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Ruth King



. . . comes from the New York Times. “Professors at San Jose State Criticize Online Courses.” Well, they would, wouldn’t they? Someone told me the story that Larry Ellison, genius loci of Oracle Corporation, was slumming recently. He was, the story goes, giving a talk at a big meeting of the American Association of University Professors, the guild organization that invigilates the protectionist rules that keep the professoriate in their tenured luxury. Ellison began with a little flattery. Teachers, he said, are one of the most important assets of our society. Applause and appreciative murmurs. Not only are teachers important, he said they are also drastically underpaid. Even more appreciative applause and scattered “Here, heres.” In fact, quoth this business giant, I think teachers are so important that they ought to be paid at least a $1 million a year. A standing ovation: who knew that someone from corporate America could be so insightful? Unfortunately, Ellison concluded, I’m only going to need about 100 of you. A shocked silence greeted that announcement. Whatever could he mean, wondered the assembled multitude as they looked about at the teeming mass of pseudo-independent thinkers that filled the room. Whatever could could he mean?

We all know what he meant. The technological tsunami that is online education is poised to rip through the educational status quo, performing for that fetid redoubt a service similar to that performed by Hercules for Augeas, he of the largest and untidy stables.

But what’s funny about the Times’s story is not


http://pjmedia.com/blog/will-scandals-drown-democracy-in-france/?print=1 Nothing can be more toxic for a government than scandals combined with economic and financial depression. That was the recipe for the French Revolution of 1789: the Queen’s Necklace scandal (a silly archbishop attempting to have a stupendously expensive piece of jewelry purchased on state funds for Queen Marie Antoinette, unbeknownst to her) made […]



President Obama’s Mexico trip has just taken a turn for the bizarre.This is what President Obama told Mexicans:

“…I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do,….” (RCP)

First, the Obama administration put 2,000 high powered weapons in the hands of Mexican cartels. Did President Obama forget about that little tragic episode from his first term? We hear that 200-plus Mexicans were killed by these weapons. Why didn’t President Obama apologize to the soldiers’ families? Or the widows? Or the orphans?

Second, cartel leaders, or criminals in the US, will continue to have guns because outlaws always do. Can someone remind President Obama of what is happening in Chicago? President Obama’s hometown has very strict gun laws but Juarez is Disneyland compared to the killings in Chicago!

Third, all of these guns are already outlawed in Mexico and in the US.

MARK LANGFAN:Iraq’s Al Maliki is Obama’s Assad….see note please

The only difference between al Maliki and Assad is that US President Obama personally installed and armed the Iranian stooge al Maliki as the new Shiite Saddam.

On January 10th 49 BCE, Roman General Julius Caesar crossed south over the red Rubicon river with his army. An all-out-to-the-death Roman civil war was inevitable.

On April 23, 2013, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki’s Shiite tanks fired and murdered at least 23 unarmed Sunni protesters in the northern city of Hawijah as his tanks crossed red rivers of Sunni blood. An all-out-to-the-death Iraqi civil war is inevitable.

Al Maliki’s penchant for the mass-murder of innocent protesters shares the same religious genocidal lineage as Assad: they are both Shiite stooges of Iran. Al Maliki, Assad, and their Iranian puppet-masters will stop at nothing, and murder millions of Sunnis without a single thought. The only difference between al Maliki and Assad is US President Obama personally installed and armed the Iranian stooge al Maliki as the new Shiite Saddam.

How did we get here? Well, President Bush really launched two different invasions of Iraq: one announced, and one unannounced. The announced war was to take down Saddam. The unannounced war was to take down the entire Iraqi Sunni power structure. Then, instead of letting Iraq fall into three natural ethnically homogenous democratic-or-so parts, Bush laid the groundwork for a Shiite-Iranian dictatorship. President Obama completed the foundation, and empowered a known Iranian stooge to be the new Shiite dictator of Iraq with billions in oil revenue and zillions of oil reserves and gas. To make matters worse, America sold the Iranian stooge billions of Abrams M1 tanks that will now be used, by Iran’s lackey, as Sunni killing machines.

So, not only did President Obama anoint the newest Shiite Iranian robot, murderer Nouri al Maliki, he armed him with the latest and greatest American mass-killing machines. Just wait until al Maliki whips out his Obama-Apache helicopter “crowd control” Gatling guns. That should make the Sunnis love America. And the craziest part is the Muslim world is 85% Sunni. But somehow, you don’t hear a word from President Obama denouncing the use of American military equipment to mass murder innocent Muslim civilians.

This only shows the utter hypocrisy of the Anti-Israel movements in general and of President Obama in particular. When Israel uses non-military tractors which accidentally kill somebody who purposefully throws themselves in the way, the Code Pink people go crazy. But, when Shiite Muslims mow down Sunni Muslims with hardcore American military hardware, the Code Pink crazies don’t say a single word.

