“Chris Matthews’ government minstrel act is McRacism. Like other McRacist psychoracialists, he plumbs the depths of his own psychotic psyche to explain why government haters are racists to manufacture a cheap and offensive government substitute for racism that protects the abuses of career politicians and bureaucrats by teaching them to wear blackface and shout about racism.”
Chris Matthews, MSNBC’s own Wise Latina, began his latest attack by denouncing Ted Cruz’s racism against “Browns.”
Cruz had told a San Antonio audience that it was good to leave D.C. and come back to America.
“This isn’t a casual reference,” Matthews declared. Like Freudian psychoanalysts, MSNBC psychoracialists know that there are no such things as casual references. A misplaced comma can reveal unspeakable hidden depths of racism and does every time Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes run short of material.
The Freudian psychoanalyst assumed that if you had a dream about a duck or the Orient Express, you were harboring a secret desire for your grandfather. The MSNBC psychoracialist knows that if you don’t like Obama, you’re a racist. All that’s left is finding the comma that proves it.
“This ‘We’re Americans, we white people out here in Texas, as opposed to people who live in the big cities: the ethnics, the blacks, the browns,” Matthews sputtered. “‘Those people in Washington, those liberals, they’re not Americans.’”
Chris Matthews had clearly never been to San Antonio which is twice the size of Washington, D.C. and one of the largest cities in America. It’s also fairly diverse. And Ted Cruz is more ethnic and ‘browner’ than Chris Matthews. Though in all fairness so is a stick of chalk.