With American colleges and universities imperiled by a bad economy, declining enrollment and persistently high costs, a group of scholars gathered last month in Washington, D.C., to discuss the crisis. No, not that crisis. I mean the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.
That’s right. The most talked-about question at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association was a resolution to boycott Israel. After the meeting, the ASA’s national council voted unanimously to endorse a boycott resolution and send it to the full membership for a vote. On Monday the ASA announced that 66% of its members voted in favor of the boycott.
Evidently, while the rest of us scholars were teaching classes and conducting research, some other professor-activists were figuring out how to take over the American Studies Association. Well, hats off to them. They succeeded.
The executive committee of the national council has six members. Five of them have previously endorsed the U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. Four signed a 2009 letter to President Obama that described Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians as “one of the most massive ethnocidal atrocities of modern times” and declared that a one-state solution, which would mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state, is “almost certainly” the only road to peace.