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Ruth King


The Colonization of 21st-Century America

By Timothy Birdnow

When author Dinesh D’Souza diagnosed Barack Obama with anti-colonialism, he did so on the basis of Mr. Obama’s seemingly inexplicable chip-on-the-shoulder attitude toward the country he himself leads, and his eager attempts to move America down the economic and political ladder toward international mediocrity. Where others were accusing Obama of being clueless or socialist, D’Souza concluded — based on Obama’s infatuation with his Kenyan roots — that he was fundamentally an anti-colonialist.

One thing is clear; Mr. Obama denies American Exceptionalism. In fact, he aggressively resists it, preferring the United States to be “one among many.”

While there are certainly problems with D’Souza’s analysis (Obama can be both socialist and Marxist, anti-colonialist and kleptocrat at the same time) I think his fundamental diagnosis is sound, but not just for Mr. Obama. The case can be made that the ruling elites in the United States all suffer from a similar malady, and America is quietly being recolonized to suit their whims.

Colonialism involves the settling of new people in a targeted territory, unlike imperialism, which is purely the military domination of a territory. Colonialism was justified as part of a “civilizing mission.” According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

New Hard Data Debunking CO2 Climate Warmism Hysteria by Andrew Bostom |

http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2013/06/22/new-hard-data-debunking-co2-climate-warmism-hysteria/    A paper just published in the prestigious journal Science (June 21, 2013) raises yet more fundamental questions—or at least it should—about the arbitrary designation of atmospheric CO2 as a “pollutant,” in conjunction with anthropogenic climate “warming” hysteria.   Investigators employed standard, robust multi-proxy techniques based upon examining sediments recovered from Lake El’gygytgyn in  […]

Karl Marx: The Greatest Intellectual Fraud of the 19th and 20th Centuries: David Mikics


An impressive new biography looks at the original Jewish leftist—and shines light on the appeal of radical politics for Jews

At 15, sitting in the public library in suburban Atlanta, I eagerly drank in every word of Isaac Deutscher’s monumental three-volume biography [1] of Leon Trotsky. Glossing over Trotsky’s ruthlessness, Deutscher extolled instead his unmatched courage and humane feeling for the masses. A few years later, back in the Northeast for college at NYU, I kibitzed with the Sparticists who hawked their crude newspaper outside Bobst Library. It was 1979, close to the tail end of the old radical Left, when the Rosenbergs were still innocent. My college girlfriend was a red-diaper baby, the daughter of communists. Soon I learned all there was to know about the battles between Alcove One (Trotskyist) and Alcove Two (Stalinist) at the CCNY cafeteria in the 1930s. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were my favorite power couple. I got a work-study job at the People’s Coffee Counter at NYU Law School and even invented its motto: “You have nothing to lose but your change.”

In short, I was a teenage Red. I was no idiot: I didn’t believe a revolution was coming to the shores of America. But I basked nostalgically in what I foolishly thought was the glorious past of Trotskyite Bolshevism.

It took only a few more years before I became disillusioned with the radical slogans. Maybe it was Jesse Jackson announcing at a rally in the early 1980s that he had been to Cuba and knew that it was a true democracy. Or Edward Said, whose hostility to Israel troubled me, writing that the Marxist state of South Yemen was a model for the Middle East. But I also learned something else about Trotsky: During the Bolsheviks’ war on the peasantry, he was responsible for the deaths of millions of human beings. In the end, that was all that mattered.

Thoughts of my youthful enthusiasm for Marxism came back to me recently after seeing the U.K. Telegraph headline [2] “I Want to Save the Capitalism my Father Hated.” The story concerned the clean-cut, rapidly rising [3] Ed Miliband, who won the struggle with his brother David to become the head of Britain’s Labour Party and who might well become the country’s first Jewish Prime Minister since Disraeli. The brothers’ father, Ralph Miliband, was a renowned Marxist and Jewish refugee from the Nazis; he is buried a stone’s throw from Karl Marx in London’s Highgate Cemetery. Ed Miliband practices a mellower approach to capitalism. “The free market working properly” was Miliband’s version of what is to be done in his interview with the Telegraph. But, Miliband added, socialism will never die: It is “a tale that never ends.”

