and provide real consequences for those who break the rules.
America does not punish children for the mistakes of their parents, so it’s only fair we provide a pathway to citizenship for those illegally brought into our country as children. We should also consider citizenship for undocumented immigrants who earn advanced degrees and those who bravely serve our country in the military. Amnesty is not an option, but national security dictates we bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows. Undocumented workers who desire to stay in the United States should be offered the opportunity to register with local authorities, providing fingerprints or other physical identification in exchange for some sort of work permit or legal status, but not citizenship. The privilege of citizenship should be reserved for those who respect the law and are willing to follow the legal immigration process available for generations.
HEALTHCARE Unfortunately, President Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” is only hurting the people he claims to protect.
* Some North Carolina businesses will see their premiums increase 284% due to Obamacare, according to filings by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina.
* According to Forbes, the economy is suffering as employers slash full-time jobs to prepare for Obamacare. In fact, just in June, America lost 240,000 full time jobs.
* President Obama is allowing big businesses to dump employee health coverage without penalty, but enforcing fines that penalize those same employees for not having health insurance.
* According to the New York Times, Obamacare will make $20 co-pays and $500 deductibles “luxuries of the past.”
Every American should have access to quality and affordable healthcare, but does anyone think empowering 16,000 IRS agents to make decisions about our healthcare will make anything better? Obamacare comes directly between the doctor and patient, creating a bloated and costly government bureaucracy. Hardworking Americans deserve a better solution.

District 10
Patrick McHenry (R) Incumbent
https://mchenry.house.gov/ http://mchenryforcongress.com/
Rated -3 by AAI, indicating a anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)


HEALTHCARE Patrick has been fighting against Obamacare since the minute it was passed in a late-night session on a party-line vote. He has repeatedly voted to repeal or defund the law. In several cases, Patrick and House Republicans have been successful in dismantling or delaying parts of Obamacare, including repealing the requirement that small business owners send 1099 forms to everyone they do business with, defunding the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB, also known as “death panels”), and ending a long-term care program (the CLASS Act) that was completely unworkable.
As an alternative to the burdensome, expensive and intrusive Obamacare, Patrick is a proud cosponsor of the American Health Care Reform Act, which would replace Obamacare with a free market solution that allows consumers to purchase insurance across state lines, to form small business pools in order to get the same rates as larger corporations and to impose tort reform in order to lower costs. It protects those with pre-existing conditions and strengthens Health Savings Accounts. Patrick believes that Americans have access to the greatest health care in the world, and we must encourage innovation while keeping costs down. Higher health care costs translate into lower wages for workers, so Patrick is fighting to increase competition and transparency and get costs lower.
ENERGY Patrick McHenry has outlined a plan for a new American energy policy that is balanced between conserving energy, investing in alternative energy sources, and drilling for America’s abundant energy resources. One day, America will be powered by alternative energy – and Congressman McHenry is working to make that happen – but until then, we must drill for American oil and natural gas to power the American economy and bring down energy costs for American families.
The inter-mountain west of the United States is home to the world’s largest deposits of oil shale. Oil shale is sedimentary rock that over the course of millions of years would geologically mature into common crude oil. Scientists have developed a process that heats the rock, speeding up the geological process and converting the rock to oil in a few short years. America’s reserves of oil shale are larger than the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, Mexico and Russia combined. Congressman McHenry’s plan would invest the flood of new revenue from drilling into the development and practical applications of alternatives energy sources like solar, wind, nuclear and hydroelectric. This approach would lower energy costs in the short run and make America energy independent in the long run. A comprehensive energy policy of this type would create millions of new jobs in the energy sector.
Supports construction of the KeystoneXL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Tate McQueen (D) Challenger

District 11

Mark Meadows (R) Incumbent
http://www.meadowsforcongress.com/ http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/Mark_Meadows.htm **
ENERGY With energy prices continuing to rise, it is essential that the 113th Congress take bold actions to address our nation’s energy policy. America’s economic health and national security have become increasingly tied to our access to secure and affordable energy. High global demand for oil, coupled with increasing unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, continues to push the price of fuel to record levels.

