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Ruth King


To the extent that there ever was an American Jewish consensus, it’s collapsing into the same partisan divide as the rest of the country, with left-wing Jews on one side and right-wing Jews on another.

The American Jewish vote is breaking down into polar opposites. The middle ground is vanishing and is being replaced by Jewish voters who are still actively engaged, but dislike ‘moderate’ politicians and prefer strongly partisan stands.

The American Jewish vote is starting to look like the rest of America. The process will take a while for generational reasons, but by 2025, it’s likely to be nearly complete.

Grassroots Jewish Republicans Moving to the Right

Apparently America has too many jobs so Obama will be spending taxpayer money to support Russia’s defense industry on behalf of Afghanistan. And he’s doing so over the bipartisan objections of Congress from both the right and left and a ban on buying them written into the NDAA.

Aside from throwing almost $700 million to a company owned by the Russian government at a time when Obama has taken a chainsaw to the United States military, subsidizing the Russian defense industry helps it develop more weapons that will be sold to America’s enemies.

That money will help fund R&D for the next generation of weapons that an American military dismantled by Obama will be facing on the battlefield.

Obama Overrides Congress to Buy $690 Million Worth of Russian Choppers for Afghan Air Force


It’s not clear if the Israelis entirely understood how close the Americans were to Arafat and his outfit. For instance, Israel long believed that Arafat’s intelligence chief Ali Hassan Salameh, one of the masterminds of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic games, was a CIA asset. The truth is that the so-called Red Prince meant much more to the U.S.-Arafat relationship, serving as one of their key intermediaries and a symbol of the nature of their relationship.

The cables show that two years after Munich, the American ambassador to Beirut, George McMurtrie Godley, met with Salameh—described in the cables as Arafat’s “security adviser”—to negotiate the size of the entourage that Arafat would take to the U.N. General Assembly meeting and how many of them would be allowed to carry guns.

As Ambassador Godley cabled after the May 1974 Maalot massacre, in which members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestinian killed 25 Israeli hostages, 22 of them children: “long-term implications of Maalot tragedy on Fedayeen movement and Israeli-Arab relations are even more upsetting than loss of young lives and anguish of Israeli nation.”

The situation is much the same today with the Muslim Brotherhood standing in for Arafat.


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ DON’T TELL ME WORDS DON’T MATTER “Don’t tell me words don’t matter,” Obama once said, while insisting that they meant the opposite of what we thought they meant. The left believes that words matter because they allow people to communicate the wrong sort of ideas. Change the words and you change the ideas. Islamism […]

The Deconstruction of Israel: Has the Countdown Begun? By MARTIN SHERMAN


Into the fray: Last week I warned of the sinister subtext of Obama’s visit. This week, that subtext is emerging as headline news.

I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state, because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many leaders in the Middle East, including Arab leaders, this would be a destabilizing factor… and would certainly not serve the United States interests.

– Jimmy Carter, February 25, 1980

The only way for Israel to endure… as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine.

–Barack Obama, March 21, 2013

We oppose the creation of an independent Palestinian state…. Nothing will deflect us from these fundamental… commitments.

– Jimmy Carter, March 23, 1980

We continue to believe in the two-state solution on the 1967 borders.

– Barack Obama, March 21, 2013

Being a proverbial – and some would say, perennial – “prophet of doom” is neither easy nor fashionable in Israel today. After all, there is so much evidence of burgeoning power and prosperity that pessimism seems positively perverse: Surging GDP per capita, amazing advances in science and technology, massive gas finds and the prospect of soon-to-be-attained energy independence…

Like “Chicken-Licken”?

Unless you happen to be warning about the starkly incontrovertible dangers, immanent in Iranian nuclear ambitions, you tend to be dismissed as a paranoid “Chicken- Licken,” mongering irrational fears as to the imminent fall of the firmament.

This is particularly true for anyone who keeps harping on the perils entailed in what is misleadingly dubbed “the peace process,” and in the doctrine of political appeasement/territorial retreat on which it is based. But these perils can be just as pernicious – indeed, perhaps even more so – than distinctly discernible dangers, however daunting, such as those emanating from Tehran.

It is precisely because the mechanism by which they inflict damage is surreptitious, incremental and gradual that the accumulated level of menace grows almost imperceptibly, until it reaches potentially devastating levels. At any given point, it is easy to misperceive them as innocuous, and denigrate calls for caution as alarmist.

“The death of a frog” revisited

Several years ago I published an article, titled “The death of frog” (November 29, 2010), in which I cited an excerpt from Daniel Quinn’s novel The Story of B, describing how if a frog is placed “in a pot of tepid water…, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor…

and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.”

