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Ruth King



NEW YORK, April 15, 2013 – It must have started as a joke.

Who should play Nancy Reagan for director Lee Daniels’ The Butler, a movie about true-life Eugene Allen who served eight presidents as head butler?

The brainstorming around the Hollywood casting table must have been intense.

“Hey, why not Jane Fonda?” someone cracked if only for some laughs.

But Jane Fonda got the part. No joke. She plays Nancy Reagan alongside Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan.

The movie is now in post-production, due for release in the fall.

Vietnam veterans and veterans in general are not amused. Navy veteran Larry Reyes has started a Facebook petition to boycott the movie.

Fonda, known for consorting with the enemy during the Vietnam War, is not troubled by Reyes or by others who object to her playing a Conservative First Lady.

“Get a life,” she told her dissenters according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Here’s veteran John W. Cassell’s response to that: “Fonda has one hell of a nerve telling Vietnam vets to ‘get a life’ when her treachery during the war cost untold misery to our servicemen and their families. To this day we may not know the extent of her actions, but we do know that she gave aid and comfort to the enemy.”

Cassell was a staff sergeant, later commissioned, serving with the Strategic Air Command 1973-1976. He has written several books on the turbulent American Society during the Vietnam War and is the father of a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and two other Army veterans.

Fonda crossed into North Vietnam in 1972. She was tagged “Hanoi Jane” after she posed smiling with enemy soldiers alongside an anti-aircraft battery. “I will go to my grave regretting that,” she told Barbara Walters and Lesley Stahl, which some take to mean that she was sorry she got caught. Otherwise she does not disavow the sum of her anti-war activities.

The record shows that Fonda made 10 or more Hanoi radio broadcasts, favoring the enemy, and that she referred to American military leaders and returning POWs as “war criminals.” Disapproving veterans then and now view such “Tokyo Rose” actions as treacherous, borderline if not outright treasonous.

“Hypocrites and liars,” was her response to GIs who complained of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese.

The facts and testimonies clearly prove that our GIs in captivity were indeed tortured.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, all the Republican presidents in The Butler are being played by Liberal actors, such as John Cusack for Richard Nixon; Robin Williams for Dwight Eisenhower, and Rickman for Ronald Reagan. Given the political climate in Hollywood and elsewhere, this is not surprising.

A Perspective on the Second Boston Massacre Nancy Salvato

http://newmediajournal.us/indx.php/item/9030 When I was in high school, back in the late 70’s, I had a history teacher who told the class that we would experience acts of terror on American soil during our lifetime. To my teenage mind, that was a devastating and scary idea to imagine – and it was an idea that I […]



In his youth, King David proved his heroism by slaying a lion. He went on to put his life on the line for the Jewish People and become a hero for all Israel. Three thousand years later, another lion-hearted lion-slayer also put his life on the line for the Jewish People and became a hero for all Israel. He wasn’t even Jewish, but he was one of the greatest friends and supporters that the Jewish People ever had – and his experiences with lions assisted in numerous ways.

Colonel John Patterson was an Irish soldier and engineer assigned to Kenya by the British Empire at the turn of the twentieth century. His job was to supervise the construction of a bridge over the Tsavo river for a massive railroad project. Unfortunately, railroad workers were constantly being slaughtered by the most notorious man-eating lions in recorded history. Two maneless but huge lions, working together, were estimated to have killed and eaten well over a hundred people working on the railroad.

Night after night, Patterson sat in a tree, hoping to shoot the lions when they came to the bait that he set for them. But the lions demonstrated almost supernatural abilities, constantly breaking through thorn fences to take victims from elsewhere in the camp, and seemingly immune to the bullets that were fired at them.

Patterson was faced with the task of not only killing the lions, but also surviving the wrath of hundreds of workers, who were convinced that the lions were demons that were inflicting divine punishment for the railroad. At one point, Patterson was attacked by a group of over a hundred workers who had plotted to lynch him. Patterson punched out the first two people to rush him, and talked down the rest!


New issue of magazine offers jihadists terror tips From the CNN Wire Staff The second issue of “Inspire” magazine includes an article on using pickup trucks to “mow down the enemies of Allah. STORY HIGHLIGHTS ·         NEW: Yemen expert says issue’s timing, 10 years after Cole bombing, is no coincidence ·         NEW: Magazine’s ideas, ideology […]


markdurie.com blog Over the past decade I have had the opportunity to speak to thousands of people about Islam across five continents.  At question time, the same issues keep coming up.  The questions which have stayed in my mind are all about world view assumptions.  These are key ideas which control the thinking of Western […]


Texas, the state “you don’t mess with” that was once an independent, sovereign nation, has the following claims to Islamic fame:

1) an Islamic shariah court since 2002

2) 42 Gulen schools

3) an unsolved honor killing – the Said sisters, 17 and 18 years old, murdered by their father for dating

4) the Fort Hood massacre

5) the Holy Land Foundation – Hamas funding trial

6) the CSCOPE curriculum that refers to Allah as “the Almighty G-d” and sanitizes and promotes Islam while calling Christianity a cult

7) an imam, the Executive Director of CAIR DFW, who publicly states that “practicing Muslims are above the law of the land.”

