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Ruth King


One by one, the commentators have today fallen like dominoes. Presented with the transparent victory by Iran over the rest of the world at Geneva, they have eagerly swallowed the line they have been fed that this is a ‘historic’ step towards peace with Iran whose nuclear wings have now been clipped.

Journalists who would normally ask themselves ‘why is this lying bastard lying to me?’ if a western politician merely said ‘hello, nice day isn’t it’ (apart, of course, from The One) have suspended all independent powers of observation and thought over this risible farce of a deal.

Viewing it through the prism of ‘after-Iraq-don’t-give me-any-more-lies-about-Islamic-terror/anything-that-sounds-like-compromise-and-lets-us-put-our-heads-back-in-the-sand-must-be-good/war-with-Iran-is-sooo-much-more-terrifying-than-a-nuclear-Iran/new-Iranian-President-Rouhani-sounds-charming-and-moderate-so-phew!-we-can-believe-anything-that-he-says/anything-Benjamin-Netanyahu-is-against-I’m-for’, the chattering classes have apparently decided that yup, this really is peace in our time and any comparison with you-know-what in 1938 is well, just hysterical, and anyway we’ve had it up to here with Israel and they can just shut up.

But for your own assistance when facing someone who thinks this deal has saved the world rather than provided the final countdown to genocidal nuclear blackmail and war, here is my cut-out-and-keep guide to why the Geneva deal all but guarantees that the principal source of terrorism in the world today will now develop nuclear weapons for its monstrous purposes.

1) The deal is not designed to stop the Iranian bomb. It is said rather to be an interim agreement designed to boost confidence. President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry promise a subsequent permanent agreement which will disarm Iran of its nuclear and military capabilities. So sanctions are currently being lifted in exchange for… what exactly? Nothing of any significance whatever.


The agreement reached late Saturday night between Iran and the United States — and the rest of the United Nations’ “P5+1” gang — will enhance Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons whenever it decides to do so. It makes war in the Middle East nearly a certainty, rather than protecting us against it.

For Obama — and while he is president, for us — there is no responsibility so great that it cannot be sacrificed to political expediency, no duty so grave that it cannot be ignored.

America has an obligation to itself, and to allies such as Israel, to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear arms. Four American presidents — George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — have recognized this duty by stating firmly an American policy that Iran is not to be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. The first three of those presidents share the distinction of having done nothing to enforce that policy. The fourth has assured his place in history by surrendering the policy to Iran’s ambitions.

The details of the agreement — which we’ll get to in a minute — give Iran major relief from sanctions that were imposed by UN resolution and by American law, including some sanctions that were imposed when Iran was designated a state sponsor of terrorism in 1984. To understand how far the agreement goes, it’s important to know the context in which it was made.

EARL COX:Islamic Operative in White House Scores Another Victory for Muslim Brotherhood.

They did it again. While we watched President Obama dodge the Syrian red line with Putin taking the lead, while we held our collective breaths as Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and France’s President Hollande stalled negotiations over the Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the Islamists were at it again. This time they cunningly swooped in and placed their wildest dreams into the massive immigration reform bill recently passed by the United States Senate.

Most Americans believe the bill is about amnesty, or a way to grant general pardon for political offenses such as disobedience to immigration laws. For example, most think it will give millions of Hispanic illegal aliens living in the U.S. amnesty. The bill goes far beyond obedience to law. Even pro-immigration Christian evangelicals say the bill is not amnesty. Then what is it?

The sweeping immigration reform bill, called the “Amnesty Bill” has Islamic inferences buried deep inside that should give Americans the shudders, and indeed, the entire world, especially United States allies. The bill reportedly includes a fast track to citizenship for immigrants from Muslim countries. U.S. President Obama hailed the passage of the bill as a critical step towards fixing America’s broken immigration system. While the “Gang of Eight” senators crafted the bill, an outsider, who just happens to be a Muslim Brotherhood associate, provided “treasured input,” according to a close associate of the Obama administration.


