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Ruth King




Margaret Thatcher is getting her revenge on the Nancy men who mocked her in life, and who continue to throw rocks at her in death. Her reputation as “the Iron Lady” who towered over a plastic age is secure, and she’s getting a funeral that her girlhood idol Winston Churchill got before her. Big Ben, the famous clock that towers over Parliament, chiming the quarter-hour since 1859, will fall silent during the obsequies just as it did for Sir Winston nearly five decades ago.

This has put Thatcher critics in a froth of toxic bile, as the accolades continue to pour in from all over the world. Civility is always scarce in politics – it is, after all, a contact sport – but some of the rage in Old Blimey moves close to the edge of the charts.

A cartoon in the Guardian, a leading newspaper of the left, depicted the Iron Lady descending into hell, the front page of the Socialist Worker headlined her death with the single word “Rejoice,” and a movie marquee in the tough neighborhood of Brixton paid its respects with the message “Margaret Thatchers Dead LOL,” for “laugh out loud.” The BBC called the song, “Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead” tasteless and offensive, but played it to mark her death, anyway.



Kosovo, a Frozen Conflict
Until a week ago it appeared that the government in Belgrade would give up the last vestiges of its claim to Kosovo for the sake of some indeterminate date in the future when Serbia may join the European Union. A series of unreciprocated concessions over the past few months have encouraged the KLA regime’s mentors in Washington and their European backers to expect the final capitulation. In the end they overplayed their hand by demanding everything and offering nothing.
The demands have been escalating for years. The final objective was stated in December 2011, German Chancellor Angela Merkel came to Serbia to declare that the “path of Serbia into the EU can only lead through the normalization of its relations with Kosovo”—i.e., Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo. This precondition was stated with her customary subtlety and diplomatic tact, but at least it had the quality of candor which made it difficult for Boris Tadić and his eurofanatical Democrats to pretend that “the European path” did not entail eventual surrender.
The defeat of Tadić last May and the subsequent establishment of a new, allegedly nationalist coalition government in July did not result in any change of course. Quite the contrary: Washington and Brussels were surprisingly comfortable dealing with Šešelj’s former No. 2, Tomislav Nikolić, as president, and a former Milošević loyalist, Ivica Dačić, as prime minister. The key “Westerner” in the triumvirate is Aleksandar Vučić, known for his embarrassingly groveling statements on visits to Germany and the U.S.

The Islamic Paradise by Ali Salim

  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3662/islamic-paradise When as a Muslim and as an Arab, I look… with envy at life in the West, I feel cheated. Paradise Lost To denigrate the achievement-rich West and glorify, as a role model, Islam, Islamic extremists compare the way of life in Europe and the United States to the pre-Islamic period of jahiliyya, […]

Germany Cracks Down on Critics of Mega-Mosque by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3678/germany-mega-mosque-critics   Our work of information is not oriented against Muslims, but against the political ideology of Islam. Muslims are its first victims, most of all women.” — Politically Incorrect The Bavarian branch of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), has placed under state surveillance German activists accused of fomenting hate against […]


http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MID-01-150413.htmlEgyptians are getting hungry. The fall of the Egyptian pound to just 60% of its 2012 exchange rate against the dollar has priced everything but bread out of the reach of the poorer half of the population, and the bread supply is now at risk. The news late last week that Libya and Qatar may lend […]


http://washingtonexaminer.com/jed-babbin-a-red-line-for-north-korea/article/2527109 President Obama should be applying to North Korea now what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu taught the world about “red lines” and nuclear weapons last year. After months of threatening South Korea, the United States and Japan — the last with nuclear holocaust — North Korea may launch ballistic missiles on Monday capable of […]

GERALD HONIGMAN: Israel Turns 65: Playing the Arab Name Game

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/13146#.UW0TjLPD-Uk Any group can divide itself into several sub-groups and demand a nation for each one. The Jews have only one state. Gerald A. Honigman The author is an educator who has done extensive doctoral studies in Mid-East Affairs and has conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth. He gives lectures and participates in debates […]



The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) are at odds over the presence of anti-Israel materials in the public school system of Newton, Mass.

APT—a Boston-based nonprofit “dedicated to promoting peaceful coexistence in an ethnically diverse America by educating the American public about the need for a moderate political leadership that supports tolerance and core American values in communities across the nation”—is calling for reforms in Newton schools to prevent the reappearance of those materials, most notably the Arab World Studies Notebook, which claims that Israeli soldiers murdered hundreds of Palestinian nurses in Israeli prisons.

According to the Newton School Superintendent David Fleishman, the Arab World Studies Notebook was removed from Newton’s public school curriculum. Nevertheless, many parents and other citizens have expressed concern about other anti-Israel materials they say remain in distribution. Local ADL leaders, however, are downplaying the uncertainty as to which anti-Israel texts are still being used in Newton classrooms.