Miliband’s wish to cling to the vestiges of Marxism even as he extolls the free market is not unusual in our recession-plagued moment. Nicolas Sarkozy had himself been photographed reading Capital in the aftermath of the crash, and countless professors in the humanities and social sciences (though not, of course, countless economists) fly their Marxist colors proudly, even if they would never dream of abolishing private ownership or markets. In the rarified world of academic jargon, Marxism plays its role in an intellectual picnic that includes poststructuralist thinkers of every stripe. Being a classroom Marxist means talking about the uncanny character of the commodity form or the phantomlike digital age, tossing in a few scattered lines from Badiou and Žižek, and suggesting that our recent, world-shaking financial crisis proves the “relevance” of Marx—without explaining what makes Marx’s outdated economic theories and their accompanying intellectual apparatus relevant to the tremors of 21st-century capitalism. We might do better, instead, to begin at the beginning.



Yet another sickening murder in London by a Muslim happened over the weekend when a disabled wheelchair bound man had his throat cut.

Daha Mohammed, 51, of Abbotts Close, Thamesmead, was charged with the murder of Mr Colin Greenaway and appeared at Bexley Magistrates’ Court today.

Colin was described as a ‘great neighbour and friend’ by Gary Cook, who resides in the flat above, and said he rushed down after one of his neighbour’s carers knocked on his doors in floods of tears on Saturday.

Colin aged 56, was confined to a wheelchair having had toes amputated due to gangrene.

Mr Cook said he cannot come to terms with what has happened, saying he would often have a great laugh with Mr Greenaway, and only saw him just two days before he was murdered by the Muslim coward.

He said: “Colin was a neighbour and a friend and I can’t believe what’s happened.
“I’ve known him for about 10 years, he’s helped me out and I’d help him out.

ANDREW McCARTHY: Senators Paul and Lee Lead Bipartisan Effort Against Obama’s Unauthorized Syria Intervention


Thanks to Republican Senators Rand Paul (of Kentucky) and Mike Lee (of Utah), we might finally get on Syria what we were denied on Libya: a real debate among the American people’s representatives over congressional authorization of President Obama’s unilateral war-making in the Middle East.

The Washington Examiner reports that Senators Paul and Lee have joined with two counterparts, Democrats Chris Murphy (of Connecticut) and Tom Udall (of New Mexico), in offering legislation that would block direct or indirect aid for military or paramilitary operations in Syria. The bill, which is posted on Paul’s website, is called the “Protecting Americans from the Proliferation of Weapons to Terrorists Act of 2013.”

The proposal would not affect or prohibit humanitarian aid, but it forthrightly addresses the issue Syria intervention supporters willfully ignore: the factions President Obama is abetting – egged on by the GOP’s McCain wing and their fellow transnational progressives on the Democratic side of the aisle – are Islamic supremacists dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood and closely connected to violent jihadists, including al Qaeda-affiliated groups.

Not to be a broken record (see, e.g., here, here and here), but the Syrian civil war pits implacable enemies of the United States against each other. And as night follows day, they are using their barbaric jihadist tactics against each other. The situation is reminiscent of the central flaw in our Libyan misadventure – which led directly to the massacre of Americans in the “rebel” stronghold of Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

As John Rosenthal acutely observes in his short but essential book The Jihadist Plot: The Untold Story of Al-Qaeda and the Libyan Rebellion, while there are many problems with using the label “war on terror” to describe our ongoing hostilities, “at least the term had the advantage of making clear that the US and its allies abhorred the tactic in question.” Yet, in Libya, and now in Syria, we have turned a blind eye to the fact that terrorism is used by the jihadists our government has chosen to side with. We try to obscure this fact by referring to the opposition forces as “rebels,” the better to avoid noticing that they consider themselves mujahideen (jihad warriors), and by pretending we favor only the “secular” “moderates,” though it is laughable to suggest there are enough of them to topple the regimes in question without allying with the more numerous and formidable Islamic-supremacists factions.

