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Ruth King

Provost Delegation From US Universities To Explore Academic Partnerships in Israel: Lidar Gravi Lazi see note

Why am I skeptical? Gender, sustainability, globalization, diversity, women’s leadership and a little trip to Ramallah…rsk

The delegation includes experts in the fields of women and gender, research and treatment for cancer and other diseases.

A delegation of provosts from leading US universities arrived in Israel on Sunday as part of the American Jewish Committee’s Project Interchange, in an effort to explore academic partnerships and collaboration opportunities with Israeli universities.

The week-long trip will include visits to higher education institutions, including Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where the delegation will learn about innovative research initiatives and ground-breaking ventures, as well as academia-to-industry technology transfer. The participants will also meet with Israeli government officials and experts and will travel to Ramallah for high level discussions with Palestinian leaders.

Chaired by Marilyn R. Schuster, provost and dean of faculty at Smith College, the delegation is comprised of deans and provosts from Catholic University, Sarah Lawrence, Bard College, Smith College, Rice University, Brown University, Dominican University of California, University of South Florida and University of Louisville.

The delegation includes experts in the fields of women and gender, research and treatment for cancer and other diseases, K-12 general education, cognitive science, linguistics, cultural studies and globalization, and communications.

The university provosts will also hold bilateral academic meetings in fields relevant to each university, among them: science, environmental sustainability, biotech, diversity and women’s leadership.


  http://www.investigativeproject.org/4256/guest-column-the-final-death-of-lawrence-of-arabia Peter O’Toole, who was marvelous in “Lawrence of Arabia,” died recently. Many commentators and critics feel that Lawrence’s story and the movie about him influenced the actions of many European statesmen, politicians, and members of Western foreign ministries and security services. However, there is considerable argument as to whether and what, as a […]

Judge: ‘Let’s Burn the Jew’ not Racism, Even if You Burn a Jew : Lori Lowenthal Marcus

Grabbing a Jewish girl, flicking a lighter next to her hair and saying “let’s burn the Jew” is apparently not a racially motivated act in Winnipeg. Judge: ‘Let’s Burn the Jew’ not Racism, Even if you Burn a Jew Canadian judge ruled flicking a lighter in Jewish girl’s hair while saying “let’s burn the Jew” […]

The Jordan Valley: Israel’s Security Belt by Efraim Inbar

http://www.meforum.org/3711/jordan-valley-israel-security U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is once again in town trying to reach a framework agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. One of the issues of dispute is the fate of the Jordan Valley, which is indispensable for Israel’s national security. The Jordan Valley is the only available defensible border on the […]


Kerry and the long-term cost of releasing terrorists On Sunday, Issa Karaka, the Palestinian Authority’s minister for jailed terrorists, announced that in the next round of terrorist releases, Israel will release not only Palestinian terrorist murderers, but Israeli Arabs who murdered Israeli Jews in terrorist attacks. As late as last week, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu […]

The Middle East: The Way They See It by Shoshana Bryen

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4122/views-of-middle-east Syrian Eyes: Israel and “Palestine” are, by comparison, oases of peaceful coexistence and economic development. The U.S. Administration sent Secretary of Stare John Kerry on his 10th visit to make peace for Israel, as if peace is more important for them than for us — and as if the Palestinian “refugees” are in more […]

Obama and The Muslim Brotherhood — on The Glazov Gang »

Obama and The Muslim Brotherhood — on The Glazov Gang »

The nefarious forces Obama has allied himself with — and brought into the administration.

The Inequality Smokescreen Posted By Bruce Thornton

http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/bruce-thornton/the-inequality-smokescreen/print/ Desperate for a diversion from the disasters of Obamacare, the president has conjured up the old leftist “income inequality” cliché. His court-pundits complain that “the richest nation on earth is starting to resemble a banana republic,” according to The New Republic, while Berkeley Professor Robert Reich has thundered against “casino capitalism,” blaming it for […]



“Oh, Muslims everywhere!” Omar Abdel Rahman wrote from his American prison cell. “Cut the transportation of their countries, tear it apart, destroy their economy, burn their companies, eliminate their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their planes, kill them on the sea, air, on land.”

This fatwa, or one very similar to it, was distributed to Al Qaeda terrorists in terror training camps while Mohammed Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind sheikh’s son, lectured them on their duties as Jihadists.

While Al Qaeda was working on terror plots that would eventually develop into the attacks of September 11, the blind sheikh was producing threatening sermons from prison warning that America would bring “destruction” on itself if it interfered with the forces of Islam.

On September 2000, a year before the attack, Bin Laden released a video together with Rahman’s son, vowing to free the blind sheikh while Rahman’s son urged Muslims to “move forward and shed blood.”

A year later they did.

It wasn’t easy for the blind terror chief to remain relevant in prison. His devoted attorney Lynne Stewart helped keep Omar Abdel Rahman relevant by helping him pass messages to his followers from prison. After Stewart’s crimes were exposed and this lifeline was cut, the blind sheikh became so forgotten that Bin Laden talked of avenging his death even though Omar Abdel-Rahman was still among the living.



In a fascinating article for FrontPage Magazine titled “Now the Twelfth Imam Can Come,” scholar of Islam Robert Spencer provides a crash course on the nature of Twelver Shi’ite theology, with particular reference to a nuclearizing Iran. Shi’ites believe in the return of the so-called Twelfth Imam who is descended from Mohammed’s son-in-law Ali ibn Abni Talib, the fourth caliph assassinated in 661 in a succession war, after which the split between Sunnis and Shi’ites eventually became permanent. As Spencer explains, the Shi’ites continued a line of imams, “members of Muhammad’s household and his prophetic heirs. Each one in turn, over two centuries, was poisoned.…According to the traditions of Twelver Shi’ism, the official religion of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the twelfth of these Imams, a boy of five years old, disappeared under mysterious and disputed circumstances in the year 874 – but remained alive.” Though communicating with the world through various agents, he entered the state of “occultation” in 941, promising to return when the time would be propitious.

The reigning authority on Twelver Shi’ism is the historian Emmanuel Sivan, who in his magisterial volume on the subject, Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics, warned that an integral part of Shi’a Islam’s belief and thought involves the initiating of a planetary conflagration. This belief system posits that Allah’s kingdom will be established on earth by the Twelfth or Hidden Imam, also known as the Mahdi, whose advent can be hastened by creating the right set of circumstances: friction and misunderstanding among the nations and violent upheavals in a welter of blood and fire.