Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

Report: Obama Agrees to Meet Muslim Brotherhood Officials at White House

US President Barack Obama has agreed to meet with Muslim Brotherhood officials at the White House, the Egypt Independent reported Tuesday, quoting unnamed sources.

According to the report, Obama was prepared to meet representatives of the Islamist group in order to “hear their opinion.”

Turkish diplomats were also set to attend the meeting, which was expected to take place sometime this month, the Egypt Independent reported.

The Turkish diplomats were expected to lobby for Morsy’s reinstatement, or at minimum, a continued political role for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the report added.


URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2013/j-christian-adams/seven-more-reasons-to-impeach-eric-holder/ To order J. Christian Adams’ pamphlet Ten Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder, click here. Power is never vested in just one man. Even the powers of the man in the Oval Office depend on internal checks and balances. A president alone cannot violate the law. His cabinet has to aid him […]

Requiem for a Glacier — on The Glazov Gang

Mental illness reigns supreme as a Global Warming orchestra plays for a melting ice giant.

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Michael Finch, Chief Operating Officer at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Ann-Marie Murrell, National Director of PolitiChicks, and Joe Lappan, a member of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

The Glazov Gangsters gathered to discuss Requiem for a Glacier. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on how mental illness reigned supreme when a Global Warming orchestra recently played for a melting ice giant. [See Daniel Greenfield’s coverage of the event here].


Read online at http://mosaicmagazine.com/essay/2013/08/you-only-live-twice/ Vibrant Jewish communities were reborn in Europe after the Holocaust. Is there a future for them in the 21st century? Samuel Sandler, an aeronautical engineer and head of the Jewish community in Versailles, France, announced a few weeks ago that he’d had the local synagogue registered as a national landmark. “My […]

Freedom to Criticize by Samuel Westrop

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3918/freedom-to-criticize Hate preachers are allowed to address audiences with no complaint, but critics of these hate preachers are silenced. Last month, a scholar and critic of Islam, Robert Spencer, was barred entry to the UK, while one of the objects of Spencer’s disapproval, Muhamed Al-Arifi, was admitted to Britain with no objection at all from […]

The Mosque: Center of Religion, Politics and Dominance by Clare M. Lopez

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3912/mosque-religion-politics-dominance Islamic-style authoritarianism is the dominant characteristic shared by both the military and the Muslim Brotherhood, theocrats and non-theocrats: one or the other must be dominant. The cannot share power. One side or the other must come out on top. Both of these conflicts, in Syria and Egypt, are, at their base, about the inseparability […]


In-Depth: Fort Hood Terrorist ‘Left Free’ to Kill
Christians Denied Their Promised Freedom in South Sudan
Helmut Kohl’s 1982 Warning: ‘Not Possible to Assimilate Turks in Their Current Numbers’
Scores Charged in Malaysia for ‘Disrespecting Ramadan’
Islamic Student Numbers Soar Down-Under
UK Govt Urged to Stop Supporting Al-Qaeda-Linked Groups
Authorities Struggle to find Construction Companies Willing to Build Athens Mosque
38 Israelis Wounded in Terrorist Attacks in July
Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Rally in Las Vegas

Islamist Group in America: We’ll Impose Sharia on Christians Posted By Ryan Mauro

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/ryan-mauro/islamist-group-in-america-well-impose-sharia-on-christians/print/ Hizb ut-Tahrir, a group so radical that the Muslim Brotherhood won’t even touch it, lives and breathes in America. Part of the reason it’s a fringe group in the U.S. is because it is mostly honest about its objectives. For example, one of its websites answers a question about the status of Christians in […]

Electing the Enemy – Anti-American Philosophies Underlying Obama’s Policies by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD ****

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/electing-the-enemy-anti-american-philosophies-underlying-obamas-policies “It is clearly not in the interest of the United States to be a proxy in a war where both sides are radical Islamists and where either outcome is a losing proposition for us.Is there now any doubt why Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia?” The anti-American political philosophies underlying the policies […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/ben-shapiro/the-collaboration-hollywoods-pact-with-hitler/print/ In his blockbuster new book, The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with Hitler, Ben Urwand documents how the film industry went out of its way in the lead-up to World War II to help Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Scripts dealing with the German military, including All Quiet on the Western Front, were run by the German […]