This is a disgraceful state of affairs. For many years after their enactment in 1996, the material-support-to-terrorism laws, which prohibit and severely punish any abetting of terrorist organizations and their savage methods, were foundational to American counterterrorism. They have been a staple of anti-terrorism prosecutions and of the policy shift designed to prevent terrorist attacks from happening (by starving jihadist cells of resources) rather than content ourselves to prosecute only after suffering attacks. At least as importantly, material support statutes also proclaimed our moral position: any organization that resorted to terrorism is the enemy of humanity, regardless of its cause and regardless of what humanitarian activities the organization purports to carry out. Now, no matter how much government officials deny it, our government is endorsing what we went to war to defeat. Our government is materially supporting terrorists – the very conduct it prosecutes and imprisons American citizens for committing.



Come to Israel – get healed. 30,000 of Israel’s 3.5 million visitors in 2012 came to get medical treatment at Israel’s top health institutions. Treatments include IVF, brain diseases, laser surgery and heart bypasses. Please read about Dr. Jason Bodzin of West Bloomfield who had stem cell treatment for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) – the condition also suffered by Professor Stephen Hawking, who boycotted Israel’s Presidents’ Conference.

Boost for Israel’s icy cancer treatment. IceSense3 cryoablation cancer treatment is to be covered by US medical insurance giant HCSC. Vast numbers of US patients will now be able to have breast tumors removed by the minimally invasive ultrasound-targeted freezing process developed by Israel’s IceCure Medical.

Why some cancer treatments fail. An international research team, including Hebrew University Professor Raphael D. Levine, has discovered that brain tumors switch their signaling network to evade growth inhibitor medication. New treatments can now be developed that take advantage of this knowledge.

Get your heart fat checked. Researchers at the Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikva have proved scientifically that the thickness of the layer of fat enveloping the heart can predict heart disease. It is not the weight (BMI) of an individual that matters, but whether the tissue supporting the heart muscle grows too large.

Treating Gaucher’s disease in Brazil. Israel’s Protalix Biotherapeutics has entered into a supply and technology transfer agreement with Brazil for its Gaucher treatment Uplyso. Brazil’s Health Minister said he was pleased to be able to improve the health of Brazilian citizens impacted by the rare disorder.


Gaza weekly deliveries: In the week ending 15th June 2013, 1313 trucks carried 36,026 tons of goods into Gaza from Israel through the Kerem Shalom crossing. They included 265 trucks of food and 418 trucks of construction materials.

National service by Arabs up 76 percent. A ceremony was held in Haifa to recognize the record-high 3,000 Arabs volunteering in the national service program this year. This represents an increase of 76 percent over last year, when 1,700 participated. 85 percent of participants either study or enter the workforce afterwards.

Arab Muslim, female, activist, professional and graduate student. This photo says it all.

Brave Miss World. In 1998 Miss Israel, Linor Abargil from Netanya, became Miss World. But her real story has only just been made into a documentary film. She went around the world, speaking out about her ordeal, speaking with others who had also been assaulted, working with survivors and those who help survivors.

Helping India grow food. Israeli is to provide technology and training to India to diversify its fruit and vegetable crops and raise yields. Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (Mashav) would help set up 28 centers of excellence in 10 Indian states – each focused on specific fruit and vegetable crops.

Solar power for Rwanda. Jerusalem-based Energiya Global is bringing light to the nations with a project for an 8.5- megawatt solar field in Rwanda. The country’s first solar field will be located at the Agahozo- Shalom Youth Village, a boarding school east of the capital Kigali, for orphans of the Rwandan genocide.


Israel gets cyber-tough. Interview with Gadi Tirosh of Jerusalem Venture Partners, which is building a cyber incubator in Beersheba. It will grow IT security companies from some of the most talented Israelis in academia and the military in order to tackle the growing threats that firewalls and anti-virus cannot handle.

Turn your mobile phone into a smartphone. (Thanks to Israel21c) An estimated 4 billion people own a simple mobile phone – mostly in countries where a smartphone would not work. Israeli start-up VascoDe provides a 2G system to provide email, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia etc. via national mobile providers.

Landing in any weather. Elbit’s Clear Vision system was put on show yesterday at the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget. The system’s advanced multi-spectral camera displays real-time pictures on transparent glass in front of the pilot, enabling passenger aircraft to land even in storms and fog. The video is of an earlier version.

Israeli planes get new missile protection. An El Al 737 plane has completed trials with the new C-MUSIC DIRCM system to protect against terrorist shoulder-fired missiles. Every El Al, Arkia and Israir civilian plane will be equipped with the new system.