I warned that this was eerily reminiscent of the unfolding political realities in Israel: “Given the ongoing attrition in Israeli position… its continual acquiescence to expose itself to ever-escalating risks, and the accumulating string of concessions agreed to, the trenchant question that must be raised is: When will the lethal boiling point be reached?”

Educating for Peace: Palestinian Authority School Books Preach Peace, Love…and Bomb Making Max Keisler


In an April 6 Guardian piece Harriet Sherwood described the relentless flurry of hate mail that Israeli journalist Amira Hass has recently received as a result of an article advocating the inclusion of occupation resistance as part of the curriculum for Palestinian schools.

According to Hass, Palestinians throwing stones at Israeli soldiers is “an action as well as a metaphor of resistance” and a “…birthright and duty of anyone subject to foreign rule”. As such, it is perfectly reasonable for Palestinian schools to offer “basic classes in resistance”.

In response to Amira Hass’s piece, some wild-eyed, bearded, skullcap-wearing Israeli extremists filed complaints with the police and the Israeli attorney general, demanding that she be investigated for incitement to violence and terrorism.

Guided by Messianic visions of blowing up the Temple Mount and replacing two of Islam’s holiest sites with ‘The Third Temple Resort & Casino’, craven Zionist interlopers have long asserted that the way Palestinian children are educated is proof of the true intentions of the Palestinian leadership vis-à-vis Israel.

According to Dr. Zion Ben-Judah, former assistant to the travelling undersecretary of the pro-settler Yesha Council: “When you google translate: ‘A just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East’ from English to Arabic, you get: ‘Palestine’s war ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history, when the Zionist gangs stole Palestine.’”

Yet, the findings of a study released this morning lend credence to the counter claim that the Palestinian Authority has in fact done much to promote true coexistence with Israeli Jews.

The Grand Enterprise to Tabulate Reactions of the Esteemed Allah’s Loyal Legions (GET-REALL), which reviews textbooks from the West Bank, Gaza and other parts of the Islamic Caliphate, unveiled its 2013 report at a packed press conference held in occupied East Jerusalem’s Abu Shukri Humus & Felafel dining establishment.

The organization reviewed 234 textbooks currently used in West Bank Palestinian schools for students in grades one through 12.

The findings indicate that the PA is already teaching its younglings to resist their Israeli overlords – but with rules and limitations that must be adhered to. This kinder and gentler curriculum includes a clear distinction between Israeli civilians and soldiers; Israeli men and women can rest assured that while still regarded as thieving colonial imperialists, at least there’s no chance of them being hauled off to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes at the International Criminal Court.

The below sampling of textbooks reviewed by GET-REALL indicates that beyond the occasional dead Israeli, there pervades a sincere desire on the Palestinian side to usher in an era of peace, love and harmony between Arabs and Jews:

1) Diaries of a Young Contrarian – Adolf Hitler Reflects: 1918-1924

2) Jihadist in the Rye

Palestinian Arab Museum that “Rewrites” History Funded by the West (VIDEO)

Palestinian Arab Museum that “Rewrites” History Funded by the West (VIDEO) Palestinian Authority officials on Thursday joined a ceremony to lay the cornerstone for a new museum of “Palestinian culture, history and society”  in Birzeit near Ramallah. “The museum will not only be for Palestinians but will reach out to the whole world through an […]

Jihad is Cool: Jihadist Magazines Recruit Young Terrorists


Jihad recruitment has evolved into using a mainstream format, it is now cool. Print and online magazines provide practical detailed instruction on how to commit terrorist acts. The latest offering, Lone Mujahid Pocketbook, Spring 2013, is published courtesy of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula’s Inspire magazine, and is available on multiple websites.

It bills itself as “A Step to (sic) Step Guide on How to Become a Successful Lone Mujahid” and already has enthusiasts. Using hip, modern language conventions and rap lingo, the cover asks “R U dreamin’ of wagin’ jihadi attacks against kuffar? … Well, there’s no need to travel abroad, coz the frontline has come to you. Wanna know how? Just read ‘n’ apply the contents of this guide which has practical ‘n’ creative ways to please Allah by killing his enemies ‘n’ healing the believers’ chests.” Creepily akin to a teen magazine, the Pocketbook specifically targets prospective American jihadis with tips, tactics and incitements to carry out terror attacks.

It offers Inspire’s glossy, high quality graphics and a professional finish to pages methodically detailing the types of bombs; the best locations for attacks and other ways to generally reap mayhem. Using everyday supplies such as sugar, motor oil or pressure cookers, readers are enthusiastically encouraged to wage jihad in their communities. Many of the features are repeats from Inspire’s first 10 issues.

For example, “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom” and the “Ultimate Mowing Machine” offer simple, do-it-yourself advice to “cause chaos and terror among the public.”