Obama never explained how allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium decreases the likelihood of war.t isn’t surprising that the US and the other five powers signed a deal with Iran on Saturday. Over the past few weeks, US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry made it clear that they were committed to signing a deal with Iran as quickly as possible.

And it isn’t surprising that the deal these overeager leaders signed with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism makes the world a much more dangerous place than it was before the agreement was concluded.

A Pianist Who Survived Hitler Plays Today at 110 The world’s oldest living Holocaust survivor still plays Bach and Schubert. Caroline Stoessinger

That music can bring happiness is obvious. But is it also the key to a long life?

Pianist Artur Rubinstein retired from the concert stage after his 89th birthday. Mieczyslaw Horsowski played his final concert at age 99 and taught a lesson the week before he died in 2003, just one month before his 101st birthday. But the world’s oldest living Holocaust survivor, Alice Herz-Sommer, trumps both of these legendary artists.

On Tuesday, she turns 110. Ms. Herz-Sommer no longer plays Bach and Schubert at concert level. Some days, her arthritic fingers fail to cooperate. And she must rely on her prodigious musical memory, as she can no longer see to read a score. But the woman who made her debut as a soloist with the Czech Philharmonic before her 21st birthday in 1924 still plays.

Ms. Herz-Sommer was well on her way to an international career when the Nazis invaded Prague, the city of her birth, on March 15, 1939. Forbidden as a Jew from playing public concerts, she continued to practice long hours in her apartment until the day in July 1943 when she, her husband, Leopold Sommer, and Rafi, their 6-year-old son, were deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp.

Having heard rumors of concerts in the camp from Leopold, who worked for the Prague Jewish Community Organization, she faced the imprisonment with cautious optimism. “How bad can it be if we can make music?” she remembers thinking.

In 1938, Chamberlain Bought Time to Rearm. In 2013, Obama Gives Iran Time to Go Nuclear: Bret Stephens

To adapt Churchill : Never in the field of global diplomacy has so much been given away by so many for so little.

Britain and France’s capitulation to Nazi Germany at Munich has long been a byword for ignominy, moral and diplomatic. Yet neither Neville Chamberlain nor Édouard Daladier had the public support or military wherewithal to stand up to Hitler in September 1938. Britain had just 384,000 men in its regular army; the first Spitfire aircraft only entered RAF service that summer. “Peace for our time” it was not, but at least appeasement bought the West a year to rearm.

The signing of the Paris Peace Accords in January 1973 was a betrayal of an embattled U.S. ally and the abandonment of an effort for which 58,000 American troops gave their lives. Yet it did end America’s participation in a peripheral war, which neither Congress nor the public could indefinitely support. “Peace with honor” it was not, as the victims of Cambodia’s Killing Fields or Vietnam’s re-education camps can attest. But, for American purposes at least, it was peace.

PLO “Resignations” and the Peace Process by Khaled Abu Toameh

Erekat and other PLO officials who keep threatening to quit are hoping that the Americans and Europeans will “freak out” at the thought of losing Palestinian “peace partners.”

Palestinians understand that the “resignations” are manly aimed at prompting the US and Western countries to to exert pressure on Israel to make concessions to the PLO. The threats to quit are also intended to send a message to the Palestinian public, which long ago lost confidence in the PLO negotiators’ performance, that Erekat and his colleagues are “playing tough” with Israel.

Since the signing of the Oslo Accords 20 years ago, PLO leaders and officials have threatened to resign each time they wanted something from the international community or Israel.

Saeb Erekat, the chief PLO negotiator, who is currently heading the PLO negotiating team with Israel, tendered his last “resignation” earlier this month in protest against “continued settlement construction.”

This was Erekat’s sixth or seventh “resignation” over the past two decades. Erekat will probably enter the Guinness Book of World Records for the number of times he supposedly resigned.