8) and NOW – an academic research center devoted to studying the cultural issues of the Arab/Muslim world!

and much more……..

This is an enemy that publicly proclaims its hatred and death wish for the West and Christians and Jews! They celebrate each jihadist attack with parties and sweets – 9/11, London 7/7, Mumbai, Boston, etc.

Even TEXAS is giving them a free pass!

Janet Levy, Director

Women in Shariah

Los Angeles


The University of North Texas is the only academic research center in the United States focusing on the study of contemporary cultural issues of the Arab and Muslim worlds. This is the mission of CAMCSI.

The Contemporary Arab and Muslim Cultural Studies Institute (CAMCSI) is an interdisciplinary institute composed of faculty drawn from the visual arts, social sciences, and humanities at the University of North Texas. CAMCSI serves UNT as the coordinating body and the primary source of support for the various courses and academic programs that cover the Arab and Muslim worlds, which include the Arab states, Iran, Turkey, central and south Asia and other parts of the world with Muslim communities.

The Institute was established in 2008 with a research and service mission, to respond to the critical need for the understanding and further the interdisciplinary studies of the contemporary Arab and Muslim worlds at UNT. An Institute focusing specifically on contemporary cultural issues fosters a mutual appreciation, both within the United States and elsewhere in the world, of the richness and the complexities that unite as well as divide the many communities that make up the populations and geographic regions of the Arab and Muslim worlds.

Research and service activities of CAMSCI are organized in four primary areas:

Arabic Language | Media + Popular Imagination | Cultural Diversity | Visual Arts

The activities of the Institute emphasizes the above four areas as they interact with academic disciplines including anthropology, economics, political science, applied linguistics, women’s studies, history, art, music, etc.

CAMCSI commitment aims to reach wide — pre- and post-secondary educators and students, independent scholars, the media, business, and the general public — through the institute’s many activities. These include the following:


Actively supporting the teaching and research of UNT’s Arab and Muslim worlds specialist faculty, graduate students, and scholars through research and travel grants. Increasing the availability of related courses at UNT, including through hosting visiting faculty and study abroad programs. Organizing and sponsoring lecture series, film series, seminars, art exhibits, and major research conferences. Enhancing area languages teaching and learning at UNT through direct and indirect support of both teachers and students. Promoting interdisciplinary and collaborative work through partnerships and joint sponsorship with other institutions in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Supporting Arab and Muslim worlds-related community and cultural activities and programs.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/north-korea-today-iran-tomorrow?f=puball “…obviously the North Koreans have tested nuclear weapons and have developed some missile technology.  What they have not done is demonstrate…a capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile–attach a warhead to a missile and fire it.” ~ White House Spokesman Jay Carney, April 12, 2013 Prudence 1957 After the Soviet Union successfully tested a nuclear […]



Margaret Thatcher Took Ruined, Dishonored & Bankrupt Britain & Left It prosperous, Confident & Free

I’m not sure you can appreciate the magnitude of Margaret Thatcher’s achievement without some knowledge of the calamity that immediately preceded it. Most British people can no longer remember the Seventies. I am just fractionally above the national median age – born September 1971 – and my recollections are hazy. What I do recall, though, was the sense of despair. Again and again, I would hear adults casually say “Britain is finished.” Having spent my early years in Peru, where Britain was still looked up to as a serious country, I was shocked.

In fact, such sentiments were understandable. These were the years of the three-day week, of prices and incomes policies, of double-digit inflation, of constant strikes, of power cuts. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the United Kingdom had been outperformed by every European economy. “Britain is a tragedy – it has sunk to borrowing, begging, stealing until North Sea oil comes in,” said Henry Kissinger. The Wall Street Journal was blunter: “Goodbye, Great Britain: it was nice knowing you.”

Margaret Thatcher, almost alone, refused to accept the inevitability of decline. She was determined to turn the country around, and she succeeded. Inflation fell, strikes stopped, the latent enterprise of a free people was awakened. Having lagged behind for a generation, we outgrew every European country in the 1980s except Spain (which was bouncing back from an even lower place). As revenues flowed in, taxes were cut and debt was repaid, while public spending – contrary to almost universal belief – rose.

In the Falklands, Margaret Thatcher showed the world that a great country doesn’t retreat forever. And, by ending the wretched policy of one-sided détente that had allowed the Soviets to march into Europe, Korea and Afghanistan, she set in train the events that would free hundreds of millions of people from what, in crude mathematical terms, must be reckoned the most murderous ideology humanity has known.

