A 2-hour ‘listen’ and Q & A with Congressman Jerold Nadler, Dem., NY, Upper Left Side regular, occurred on the first day of winter 2013. The talk, one of two on the Iran nuclear issue, took place at the West 95th Street Ohav Tzedek synagogue, fondly referred to as OZ. Nadler would not discuss […]
One of President Obama’s political talents is his ability to portray any sort of trouble as something that only affects lesser mortals. This lets him appear to be gliding through his Presidency as if everything bad that happens is someone else’s worry, not to mention someone else’s fault. His end-of-year press conference on Friday was typical in that he batted away questions like a President whose job approval were 57%, not 42%.
Down in the polls? “I have now been in office five years—close to five years . . . I think this room has probably recorded at least 15 near-death experiences.”
ObamaCare woes? “The basic structure of that law is working despite all the problems—despite the website problems, despite the messaging problems. Despite all that, it’s working.” He uses statistics that ignore taxes and transfer payments. Faster growth is what the poor really need. In his widely noted speech, President Obama said that “a dangerous and growing inequality and lack of upward mobility” is “the defining challenge of our time.” This belief makes Mr. Obama unique: Unlike the other presidents since […] ISRAEL’S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS New wonder treatment. Israel’s VBL Therapeutics has developed VB-201 – the first of a new class of oral anti-inflammatories called Lecinoxoids. VB-201 has the potential to treat immune-inflammatory diseases such as Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and more. The US FDA has also granted fast-track […]
Home They call her “the spine of Obama”, ‘his mentor’, the world’s most influential woman. She is without question the most influential power behind Barack Obama’s presidency. As Richard Miniter writes, in “Leading from behind:” [H]e can confide in almost no one, because opening up would break the spell that he has managed to […]
Posts tagged ‘Tax Breaks for Brothel-Worker Breast Implants – for Starters!’ – See more at:
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) will unveil Wastebook 2013, his annual report on egregious federal spending.
There are many problems with government intervention. It’s expensive, it introduces distortions into the market, and it’s often unfair. It can introduce major costs to people’s lives, as people have discovered when their insurance policies were canceled and they were forced to buy more expensive and sometimes less-comprehensive policies because of Obamacare.
But then there’s the fact that government spends a lot of money on ridiculous causes of which almost no one approves. Senator Coburn and his staff have produced their annual list of outrageous stuff that the government spends with your hard-earned money. This year, it adds up to $30 billion. Here are a few examples from last year:
Israel Bomb Attack Thwarted by Vigilant Bus Driver A terrorist attack in Bat Yam, Israel was thwarted Sunday by a vigilant bus driver. The driver, Michael Yuger, was told by one of his passengers about a large suspicious black knapsack in the back of the number 240 bus he was driving. He immediately had all 15 […] I’m not big on bipartisanship. Too often for conservatives in Washington, it’s a euphemism for surrender, or at least the indulgence of ever-expanding government. But there are a few things we need a central government for, none more vital than national security. Because a political community’s most important decisions are the ones made about […] Last week, following the public apology of an English comedian and the arrest of a fellow British subject both for making somewhat feeble Mandela gags, I noted that supposedly free societies were increasingly perilous places for those who make an infelicitous remark. So let’s pick up where we left off: Here are two jokes […]
SURE THING All the California papers are saying that Jerry Brown is bound to win. “Jerry Brown’s re-election a virtual lock” the San Francisco Chronicle declares. Why? Because he has an approval rating of 58 percent. And an incredible 52 percent of those surveyed would vote for him. Republicans shouldn’t even bother running against him […]