JULY 6-15, 1938

“Delegates from thirty-two countries met at the French resort of Evian. Roosevelt chose not to send a high-level official, such as the secretary of state, to Evian; instead, Myron C. Taylor, a businessman and close friend of Roosevelt’s, represented the US at the conference. During the nine-day meeting, delegate after delegate rose to express sympathy for the refugees. But most countries, including the United States and Britain, offered excuses for not letting in more refugees.

Responding to Evian, the German government was able to state with great pleasure how “astounding” it was that foreign countries criticized Germany for their treatment of the Jews, but none of them wanted to open the doors to them when “the opportunity offer[ed].”

March 11
German troops crossed Austrian frontier.
The Times (London) March 12, 1938, p. 12

March 13
Austro-German Union proclaimed at Vienna: “Austria is a state
(land) of the German Reich.” Text of Anschluss law, Department
of State PRESS RELEASES, March 19, 1938, Vol. XIX, p 374.April 16
British-Italian agreement signed, whereby Great Britain
recognized the conquest of Ethiopia and Italy promised to
withdraw all troops from Spain at the conclusion of the civil
Great Britain, Foreign Office TREATY SERIES, No. 31 (1938)

April 27-29
Three day Anglo-French conference at London. Arrangement
concluded whereby the British and French general staffs would
collaborate more closely henceforth in military and naval
New York Times, April 29, 1938, p. 1; April 30, p. 1.

July 21
Chaco Peace Pact signed, ending the long conflict between
Bolivia and Paraguay.
Department of State PRESS RELEASES, July 23, 1938, Vol. XIX, p.

September 15
Chamberlain-Hitler talks at Berchtesgaden.
New York Times, September 16, 1938, p. 1.

September 22-23
Chamberlain-Hitler talks at Godesberg.
New York Times, September 23, 1938, p. 1.; September 24, 1938,
p. 1.

September 26
President Roosevelt appealed for peace directly to Hitler and
President Benes.
Department of State PRESS RELEASES, October 1, 1938, Vol. XIX, p

September 29
Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler and Mussolini signed Munich Pact.
SEPTEMBER 29, 1938, Miscellaneous No. 8 (1938)

September 30
Chamberlain-Hitler peace declaration signed.
Great Britain, House of Commons PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, Vol. 339,
col. 49.

October 1-10
Sudeten areas occupied by Germany.
See Great Britain, Cmd. 5848.

October 1
Czechoslovakia yielded to Poland.
New York Times, October 2, 1938, p. 1.

October 2
Polish troops occupied the Teschen area.
New York Times, October 3, 1938, p 1.

December 6
Franco-German peace declaration signed.
New York Times, December 7, 1938, p. 1.

ANDREW BOSTOM:Nuke Deal Fiasco Analyses Ignore Iran’s Genocidal Islamic Jew-Hatred ****


Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, Iran’s President Rouhani, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif, all concur on this critical outcome of the interim agreement struck between Iran, the U.S. and five other world powers, announced early Sunday morning, 11/24/13: Iran’s nuclear enrichment program will continue apace.

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), a not-for-profit, non-partisan, advocacy group which seeks to thwart Iran’s ambition to obtain nuclear weapons, issued a press release highlighting the fundamental strategic failures of the interim 6-month pact:

By not agreeing to dismantle a single centrifuge, Iran has not rolled back its nuclear infrastructure and with the many centrifuges that it is currently operating, Iran retains the ability to breakout and produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a nuclear weapon in as little as 2 months. At the same time, the carefully constructed sanctions architecture developed over decades has been significantly rolled back.

UANI argued further that the Geneva agreement provided Iran disproportionate sanctions relief, which would enable the Iranian economy (as gauged by the value of its currency, the rial) to recover to an extent that Iran’s nuclear weapons development (i.e., nuclear enrichment, and plutonium generation) programs, would be abetted by this reduction in economic pressures.


http://www.nationalreview.com/node/364765/print Washington, D.C. — “These people don’t understand what the government is trying to do for them,” said then-chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dan Rostenkowski in August 1989, after senior citizens angry over a federal health-care law booed him and chased him down a Chicago street. That law was repealed a few […]