Mixing religious devotion with a desire to be cool in the MTV generation, the magazine offers an attractive picture for jihadi wannabes, perhaps inspired by the mass popular appeal of rapping gang-bangers who make gun violence “cool.” Jihad has never been easier.


This video features a well-known Muslim Brotherhood operative from Bangladesh – Mohammed Rabi Alam (who goes by the name of MD Rabbi Alam). (He is sitting in the front of the room). Alam ran in the Democrat primary for Secretary of State in 2012 and has plans to run for office again. His organization, AMPAC, assists Muslims in political races.

At this point, MB operatives are so confident that they post some of their meeting videos on YouTube.

(7 Minutes)


Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

Teacher Who Assigned Essay On Why Jews Were Evil Faces Discipline

http://news.yahoo.com/teacher-assigned-essay-why-jews-were-evil-faces-205106337.html By Holly McKenna ALBANY, New York (Reuters) – A New York state high school English teacher who asked students to imagine they were Nazis and give reasons why Jews were evil could be reprimanded or dismissed, a school district superintendent said on Friday. City School District of Albany Superintendent Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard apologized at […]

From Dehumanizing Word Games to Gosnell By Andrew C. McCarthy


In Philadelphia, at a human abattoir on Lancaster Avenue, is where it ends, not where it starts. It starts with the perversion of language. It starts when the icons of a dissipated culture reduce a baby to a “fetus.” From there, Yeats’s blood-dimmed tide rolls rapidly in. Before long, a baby is not a person but a punishment, as President Barack Obama framed the matter in his familiar off-the-cuff iciness.

Of course, to describe newborn children in their boundless possibilities and wonder would be to acknowledge, foremost, their humanity. That is why, instead, abortion enthusiasts must grope for words when circumstances force them to speak publicly about their gruesome business.

“That fetus, or child — however way you want to describe it,” Mr. Obama once stammered. This was back when, as a state senator, he was unnerved by the natural resistance of babies to the unnatural insistence of their mothers — of the culture — that they just disappear. If you’ve ever watched a hit man testify, you’ve heard the same stammer: the faint glimmer of a long-forgotten but stubbornly indelible line between right and wrong.

It is the line that makes killing much easier to do than to talk about. It is the line that now impels a self-imposed media embargo against news about the shocking trial of Kermit Gosnell.

Gosnell is a 72-year-old abortionist. The formal charges against him — the murders of a woman and seven babies — are but drops in a sea of carnage. Mounting evidence reveals him to be a mass murderer of epic scale and Mengele methods. It also spotlights the evil — the apparently unspeakable evil — of legalized abortion in all its coarsening gore. Plainly, the vaunted journalists of our debased mainstream have determined that there must be no meaningful coverage. No time in the 24/7 cycle to notice the inexorable path from dehumanizing the vulnerable through word games to mass-murdering them with casual sadism.



Britain is gearing up for Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s funeral on Wednesday at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. As is customary in the United Kingdom, protocol is as crucial as pomp and circumstance. It was therefore par for the course that one of the issues surrounding the major event was the very carefully determined guest list.

Conspicuously absent from this list of dignitaries from countries with which the U.K. has diplomatic relations was Argentinian President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. In her stead, Argentinian Ambassador to Britain Alicia Castro will be invited, because Thatcher’s children said that “good manners” require it.

So far, however, the ambassador hasn’t had the “good manners” to RSVP.

Etiquette aside, it is with good reason that Kirchner is not welcome. This is not merely because her presidency has been marked by hostility toward Western allies and friendliness with the regimes of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and Cuba’s Fidel Castro — though this should suffice for her to be shunned.

No, the rationale behind snubbing Argentina’s first female president (the only thing she had in common with Thatcher) has to do with her current campaign to claim her country’s sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. And it is precisely Thatcher’s leadership during the Falklands War that is going to be the theme of her funeral, with hundreds of members of the royal armed forces taking part in the ceremonies.

The Falklands War, which lasted from April 2 to June 14, 1982, broke out when Argentinian troops invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands, an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean that has been administered by Britain since 1833.

In 1945, Argentina appealed to the newly formed United Nations in an attempt to re-establish its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, which it had obtained in 1816 after gaining independence from Spain. Argentina claimed that the British had “illegally occupied” the islands in 1833.

In 1964, the U.N. passed a resolution calling on Britain and Argentina to resolve this dispute. When word got out that Britain was negotiating with Argentina over sovereignty, the Falkland Islanders were furious. They liked being British and wanted to keep it that way. As a result, the U.K. tried to get Argentina on board with furthering their self-determination. Argentina wasn’t interested. This stalemate lasted for nearly two decades, until Argentina launched the surprise military invasion.