Most of the following article by Victor Sharpe was first published in Family Security Matters on October 6, 2011.
Remember the Roadmap that Condoleezza Rice and President Bush earlier forced upon Israel? Well it is still alive and the current Obama regime continues to impose what history will recall as an insane repetition of failed policies.
The endless concessions, imposed only upon Israel, known by the morally bankrupt euphemisms of “land for peace” or “risks for peace,” and the “Two-State Solution” guarantee endless war against Israel. That is what the road map is; a veritable cul de sac of death for the Jewish state.
There is no peace partner at this time within the Arab world that Israel can truly trust, and certainly not among the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. Western absurdity as to which Palestinian Arab group is “moderate” enough to receive enormous amounts of tax payer funds was demonstrated by Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, during the Bush Administration. She certified that Fatah, led by Mahmoud Abbas, met the qualifications of a genuine peace partner for Israel.
Here the absurdity reached new heights for it was Fatah itself, the peace partner, which at the same time Rice was sanctifying it, sent two suicide killers into the Israeli Negev town of Dimona where they succeeded in murdering an elderly woman while maiming many other civilians. And Abbas, the Holocaust denier, was then, as now, unwilling to end Palestinian terrorism.