Like everyone else, I remember where I was when she resigned. It was the equivalent, for my generation of John F Kennedy being shot – an event which, curiously, also took place on 22 November. After three election victories, the Iron Lady was brought down by a collection of Euro-fanatical MPs – the “November Criminals” as one of my local party chairmen darkly calls them. It’s true that there were several factors in her unpopularity, above all the poll tax. Still, it can’t be repeated too often: the immediate cause of Margaret Thatcher’s toppling was that she opposed Britain’s membership of the euro. Who called that one right?

On any normal measure, she was a supremely successful politician. I’d go further and call her our most successful prime minister ever. Yet she drove many to a hatred so intense that, even on the day she died, a frail grandmother, the Internet was filled with venomous joy. (Have a look, if you have a strong stomach, at my favorited comments on Twitter, or at the #dingdongthewickedwitchisdead hashtag.)

Where does it come from, this inchoate loathing? Anti-Thatcherites tell you that it’s because she closed down the old industries. (She didn’t, of course: she simply stopped obliging everyone else to support them.) Yet it must surely be obvious by now that nothing would have kept the dockyards and coalmines and steel mills open. A similar process of de-industrialization has unfolded in every other Western European country, and the only parties that still talk of “reviving our manufacturing base” are Respect, the Scottish Socialists and the BNP.

No, what Lefties (with honorable exceptions) find so hard to forgive is the lady’s very success: the fact that she rescued a country that they had dishonored and impoverished; that she inherited a Britain that was sclerotic, indebted and declining and left it proud, wealthy and free; that she never lost an election to them. Their rage, in truth, can never be assuaged; for it is the rage of Caliban.



This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Lela Gilbert, author of Saturday People, Sunday People, actor Dwight Schultz (DwightSchultzFansite.tv) and Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of PolitiChicks.tv.

The Gang members gathered to discuss Lela Gilbert’s book, Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner. A special discussion occurred in Part II, during which the panel focused on the dire lessons of Israel’s disengagement from Gaza in 2005. The segmented also shed light on the trauma that Israeli citizens, including children, have suffered from Palestinian terror, Jimmy Carter’s Jew-Hate, and the world’s blind spot: the forgotten exodus of 900,000 Jews expelled from Arab and Muslim countries.

In Part I, the Gang also focused on Saturday People, Sunday People. Ms. Gilbert shared what brought her to Israel, the Israelis’ warm reception of her, and why, as Dr. Gabriel Barkay imparted to her, “Temple Denial is more dangerous and serious than Holocaust Denial.” The Gang therefore reflected on The Cultural Intifada and Temple Denial, a dialogue which dealt with Islamists’ gambit to de-Judaize the Jewish state.

To watch both parts of the two-part series, see below:



“We did not come to ask for mercy from nature,” Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin, the Lysenko of Soviet agriculture, once declared. “We must wrest it from her.”

Communist science was guided not by the journey from hypothesis to fact but by the dusty
proclamations of Marxist theorists. Soviet scientists were expected to reject capitalist science and formulate a science that matched the Communist worldview.

The Communist worldview insisted that every living creature could be completely transformed into anything. It rejected natural selection as having a competitive capitalist bent that suspiciously resembled a biological version of free market competition. And pseudo-scientists like Lysenko and Michurin matched bad science to bad ideology laying out an official dogma in which transforming the environment could transform any creature and in which intraspecies struggle did not lead to evolution.

The USSR’s politicization of biology crippled its agriculture. Its leaders rejected free market competition on the human level and in the plant and animal kingdoms. They insisted that nature had to follow Marxist dialectical materialism and locked up and murdered the scientists who disagreed. By the time the USSR fell, a land which had once exported wheat to the world had gone deep into debt to buy wheat from the United States.

But bad ideology driving bad science didn’t die with Lysenko and Michurin. The new Lysenkos are Warmunists like Michael Mann and James Hansen. The environmentalists, like the Communists, believe that human beings have total control over the environment and that the environment determines all. Where they differ is the perceived effect of that influence. Warmunism, like Communism, originates not from science, but from ideology. The Communists divided industry into two types by ideological classification; the good cooperative Socialist industry and the bad competitive Capitalist industry. The Warmunists similarly ideologically classify two types of industry; environmentally conscious green technology and dirty non-socially conscious brown technology.

The Warmunists, like the Communists, classify science and industry not by outcome, but by ideology, and then paper over that classification with bad science. Green technology is often dirtier and less efficient than the so-called brown technology, but like the collective farms and the idiotic ramblings of Michurin and Lysenko, it’s better because it more closely fits the Socialist vision of how things ought to work.

Scientists debate, but ideologues delegitimize. The Communists did not debate science. They declared dogma and locked up anyone who disagreed. The Warmunists don’t have the power to sentence their critics to prison, though some among them have broached the notion, instead they plot campaigns of character assassination against those who question the theories that they try to pass off as final facts.

The Warmunists, like the Communists, are not interested in learning how the world works, but in using their notions of how the world ought to work to develop a model of how human beings ought to behave.