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Ruth King

Bennett and Beach: The Hypocrisy Of Congress’s Gold-Plated Health Care

Special subsidies for Hill workers trample on the Founders’ code of equal application of the law. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324665604579080921594857770.html?mod=opinion_newsreel As close observers of history and human nature, James Madison and the other Founders of the U.S. Constitution knew that the equal and unbiased application of the law to all people, especially elected officials, is essential to freedom […]



At the end of John Ford’s classic Western, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the editor of the local paper decides not to print the truth about who really killed the murderous Valance. “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

Legends now become facts in America at almost lightning speed. Often when lies are asserted as truth, they become frozen in time. Even the most damning later exposure of their falsity never quite erases their currency. As Jonathan Swift sighed, “Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.”

After the recent shooting tragedy at the Washington Navy Yard, cable news shows, newspaper reports, and talking heads immediately blasted lax gun laws. The killer, Aaron Alexis, had mowed down 20 innocent people — twelve of them fatally — with yet again the satanic AR-15 semi-automatic “assault” rifle. The mass murdering was supposedly more proof of the lethal pathologies of the National Rifle Association and the evil shooter crowd that prevents good people from enacting proper gun-control laws. Once more an iconic tragedy had the chance — in a way that eventhe near-simultaneous shooting of 13 in Chicago did not — to energize the nation to do the right thing and ensure that no other such mayhem would follow.

Then the assault weapon vanished into fantasy. Instead, over the course of the week, it was slowly learned that the unhinged Alexis had somehow passed at least two background checks, legally bought a shotgun, modified it, and for 30 minutes shot and reloaded it to slaughter the innocent. Are we to outlaw the owning of shotguns despite background checks and lawful purchases? Vice President Joe Biden, remember, had recently urged Americans to obtain old-fashioned, all-American shotguns for protection rather than dangerous semi-automatic assault rifles. If a shotgun could be used to commit mass murder in the middle of a military installation, how could any gun-control law, short of the confiscation of all guns, ensure that such heinous crimes could not be repeated?

Few seem interested in other, less politically correct, less melodramatic solutions. It was reported that Alexis had been treated for severe bouts of mental illness, yet apparently without endangering his security clearances. Like the deranged Sandy Hook mass murderer, Adam Lanza, Alexis was also pathologically addicted to playing violent video games for hours on end. Further controversy arose over the fact that most military personnel are not allowed to carry weapons at facilities like the Navy Yard.

Unfortunately, few of our elites dared to question the mental-health industry’s approach to treating the unstable, especially its resistance to properly monitoring whether those being treated as outpatients are taking their medications. Few faulted the entertainment industry for the savage genre of the modern video game. Should we also blame the incompetence of the agencies that conducted the background checks? Was the Pentagon to blame for not allowing military personnel and contractors to carry weapons while on their own federal military facilities?


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-epas-war-on-america?f=puball Among the targets to disable an enemy’s ability to wage war is their energy infrastructure. The destruction of the utilities that provide electricity or its ability to refine oil is critical to crippling a nation’s ability to function, based on the universal use of hydrocarbons such as coal, natural gas, and oil. If an […]

Global Warming and the Credentialist Fallacy: N.M. Guariglia

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/global-warming-and-the-credentialist-fallacy Here’s one of the great stories of the past 25 years, entirely ignored by the dying legacy media: the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-the bureaucratic authority that gave us global warming-is taking it all back.  The new IPCC report concedes that its former prognostications were incorrect.  Not only were their statistical models […]

The Great Hurricane of 1938-Craig Rucker

http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=87b74a936c723115dfa298cf3&id=e61aa1cedc&e=552053f981 75 years ago this weekend, nature sucker-punched the Northeast. Lacking today’s advanced meteorological tools, people just weren’t ready when the worst struck and struck hard. Are you tired of the global warming people talking as if history just started yesterday? They hype Katrina, Sandy and any rough weather which comes our way. Natural tragedies […]


http://spectator.org/archives/2013/09/23/now-its-putins-pupils-turn Obama may still be in office when Iran announces it has become a nuclear armed nation or even explodes a test weapon under some expanse of desert. It will be a lot easier for him to explain than for Benjamin Netanyahu. It won’t conflict with Obama’s worldview. But it will conflict with Israel’s existence. […]


PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS ENDORSED DE BLASIO….RSK A Mayoral Hopeful Now, de Blasio Was Once a Young Leftist The scruffy young man who arrived in Nicaragua in 1988 stood out. He was tall and sometimes goofy, known for his ability to mimic a goose’s honk. He spoke in long, meandering paragraphs, musing on Franklin D. Roosevelt, […]



During a roundtable discussion over at the BBC, a woman from Sweden, or perhaps it was Germany, rose up to declare that Sweden, or Germany, lacked a definitive homegrown culture. Therefore, she said, we must import more people from Muslim countries in order to adopt their heritage.

This woman’s prayers have already been answered. Mosques are quickly replacing Europe’s synagogues and churches.

Ditto the United States. Somalis have been arriving here by the thousands and wherever they go, they change our culture, for the better, to be sure.

True, they have already changed the face of Kenya, given today’s terrorism attack. But that is the exception.

It cannot happen here. Certainly not!

As do people from other Muslim countries that come here to share their wonderful culture, Somalis drive our cabs and run many of our shops.

Many do not speak English and there is no problem with this. This is America. You can do whatever you want.

Fortunately for us, Muslims come here at a rate of about two million a year, from Somalia and elsewhere. As they are doing in Sweden and Germany and Norway and France and in all parts of Europe, Muslims bring to the United States their own special brand of justice. We can and should learn from them. We are tired of Judeo/Christian leniencies.

Sharia law, for example, demands that a wife obey her husband. If she does not, she is to be beaten and lashed. Now would be a good time to adopt this custom.

National Park Service Produces Videos Praising Islam By Todd Starnes

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/09/23/national-park-service-produces-videos A series of videos produced for the National Park Service http://www.nps.gov/wori/photosmultimedia/multimedia.htm shows American Muslim students blaming hatred against their faith on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The videos also promoted Islam as a pioneer in women’s rights and addressed a “general ignorance about what Islam is.” “Islam within itself, Islam itself means peace,” the […]


Home While the blissfully ignorant of the world go about celebrating the Putin-Obama deal on Syria, the militant form of Muslim Brotherhood — similar to al Nusra in Syria, —  al Shabab has been massacring “infidels” in Kenya.   The defeat of the “legally elected” Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood not only foiled their attempts to turn […]