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Ruth King

An Interview with Daniel Mandel, Director of the Z0A Center for Middle East Policy by Jerry Gordon


A renewal of Israeli Palestinian peace discussions were begun after a hiatus of three years under the aegis of US Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington, DC on July 29th and 30th, 2013 at the State Department and with President Obama. The goal set by Secretary Kerry was completing discussions leading to a possible final status agreement on all core issues within nine months of launch. Kerry has appointed former US Ambassador Martin Indyk to monitor these discussions with senior Israeli representative Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Palestinian Authority chief negotiator Saeb Erekat. The cabinet of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu approved a national referendum vote for any agreement that might eventuate from these discussions. The most controversial pre-condition for these peace discussions was the release of 104 Palestinian and Israeli-Arab terrorist prisoners in stages over the nine month period. Both Israelis and Palestinians are skeptical that any agreement can be reached given the failures in previous rounds. It is unclear what the underlying objectives are of the Obama Administration in re-launching these discussions at a time of great turmoil in the countries that border Israel in the Middle East. That turmoil was initiated by the rebellion against Islamists in the Arab Spring, crystallized in the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi by Egyptian Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in July 2013. This was preceded by massive protests by millions of Egyptians spurred on by the Tamarod (rebellion) national petition campaign. Sporadic violence continues in Egypt as well as in the Sinai Peninsula against Jihadist groups and destruction of tunnels underneath the Egyptian Gaza frontier virtually isolating Hamas.

Attention of the Obama Administration was diverted by new developments in addressing the overarching threat of Iran achieving nuclear weapons capabilities. With the inauguration of Iran’s new President Hassan Rouhani in August 2013, Iran began a charm offensive at the UN General Assembly meetings. Rouhani engaged the Obama Administration directly in a new round of P5+1 negotiations in Geneva in late October 2013 with Iran Foreign Ministry officials to explore possible options for the curtailment of nuclear enrichment. The possible quid pro quo was lifting onerous sanctions. Notwithstanding Administration outreach to President Rouhani and Iranian nuclear negotiators Congress and the Netanyahu government in Israel remain skeptical about the prospects of dismantling Iran’s nuclear program. Separately, the 29 month old civil war in Syria reached a critical stage. A UN Security Council agreement, keyed to suggestions of Russian President Putin, dispatched the Hague–based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to undertake the destruction of the vast non-conventional arsenal with the consent of the Assad regime. Further, there are continuing concerns that the opposition in Syria had splintered with the rise of al Qaeda affiliates vanquishing alleged secular opposition. This has divided opposition sponsors Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia elected not to accept a seat on the UN Security Council in late October 2013 out of pique that the US had not been more pro-active in the Syrian conflict. It accused the Administration of succumbing to engagement with Iran seeking regional hegemony under a nuclear umbrella.

Holocaust Remembrance: New Tool for Anti-Semitism? by Peter Martino


“[N]o, we are not living in a new dark age and, no, the lights are not going out all over Europe.” — Jonathan Freedland, The Daily Beast.

“When faced with examples of atrocious behaviour, we must learn from them. It appears that the suffering of the Jews has not transformed their view on how others should be treated.” — David Ward, MP; Member, Education Committee, British Parliament

Anti-Semitism has now become mainstream not just in France, as Guy Millière wrote on the Gatestone website last week, but all over Western Europe. One shocking aspect of the new wave of anti-Semitism is that the remembrance of the Holocaust is being abused to propagate anti-Semitism and feelings of hatred against Israel — the state that the Jewish people established in order to protect themselves against future holocausts.

A September 2013 article on the Gatestone website explained how history lessons and so-called remembrance education about the Holocaust in Belgian schools are being used to infuse school children with hatred against Israel. The historical existence of the Holocaust and the Nazi extermination camps is not denied, as some anti-Semites try to do, but the reality of the Holocaust and the extermination of the Jews is trivialized — especially by equating the current treatment of the Palestinians by Israel with the Nazis’ treatment of the Jews.

As noted in the September article, to debunk this equivalency myth it would suffice to point out that the Jews arriving in Auschwitz had only a few hours, or at most a few weeks, to live, while life expectancy for the Palestinians in Gaza or on the West Bank is 72 years. It would suffice to point out that more Jews were murdered in Auschwitz during one single month than Palestinians have died during the entire 65 years of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These simple facts are, however, never pointed out to the children that are being indoctrinated with hatred against the Jewish State.



