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Ruth King


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323646604578400880700237570.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_BelowLEFTSecond How Did Oswald Payá Really Die? New evidence about the car crash that killed a noted Cuban dissident points to a coverup. When someone is killed in a civilized country and police slap around a witness and suppress evidence it is known as a cover-up. In Cuba it’s called “reform.” Viva Orwell.Cuba’s “ministry of […]

U.S. Army Instructor: Beware Religious Extremism of Evangelicals, Roman Catholics….AWR Hawkins

A U.S. Army training instructor giving a training brief on “extremism” to an Army Reserve unit in Pennsylvania has labeled Evangelical Christianity and Roman Catholicism as examples of religious extremism right alongside Al Qaeda.

In addition to Al Qaeda, the instructor also equated Evangelical and Catholic “extremism” with that of Hamas, Sunni Muslims, the Nation of Islam, and the Ku Klux Klan.

When news of this leaked out, the Army was quick to say the instructor’s position was not condoned by the U.S. military, and that the portions of the power-point slide show used to list Evangelicals and Catholics “was not produced by the Army and certainly does not reflect [Army] policy or doctrine.”

Throughout President Obama’s presidency there has been a strong, top-down reaction toward what was perceived as a prejudiced focus on Islamist extremism under George W. Bush. No word yet on what actions might be taken to counter a prejudiced focus on Christianity and Roman Catholicism.



After much hype, the large-scale attacks on Israeli internet sites has ended with few victories

Anonymous hackers and their global counterparts were left embarrassed on Sunday evening as the large-scale “OpIsrael” exercise to “erase Israel from the internet” failed to bring about the calamitous repercussions for the Jewish State that was promised.

While many had feared the co-ordinated cyber attack, timed to coincide with Israel’s Holocaust Rememberance Day, the efforts failed to prompt widespread downtime for Israeli government websites and big business. Instead, the hackers had minor successes targeting small firms and indeed individuals’ Facebook and Twitter pages.

Hackers made unsubstantiated claims, such as that of shutting down Tel Aviv’s entire internet services, and causing Israel to lose over $5bn in stock market loses on Sunday. The facts surrounding such claims however, remain unclear.

Cyber-security experts labelled the attempts as unsophisticated and branded the hacktivists as lacking in knowledge.

As the day of attacks on Israel progressed, The Commentator noted that targets seemed to switch from high-profile organisations and government sites, to individual Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and indeed in some cases, the hackers outright lied about their successes.

Nir Goldshlager, Israel’s most famous “white hat” hacker and CEO of Break Security told The Times of Israel, “…they claimed that they hacked into the site for the Israel Police, with the site’s address police.gov.li. They may have hacked it, but by getting the domain mixed up (.li instead of .il) whatever it was they thought they were hacking, it wasn’t the Israel Police site.”

A cursory glance at maps of the OpIsrael conversation on Twitter showed much chatter emanating from Israel’s surrounding Muslim and Arab countries. Accordingly, Israeli hackers struck back, apparently bringing down dozens of websites in Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, and North African countries, from where many of anti-Israel DDoS attacks originated.


http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2013/04/mainstream-jewish-institutions-celebrate-anti Major Jewish institutions show a marked propensity to promote and celebrate the enemies of Israel and even antisemites. Here are some examples, working backwards chronologically: Cardozo Law School of Yeshiva University: Plans to give its International Advocate for Peace Award is going to Jimmy Carter, author of Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, on April 10. […]

Moses’ Gift: Israel Could Use Gas to Its Advantage by Peter Martino

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3660/israel-natural-gas Europe is to a large extent, dependent on Russian gas, supplied by Gazprom. A quarter of Europe’s entire gas consumption is provided by Gazprom. As a new player in the market of gas exporters, Cyprus could reduce the European dependency on Russian gas. Golda Meir once quipped that Moses could have done the Jewish […]


http://jewishworldreview.com/0413/no_place_on_earth.php3 Nearly 70 years after the end of World War II, one has to dig pretty deep to find a unique Holocaust story for the big screen. So it’s not surprising that one of the latest Holocaust films has its genesis in a 77-mile gypsum cave in Ukraine, one of the longest such caves in […]


My oh my, even PBS is doing a program on the Holocaust. Did you notice they do so every time it is fund raising season? You know, Even the J Street folks and what I call the Jewsful idiots who abet anti-Semitism get somber when discussing the Holocaust. A pox on all of that.

The epic event that killed one of every three Jews in the world is besmirched by those who willfully abandon Israel in pursuit of comfort at dinner parties and liberal events. It is belittled by those who ask Israel to accept any risk; who pounce with high dudgeon every time Israel defends itself; who vilify the brave people who live in the settlements; who harbor the delusion that another appeasement and more dismemberment of the smallest democracy in the world will bring peace and calm the raging hatred of those who wish to destroy the nation; who pretend that the international libel of Israel is not anti-Semitism in which they are complicit; who produce art drecko plays and films which draw equivalence between Israel and its enemies.

The rebirth of Israel where the unbroken chain of Jewish existence started in Hebron was the only concrete response to the Shoah. Supporting Israel’s case, its legitimacy, its security is the only guarantor of Jewish continuity.

May the millions of souls who died with the words “Shma Israel”…..hear oh Israel….. find eternal rest. The can never be forgotten.


www.geraldahonigman.com Move over, Monopoly. Scadoodle, Scrabble… Have you played the Arab Name Game? You know–the one much of the rest of the world, including recent American Presidents, insists that Israel partake in? Not a few folks have complained that I am a master of the run-on sentence, a viceroy of verbosity. In all seriousness, I […]

Complicity in Murder: Shades of Cuba in Benghazi By Janet Levy

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2013/04/complicity_in_murder_shades_of_cuba_in_benghazi.html Almost seven months have passed since the attack on the Benghazi consulate building and nearby CIA annex by al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Sharia, in which four Americans were murdered, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  Despite demands for further information into why the Obama administration and the military failed to act to defend and protect the […]


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2462/On-Language.aspx The AP Stylebook has opened a new chapter on the non-“offensive” Engllsh-language lexicon to parse the war on the world waged by Islam. The wire service bible (can I say that?) has decreed that “Islamist” is out as a “a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals.” Hallelujah. I long ago learned to […]