It is a measure of the corroding progress of “Progressivism” that the federal government has mandated that we turn off our minds. That is, it has ordered light bulb manufacturers to cease making residential incandescent light bulbs (the wattage is irrelevant) that we have used for over a century, and purchase the new LED bulbs or the pigtail, mercury-filled bulbs.
The cartoon light bulb has served for decades as a symbol of an individual having an idea, of an individual thinking. This is the latest episode of the government vandalizing our minds.
Has the government really ordered us not to think, not to have ideas? Yes. We are no longer allowed to exercise our personal choices concerning light bulbs. Or health care insurance. Or gun ownership. Or the schools Americans send their children to, and what they learn in them. Or smoking. Or the foods we eat, or the beverages we drink. Or the gasoline we can afford or prefer to put in our tanks. And et cetera. The list of government violations of our rights, of the usurpations of our freedoms, of the steady invasions of our lives by fiat law, is long and wearisome to read. If compiled – and I’m sure someone or some organization has undertaken the task – it would be thousands of pages high – higher than the Affordable Care Act – and a big chunk of them, at the bottom of the stack, would be yellow with age.
We are no longer permitted to think that we have choices. The government has made or will make the choices for us. The lights that will turn on in our minds will be government lights. Doubtless, penalties will soon be imposed on anyone using an incandescent bulb in his home or office.
It’s all in the name of “public service,” or the environment, or the planet, or energy conservation, or “efficiency standards.” This is the nature of statism. In particular, of fascism.