He’s a fugitive from justice. Google and Yahoo must make sure with Obama they don’t end up in the same boat.

Mrs. O’Leary’s cow was lost to history after it ignited the Chicago Fire because the fire was vastly more important than the cow. Having ignited a global fire around the U.S. intelligence community, NSA leaker Edward Snowden is inevitably being condemned to the same fate for the same reason. He isn’t at all happy about it.

Apparently frustrated by the lack of hospitality he’s receiving in Moscow, Snowden gave a letter to Hans-Christian Stroebele, a German “Green” politician, last Thursday in which he writes in the style of John Kerry’s testimony to the Senate in April 1971.

In the letter, Snowden first passes himself off as a “technical expert” previously employed — directly or indirectly — by the NSA, the CIA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was never, of course, an intelligence analyst or spy: he was a low-level computer “administrator” inexplicably given access to an enormous amount of information about top-secret intelligence-gathering systems and methods. He claims that having been witness to enormous and illegal acts by the U.S. government, he had a “moral duty” to act. (That small fact is problematic: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said only a couple of days ago that the NSA’s “metadata” gathering was legal.)

Which echoes people such as Bill Ayers and the rest of the radicals for whom cocktail parties were thrown on the Lower East Side in the ’60s and ’70s.



Uncertainty and struggle are what we most often associate with poverty. Not knowing if you can still afford to pay next month’s bills and worrying over how much more you can cut back when you’re already barely getting by. This way of life has become more associated with the middle class than with those at the very bottom.

The statistic that shows that average black household worth is at $4,955 while average white household worth is at $110,729 is often quoted, but these numbers are not comparing similar things. Comparing the naked numbers is as misleading as comparing the average salaries in Tokyo and Bombay. What matters is not how much money you have, but how you live.

The $110,729 and $4,955 don’t reflect different standards of living; but different ways of living. Much of that $110,729 is home equity. But why do you need to shoulder the burden of a mortgage, when the government will just give you housing for free?

It’s misleading to think of the $110,729 families as privileged and of the $4,955 families as oppressed.

The $110,729 and $4,955 families both have large flat screen televisions, smartphones and the usual baseline consumer toys. They could both eat equally well, except that the $4,955 family doesn’t bother watching its food budget. It just takes whatever it wants off the shelf and worries about prices later.

In terms of personal satisfaction, the $4,955 family is happier than the $110,729 family.



In South Korea Christians comprise about 30 percent of the population. A couple of years ago, in the first event of its kind, thousands of Christians gathered in front of Seoul City Hall to demonstrate their support for Israel.

They vowed “to consistently pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that Israel’s capital will not be divided by others,” and asserted that “God entrusted the stewardship of the land of Israel to the Jewish people,” adding that they “stand along with Jewish and Palestinian people to pursue true peace”.

An Orthodox Jew, David Nekrutman, executive director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation, who had been invited to the event by pastors Joseph and Christian Koo, told the gathering:

“I am truly honored to be invited to this historical event and see first-hand a miracle of God that is transforming the hearts of Christians in Korea to advocate for the State of Israel and its people….People like you and others who have personally touched my life have shown me a world where Christians are indeed our ‘Watchmen on the Wall’. The people of Israel appreciate your support. It is the reason why I stand here today in fellowship with you.”

Last year the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) opened an office in South Korea (as well as one in Australia), Chicago-based Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the IFCJ’s founder and executive director telling the Jerusalem Post:

“Our goal is to deepen Christian bonds with Israel and the Jewish people and allow tangible and meaningful ways for supporters to express their love for Israel.

With offices already in the US and Canada, the IFCJ currently raises more than $90 million a year from Christian supporters for social welfare projects in Israel and other humanitarian projects around the world.

Our goal is to strengthen Christian and Jewish ties around the world and provide supporters of Israel with the vehicles to demonstrate their support….

We recently opened up our new office in South Korea and that is where 80 per cent of our emphasis will be in the coming year….


Happy Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration….although it is to be noted that there was always a Jewish presence in Palestine as Joan Peters wrote :

From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine by Joan Peters …..rsk

On November 2nd, 1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour replied to a letter from Lord Rothschild, the head of the Zionist Federation in Great Britain dated July 18th. The letter included the final text of the Balfour Declaration, a document expressing British support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

“Foreign Office

November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty’s government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved, by the Cabinet:

His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.