In order to shield ourselves from the volatility of global energy markets, Congress’s number one energy-related priority should be to end our dependence on foreign suppliers. A more balanced energy portfolio, which includes both a robust, domestic oil and natural gas supply and numerous forms of renewable energies, is desperately needed to increase our energy independence. We must pave the way for increased carbon-based energy production by allowing greater drilling access to public lands, eliminating costly EPA regulations and investing in technological research to improve our energy production capabilities. In addition, we must always take advantage of opportunities to access sources of energy in neighboring countries, such as Canada.
Supports construction of the KeystoneXL Pipeline without limiting amendments.
FOREIGN AFFAIRS Serving on the Foreign Affairs Committee, it is my honor to ensure we are maintaining and developing positive relationships with our allies and nations across the globe. Additionally, I believe it is critical to provide for proper oversight of our foreign policy agenda and diplomacy efforts. As a Member of the Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa, I am able to directly influence what I believe is our nation’s greatest international priority: the support of Israel. One of our country’s strongest allies, Israel is a beacon for democracy in the Middle East. The United States must defend and support Israel at all costs and work to help facilitate peace and stability in the region. We must never turn our backs on our friend and ally, and in Congress I will always vote in support of strengthening our relationship with Israel.
HEALTHCARE Reforming healthcare is critical to the future of our nation. With healthcare costs rising to record levels over the past twenty years, it is vitally important that we implement cost-control solutions. President Obama’s healthcare bill, the Affordable Care Act, does nothing to drive down the rising costs of healthcare and instead promotes more bureaucracy, more regulations, increased taxes, and less patient choice.

I believe we need to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with real solutions that will actually help lower the cost of healthcare and leave the medical decisions to be made between a patient and their doctor, where it belongs. This starts with medical malpractice reform that protects the medical community from frivolous lawsuits and focuses on patient safety. We need to allow individuals and small businesses to group together to purchase the same health insurance plans as our larger employees. In addition, we should be allowing individuals and businesses purchase health insurance across state lines to promote competition within the health insurance market. During the 113th Congress, I am committed to repealing President Obama’s healthcare bill and replacing it with commonsense solutions that will improve healthcare quality while bringing down costs.
IMMIGRATION Throughout our nation’s history, legal immigrants have blessed the United States with talent, diversity and an expanding labor force that has been crucial in sustaining periods of robust economic growth. Restrained legal immigration is essential in maintaining our nation’s industrial capacity, technological edge and global competitiveness. However, illegal immigration puts tremendous strain on many of our nation’s resources, displaces American workers, threatens national security and makes a mockery out of our judicial system.

I believe immigration reform must, first and foremost, encompass a significant plan to secure and gain operational control of our borders, strengthen workplace enforcement and implement effective visa tracking capabilities. We must crack down on illegal immigration and enforce our current immigration laws, but until we enact measures to stop the flow of illegal immigrants across our borders, any reforms addressing the problem of illegals currently residing in the United States are impractical. Citizenship in this country is something to be valued, and I intend to fight to preserve that value.


Mel Watt (D) Resigned to become Federal Housing Finance Agency Director
Challengers are only to finish Watt’s Term until January 2015.Winner is incumbent until the end of 2014. The winner of the special election would serve through the remaining months of the 113th Congress, while the winner of the regular general election being held the same day would serve in the 114th Congress. Because Watt resigned in January and the winner of the special election will not be seated until after the November election result is official, the district will be without a representative for more than 11 months.
Vince Coakley (R) Challenger
Alma Adams (D) Challenger

District 12

Mel Watt (D) Resigned to become the Federal Housing Finance Agency Director.
Vince Coakley (R) Challenger