The Benghazi Talking Points And How They Were Changed to Obscure the Truth Stephen F. Hayes

http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/benghazi-talking-points_720543.html Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults. The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office […]

The Boston Bombings and Understanding the Islamic Worldview – Mark Durie on Christian Worldview Radio With David Wheaton

David Wheaton: Perhaps you watched the Boston Marathon bombings that killed four people and injured more than 200 others and wondered, “Why would two young Muslim men, who were granted political asylum in America years ago, educated in our schools, and received financial aid from U.S. taxpayers, set off two bombs in order to murder and maim as many Americans as possible?”
It’s a very good question. It has been said that, “All Muslims are not terrorists … but almost all terrorist attacks against America are committed by Muslims.”
Why is this? What is it about Islam — or perhaps about America? — that leads two young Muslims to murder the people that have actually taken them in?
Mark Durie, an Australian pastor and author of three books on Islam joins us from Australia The Christian Worldview all the way from Australia.
Many pastors are trying to find common ground between the Christian faith and Islam, for instance the document that came out a few years ago in America, A Common Word Between Us and You signed by many evangelical leaders and the leaders of Islam. Why have you focused on the critical differences and pointed out some of the negative aspects of Islam?

Mark Durie: I think we do have precious common ground with Muslims, but it’s in our humanity, not in faith. I think it’s really important to hold love together with truth, and not to abandon one for the other, or to pit them against each other. Truth means acknowledging the differences, which are great and significant, and not glossing over them or pretending they don’t exist. When you’re dealing with a very different faith it takes an effort and care to really understand those differences. That’s been part of my work, to help people understand what seems incomprehensible, what those differences really are.

DW: The Free Republic reported on April 15, saying this, “Shortly after terror bombs exploded and murdered over 12 people at the Boston marathon – I guess that’s an incorrect number – members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah were reported to be dancing in the streets of Gaza, handing out candies to passers by. The head of an Islamic organization in Jordan, the Muslim Salafi group, said he’s ‘happy to see the horror in America’ after the bombing attacks in Boston. ‘American blood isn’t more precious than Muslim blood,’ said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an Al-Qa’ida-linked plot to attack US and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan. ‘Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there.’”
Reportedly some people in the Muslim world celebrated the Boston bombings. The vast majority of the Muslim world not condemn it – I know there were some select Muslims who did.

MD: I think there are certainly Muslims who regard the West and America as the enemy and rejoice in what they regard as inflicting pain and harm on their enemy. So there are some like that. I think some Muslims in American also really prefer to emphasize that Muslims are the real victims – that’s a theological theme in Islam, that Muslims are the victims – so they don’t want the attention to be taken away from that. Also some Muslims don’t want to apologize for Islam. It causes them distress to have to engage with this [incidents of Islamic terrorism] and they resent being held to account for their faith. So there’s a deeper denial sometimes, at least among Western Muslims about Islamic radicalism. All these factors sometimes make it difficult for Muslims to engage.


http://www.romirowsky.com/13243/menachem-begin-a-new-life In Menachem Begin: A Life, a new biography of one of Israel’s more multifaceted leaders, Avi Shilon succeeds in portraying a fervent and uncompromising Zionist whose political brilliance usually compensated for his lack of military experience. Shilon shows that for Begin, anti-Semitism was at the root of everything. It was Begin’s realization of the […]


http://www.jackgur.com/TheEnemyWithin.htm Book Name: The Enemy Within Author: Jacob Gurewich ISBN: 0-9666398-2-0 Library of Congress Control #: 2003099054 Insightful, stirring, and controversial. The Enemy Within is a series of essays describing the author’s first-hand experiences as a founding member of the Israeli IRGUN (IZL), the underground Organization founded by Ze’ev Jabotinsky. Jacob Gurewich’s parents emigrated from […]


FACTS: In South Asia, support for applying religious law to family and property disputes is coupled with strong backing for severe criminal punishments, such as cutting off the hands of thieves (median of 81%) and the death penalty for Muslims who renounce their faith (76%).

MSM REPORTS: The Royal College of Dhimmitology lauds Muslim hand surgeons for observing the highest sanitary conditions in same day surgery of hands. Patients are home without risk of hospital borne infections. They are also spared the possibility of untoward complications of anesthesia.



In 1973, the General Assembly of the United Nations opened for signature and ratification the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (ICSPCA). It defined the crime of apartheid as:

“Inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial [religious] group of persons over any other racial [religious] group of persons and systematically oppressing them.”[Italics are mine]

The declaration prohibits, “Acts such as murder, infringement on freedom or dignity, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment, imposition of inhumane living conditions, forced labor, or enacting measures calculated to prevent a racial [religious] group from ‘participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country’ such as denying them ‘basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to work, the right to form recognized trade unions, the right to education, the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.'”

Islamic member countries of the time, such as Egypt, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia are signatories to the above declaration condemning the barbaric practices of apartheid. Yet, these same countries, as well as other Islamic nations, are the most blatant violators of the declaration.

It is the discriminatory Islamic teachings that condone and even promote wanton practices in violation of the United Nations declaration. Islam is a primitive barbaric ideology for the benefit of the male believer.

Islam, by fiat, discriminates against women. Qur’an 4:11 “Allah directs you in regard of your Children’s (inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females…. These are settled portions ordained by Allah.”

There are many more “directives” that for all intents and purposes make women chattel of men. Here are some of the shameful rules and practices of Islamic misogyny.

Women are inferior to men:
“Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is most high. Qur’an 4:34