SPIEGEL: Mr. Laqueur, you experienced Europe and the Europeans in the best and the worst of times. Historical hot spots and the stations of your personal biography were closely and sometimes dramatically intertwined. Which conclusions have you reached today, at the advanced age of 92? Laqueur: I became a historian of the postwar era […] A way of political life that’s killing Republicans. The headline writers were beset by hysteria last week at the prospect of another showdown between Congress and the White House on Obamacare, the budget ceiling, and a possible shutdown of the federal government. The Hill published the headline, “Government shutdown looms over Obamacare.” Not to […] America is a poorer place today, a place whose reservoir of valor and determination has been depleted, because George “Bud” Day passed away over the weekend at the age of 88. He was a synecdoche for heroism, a military man’s military man. At Medal of Honor get-togethers, his fellow recipients, all of whom had […] Hillary has already ordered the diamond tiara and gold scepter for her 2016 coronation, and a whole village of enslaved Chinese orphans is weaving her red carpet right now. Sooner than you can say “Obama who?” Hillary will ascend to her rightful position of World Empress. The optics will dazzle us. Adorned in […] Over the last thirty years (nothing precise about this time frame) radicals in the United States have worked tirelessly and relentlessly to change this society in a manner consistent with their own agenda. The method for doing so is not secret. In fact, it is transparently clear. The first goal is to create an […] On Monday evening, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry hosted an iftar dinner, the daily meal with which Muslims break their Ramadan fast. However, this was more than just a gesture of religious tolerance for his guests from the Palestinian Authority; it symbolized Kerry’s great gratitude to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for agreeing […] An amendment proposed by libertarian Congressman Justin Amash (R., MI) that would effectively have killed the NSA surveillance programs was just barely defeated last week. In the battle’s wake, a consensus seems to be growing that conservatives must have an intramural debate over national security. This is healthy, or at least it could be […] Remember when “anti-Communist” was a preferred leftist term of abuse? “Oh, you’re an anti-Communist” — translation: you’re not one of the trendy people and, moreover, you probably harbor “McCarthyite” tendencies and think Ronald Reagan (the American cowboy) is more of a hero than Mikhail Gorbachev, the glamorous prophet of perestroika. Think back to the […]
Shh! Obama’s Latest Executive Order: $500 Million Dollars More to the Palestinian Authority, Hamas Shh! Obama’s Latest Executive Order: $500 Million Dollars More to the Palestinian Authority, Hamas Circumventing Congress and with no fanfare, President Obama last week issued an executive order enabling him to send an additional $500 million directly to the Palestinian Authority […] If not for Jewish settlers, there would be no Palestine and no economic progress for the region’s Arab population. The root cause of Middle Eastern turmoil, according to a broad consensus of the international media and the considered cerebrations of the deepest-thinking movie stars, is Israeli settlers in what are described as the […]