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Ruth King


Let us not forget that Paterson is where Arab residents, some
presumably Palestinians, passed out sweets to celebrate the
deaths of Americans on 9/11…..B.T.

PATERSON, N.J— (MCT) The raising of a flag Sunday at Paterson’s City Hall was like any of the dozen or so similar events held in the city each year in a nod to its diversity.

Except it wasn’t.

That’s because the flag raised — for the first time in Paterson, and possibly at any city hall in the United States — was Palestinian. Symbols or assertions of Palestinian statehood are fraught with political sensitivities, and Khader Abuassab, the event’s organizer, said he received harassing phone calls and a text reading “Drop dead” before Sunday’s event.

But no problems were on display Sunday when the flag was raised in the rain before elected officials and about 150 people. People cheered, danced, shared sweets and shouted, “Long Live Palestine.”

“Palestine is our country and we are proud of that,” said Clifton, N.J., resident Salwa Ramadan. “We’re happy (to be) recognized finally.”

Paterson had never held the event because no one had asked, Mayor Jeffery Jones said. The mayor read a proclamation proclaiming May 19 as Palestinian American Day in the city and honoring the group’s heritage and contributions.

He said he wasn’t concerned with potential political backlash.

“If they’re citizens of the city of Paterson, they have every right to raise the flag,” Jones said. “There’s nothing that precludes them as long as they follow the process.” Turks, Haitians, Peruvians and other groups have had had their flags raised at City Hall.

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J., and Democratic state Assemblyman Thomas Giblin showed up — with Pascrell presenting a letter of Special Congressional Recognition and Giblin presenting an Assembly resolution marking the event.


In 2007, then President George W. Bush appointed Gerald Walpin to be inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that oversees such subsidized volunteer programs as AmeriCorps. In 2009, in what came to be the first of the Obama administration scandals, when Mr. Walpin’s investigation revealed that an agency run by Kevin Johnson, an Obama ally and supporter, was using an AmeriCorps grant for personal and questionable expenses he was fired and asked to “move on.” In true Obamination form, the administration deliberately leaked the false information that Mr. Walpin had been acting in a “confused” manner.

Confused? Hardly. Abused is more like it. Mr. Walpin, who is my friend has written a book for those of us who really are confused about the Supreme Court and the Constitution. This is not a ” Supreme Court for dummies.” On the contrary it is a scholarly and essential book which makes the debate about original intent and practice intelligible for non lawyers.

In his own words: “You don’t have to be a lawyer to understand how Supreme court Justices have substituted their own elitist vision for constitutional guarantees that protect the average American’s security and values.”

I have started to read this book and I am already hooked on it…..stay tuned for more, but order it now.

Product Details

The Supreme Court vs. The Constitution: by Gerald Walpin (Apr 29, 2013)

Stephen Hawking’s Moral Black Hole Posted By David Solway


There has been considerable fallout of late regarding world-renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking’s refusal to attend Israel’s Fifth Presidential Conference this coming June, on the grounds of Israeli malfeasance toward the Palestinians. Whatever one’s view of the Jewish state, there should be little doubt that the physicist’s decision to boycott the event is both intellectually indefensible and morally suspect, and raises the question of how mental agility and moral folly can co-exist in the same person.

As several commentators have indicated, his position is intellectually indefensible since Hawking evinces no knowledge of the history of the Middle East, ludicrously compares Israel to apartheid South Africa, and seems wholly unaware of the provably fraudulent nature of the Palestinian narrative. Palestinian revisionism has falsified the historical record in practically every conceivable respect. The data are readily accessible and no genuine scholar or thinking person can deny them and still retain a modicum of integrity. At the same time, his attitude is morally suspect owing to the fact that Hawking, who suffers from motor neuron disease, would have been rendered mute without the advances and advantages of Israeli medical breakthroughs. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Shurat HaDin–Israel Law Center, called Hawking’s boycott hypocritical. “His whole computer-based communication system runs on a chip designed by Israel’s Intel team. I suggest that if he truly wants to pull out of Israel, he should also pull out his Intel Core i7 from his tablet.”

