Pamela Geller,Robert Spencer had planned to speak at far-right march honoring slain soldier.
Story Highlights
Geller called the ban a ‘blow against freedom’
The pair had mounted an anti-jihad poster campaign in NYC subway
British government says it opposes ‘extremism in any form’
The British government has banned two prominent U.S. anti-Islam bloggers who had planned to enter the United Kingdom to speak at a far-right rally, the Home Office said Wednesday.
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, co-founders of Stop Islamization of America, were planning to appear at a march by the far-right English Defence League in Woolwich, the site in southeast London of the hacking death of a British solider in May.
On their blogs, Geller and Spencer posted copies of a letter from the British Home Office issuing the ban.
A government spokesman said individuals whose presence “is not conducive to the public good” could be excluded by the home secretary, the BBC reported.
“We condemn all those whose behaviors and views run counter to our shared values and will not stand for extremism in any form,” he added.
The soldier, Lee Rigby, was killed in a gruesome knife attack near an army barracks. The attacker, whose hands were covered in blood, then walked up to a bystander with a video camera and said he killed Rigby because “Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers.”
Geller, who writes the Atlas Shrugs blog, and Spencer, who blogs at Jihad Watch, are also co-founders of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which mounted a controversial pro-Israel “Defeat Jihad” poster campaign on the New York subway with signs that read: ‘In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”.