HEALTHCARE The so-called “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” has been a huge disappointment. It has never lived up to the promise, and it never will. There is no greater evidence of its failure than the President’s promise, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” His promise is now widely considered the biggest lie of the year (2013).
Health premiums continue to soar, millions have been forced off their insurance plans, enrollment delays and glitches are creating insecurity for families and individuals, and new federal rules and guidelines are forcing hospitals to close and doctors to cancel their practice. This is the early legacy of the Affordable Care Act, and it will only get worse. The Affordable Care Act is not about health care it is about health insurance. It doesn’t guarantee Americans access to health care. It guarantees the health insurance companies access to more paying customers through government decree. Patients and doctors lose under the plan while the health insurance companies win.
Americans deserve access to quality and affordable health care. Patients deserve the freedom to choose their health care coverage in a free market system that isn’t controlled by the government or health insurance companies. Doctors deserve the freedom to care for the sick, disabled, and elderly. The solution is to put patients and doctors first, not the health insurance companies.
NATIONAL SECURITY Our Constitution is very clear on the subject of national security. Our Founding Fathers went to great lengths to identify the importance of the United States’ national security, and the Federal government’s role and responsibility in providing for our common defense.
Sadly, our national security, military readiness, and confidence among our allies around the world are waning today. Our Constitution sets forth three specific roles and responsibilities for the Federal government on national security. National defense is the number one priority of the federal government. In fact it is the only mandatory and exclusive function of the national government. In short, the Federal government should never come up short in securing our national defense.
As the world’s only superpower, America has the responsibility to lead on issues of conflict and duress. But sadly, this role is threatened by America’s out of control national debt. We must cut government spending. But to balance the budget and erase our debt by depleting our military readiness and national defense abilities is irresponsible and reckless. America must have a standing and presence around the world that promotes peace through strength. A depleted military will undermine that posture. Asking our men and women in uniform to do more with less is not fair to them, not fair to their families, and not fair to Americans.
Our enemies should fear us. Our allies should be able to count on us. The politicians in Washington owe our military more than they are giving them today. And they owe every American the promise our Constitution guarantees us – a strong common defense.

Alma Adams (D) Challenger

District 13

George Holding (R) Incumbent
http://www.georgeholdingforcongress.com/ http://holding.house.gov/
http://www.ontheissues.org/NC/George_Holding.htm **

FOREIGN AFFAIRS – As a Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, I am committed to protecting our nation’s interests and ensuring our nation’s strength – which includes providing critical oversight of our foreign policy, diplomatic efforts, and foreign aid. At the same time, our nation has a 1.4 trillion dollar debt and we borrow nearly forty cents of every dollar the federal government spends. While I believe we must stand by our allies – like Israel – does it make sense to borrow money from China and then give it to other nations that do not share our common beliefs? As a Member of the Committee, I look forward to scrutinizing how we spend our foreign aid dollars to cut waste.
HEALTHCARE OBAMACARE – When a stranger shows up on your doorstep and says, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you – three things are likely to happen: It’s going to cost you money. In the end, you won’t get what you pay for and your taxes will go up. There’s no doubt healthcare costs too much – but is putting government in charge going to make it less expensive? Look at how the Washington politicians have mismanaged the economy and ask yourself, Do we really want government in charge of health care? We need less expensive healthcare – but more government is not the answer.
IMMIGRATION For years, we’ve talked about securing our borders – but we haven’t done it. Today, illegal immigration is one more example of how Washington politics has failed. Just like Washington has failed to turn our economy around, end the recession, and create jobs – it has failed to pass immigration reform. Right now, we have sophisticated technology that can identify a terrorist driving down a dirt road in Afghanistan – so the way to stop illegal immigration is straightforward: We have the tools we need to secure our borders – we just have to get Washington politics out of the way and do it.

Brenda Cleary (D) Challenger
As a policy analyst and with her experience as a policy leader in Washington, Brenda will bring the ability to influence evidence-based common sense policy solutions that also harness the innovation of the 21st Century. Brenda aims to address the growing inequality in America through responsive and responsible government that:
*Gets people back to work and at a living wage (minimum $10.10), lifting nearly 1 in 4 children now living in poverty in the US.
* Grows and preserves the middle class, which is the lifeblood of our country and our economy.
* Does not discriminate based on race, gender, age, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
* Better serves our Veterans.
* Moves immigration reform forward, while improving safety and privacy protections in the US and around the world.
* Supports much needed initiatives to rebuild our aging infrastructure (unsafe roads, bridges, buildings, parks etc.) that will also create jobs.
* Protects our environment for future generations, another job creator.

