Despite the EU’s Goliath status there are realistic options | This week the EU took three steps that together prove Europe’s ill-intentions towards the Jewish state. First, last Friday the EU announced it is imposing economic sanctions on Israel. The sanctions deny EU funds to Israeli entities with an address beyond the 1949 […]
There is a movie which is getting glowing reviews about the great poseur, pseudo philosopher/historian and Jew basher Hannah Arendt. The only thing missing in the movie is Vanessa Redgrave as the star to make it perfect hogwash.
Professor Bernard Wasserstein nails it perfectly. “Wasserstein: Hannah Arendt is one of those twentieth-century figures, like Edward Said or Michel Foucault, who have acquired absurdly inflated reputations on the basis of work in which lack of intellectual rigor is concealed behind barrage-balloons of overblown rhetoric.”
This is a discussion from Frontpage in 2010: “Is Hanna Arendt Still Relevant ?
In this special edition of Frontpage Symposium, we have invited two distinguished guests to discuss the question: Is Hannah Arendt still relevant? We ask this in the context of whether Arendt’s definition of totalitarianism is still relevant and whether it can shed light on the conflict the West now faces.
Our guests today are:
Bernard Wasserstein, a professor of history whose are area of interest is Jewish history. He is currently teaching at the University of Chicago. In early 2009, he wrote a long and critical essay on Hannah Arendt that called her methods and arguments into question. He argued, among other things, that totalitarianism is not a useful analytical category, that Arendt relied in her writing on pro-Nazi sources and that she showed barely concealed hostility toward the Jewish people. His essay has evoked a big response both in Britain and the U.S.
David Satter, a senior fellow of the Hudson Institute and a visiting scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He was Moscow correspondent of the Financial Times of London from 1976 to 1982, during the height of the Soviet totalitarian period and he is the author of Age of Delirium: the Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union, which is being made into a documentary film. His most recent work is Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State.
“Isn’t the Abedin-Clinton national security story at least as newsworthy as Weiner’s private parts?”
Nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917. Nearly a century later, the U.S. enacted “Obamacare.”
Who won the Cold War again? This is one of the questions I work over in my new book, “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character” (St. Martin’s Press). Can we realistically claim liberty and free markets triumphed over collectivism when today there is only a thin Senate line trying to fend off Obamacare’s totalitarian intrusions into citizens’ lives? We see perhaps a dozen or so patriots led by conservative ace Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, gallantly mustering forces to defund further enforcement of this government behemoth aborning. (Call your senators and ask them to join – or tell you why they didn’t at the next town hall.) How can we maintain that the republic endured when a centralized super-state has taken its place?
So, once more, who really won the Cold War? The question is better framed when we realize that the battleground where the Free World met Marx was also psychological. Consciously or not, we struggled against an insidious Marxist ideology that was always, at root, an assault on our nation’s character.
The most recent manifestation of victory over the American character shows through the Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin scandal. This scandal is a paradoxical double whammy of both exposure and cover-up.
“What makes our times so chillingly similar to the era that conceived and tolerated the Holocaust is the broad social respectability accorded Jew-bashing.”
All the seemingly disjointed fragments of news that maddeningly disrupt the steamy summertime tediousness are in fact interrelated – disturbingly so.
The purportedly enlightened campaign against Jewish circumcision and the equally sanctimonious outcry against kosher slaughter (most gallingly and recently in the very same Poland whose soil is soaked with Jewish blood like no other spot on this planet) are links in the same chain that led to the European Union’s burgeoning anti-Israeli boycott (disingenuously hinged on the settlements pretext) and to US Secretary of State John Kerry’s artificial resuscitation of the moribund and grossly misnamed peace process (that hinges on the release of convicted murderers whose hands drip with Jewish blood). Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, wants to go to war in Syria — not with Syria, necessarily, but in Syria. And it’s not really war, although it involves weapons and American troops (in the air — Sen. Levin has been very explicit about “no boots on the ground,” as if […] Cyber privacy, while a valid concern, is preventing us from seeing how cyber technology is a tool of war our enemies are busy perfecting. Can you imagine what Iran will do once it has a nuclear weapons shield under which to act, in addition to terrorism, cyber warfare and escalating fuel prices? The Soviet […] The Israeli Far Left has long been promoting an international boycott of all Jews and Jewish settlements located outside Israel’s pre-1967 “Green Line,” meaning the Jews living in what the Left calls “occupied Palestinian territory.” The mischief of the Left has caused serious damages to numerous Israeli enterprises and business. Just one such example […]
. John Chambers, Cisco CEO: “Israel will be the first end-to-end digital nation” in cooperation with Cisco, connecting homes with fiber-optic networks and infrastructure in businesses, education, healthcare and security all at once. Chambers announced three Cisco initiatives in Israel: a Cyber security R&D laboratory, security consulting services and launching a pilot training program on information security. Cisco intends to invest in Israel $15MN in VC funds (Jerusalem Post, June 20, 2013).
2. Lockheed Martin (L&M) plans to establish an R&D center and an information system center in Israel, as a follow up to Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) manufacturing the wings for L&M F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. IAI manufactures wings for the F-16 and T-38 trainer aircraft. L&M will partake in the construction of Israel’s Military Intelligence center in the Negev. L&M expands its Cyber security cooperation with Israeli companies (UPI, July 2).
3. 2012 tourism income reached $5.1BN (despite the war against Hamas), compared with $5BN in 2011, $4.8BN in 2010 and $4BN in 2009. 80% of the tourists contemplate a return-visit; 4% do not (Globes Business Daily, July 25, 2013).
4. The $30BN EMC acquired Israel’s ScaleIO for $200MN. In 2012, EMC acquired Israel’s XtremIO for $430MN (July 15). Samsung acquired Israel’s Boxee for $30MN (Globes, July 5). IBM made its 12th Israeli acquisition – CSL – for $10MN (Globes, July 11).
5. Israel’s Plus500 raised $75MN on the AIM (London) Stock Exchange (July 22). The Boston-based Bessemer Venture Partners and the Seattle-based Pacific Technology Partners co-led a $25MN round of private placement in Israel’s Altair (Globes, July 2). The Palo Alto-based Sequoia Partners and Norwest Venture Partners co-led a $10MN round of private placement by Israel’s Seculert (Globes, July 9). The NJ-based Edison Ventures led a $7MN round by Israel’s RealMatch (Globes, July 24). Pundits have lauded Egypt’s “Second Revolution,” in reality a military coup which ousted the economically and socially failing regime of the country’s first freely elected President, Muslim Brotherhood ideologue, Muhammad Morsi. One expert has even declared that Morsi’s removal reflects a larger contemporaneous series of “internecine” events which indicate that his chimerical construct of […] Under the guidance of general director Irina Bokova, a Bulgarian socialist politician and daughter of the adamant communist ideologue Georgi Bokov, editor-in-chief of “Rabotnichesko Delo,” the party daily newspaper during Todor Zhivkov’s dictatorship, UNESCO recently decided to add hundreds of manuscripts by Ernesto “Che” Guevara to the Memory of the World Register. In so doing, Mme Bokova […]