Nicolás Maduro needs a circus because there is no bread in Venezuela. Hyperinflation and political witch hunts seem to go together. Just ask the Venezuelan opposition. With the bolivarcollapsing and prices spiraling higher, the government alleged this month that its No. 1 adversary, former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, is linked to a prostitution ring […] ‘Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! An ecstasy of fumbling, fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; but someone still was yelling out and stumbling, and flound’ring like a man in fire or lime . . . .” Wilfred Owen’s poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est,” describing his experience of a chlorine-gas attack in World War I, […] The study of antisemitism has taken many turns and twists over the years. The goal remains: understanding where this hatred emanates from and how it continues to cascade throughout the generations. While the scholarship has differed on exact definitions, the signs and trends have been voluminous. Leon Poliakov, one of the early scholars of […]
ObamaCare’s Road To Nowhere — on The Glazov Gang
The disaster unfolds.
The crisis in Egypt is deepening, and both sides of the conflict are becoming increasingly entrenched in their positions. The fatalities that have occurred among Mursi supporters as well as among the military people causes both sides to act on the basis of their hearts and emotions, and not from logic. Both sides think […] “President Rouhani is sending strong signals that he will dispatch a pragmatic, experienced team to the table when negotiations resume, possibly next month. That’s when we should begin to see answers to key questions: How much time and creative thinking are he and President Obama willing to invest in a negotiated solution, the only […] At first glance, Hindu-majority India, with approximately 1.2 billion people and an entire subcontinent, would seem to have little in common with Jewish-majority Israel, which has only about eight million people living on territory that’s just roughly 15 times the size of India’s capital city. While full diplomatic relations were established between Jerusalem and […]
Colin Powell recently attacked election integrity and claimed there was no voter fraud. That’s dishonest and false, but it was good enough to get a spot on CBS’s Face the Nation this Sunday. His ticket to the show:
You can say what you like, but there is no voter fraud.
Colin Powell should learn a bit about people like Melowese Richardson, Lessadolla Sowers, Sonia Solis, Eric Haynes, Linda Wells, Giancarlo Sopo, John Moretina, Clara Moretina, Ernest Johnson, Kaarbo (aka Shawn Marie Melton), Jose Antonio Ramirez-Velasquez, Michael Marshall, Marguerite Kloos, Dilsa Maria Saddler, Rep. Stephen “Stat” Smith (D-Mass.), Leonard Brown, Chad Gigowski, Andrew Shepherd, Brittany Rainey, Caitlin Haycock, Brian Uecker, Fozia Nawaz, Bill Di Giorgio, Anna Nicole Nelson, Carlton Kaarbo and Richard Alverson.
And these are just charges and convictions over the last few months. But I’ll bet Colin Powell never heard of any of these criminals. He’s simply in service of the Democratic Left now, and that gets him a spot on CBS’s Face the Nation
“From there it was a long journey to the people that dwells alone, for whom the bombers are background noise. The Woodstockers didn’t know that in this world nothing of any real value — like a restored homeland — comes easy. That you may have to guard it 24/7 and make sacrifices — not for peace, but to survive at all.Israel dwells alone in having almost no margin to indulge dreams and fantasies. Yes, it too has indulged some —and always paid quickly for it. Meanwhile we hear the din and chatter out there about peace and solutions — not far removed, in its grasp of reality, from the Woodstockers.”
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky,
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation.
Thus sang Joni Mitchell in “Woodstock,” a song of haunting beauty that she wrote in 1969 at the height of Vietnam War protest. Like all peaceniks, she assumes that “our nation” (technically, she was Canadian) is responsible for the hostilities, and if its bombers would just turn into butterflies, peace would reign.
In many places in Israel — a small, cramped country — you can hear the bombers in the sky on training flights. It most piques your interest when you hear them at night. Usually they’re just practicing night flying, but it could mean there’s been—or is going to be—an incident somewhere. By Jack Kelly / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The Obama administration is covering up the theft of 400 surface to air missiles by “some very ugly people,” the lawyer for a Benghazi whistleblower told WMAL Radio in Washington D.C. last week. Joe DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney, represents Mark Thompson, who was Deputy Coordinator for Operations in the […]