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Ruth King

OOPS! Islamist Syrian Rebels Behead Wrong Man- Ask for “Forgiveness and Understanding After Putting His Head on Display


Islamist Syrian rebels belonging to a group linked to al-Qaeda sought “understanding and forgiveness” after decapitating a man who later turned out to be a member of another rebel group. The rebels had originally accused the man of belonging to a Shi’ite Iraqi militia fighting for Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The rebels, members of the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), beheaded the man in a public execution on the streets of Aleppo after announcing that the accused belonged to a pro-Assad group.

The execution was filmed and posted on the web, after which the rebels’ mistake quickly became apparent. The beheading victim was soon identified as Mohammed Fares, a member of Ahrar al-Sham, a fellow Sunni rebel group which also has Islamist leanings.

In the video footage of the executions, the ISIS fighters can be seen holding up a man’s head in front of an incensed crowd.

The Daily Telegraph quoted the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights as saying Thursday that Fares was killed due to a misunderstanding.



When a Palestinian teen shed the last traits of humanityWhat brought a 16-year-old West Banker to such vicious depths as to murder the sleeping Israeli man-child in the adjoining seat on a bus on Wednesday? The drip-drip poison of incitement

I cannot get the vision of Eden Atias, stabbed again and again and again, and bleeding to death in his blue fabric seat on a bus at Afula bus station on Wednesday morning, out of my head. And I’m sure I’m not alone in the abiding sense of horror and despair.

A young man, conscripted into the Israeli army just two weeks earlier, fast asleep in his seat on a bus inside Israel, knifed over and over by a Palestinian teenager so consumed, so spilling over with hatred as to have truly lost “the image of God.”

All killing is foul, all terrorist murders indefensible. But this assault is particularly depraved and depressing. For it sickeningly demonstrates an atmosphere and a mindset evidently prevalent, among at least some Palestinians in the West Bank, that leaves no room for optimism in the short-term. And it underlines the nature of the task ahead if there is to be any substantive change for the better in the medium-term.

Human nature is flawed. We all grapple with what seem to be instinctive tendencies to be selfish, materialistic, suspicious of the unfamiliar, resentful of others who we think have it easier or better than we do. Some of us deal with these unpleasant aspects of our personalities better than others. In the best of us, good wins out over evil more often and more completely.

But even in the most stained and weak of characters, there are limits to the horrors and the wrongs that our flaws will push us to commit. At some point, other, better instincts kick in. Many folks drive irresponsibly; some cheat on their taxes; fewer carry out robberies and assaults. Most people recoil at the idea of taking a human life.

Almost nobody, no matter how flawed, how skewed, how filled with hatred, sinks so low as to take a life in cold blood.

A bloodstained bus seat where soldier Eden Atias was stabbed to death by a young Palestinian man on a bus at the central bus station in Afula (photo credit: Avishag Shaar Yashuv/Flash90)


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=6347 When sex trumps war It was a stormy week indeed, both literally and figuratively. Israel’s relations with the Obama administration took a major turn for the worse over the latter’s attempt to make a deal with Iran; Israeli rescue teams headed for the Philippines to assist the population of Tacloban devastated by Typhoon Haiyan; […]

Obama: Military Strike Could Lead Iran to ‘Pursue Nukes More Vigorously’ By MICHAEL WILNER AND HERB KEINON

http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=331799   US president warns of cost of military conflict, urges Congress to hold off on new sanctions on Tehran; US Secretary of State Kerry says sanctions ease is necessary in order to build trust with the Iranians.   WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama said Thursday that no matter how powerful the American military, […]

SATIRE:David Horowitz Publishes New Book; Hopes Conservatives Don’t Treat Him the Way He and Conservative Establishment Treated Diana West

http://www.liberateliberty.com/2013/11/13/david-horowitz-publishes-new-book-hopes-conservatives-dont-treat-him-way-he-and-conservative-establishment-treated-diana-west/ Noted professional clown and all around jackass David Horowitz has been on a publicity tour for his new book, The Black Book of the American Left. His book discusses, among other things, communist influence and support in America. I spoke to Horowitz and those praising him, asking how they can justify his new book with a straight face […]



That is a lot of camels. I doubt there are 100 camels in all of Berlin. But who are we to argue with the enlightened wisdom of Mohammedan justice?

This is your justice system. This is your justice system on Sharia. Even when there aren’t beheadings and behandings, there are camels. Lots and lots of camels.

As Taccidin Yatkin drove in the spring of 2013 to a reconciliation meeting with the Lebanese extended family Omeirat, he hoped that both sides in Arab tradition would join hands and would drink tea. In January 2009, Yatkin’s son Ali had hit the 17-year-old Mohammed Omeirat when he went through a red light with his Alfa Romeo and fatally injured him.

As the former president of the Central Council of Turks in Germany entered the premises of the Lebanese Association in Berlin-Neukölln, he knew that the victim’s family didn’t want to smoke a peace pipe.

There waiting were the Omeirats, 40 to 50 members of the family and other Arab clans. The message of the scenario was clear: Who does not cooperat, messes with the entire extended family Omeirat. Parts of which the police consider to be organized crime and which has distinguished itself primarily through property and violent crimes.

The director at the meeting was the Imam of the Mosque of Omar Neukölln reciting from the Qur’an determined that the case should be “solved according to Sharia”. The son of Othe meirats had been killed and the person responsible for it was not punished. According to the “law of our country he is guilty, whether he acted negligently or intentionally.”


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/the-global-warming-god-strikes-again/print/ After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, Mayor Ray Nagin said that the storm was divine punishment for “being in Iraq under false pretenses.” Not only was a Liberal deity taking a position on WMDs and punishing George W. Bush by evicting a lot of black people from their homes, but the Democratic divinity was paradoxically also […]








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NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/25 – 10/28 800 A 37 47 Against/Oppose +10
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All Public Approval of Health Care Law Polling Data

JONAH GOLDBERG:Obama in the Dark- Dems Have Only Themselves to Blame for Obamacare Quagmire.

http://www.nationalreview.com/node/364003/print Watching President Obama’s press conference Thursday, I almost started humming the old ditty “The Farmer in the Dell” because all I could think was: “The cheese stands alone.” The president did his level best to explain that he was as in the dark as anybody about the problems with his signature legislation. He explained […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/obamacare-the-obvious-over-the-important?f=puball This article is the first in a series of excerpts from my new book, Cry from the Heart, due in January 2014. If anyone is still looking for proof of the perils of socialism, they need look no further than the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Just as with any other socialist […]