The trouble with diversity is in the name. In every area of human endeavor, we prefer quality over quantity. If quality is not a straightforward measure, we make our selections based on our needs.Diversity has no place in such sensible schemes. The purpose of diversity is diversity. It’s not to make anything better. It’s pure quantity over quality with the quantity being that of exoticism.
If the group of people you have employed or picked out of a stock photo to represent what your company might look like if it consisted entirely of stock photo models, isn’t sufficiently diverse, then it’s bad, regardless of how well it works.
Diversity is not necessarily a bad thing. Different people do have different points of view. You wouldn’t want a company filled only with only employees under thirty or over ninety. Women have different perspectives than men. Europeans and Asians have different perspectives than Americans.
Some of those differences are helpful in some lines of work. Some aren’t. To tell the two apart requires thinking of diversity as a means which is different than thinking of it as an end.
Progressives pay lip service to the idea that diversity can be a means to better things. Diversity to them is an end in and of itself. Diversity is a ritual that expunges white privilege and reinforces the liberal hierarchy of the white man who lets the diverse peoples in all their magnificent diversity through the iron gates of the heteronormative racist patriarchy.
Diversity is a good thing if it’s based on quality, rather than quantity, if you select people with different points of view who can contribute, rather than people with different points of view who can shout at you, demand that you respect their feelings and promote them for being professional victims.