In a stinging article for FrontPage Magazine, Ari Lieberman points to the sharp distinction between the benefits and gifts that Israel has lavished upon mankind in science, technology and medicine and the deficits and depravities that are the legacy of the Arab world: barbarism, cultural regression, ignorance, religiously sanctioned violence and terroristic savagery. It is a distinction, we should have thought, that a world-class scientist like Hawking—who, incidentally, has visited Iran without uttering a single criticism of that rogue state—should be equipped to make but is clearly unable to do. One recalls his most celebrated theory, namely, that black holes leak radiation, but he cannot, it appears, register the lies, obsessions and hatreds that routinely leak from the black hole of the Islamic world—perhaps “gush” would be the more accurate word. (Of course, we need to make an adjustment here in the interest of precision: what are emitted from the Islamic world are not photons but, say, crepusculars, not particles of light, as in the original theory, but particles of darkness.)


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The radical-moderate continuum that has defined the dialogue on Islam in the War on Terror is not an authentic perspective, it is an observer perspective. To the Western observer, a suicide bomber is radical, a Muslim Imam willing to perform gay weddings is moderate and the Muslim Brotherhood leader who supports some acts of […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/obama-fires-irs-commissioner-as-scandal-grows The scandal involving the politicization of the IRS under the Obama administration continues to grow. Congressmen briefed by IRS officials say that instead of 300 groups that received closer scrutiny, the number has climbed to 471. More drip, drip, drip. But in an effort to stop the bleeding, President Obama has fired the acting […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-president-as-sergeant-schultz How is it that, time and again, the most powerful man on the planet doesn’t seem to have a clue what is happening in his own government? Famed for never accepting blame for anything, the more I see President Obama these days, the more I am reminded of Sergeant Hans Schultz of the TV […]

When Scandals Rocked Obama’s World — on The Glazov Gang ****


This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by tv and movie star Morgan Brittany, provocateur Michael Chandler and the National Director of PolitiChicks, Ann-Marie Murrell.

The Gang discussed When Scandals Rocked Obama’s World.

To watch both parts of the two part series, see below:

Interfaith Event Teaches That U.S. Is ‘Aiding’ Oppression Posted By Ryan Mauro

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/ryan-mauro/interfaith-event-teaches-that-u-s-is-aiding-oppression/print/ The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) returned to All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California on May 5 to address the topic of radicalization in the wake of the Boston bombings. The church leader said there is a “crisis” of “Islamophobia” in America. MPAC denounced violence but said terrorism is a response to the […]



We tend to forget the immense political and moral stakes of the Cold War era. Essential publications, initially supported by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, such as “Encounter,” “Preuves,” “Der Monat,” and “Quadrant,” are now almost forgotten. But these journals and the authors associated with them (from Arthur Koestler to Czeslaw Milosz), as well as the Western radio stations, allowed the denizens of the Soviet Bloc to breathe under the ice. They also fought to expose what the great French sociologist Raymond Aron called the “opium of the intellectuals,” the readiness of many intellectuals to embrace the Utopian, millenarian, eschatological promises of Marxism.

Monica Lovinescu, a Paris-based literary critic and journalist who encouraged intellectual resistance to Romania’s communist regime from the microphone of Radio Free Europe from 1964-92, passed away five years ago, on April 21, at the age of 85.

The daughter of influential interwar academic Eugen Lovinescu, and a mother who was to die in a communist prison, Monica Lovinescu enjoyed tremendous prestige and influence in her native Romania. She was considered a moral and intellectual model in arguing that communist crimes were equal to those of the Nazis, and her work angered dictator Nicolae Ceausescu to the point that he ordered the beating in 1977 that left her in a coma. She recovered to return to her seat behind the microphone, where she observed the downfall of Ceausescu’s regime in 1989. I started listening to her broadcasting as a teenager. For me and many other Romanian intellectuals, Monica Lovinescu and her husband, philosopher Virguil Ierunca, were the voices of moral clarity. They still are.

State Department Goes All Out To Protect Terror-Sponsor Posted By Humberto Fontova

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/humberto-fontova/state-department-goes-all-out-to-protect-terror-sponsor/print/ Protecting U.S. diplomats from terrorists on foreign soil is one thing. Protecting terror-sponsoring diplomats on U.S. soil is quite another. Our State Department is currently under heavy fire for failing at the former. But a diplomat from a nation the U.S. officially classifies as a State-Sponsor-of-Terror has no complaints whatsoever against our State Department’s […]