Free courses at TAU and the Technion. Tel Aviv University and Israel’s Technion have partnered with free-course provider Coursera to offer especially developed classes in four study areas – including engineering, archeology, biology and cultural studies.

National Science Day, at a venue near you. Israel marked National Science Day with lectures in unlikely places. In people’s homes, the Israel Museum, and (because it was also Einstein’s birthday) the Einstein Pub.

Technion Innovation for a Better World. Good video of some of Israel Technion’s top developments. It features robotics, ReWalk, focused ultrasound, stem cells, sustainable engineering and new energy research.

No electric cars, but maybe electric scooters. The Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality is launching a pilot program to replace its fleet of 300 motorcycles with electric versions. It is part of part of a broader citywide program to reduce air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and noise.

Israel’s 1Gigabit Internet. Israel has commenced a ten-year, multi-billion-shekel project to lay a national fiber optic network that will allow Internet download speeds of up to a gigabit (1,000 megabits) per second.

Israel will be the first end-to-end-digital nation. Cisco CEO John Chambers’ prediction came after meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu and agreeing to help upgrade Israel’s digital infrastructure. Israel is moving to connect fiber-optic networks and infrastructure to homes, businesses, education and healthcare all at once.


After Waze – who’s next? Here is fastcompany.com’s “6 Israeli Startups To Watch” following Google’s purchase of Israel’s Waze for a cool $1 billion.

Deutsche Telekom incubates Israeli start-ups. Germany’s communications giant Deutsche Telekom is preparing Israeli start-ups for the European market. During the three-month program, DT provides mentoring, pilot customers, offices in Berlin plus travel & accommodation costs.

Another road for Nigeria. Israel’s Solel Boneh has won a $580 million Nigerian government tender to rebuild and widen an 84km section of the Ibadan-Lagos highway in southwest Nigeria. The deal follows a $390 million contract in Oct 2012 to build a road in the Shgamu-Benin area of Nigeria.

Cisco wants more Israelis. Cisco CEO John Chambers announced plans to open a development center dealing with information technology in Israel. The technology giant plans to hire up to 100 more Israeli employees, who will join the 2,000 Israelis that the organization currently employs.

Record Israeli food exports to USA. Exports of Israeli Foods and Beverages to the United States reached a record $224 million in 2012 – an increase of 50% in five years. One of the reasons cited was “quality”.

14 projects will “get the BIRD”. No, it is good news. In its latest round of investment, the Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation will provide $10.95 million for fourteen Israeli projects. BIRD finds US partners and provides up to a third of total projected costs.


International Student Film Festival. The 15th International Student Film Festival, sponsored by Tel Aviv University, is presenting 250 movies at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque and other venues around the city.

Barbra. “Avinu Malkeinu” at Shimon Peres’ 90th http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOqjCENDhyk
Also “People” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnKkYig6ROk and a beautiful HD sound quality version from Newsletter subscriber Paula http://vimeo.com/64798140 (with appearances by Peres and Gilad Shalit)

Comedy is a serious business in Israel. LA-based comedian Avi Liberman visits Israel twice a year, bringing with him some of America’s best comics. They raise funds for the Koby foundation – formed by the parents of Koby Mandel who was murdered by Arab terrorists in 2001.

Israel wins bronze (and more) at World Ball Hockey finals. A hastily assembled Israeli team beat Hong Kong 3-2 in a shoot-out for third place at the 2013 World Ball Hockey Championships in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. It was Israel’s first appearance at this tournament. Israel also won the Fairplay award.

You have never seen Jerusalem from this angle. An amazing video of a Formula 1 Ferrari speeding through Jerusalem in front of 100,000 spectators.

A great U21 Euro soccer tournament. UEFA’s president Michel Platini praised Israel, saying “The stadiums were wonderful and well-organized, the pitches excellent and the atmosphere in the stadiums was great with many families with young children attending. That is exactly the type of tournament that I like to see”. It was the most important international sporting event to be held in the Jewish state since the 1968 Paralympics.


Cherry picking in the Golan. It’s so lovely to have an almost positive article about Israel from the BBC. We may get a few more, now that most of their news reporters can’t risk working in any of the nearby war zones.

