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Ruth King

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON:Obama’s Farce He Sold His Plan for Bombing Syria on Flawed Political Assumptions.


To support the president’s enforcement of his red line in Syria requires suspensions of disbelief. Here are several.

I wish it were not true, but there is scant evidence that the world, led by the U.S., went to war in the past over the use of weapons of mass destruction — whether by Gamel Nasser in Yemen or by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds and the Iranians. Understandably, the current West’s reaction, including Obama’s, to possible Syrian WMD use is calibrated mostly on the dangers of intervention, not the use of WMD per se. Thus Obama is now focusing on Syria in a way he is not, at least overtly, on Iran, the far greater WMD threat, because he believes the former could be handled with two days’ worth of Tomahawks and the latter could not. That would be understandable pragmatism if it were not dressed up in the current humanitarian bluster about red lines and the “international community.”

Obama, I think, is inadvertently doing the terrible arithmetic that the last 1,000 Syrians killed by the Assad regime pose a humanitarian crisis that demands his intervention in a way that the first 99,000 did not — on the theory that WMD represent an existential threat. (In fact, from the trenches of World War I to Hiroshima, WMD have never killed more than contemporary horrific conventional weaponry has.) So far Obama has not made that case. We can only wonder whether the forgotten hundreds of thousands butchered from Rwanda to Darfur — without so much as one Tomahawk or Hellfire launched on their behalf — might have been saved had only their killers begun their devilry with sarin gas.

Obama, as senator and presidential candidate, made the serial argument that U.S. military interventions, barring an “imminent threat” to our national security, are both illegal and immoral unless they have the triad of U.S. congressional support, U.N. approval, and American public support.

Hanson Baldwin on the World War II “Second Front Debate” and The Loss of Eastern Europe Andrew Bostom

http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2013/09/10/hanson-baldwin-on-the-world-war-ii-second-front-debate-and-the-loss-of-eastern-europe/   Hanson W. Baldwin (d. 1991), a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, was the 1943 Pulitzer Prize winning military-affairs editor for The New York Times, and prolific author. Recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on military and naval affairs during the World War II (WWII), and Cold War eras, Baldwin’s  […]


A bizarre and slanderous attack on the highest Soviet-Bloc official ever to defect to the United States. Is it not heart warming to see that Frontpage which launched and continues a bizarre campaign of slander against Diana West is so touchy about the meanies who attack Pacepa pretending to review a book????? They fume “I don’t know what drove Mr. Gaetan to write this attack, but it is very misguided. I hope he will reconsider his view of Pacepa’s extraordinary book.” It happens that Pacepa is a very accurate and distinguished man and deserves better than a mean spirited review….but the hypocrisy here is odoriferous….rsk


Disinformation, a new book by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the one-time Romanian spy chief turned highest Soviet-Bloc official ever to defect to the United States, was subject to a bizarre attack in the National Catholic Register. The author of the article, Victor Gaetan, writes what amounts to a rehash of the criticisms of Pacepa’s 2007 article, “Moscow’s Assault on the Vatican,” combines it with the latest slanders against Pacepa from the remnants of Nicolae Ceausescu’s entourage, and presents it as a review of the book.

Disinformation is an account of how the Soviet Union used lies to attack its enemies, a tactic known as dezinformatsiya. A key part of this is “framing,” the practice of changing someone or something’s past to suit the present (an example given in the book was the Washington Post‘s fake Mitt Romney hair-cutting bully story, which was meant to frame the former presidential candidate as a nasty homophobe). The primary case study provided in the book is the campaign to discredit Pope Pius XII – providing not only a well-documented defense of the wartime Pope, but an equally well-documented exposé of his accusers (a trail of lies leading right back to the Kremlin).


Striking Syria — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Dr. Karen Siegemund, Founder of Rage Against the Media, Michael Chandler, a concerned citizen and Borek Volarik, a Czech defector.