Arthur James Balfour


The European and Eurasian Unions confuse large Muslim populations with international influence. Obama made that same mistake when he asserted proudly that the United States was one of the world’s biggest Muslim countries. Having a large Muslim minority is a source of conflict, not power.

Advanced countries with large Muslim minority populations include the United States, France, Thailand and Israel. In all of these countries, the Muslim minority has been an explosive element spurring conflict, terrorism and cycles of violence that are never broken.

China understands that stability is more important than size. The younger world powers trying to compete with it would do well to learn that simple lesson.

Islamerica, Eurabia and Eurasia

Saudi Cleric Forbids Muslims From Traveling to Mars


Sadly Oliver Stone is too stupid to be cynical. Too red and too brain dead to feel any shame when pounding out sentences like, “Whatever moral authority the United States gained for helping the Soviets defeat Germany in World War II.”There are so many things wrong with that sentence, it’s almost hard to list them all. If anything it was the Soviets, former allies of Hitler, who helped the United States defeat Hitler. The Soviet Union was losing a war of attrition that it survived with the help of American supplies. The idea that Soviet troops could have singlehandedly made it to Berlin without a western front is worth less than the leftover cocaine in Stone’s vest pocket.
Worse still, Oliver Stone thinks that the United States gained moral authority from turning over Eastern Europe to brutal dictatorships, rather than from the liberation of Western Europe.

But that’s just one sentence and Stone has a million of them. Or dozens at any rate.

Every Time Oliver Stone Writes About History, History Dies

Muslims Complain About Lack of Mosques in Korea


If anyone expected Joe Lhota to be able to play Giuliani, they were disappointed. Like so many Republicans, including Mitt Romney, Lhota, despite being down over 40 points, was too afraid to hit a man whom the media decided was “likable”.And so Lhota is going to lose. Unless the welfare class and the unions licking their lips at being able to eat the city whole and spit out the crumbs on what’s left of Detroit somehow decide to stay home on election day, New York City will have a radical left-wing mayor.

And it’s Lhota’s fault.

Bill de Blasio was a political activist for a murderous Communist regime that burned churches and synagogues. And the media will make a federal case out of a Lhota sneeze.
That’s what Lhota is up against and he is only slowly coming to that realization, which, like too many Republicans, has only made him more timid.




The Saudis, who had always been noted for being subtle, stopped being subtle when a member of one of their think tanks openly declared, “We are learning from our enemies now how to treat the United States.”
There is no better metric of contempt in a region where everyone wears a false face than honesty like that. The Saudis have decided that we are no longer even worth lying to. They believe that we have become so worthless that they can tell us what they really think of us.
There’s no easier way to tell that you’ve hit bottom than when the people who have been sponging off you decide to move on like lice fleeing roadkill or rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Obama Loses the Middle East
Pentagon Declares War on White Privilege


Sheila Jackson-Lee is one of the dumbest people in America and the fourth dumbest person in Congress. If Sheila Jackson-Lee and Joe Biden played chess, the pieces would come to life and run away.
Sheila Jackson-Lee thought that America planted a flag on Mars and won the Vietnam War. Apparently she also thought that when she was passing discrimination laws, the Constitution would keep them from applying to her because she was a politician.

Sheila Jackson-Lee: Constitution Gives Me Immunity to Discriminate Against the Disabled

Did China get its September 11?

The Jewish Iraqi Archive, a collection of bibles and other religious books, as well as personal material like schoolbooks from the former Jews of Iraq, confiscated by the Iraqi security services and then transported to the United States after the fall of Saddam, has been in the news lately.

Some senators and congressmen would like the Jewish archive returned to the Jewish community. Iraq meanwhile firmly wants the archive.

According to an Al-Arabiya story, Iraq wants them because “Israel is keen on obtaining the manuscripts in order to prove their claim that the Jews had built the Tower of Babel as part of its attempt to distort the history of the Middle East for its own interests.”

The Jewish archive is part of a dastardly Jewish plot to claim ownership of the Tower of Babel… which doesn’t exist anymore.