Tel Aviv is one of the world’s top 10 beaches. (Thanks to Size Doesn’t Matter) National Geographic Traveler has selected Tel Aviv in its top ten choices for the best beaches in the world.

Comedy writer’s view of Israel. There are some classic one-liners in Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Dave Barry’s description of his first visit to the Jewish State.

Welcome to the chiffchaff. For the first time in recorded history, 20 pairs of the common chiffchaff have been found in Israel. The birds are nesting in a remote valley in the Hermon. Turkey is the furthest South previously detected. 534 species of birds can be found in Israel. 500 million birds migrate through Israel.

Only in Israel. See these clips of some unusual Israeli buskers at the Mamila shopping mall in Jerusalem.

Is Islam Truly Standing ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ With Other Religions? By Janet Levy

  http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2013/06/is_islam_truly_standing_shoulder_to_shoulder_with_other_religions.html Recently, Christian Bible translators considered changes that would make Christian scriptures more palatable to Muslim audiences. Instead of “in the name of the Father,” they put forth the phrase “in the name of Allah.” “Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit” was reformulated as […]


E-pal Vin Ienco is a commentator and analyst on the effects of Global Islamism and a vocal opponent of Sharia Law.

Shh! CAIR-D.C Member Arrested for Raping 12-Year-Old Girl

Omar Abdelbadie was born in Egypt, but has lived in the United States for the past eight years. He is currently studying Neurobiology at the University of Washington.

In his free time, he volunteers with CAIR-Washington, promotes interfaith unity as Vice-President of Bridges (the University of Washington’s Interfaith Council), and walks the streets looking for little girls to ply with drugs and take back to his apartment.

The only silver lining to this dark cloud of perversion is Abdelbadie’s unnamed friend, who called police after realizing that a sex-crime had just been committed. (If this friend happens to be Muslim, I tip my hat to him, for living a far better life than some of his Muslim brothers across the Atlantic have been living.)

Muslim preachers keep telling us that Islam is the solution to Western immorality. With so many recent cases of Muslim pedophiles targeting little (non-Muslim) girls, …

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Hamas Hangs Two ‘Palestinians’ Convicted of Spying for Israel

Hamas Hangs Two ‘Palestinians’ Convicted of Spying for Israel:

Two ‘Palestinians’ found guilty of spying for Israel over a decade were executed by Hamas on Saturday, the interior ministry of the terrorist movement’s government in Gaza said.

The executions are the first since the end of a month-long amnesty for informants in April.

A military court in Gaza had sentenced the two to “death by hanging after the tribunal accused them of charges ranging from collaborating with a hostile foreign entity,” to involvement in “killing and espionage for 10 years,” the statement said.

A total of 16 ‘Palestinians’ have been executed in Gaza for …

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Dhimmis Call for anti-Islam Protest through Croydon, England to be Banned

Dhimmis Call for anti-Islam Protest through Croydon, England to be Banned:

The leader of Croydon Council has called for a planned rally by a right-wing group to be banned.

The English Volunteer Force (EVF) plans to protest outside the headquarters of the UK Border Agency (UKBA), in Wellesley Road, on July 27.

The EVF, which claims to fight “the Islamification of Great Britain”, has said “all patriots are welcome” and has admitted it is likely to spark counter-protests from anti-fascists.

The move has angered many, with council leader Mike Fisher calling for the rally to be banned, stating: “We do not need this additional tension in …

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18-Year-Old Muslim Actress Attacked with Acid for Rejecting Marriage Proposal

18-Year-Old Muslim Actress Attacked with Acid for Rejecting Marriage Proposal:

A producer by the name of Shaukat attacked Pashto actor Bushra with acid after she allegedly refused to marry him, reported Express News on Saturday.

According to 18 year-old Bushra, already-married producer Shaukat entered her house last night and threw acid on her when she refused to marry him.

“A man climbed the wall of our house in the early hours, threw acid on my sister and fled,” Bushra’s brother, Pervez Khan said.

A local police official, Sultan Khan also confirmed the incident.

The teen was immediately taken to Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar where …

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40-Year-Old Muslim to Marry 13-Year-Old-Girl He Raped

40-Year-Old Muslim to Marry 13-Year-Old-Girl He Raped:

A 40-year-old restaurant manager has decided to marry a 13-year-old girl that he raped.

