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Ruth King



Huma Abedin is back in the spotlight again, as her husband Anthony Weiner has announced that he is running for mayor of New York City. The Daily Mail of the United Kingdom claims that “Huma Abedin [is] deemed her husband’s greatest political asset.” Michael M. Grynbaum, et al. of the New York Times claim that “it is Ms. Abedin, a seasoned operative well versed in the politics of redemption, [who] has been a main architect of her husband’s rehabilitative journey[.]”

The word “operative” is a word that needs careful examination. If Weiner were to win the mayoral election in New York, could this bring the Muslim Brotherhood closer to the inner security workings of New York City?

Almost one year ago, Walid Shoebat exposed Huma Abedin’s connections to the Brotherhood. Michele Bachmann and four other Republican congressional representatives requested that “no Muslim Brotherhood-associated entity or individual [be] placed into a position of honor or trust within the programs and operations of the Department of State unless he or she has publicly condemned and disclaimed the previously stated goals of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Yet such condemnation was never forthcoming from Abedin.

The five Republican congressional representatives were lambasted by Senator John McCain and Rep. Keith Ellison for entertaining the notion that someone closely connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, as Ms. Abedin is, might not be the best candidate to hold the job of deputy chief of staff for the State Department.

Couple this with the fact that in 2011 the “Obama administration formalized ties” with the [Muslim Brotherhood], and in 2013 “the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial, toured the White House and met with multiple officials,” thus signaling a major “policy formulation” by the White House.

Such overlapping groups all stem from the Muslim Brotherhood, and the issue of infiltration may now have a new twist as Weiner runs for office. It is critical to recall that the Brotherhood’s objective is to “destroy the Western civilization from within.” As Claire Lopez explains:

… the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) functions as a kind of umbrella organization for many hundreds of offshoot Islamic Societies across North America. Yet, in spite of its DoJ status as a front group for the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood, ISNA still has been granted a coveted advisory role with the National Security Council (NSC) of the Obama White House. ISNA’s president, Muhammed Magid, is not only the Director of the All-Dulles Area Muslim Society Center, but also an A-list invitee to White House iftar dinners and a member of the Department of Homeland Security ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ Advisory Council.

Notwithstanding the New York Times whitewash of the evidence, Huma Abedin was, in fact, an assistant editor for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1996 to 2008. Her mother works to advance the Brotherhood agenda against Western interests and policies. Her brother has had a “strong working relationship with Abdullah Omar Naseef and Yusuf Qaradawi.” Naseef “ran a charity front for terror,” and Qaradawi has stated that:


A Beheading, Multiculturalism and Videotape — on The Finch Gang
by Frontpagemag.com
Michael Chandler, Morgan Brittany and Ann-Marie Murrell reflect on the terror in London and our willful blindness.

Peter Collier: Progressives with Bombs: The Whitewashing of the Weather Underground


At one point in The Company You Keep, Robert Redford’s new film about the residue of the Weather Underground, a character named Sharon Solarz is captured by the FBI after living under a series of aliases since her involvement in a Michigan bank robbery decades earlier in which a security guard was killed. Ruminating in her cell, she describes for a young journalist the moral dilemma people like her faced back then. They could either sit by and watch as America destroyed the innocent peasant culture of Vietnam or take arms against atrocity. She says decisively of her group’s decision to go all-in against the war in Vietnam, “We made mistakes, but we were right,” and then, after a beat, “I’d do it again.”

At about the same time that The Company You Keep was being previewed, New York University announced that it was appointing Kathy Boudin, real-life model for the Solarz character, as a 2013 scholar-in-residence at the law school. It might have been called a harmonic convergence back when the Weatherpeople first made news with their Days of Rage, but since then the college campus has been well established as a rehab center for members of the sect looking to reenter the mainstream. Before Boudin (who, in addition to the NYU gig, has an assistant professorship at the Columbia University School of Social Work), Mark Rudd, Howie Machtingter, and, of course, Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, Weatherman’s Bonnie and Clyde, all used university jobs to regain their footing as they resumed their pursuit of the revolution they once thought would be created by propaganda of the deed but concluded, after a few years of paranoid anonymity in the underground, might better be pursued through propaganda of the word.

Kathy Boudin was the hardest case. Still underground after the others had come up, she’d been the getaway driver in the notorious 1981 Brink’s robbery in which one guard was murdered. After her getaway vehicle was stopped, she lured four Nyack policemen who arrived on the scene into an ambush where they were cut down by the other gang members’ automatic weapons; two policemen were killed (including Waverly Brown, first black officer on the force). When she resurfaced after serving part of her murder sentence, she couldn’t very well use the defense of other Weather Underground members that they had, after all, engaged only in victimless crime, or that they were just antiwar protesters, America having fled in ignominy from the Saigon embassy six years before Brink’s. But the universities that brought her aboard not only offered respectability and a paycheck, but also, as writer Michael Moynihan has noted, purged her curriculum vitae of all its pungent factuality. NYU’s press release announcing her appointment merely certifies that Boudin has been “dedicated to community involvement in social change since the 1960’s.”

