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Ruth King

Obama’s SOTU Claims on Iran Debunked at Same Day Congressional Hearings; Iran Agreement Text Being Withheld Andrew Bostom


Just hours before President Obama delivered his State of the Union address (1/28/14), which included remarks (analyzed here) lauding how the P5 +1 agreement “halted” Iran’s nuclear weapons development program, a joint Congressional hearing demonstrated otherwise. Gregory S. Jones, a Senior Researcher at the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center testified that “the great flaw in the deal” was “it permits Iran to retain centrifuge enrichment.” He added, pointedly,

This fact has been denied by Secretary of State Kerry but the Joint Plan of Action says in two separate places that the follow-on Comprehensive Solution would “involve a mutually defined enrichment programme….” Note that the text says “would,” not “might” or “could.” That the Comprehensive Solution will permit Iranian centrifuge enrichment was later confirmed by the Obama administration national security spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan who said, “We are prepared to negotiate a strictly limited enrichment program.”

Jones written testimony concluded,

The only reasonable negotiating position is for the U.S. and the P5+1 to insist that Iran stops all uranium enrichment and dismantles its centrifuge enrichment facilities. President Obama and others have recognized that this would be the best outcome from the negotiations with Iran but have said that it is an unrealistic demand since Iran would never agree.


Snowden Nominated For Nobel Prize By Norwegian Politicians http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/29/snowden-nobel-prize-nomination-norway-politicans_n_4686575.html STAVANGER, Norway (AP) — Two Norwegian politicians have jointly nominated former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, saying his disclosures of secret U.S. documents have contributed to making the world more peaceful. Anyone can be nominated for the prestigious award, […]

The Consequences of a Halfway Presidency :Hillel Fradkin and Lewis Libby


Mr. Fradkin is director of the Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World at the Hudson Institute. Mr. Libby, a senior vice president at the Hudson Institute, served in the George W. Bush administration as assistant to the president and assistant to the vice president for national security affairs.

Obama’s vision of America as Sisyphus in the Middle East reflects a policy approach with little hope of success.

During Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, with its “year of action” theme, President Obama trumpeted his three main initiatives in the Middle East—the Syrian Geneva conference, Iranian nuclear negotiations and Israeli-Palestinian talks. But he left out one detail: He doesn’t really expect them to succeed.

In all three cases, as Mr. Obama admits in an interview for an article in the Jan. 27 New Yorker magazine, the chances of achieving his ends are less than 50/50. Invoking Sisyphus from Greek mythology, the president says: “We may be able to push the boulder partway up the hill and maybe stabilize it so it doesn’t roll back on us.”

An American Tragedy Posted Bruce Bawer

URL to article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/bruce-bawer/an-american-tragedy/ In his fascinating new memoir, Civilian Warriors, Erik Prince – founder of Blackwater, the security firm that became world-famous for its pivotal role in the “war on terror” – tackles head-on the claim, often voiced by critics of his company, that the involvement of private military contractors (PMCs) in an American […]

All the President’s Women By Nonie Darwish

http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/nonie-darwish/all-the-presidents-women/ It is not a coincidence that most of the Obama administration scandals happened under the leadership of women. The Obama administration chooses to surround itself with “yes men” and “yes women,” but liberal “yes women” have an advantage: it is hard to criticize and grill them when a scandal happens without being accused of […]

The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party — on The Glazov Gang

The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party — on The Glazov Gang

Posted By Frontpagemag.com On January 30, 2014 @ 12:48 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 6 Comments

This week’s Glazov Gang was hosted by Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of PolitiChicks.tv and joined by Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood Actor, and John Duffy, a Film Producer from the Bronx.

The Gang gathered to discuss The Radicals Who Rule The Democratic Party. The discussion occurred in Part I and analyzed where all the true “liberals” have gone.

The episode also analyzed Michelle Obama Sees Jane Fonda as a Role Model, How Obama Brought the Muslim Brotherhood into the Government, The Mullahs Say They Didn’t Agree to Anything, Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife, and much, much more. Watch both parts of the two-part episode below:


http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/fixing-the-news/print/ The media spends almost as much time covering various debates about how to “fix the news” as it does itself and the treatment of Ezra Klein’s announcement that he is leaving the Washington Post to create a political blog for Vox Media (co-founded by the creator of Daily Kos) is a perfect example of […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/article/369820/poison-postmodern-lying-victor-davis-hanson When truth is relative, political expediency becomes the truth. All presidents have, at one time or another, fudged on the truth. Most politicians pad their résumés and airbrush away their sins. But what is new about political lying is the present notion that lies are not necessarily lies anymore — a reflection of the […]



In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Obama repeated one of the biggest lies behind the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and it wasn’t that you could keep your health-care plan or your current doctor. In fact, most people don’t even know it’s a lie.

That became obvious when he received a standing ovation after saying it: “Because of this law, no American can ever again be dropped or denied coverage for a preexisting condition like asthma, back pain, or cancer.” The president and his supporters keep pretending that, before the ACA, an insurance company could drop individual policyholders, when in reality it could not.

Comes as a shock, doesn’t it? But the truth is that for decades there have been safeguards in our health-insurance system to protect people just like the physician’s assistant, Amanda Shelley, mentioned by the president.

Before 1996, if you purchased individual health insurance through a broker, you would have been offered a “guaranteed renewability” option. This would guarantee that your policy could not be canceled if you developed an expensive and chronic condition. The insurance company would also have to renew the policy on its anniversary date without charging a higher premium because of the chronic condition. This option was so popular that, by 1996, 75 percent of people buying individual health insurance also bought the guaranteed-renewability option.

Then, in 1996, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Among HIPAA’s many mandates was the requirement that all individual insurance plans have guaranteed renewability. It also prohibited all group health-insurance plans sold to businesses from denying coverage to individuals because of preexisting conditions.

And so, for the past 18 years, all insurance companies have been legally forbidden from dropping an individual policyholder who developed a chronic illness and have not been able to raise anyone’s rate because of it.


http://www.nationalreview.com/article/369869/enforcement-then-amnesty-immigration-mark-krikorian President Obama’s State of the Union address all but ignored immigration, so as not to further complicate Speaker Boehner’s efforts to get the House GOP to pass an amnesty and increases in immigration. In furtherance of those efforts, House Republicans will discuss immigration this afternoon at their annual retreat on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The […]