Don’t get me wrong. I love every word of the Benghazi hearings testimony. My earnest hope is that this will permanently derail the Presidential ambitions of Hillary Clinton and permanently stain the Obama administration.But, there remains something unsaid and unexamined and uninvestigated, namely, the failure of our entire policy with respect to Islam and the Arab world.
When will we confront the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan whose mission has always been blurred, the Sharia tolerant rules of engagement that derailed our missions, the airbrushing of the malignant role of Islamic tenets and Jihad, the folly of democracy and nation building among barbarians, and the “desperately seeking Arab moderates” that obsesses even our more astute commentators?
A case in question is the “moderate” Libyan Mohammed Magariaf . Read this:
Libya arrests foreign ‘missionaries’
Four foreign nationals accused of distributing Christian literature, a charge that could carry the death penalty
On Sunday, Libya’s de facto head of state, speaker of congress Mohammed Magariaf, pledged that Libya would incorporate sharia law into its future constitution, during a speech in Benghazi to mark the second anniversary of the 2011 revolution.