‘The public-school system has no ability to handle Shawn’s sensory needs,” says Jennifer Doucet, mother of the Arizona fourth-grader. “We needed a program that understood him, that [we] could gear toward his needs, instead of him having to fit into someone else’s box.” So the Doucet family enrolled Shawn in Pieceful Solutions, a private […] My patients are not signing up for the new Obamacare insurance at the New York State exchange. Not a single patient so far. A few have tried, but they haven’t managed to get past the bureaucracy and come away with anything real. One of my patients, 45 years old — a computer expert who […] Our security interests have changed, along with our sense that we can make a difference. In the immediate future, I do not think the United States will be intervening abroad on the ground — not in the Middle East or, for that matter, many places in other parts of the world. The reason is […]
Ours is a military family. Grandpa served in the Navy during WWII. Our son serves in the Marine Corps. Those who volunteer to serve cannot speak out for themselves, so civilians must step up and do their duty in that regard.
It is safe to say most military personnel and their families feel a deep, deep alienation from this president. That is bizarre. Isn’t the commander in chief supposed to support and respect the troops? Isn’t it optimal for line troops to respect their commander? Our sons and daughters are being killed and maimed fighting wars the commander either denies or opposes. Our sons and daughters are hamstrung by this president’s rules of engagement. These rules make sitting ducks of our troops. The president is responsible for this, and many crimes, along with his stumbling, mumbling secretary of defense.
Funding Al Qaeda in Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is bad enough, but allowing Jihadist sympathizers to serve in the administration as well? Funding and employing the enemy is prudent military and foreign policy? No, it’s treason.
Few civilians stop to think about what it is like for active-duty individuals in a combat zone, serving under a president who refuses to acknowledge the war they fight but frequently speaks and acts in ways supportive of the enemy.
As if to destroy morale on purpose, this president acts to reduce military compensation and benefits. He works to destroy the chaplaincy and enforce the homosexual agenda, already a source of internal conflict damaging combat readiness.
Does it get worse? Well, yes, of course it does. Veterans benefits have been cut. Veterans have been prevented from visiting war memorials in the capitol. The president’s security forces have identified veterans as potential terrorists. And it gets worse.
From Lewis and Clark, to the canal system, to the steam train, America’s expansion across the continent kept on speeding up.
I had always thought that the tumbleweed—”a ghostly botanical thing looking like a bouffant hairpiece,” as Simon Winchester describes it in his vivid, valuable book—disturbed the stegosaurus in its grazing. But no: This fixture of the American West arrived in a sack of flax carried by settlers to the Dakotas in the 1870s, not even a fraction of a second compared with the near-eternal ancestry I’d believed the weed could claim.
“The Men Who United the States” is all about recent arrivals. Mr. Winchester (himself something of a recent arrival, being naturalized in 2011) explores the alchemy that made residents and settlers come to feel part of a country whose whole turned out to be much more than parcels of real estate inhabited by people who didn’t have any evident common ties.
This is a story of many individuals, well known and less so, who worked, very often with no such goal in mind, to unite physically the various parts of the country. That this enterprise was largely a commercial one does nothing to diminish the somehow spiritual architecture of its results. When a farmer’s grain reaches a market—and thus allows him to get a Sunday suit for himself and shoes for his daughter and a nice corner shelf for his wife’s knickknacks—the farmer forms a social link to the people who sell him the suit and the shoes and the shelf. “The Men Who United the States” explores these connections and shows those involved steadily overcoming the limits of what seemed possible at the time.
Anyone who thinks America’s best days are behind it should take a close look at the latest Nobel haul. In its proud and storied history, Hungary has produced a dozen winners of the Nobel Prize: four for chemistry; three for physics; three for medicine; one for economics; and one for literature. Not bad for a […]
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“Socialist Zionism: Part 1” describes how socialist-Zionism came to dominate the Yishuv, as the pre-state Jewish community of Palestine was known. It was one of three Zionist visions that competed for control within the Zionist movement.David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, summed up the socialist-Zionist vision:
“The State of Israel must be an ideal state. The Jews will not relinquish their profound historical belief in a fusing of national redemption with the redemption of all mankind.”
We encourage you to share information about “Zionism 101” with your friends, family, and co-workers, plus anyone else who is interested in learning about the most important development in modern Jewish history.If you haven’t already, please watch our completed video courses.
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The shutdown of manned parks and memorials is understandable. The shutdown of open air, unmanned memorials, parks and scenic overlooks is not. It raises a number of serious questions about the behavior of our American government. I suspect that Congress will not ask these questions and, if they did, the Administrations would not answer them.
1. Whose bright idea was the closing of areas like scenic overlooks where it costs money to close them and nothing to keep them open? 2. When was this idea conceived? 3. Who approved of these ideas?
4. When was it approved? 5. Why did the president not order it stopped as soon as he found out about it? 6. Was he told about it or did he find out from the news media? 7. When did the president find out about it?
8. Who told the Park Rangers to make life as difficult as possible for tourists? 9. When were the told?10. When was the decision made to print and distribute signs?11. Who made the decision? 12. Who decided to make signs?
13. Who designed the sins?14. When and how were the signs distributed?15. When it became public, why wasn’t this stopped?
Jan Mel Poller Shia and Sunni doctrines on jihad are fundamentally the same. 1 Even the so-called “requirement” for the “hidden” Shia Imam’s “consent” to wage jihad, was already argued away regarding “defensive jihad” by Abu Jaffar al-Tusi during the 11th century as the Shia of Iraq were beset by the Sunni Seljuk Turks. 2 This position […] It is fitting that on the 75th anniversary of the appeasement at Munich, which enabled Adolf Hitler to seize parts of Czechoslovakia without a fight, the current presumed “leader of the free world,” President Barack Obama of the United States, has decided that the avoidance of war with Iran is now the principal […]