— What gives with Geico choosing a pig to sell insurance?
You do not have to be Jewish or Muslim to hate those Geico commercials that feature Maxwell the pig. A Christian group called One Million Moms, part of American Family Association, publicly complained about one particular spot that featured a woman trying to seduce the pig, in a car, apparently on a date. “Repulsive,” they said.
They also said that the madmen geniuses who came up with the concept were promoting bestiality.
That is exactly what I thought when I first saw that commercial. I turned to my wife, the wiser of the two, and said, “Am I getting this right?”
We know that in selling a product the trick is to sell it two ways, 1, say it loud, 2, say it soft, subliminally. Well, this does both.
So is Geico saying that bestiality is okay? There seems to be no other explanation. The Web says that Warren Buffett owns Geico through the parent company Berkshire Hathaway, and that Buffett would spend $2 billion on Geico ads if he could. So far the cost is about $1 billion a year.