Deputy public prosecutor Ahmad Nazmeen Zulkifli told a Sessions Court here the girl withdrew her accusation against the accused in a police report on April 18.

The man had allegedly raped the student inside a parked car at a roadside in Inanam, near here, at 10am on Feb 18.

He claimed trial to the alleged offence on Feb 28. Counsel Loretto S. Padua, who represented the manager, told Sessions Court judge Ummu Kalthom Abd Samad that both the accused and the girl are …

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‘Ground-Breaking’ Ceremony for Mosque Site in Utah

‘Ground-Breaking’ Ceremony for Mosque Site in Utah:

Members of Utah Valley’s Islamic community are putting their faith on the line Saturday afternoon when they join forces with other community members to break ground for Utah County’s first Islamic mosque.

Groundbreaking ceremonies will be held Saturday at 5 p.m. on the construction site at 935 S. State Street in Orem. Dr. Brian Birch, associate vice president for academic affairs at Utah Valley University will speak at the event, and Imam Shuaib Uddin of the Utah Islamic Center in Sandy will offer the consecration prayer service.

“This is very important to us,” said Dr. Ruhul …

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Catholic Archbishop Dolan to Muslims: ‘You love God, We Love God and He is the Same God’

Catholic Archbishop Dolan to Muslims: ‘You love God, We Love God and He is the Same God’:

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, made his first visit to a mosque in New York City and it was the Albanian Islamic Cultural Center in Tompkinsville where he met with Muslim and other faith leaders.

The cardinal spent more than two hours touring the mosque and the Miraj Islamic School and having lunch with about 40 clergy and laity.

“I thank God that this day has arrived,” the cardinal said. “I thank you for your welcome, I thank you for making me feel …

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Where Was the Tea Party? Peggy Noonan


One of the great questions about the 2012 campaign has been “Where was the tea party?” They were not the fierce force they’d been in the 2010 cycle, when Republicans took back the House. Some of us think the answer to the question is: “Targeted by the IRS, buried under paperwork and unable to raise money.”

The economist Stan Veuger, on the American Enterprise Institute‘s blog, takes the question a step further.

The Democrats had been badly shaken by the Republican comeback of 2010. They feared a repeat in 2012 that would lose them the White House.

Might targeting the tea-party groups—diverting them, keeping them from forming and operating—seem a shrewd campaign strategy in the years between 2010 and 2012? Sure. Underhanded and illegal, but potentially effective.

Veuger writes: “It is a well-known fact that the Tea Party movement dealt the president his famous “shellacking” in the 2010 midterm election. Less well-known is the actual number of votes this new movement delivered—and the continuing effects these votes could have had in 2012 had the movement not been demobilized by the IRS.”

The research paper Veurger and his colleagues have put out notes that, in Veuger’s words, “the Tea Party movement’s huge success [in 2010] was not the result of a few days of work by an elected official or two, but involved activists all over the country who spent the year and a half leading up to the midterm elections volunteering, organizing, donating, and rallying. Much of these grassroots activities were centered around 501(c)4s, which according to our research were an important component of the Tea Party movement and its rise.”

More: “The bottom line is that the Tea Party movement, when properly activated, can generate a huge number of votes—more votes in 2010, in fact, than the vote advantage Obama held over Romney in 2012. The data show that had the Tea Party groups continued to grow at the pace seen in 2009 and 2010, and had their effect on the 2012 vote been similar to that seen in 2010, they would have brought the Republican Party as many as 5-8.5 million votes compared to Obama’s victory margin of 5 million.”

Think about the sheer political facts of the president’s 2012 victory. The first thing we learned, in the weeks after the voting, was that the Obama campaign was operating with a huge edge in its technological operation—its vast digital capability and sophistication. The second thing we learned, in the past month, is that while the campaign was on, the president’s fiercest foes, in the Tea Party, were being thwarted, diverted and stopped.

Technological savvy plus IRS corruption. The president’s victory now looks colder, more sordid, than it did. Which is why our editor, James Taranto, calls him “President Asterisk.”


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ OBAMAWAR 2: THE SEQUEL To invade Libya, Obama lied and told the American people that the residents of Benghazi were about to suffer a massacre that would stain “the conscience of the world.” No such massacre had taken place or was ever going to take place. The only innocent people who wound up massacred […]