Author and freedom fighter Nonie Darwish filled in for host Jamie Glazov.

The Gang gathered this week to discuss Striking Syria, analyzing what America stands to gain — and lose — if Obama launches war.

To watch both parts of the two-part series, see below:


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/mark-tapson/un-to-us-get-zimmerman/print/ With nothing more important to do than make pompous pronouncements on an already resolved criminal case in Florida, a United Nations sub-group on racism called on the United States government late last week to finalize the ongoing review of the case involving the controversial shooting of black Trayvon Martin by the media-designated “white Hispanic” […]

How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat Posted By Andrew Harrod ****

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/andrew-harrod/how-cowards-are-pushing-women-into-combat/print/ “I wish that every politician would read this book,”  retired Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin said at the Family Research Council (FRC) on September 4, 2013 (event video here).  Boykin was introducing his FRC colleague and fellow army veteran, retired Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis, to discuss the recent release of Deadly Consequences:  […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/the-amateurs-war/print/ Syria would be Obama’s fourth war, but it might as well be his first war. The amateur has an impressive war machine that can level entire countries, but not the understanding of how to use it. Obama has reportedly flipped through 50 war plans for Syria, but he hasn’t been able to provide one […]



In celebrating the 50th anniversary of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, [see The Future Creates the Present: Martin Luther King’s Gift to America”] most of the commentary was about the promise of his ministry and the reality of life for Black people here in America and the need for the latter to approach the former. Left largely unsaid was the nature of Dr. King’s leadership, particularly his ability to change the nation and with it our future.

Americans today of all political stripes are very much in search of leadership. I believe they thirst for someone to tell it to them straight, lay out the options and take them into a future most of us can embrace. They want to believe in America’s future again. It may be such leaders come along all too infrequently and we are therefore stuck where we are. But I do not believe we have to accept what we have.

What is leadership then? Our recent history contains lessons for us.

Some twenty years after King’s famous speech on the Washington Mall, before the largest gathering of evangelical Christians in our nation’s history, President Ronald Reagan concluded his remarks on that Saturday, May 14, 1983, with: “The Soviet Union is the focus of evil in the modern world.”

Max Kampelman, a Democratic Washington lawyer long close to former Vice President Humphrey, a key negotiator of the follow up agreement to the Helsinki Accords, and destined to be a negotiator of nuclear arms reduction agreements with the Soviets during the Reagan administration, (and a major supporter of SDI and missile defense), said at the time to me as we listened to the President’s speech: “Reagan just changed history with that speech.”

Years later, having been proven correct, Kampelman would more fully explain what he had meant. In a 1991 speech to the American Bar Association, at which he was given the Bar’s highest award, he noted: “With those twelve words, Reagan announced to the Soviets that he had no illusions about what they were about, and he wanted their allies and friends to know this. He also was sending a message to the refuseniks, the camp inmates, and the dissidents. He was with them. And America was with them. And the free world was with them.”

Just as Martin Luther King years earlier had said that America could not exist both free and unfree, so Reagan was saying the free world could not coexist with the world of totalitarian communism, because the world of communism headed by the USSR had as its very objective the destruction of the free world. Kampelman explained: “You can’t believe that totalitarian communism could exist peacefully in a world of sovereign democratic nations founded on the idea that God-given rights were the foundation of civil society. And America had begun to fool itself that you could really believe this”


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-middle-easts-peace-of-the-grave After both great wars of the last century nations got together to create organizations that would ensure that large conflicts would not occur again. After World War I, it was the League of Nations. When Woodrow Wilson (who was reelected in 1916 after promising to keep the U.S. out of the war in Europe) […]


http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/09/lost_chance_at_g20.html President Obama has lost a golden opportunity at the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg to step back from undertaking a military assault on Syria, that promises to create hell for Syria’s civilian population and to unleash consequences that can extend far beyond Syria’s borders. At his press conference held after the summit, President Obama […]