The Voices of BDS by Asaf Romirowsky

http://www.romirowsky.com/13353/voices-of-bds The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement’s biggest success is rooted in its ‘soft power.’ The ability to influence behavior through values, policies, institutions and culture, as opposed to ‘hard’ or coercive power exercised through military or economic pressures, plays a tremendous role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Using soft power pro-Palestinian groups have been […]



The warrior’s tale is a simple enough thing. Strong as steel, but fragile as chance. It is the wind in his soul and the wall we build around ourselves to tell us who we are.

Before there were cities or nations, and railways and airports, computers and telephones– the tale was told around campfires. Acted out in pantomime, dressed up in animal furs and cave paintings. But the tale was the same. The people were confronted with a threat and they called upon the best and strongest of their men to go out and fight it. These were their warriors. What they did in the face of that threat is the tale.

The tale has many variations. Sometimes there are many warriors, sometimes only a handful. They march into the village of the enemy in triumph, or they make a last stand on a rocky outcropping, spending the last of their heart’s blood to buy time they will never know. There is the weak man who becomes strong, the strong man who becomes weak, the woman who mourns the man who will never return, and the man who goes off to battle with nothing to lose. These tales have been told countless times in the ages of men, and they will be told again for as long as men endure.

It is not only the warriors who need the tale, or those left behind. Future generation learn who they are from this tale. “We are the people who died for this land,” is the unseen moral of each tale. “We bled for it. Now it is yours to bleed and die for.”

The warrior’s tale tells each generation that they stand on the wall against a hostile world. And that the wall is made not of stones, but of their virtues. Their courage, their integrity and their craft. Theirs is the wall and they are the wall– and if they should fail, then it will fail. And the land and the people will be swept away.



Predictably enough this is the Somali issue again. The UK is chock full of Somali Muslim refugees who support al-Shabaab, which is the local Al Qaeda franchise.

Michael Adebolajo, one of the London beheaders, was arrested for attempting to join al-Shabaab and deported to the UK. At which point a sane country would have denaturalized him and sent him packing.

The Sunday Telegraph can disclose that Michael Adebolajo was held by police close to the Somali border with a band of “radicalised” Muslim youths who wanted to join the notorious al-Shabaab group.

He was deported to Britain after he appeared in court in Mombasa in November 2010.

Two months previously the head of MI5 had warned that Britons were training in Somalia and it was “only a matter of time before we see terrorism on our streets inspired by those who are today fighting alongside al-Shabaab”. It also emerged that the other suspect in the soldier’s murder, Michael Adebowale, 22, was detained by police in London two months ago after shopkeepers complained about a group of Muslim activists.

The disclosures raise further questions about the monitoring by the security services of Adebowale and Adebolajo, 28, whom sources have said was known to MI5 but not assessed as a “threat to life”.

What exactly makes a Muslim an official “threat to life”? Is there any possible way that one can attempt to join a terrorist group and not be a “threat to life”?

Or do you actually have to sign an affidavit stating that you intend to kill non-Muslims before you make the list? We had the same problem with the Boston bomber.

Once you attempt to join a terrorist group, it should be assumed that you are willing to commit acts of terror. Any further fine distinctions only get innocent people killed.


http://www.nationalreview.com/david-calling/349282/%5Btitle-raw%5D-david-pryce-jones On Wednesday, two young Muslims butchered a serving British soldier in the London district of Woolwich in the early afternoon in front of bystanders. Shouts of “Allahu Akhbar” were heard. One of the murderers was caught on film, holding a weapon, his hands dripping blood. He said to the camera, “We swear by almighty […]



PARIS — France’s military spokesman says a soldier has been stabbed in the throat in the French commercial district of La Defense outside Paris.

The stabbing comes just days after a British soldier was hacked to death on a London street in broad daylight in a suspected terrorist attack that has raised fears of potential copycat strikes. However, there was no immediate confirmation of any link to the France attack on Saturday.

SEE RELATED: Lethal lapse: London machete attackers were probed by U.K.’s MI5 anti-terror investigators

The France military spokesman, Col. Thierry Burkhard, said the French soldier was wounded but that his life was not in danger. He had no immediate further details on the stabbing.


http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/05/devilish_details_–_part_1.html A conference on religious freedom offers disturbing glimpses of Islam’s reality. The Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at Georgetown University hosted on April 24, 2013, a conference on “The Boundaries of Religious Pluralism & Freedom: The Devil is in the Detail” (conference video here). Conducted within the framework of the […]

Hezb’allah: A Chicken on the EU Terror List By Shoshana Bryen

http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2013/05/hezballah_a_chicken_on_the_eu_terror_list.html The United States, Canada, Israel, the Netherlands, and Bahrain designate Hezb’allah a terrorist organization; Britain and Australia outlaw only Hezb’allah’s “terrorist wing” but permit its “political wing” to organize and raise money (only for political activity, of course).  A motion by Britain will put the British/Australian formula on the agenda of the European Union, […]