“There is currently no evidence of ‘Saudi-funded hate education’ in Newton public schools,” Acting Director of ADL’s New England Region Robert Trestan and ADL New England Region Board Chair Jeffrey Robbins wrote in a recent letter to the editor in The Jewish Advocate of Boston.


http://www.timesofisrael.com/our-man-in-beirut-the-remarkable-story-of-isaac-shushan/ When the state of Israel was declared in the spring of 1948, Abdul Karim Muhammad didn’t know about it. A young Palestinian refugee recently arrived in Beirut, Muhammad knew only what was reported in the Arab papers: The victorious Arab Liberation Army was in Haifa. The Syrians were at Degania, on the shores of […]


‘We salute our beloved heroes of Israel’


Israelis stand in silence to remember and mourn the 23,085 soldiers who have fallen in the nation’s defense • Netanyahu: The IDF is stronger than ever. We will continue to strive for peace with our neighbors • Ya’alon: The battle, unfortunately, is far from over.
Shlomo Cesana, Lilach Shoval and Israel Hayom staff
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Yad Lebanim memorial service for fallen soldiers, in Jerusalem, Sunday.
Photo credit: GPO
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A two-minute siren sounded throughout Israel at 11 a.m. on Monday morning as Israelis stood in silence to remember and mourn the 23,085 soldiers who have fallen in the nation’s defense since 1860. Israel’s Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day began with a one-minute siren at 8 p.m. on Sunday night, followed by an official state memorial ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the state service held Monday at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

“Last week I met with a group of young children and teens who lost their fathers in battle. To me, these wonderful children represent our family — the family of grief — a tribe made up of Israelis from all walks of Israeli life, Jews and non-Jews, whose lives have been touched by grief. I looked at these children and I thought — they are so young. So young, and already they have to carry the burden of grief.”

He spoke of his brother, Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, a commander in the Israel Defense Forces’ elite commando unit Sayeret Matkal, who was killed in 1976 during Operation Entebbe in Uganda. “One of the boys asked me, ‘how do you deal with the loss of your brother?’ I told him that with all honesty, I don’t know how to give anyone advice on how to deal with such a loss. ‘Mom says that we have to move on,’ another child said to me. It reminded me of my mother’s heroism, having to cope with the loss of her eldest son, and I said to him: ‘Your mother is a hero.'”

“Another child asked me, ‘Did it make you stronger?’ I stopped for a moment and then I said, ‘In a way — yes. Because nothing can compare to this kind of pain.’ Some of the children did not want to speak at all. I told them that I understood them, because talking about the loss can sometimes be too emotional and too difficult.”

“We know this pain will never go away, that this wound can never heal. Maybe, the answer to death is life itself,” Netanyahu said. “Our lives, each and every one of us, and the life of this people and this nation. Facing the threats we do now, the IDF is stronger than ever. We will continue to strive for peace with our neighbors and we will continue to protect our country. But we must always remember that we would not be here without the men and women who gave their lives to protect us.”

“We must always remember that Independence Day, the very independence that we celebrate, was achieved by our fighters — those who survived the battles and those who gave their lives. With hearts bursting with pride and with tears in our eyes, we salute our fallen soldiers. Our beloved heroes of Israel.”

The service was followed by a ceremony honoring the 2,493 civilians, including 120 foreign nationals, who were killed in terror attacks since Israel’s inception.

Speaking at the service, Netanyahu said: “The Zionist endeavor is soaked with the blood of terror victims. The names of these terror operations change but their aim remains clear — to kill us, to rattle our safety and security and to drive us from this land, our land. The terrorists believe that the end justified the means, but we will not give in and we will not give up.”

“We will always strive for peace with our neighbors but we will seek retribution for our victims. We will find [the terrorists], wherever they are, and we will defeat them. This terror is man-made and we will defeat it. We will continue to build in our land, to prosper, and our national strength will get us through every fight.”

On Sunday morning, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon’s told bereaved families: “With great pain and relentless longing we see the lives of those who paid the ultimate price — family, friends, brothers in arms — flash before our eyes.”

“With their deaths they did more than bequeath us life — they gave us the right to fight for our existence here; the right to have independence in this land; to reach milestones only a few nations do; the right to be a part of this wonder called the State of Israel, which after 65 years of independence and hundreds of years of persecution against Jews, for nothing more than being Jews, has turned into a role model for the entire world.”

Ya’alon stressed that “the battle, unfortunately, is far from over. It takes on new shapes and places, making us fight over and over again and sacrifice our finest sons and daughters. We are a peace-loving nation. We have been and we will be, but we will not compromise our safety and security and we will cut off the hand that tries to harm us.”

Also on Sunday, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz issued a special Memorial Day order to the IDF: “For 65 years the State of Israel has been made to fight and win. Each generation has carried the mission of Israel’s defense on its shoulders and each generation, unfortunately, has known the pain of fallen soldiers.”

“Faced with an enemy who targets our nation and its civilians, an enemy who does not accept our existence in this land, we have only one option — to fight and win. Faced with the threats evolving around us, the IDF is ready. We will continue to hunt down those who seek to harm us and we will defend the State of Israel with resolve,” the order said.

“Our hope is that the family of grief will grow no more, and as we usher in Israel’s 65th Independence Day, we all pray for peace and security. We, the soldiers and commanders of the Israel Defense Forces will continue to stand guard of this nation and its people until the days of peace arrive.”

Gantz also spoke at Sunday’s state service at the Western Wall: “If it seems that the enemy is no longer knocking on our doors — don’t let the quiet fool you. A storm of threats is brewing beneath the surface and a courageous and insistent battle is being waged, constantly, on our borders and far from them, for the security of Israel.”

Fallen Israeli soldiers “have achieved eternity. They are forever embedded in the character of this country,” the chief of staff said.

Addressing bereaved families at the ceremony, President Shimon Peres said: “Here, before you, words are lost. Your routine lives will never be like ours. There are no words that can heal the pain. You the parents, the fiancés, the children, the brothers and the sisters — you are the real heroes of life.”

“The Israel Defense Forces is ready and prepared for any threat, against any danger,” Peres said. “Our enemies have tested this. They should not err again.”

“It is our duty to spare no effort or cost to eliminate war from the land and to bring security and peace … Israel is as dear to us as the bravery of her fighters, and as dear as the depth of the sorrow for each fallen soldier. Here, next to the sacred stones of the Western Wall, I say on behalf of all of Israel, that you, the fallen of Israel’s wars deserve eternal glory and our ultimate gratitude.”