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/north-carolina-2014-candidates-for-congress-where-they-stand?f=must_reads#ixzz33n48pX4j
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


Their memory is a blessing for America. President Roosevelt’s prayer:

My Fellow Americans:

Last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment that troops of the United States and our Allies were crossing the Channel in another and greater operation. It has come to pass with success thus far.

And so, in this poignant hour, I ask you to join with me in prayer:

Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.

Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.

They will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph.

They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest — until the victory is won. The darkness will be rent by noise and flame. Men’s souls will be shaken with the violences of war.

For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and goodwill among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home.

Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.

And for us at home — fathers, mothers, children, wives, sisters, and brothers of brave men overseas, whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them — help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice.

Many people have urged that I call the nation into a single day of special prayer. But because the road is long and the desire is great, I ask that our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer. As we rise to each new day, and again when each day is spent, let words of prayer be on our lips, invoking Thy help to our efforts.

Give us strength, too — strength in our daily tasks, to redouble the contributions we make in the physical and the material support of our armed forces.

And let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons wheresoever they may be.

And, O Lord, give us faith. Give us faith in Thee; faith in our sons; faith in each other; faith in our united crusade. Let not the keeness of our spirit ever be dulled. Let not the impacts of temporary events, of temporal matters of but fleeting moment — let not these deter us in our unconquerable purpose.

With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace — a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.

Thy will be done, Almighty God.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt – June 6, 1944

Support for Israel Now Grounds For Expulsion at New York Unitarian Church By Spyridon Mitsotakis (Appalling!!!)

The Unitarian-Universalist Community Church of New York, after 10 years of cooperation with and sponsoring events of the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), is now concerned that their tax-exempt status may be threatened, internal Church sources say. It comes at a time when persistent RCP presence on the Church has led to a polarizing climate.

In the background is an escalating conflict between the RCP and an alliance of moderate leftists, Israel supporters and pacifist led by Robert Reiss, a church member since 1957 who grew up in the Sunday school. The Church’s pastor, Reverend Bruce Southworth, resolutely demurs from challenging the Maoists. When a congregant complained, he said of their persistent presence: “What’s wrong with that?” And, at the May Board of Trustee monthly meeting, Chairperson Lisa Gluck turned to Reiss, who was sitting in spectators section, and said: “We demand to know exactly where you stand on Israel.”

Southworth’s first act upon coming into leadership of the Church was to take down the massive American flag from the downstairs stage where it had been for as long as anyone could remember. When asked why he did this, he said “I removed the American flag from the downstairs stage because I do not believe in nationalism. I am not a nationalist.” He also began to have speakers that reflect a reversal of the Church’s long history of support for Israel and Zionism. They include:

CUNY Professor Leonard Jeffries, who infamously spoke of “a conspiracy, planned and plotted and programmed out of Hollywood, where people called Greenberg and Weisberg and Trigliani and whatnot … Russian Jewry had a particular control over the movies, and their financial partners, the Mafia, put together a system of destruction for Black people,” and how “rich Jews were involved in the enslavement process”.
New Alliance Party official Lenora Fulani, who once said that Jews “had to sell their souls to acquire Israel and are required to do the dirtiest work of capitalism—to function as mass murderers of people of color—in order to keep it.”
Alton Maddox, the Louis Farrakhan flack who was disbarred for his role in the Tawana Brawley hoax, who told Church goers: “Black babies are superior to white babies.”


This week’s Glazov Gang, guest-hosted by superstar Josh Brewster, was joined by Titans Karen Siegemund, Founder of Rage Against the Media, Bill Whittle from BillWhittle.com and TruthRevolt.org, and Mell Flynn, President of Hollywood Congress of Republicans.

The Gang gathered to discuss Cruz’ing the Tea Party/Republican Divide, analyzing the GOP’s discomfort with grassroots conservatism.

The Titans also focused on “A Jailed Marine and a Silent Commander-in-Chief,” “The VA Hospital Scandal and Double Standards,” “Ted Cruz Rising,” “The Growing American Police State?” and much, much more.

Don’t miss it!