Iraq Wants Jewish Archive to Prove Ownership of the Tower of Babel


The New York Times/Siena College Poll for October 21-26 shows that while only 9 percent of white voters feel they haven’t heard enough about Bill de Blasio, 20 percent haven’t heard enough about Joe Lhota. Among Black and Hispanic voters, those numbers rise to 38 and 35 percent.There’s something very wrong when a third of minority voters don’t know much of anything about a candidate in a mayoral election not long before it wraps up.

Bill de Blasio’s huge lead is largely that of minority voters. De Blasio is at 55 percent among white voters, but at 90 percent among black voters and at 76 percent among Hispanic voters.

The huge lead is really a lead of uninformed minority voters swayed by class warfare and racial appeals and a media blockade on any negative coverage of Bill de Blasio or positive coverage of his opponent.

Bill de Blasio does best in the Bronx with 76 percent of the vote. That’s appropriate because his policies will turn all of New York City into the Bronx.

The Real Story About Bill de Blasio’s “Huge Lead” is Uninformed Minority Voters


No, it was never intended to be an “insurance” program.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s legacy — or is it mythology? — lies at the center of an emerging chasm on the right. His domestic statism bequeathed us the modern American welfare state. His World War II leadership was largely responsible for victory over Nazi and Japanese totalitarianism, yet set the stage for the brutal Soviet conquest of half the world — and whether “set the stage” means “passively indulged,” “actively facilitated,” or something in between, is the nub of the argument.

At the peril of oversimplification, I would contend that neoconservatives — an important bloc of the conservative movement, and one that is extraordinarily influential in the Republican party — recall FDR more fondly than do more traditional conservatives. As Charles Krauthammer observes in Things That Matter, a terrific new collection of memorable Krauthammer columns, many neoconservatives have made the political journey from left to right, as Charles himself has. They harbor sympathy for liberal aspirations to a more egalitarian society, even as they recognize the damage wrought by New Deal and Great Society programs. They see FDR as the heroic trailblazer of a true Pax Americana, a world stabilized by U.S. engagement, leadership, and strength.

To the contrary, more traditional conservatives (I count myself in this camp), seethe over the evisceration of limited-government constitutionalism and the blurring of lines between prudent foreign interventions and international adventurism, between sovereignty and multilateralism. It makes for a healthy intramural debate — as long as we try to remember that it really is intramural, as we often forget when it gets as heated as it is at the moment.

Ronald Radosh, the former Marxist and accomplished neoconservative historian, has lately been the spear’s point in defending the FDR legacy on both the foreign-affairs and domestic-policy sides. His blistering review of Diana West’s American Betrayal vigorously champions Roosevelt’s conduct of World War II. I believe Ron gives Diana’s book a bad rap, and I will explain why in another column, coming soon.

Law, Legalisms and Lying about Libya … 14 Months and Counting By Andrew C. McCarthy

Fox News’s Catherine Herridge has been reporting that Senate Republicans have been pushing the Obama administration’s State and Justice Departments about their stonewalling on the Benghazi massacre of September 11, 2012.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a former military prosecutor, quite correctly contends that these agencies must not be permitted to “hide behind a criminal investigation … That’s not a good reason to deny the Congress witness statements 48 hours after the attack.” We can reasonably suspect these statements, as well as other information to which the administration has been obstructing congressional access for over a year, would corroborate existing proof that the Obama administration, from the president on down, (a) well knew that the Benghazi operation was a jihadist attack by al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, and (b) that the administration perpetrated a massive fraud on the public in (c) pretending the attack was somehow caused by a bogus anti-Muslim video (as if that would be a justification for mass-murder), and (d) orchestrating the outrageous spectacle of a prosecution against the video producer in order to convey to Muslims that the United States of America was enforcing sharia law proscriptions against speech critical of Islam.

Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a former New Hampshire state prosecutor, further emphasizes that a terrorist attack on our ambassador and on American facilities in Libya, an act of war by enemies of the United States, is not supposed to be handled like a run-of-the-mill criminal prosecution.

Meanwhile, House Republicans led by Trey Gowdy, a former South Carolina federal prosecutor, adds the Obama-friendly press to the indictment, citing its remarkable lack of curiosity about Benghazi – apparently indifferent to why Ambassador Stevens was there, why Americans were still operating in such a deadly environment after jihadists had conducted multiple attacks, and why requests for additional security by American diplomats were denied by then-Sec. Hillary Clinton’s State Department.