Ze’ev Jabotinsky said it first in 1911, but it is the only appropriate answer to the slanted and vicious NYT attack on the Israeli PM. Ronn Torossian
For a long time, the world complained about Israel’s harsh vow to protect themselves from Iran’s building of nuclear arms. Israel – so far – hasn’t yet acted in a defensive strike, yet the Iranian enemy remains at Israel’s doorstep devoted to her destruction.
And on Sunday, The New York Times ran a profile filled with venom for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Calling him a “shrill” voice on a one-man “messianic crusade” against Iran’s nuclear weapons program and saying he is “taking a lonely stance”, indeed may actually prove he is the one sane man in a world filled with delusional fools. More likely, it may mean that, like so many times in the past, the Jewish people stands alone in times of danger.
Worldwide, anyone concerned with the safety of the West should hope Netanyahu and Israel remain on their crusade to stop Iran from reaching nuclear capacity. With a fool in the White House, it is even more vital.
The New York Times profile states “His office wall is dominated by a map, Iran looming large at the center. Iran has been Mr. Netanyahu’s priority — many say obsession — since 1996.”
A country on Israel’s border who openly declares its intent to destroy the Jewish state is definitely worthy of obsession for that nation’s leaders. Sane people respect and envy those who defend and protect their people.
The fact that Netanyahu has held off, so far, from striking Iran should earn him praise from liberals – but, of course, since he is Prime Minister of Israel, that didn’t happen