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Ruth King



Who can forget Al Capone, the Chicago mobster who profited from Prohibition and murdered and swashbuckled his way to a pot of gold before meeting an untimely end? Forbidding things that people want always seems to lead to violent or insidious forms of exploitation while generating a cast of power-hungry and sometimes flamboyant characters in the process. Today alcohol flows for the taking although other manifestations of constraint, interdiction and taboo flourish as exuberantly as ever. Certain words and phrases have been rigorously proscribed under the rubric of Political Correctness and cadres of petty tyrants and bureaucrats in the media, the political echelon and the academy are raking in obscene salaries applying the rules of speech. Criticism of the reigning shibboleths—readily obtainable abortion as a subsidized right, gay marriage, social entitlements, affirmative action, the campaign against the right to bear arms, big government, the obsolescence of the Constitution—is met with sanctimonious rectitude and programmatic suppression while the enforcers are promoted to high office, social cachet or plush employment.

No less crucial, the prohibition against carbon, ostensibly to avert “climate change” and to compel industrial temperance, has now become one of the most lucrative enterprises of our time. We should make no mistake about this; the war against carbon is both a repressive imposition and big business. It is prohibition writ large. Many rather colorful if unscrupulous individuals are filling their coffers advocating carbon teetotalism—one thinks of Rajendra Pachauri who heads the IPCC at the United Nations and sits on the boards of companies poised to gain from the “climate change” hoax, including his The Energy Research Institute (TERI), Canadian climate evangelist David Suzuki who benefits from ample foundational largess, and, of course, the redoubtable Al Gore who has not allowed moral principle and practical consistency to interfere with his profiteering agenda. In the words of Ed Driscoll, “Al lives in a mansion, flies around in a private plane, and, this, along with his various business ventures, gives him an overall carbon footprint the size of, well, one giant Manbearpig.”

Muslim Preacher Warns Christian Women: “Wear a Hijab Or Get Raped”…Daniel Greenfield ****


Hisham el-Ashry is one of those rare creatures. An honest Muslim religious leader. There’s many things that you can say about him, but like most Salafis, he is one of the few who will actually tell you exactly what he believes. And in a genuinely horrifying way, that’s refreshing because with El-Ashry you’re getting a look down the throat of the beast with none of the sugarcoating.

He always greeted me cheerily, with a “Salaam” and a handshake. Eventually, we achieved a sort of unconventional friendship. “I hate you,” he told me in August, with a smile. “I hate all Jews and Christians, anyone who is not a Muslim.”

Hisham el-Ashry is quite honest about what the Islamic takeover of Egypt means for Christian women (not to mention liberal Muslim women)

“I was once asked: If I came to power, would I let Christian women remain unveiled? And I said: If they want to get raped on the streets, then they can,” Ashry told Nahar TV last week.

Introducing a Saudi-style anti-vice police force to enforce Islamic law was “not a bad thing”, he said, and added: “In order for Egypt to become fully Islamic, alcohol must be banned and all women must be covered.”

And even when they’re covered, they don’t stop being afraid of the charming fellow.


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/2414/interview_the_man_who_chavez_wants_dead esterday, we brought you the story of Federico Medina Ravell, a man whose house has been raided by Chavez’s thugs in Venezuela. Today, The Commentator is pleased to bring you an exclusive interview with Federico, who is accused of being an ‘online terrorist’ through the Twitter account @LucioQuincioC – a charge he robustly denies. […]




Jobless rates in Spain and Greece have reached staggering proportions. And as long as these countries retain the euro, the prospects of recovery are slim

arely had European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso declared yesterday that the worst of the eurozone crisis was behind us than the European statistical office, Eurostat, released the kind of unemployment data that could make your hair stand up on end.

Greece and Spain, the figures showed, now have jobless rates of 26 and 26.6 percent respectively.

The more you look into it the worse it gets. Since November 2011, the Spanish unemployment rate has risen by 3.6 percentage points while Greece’s unemployment rate has soared by 7.1 percentage points.

The trend, in other words, is emphatically upwards. Few could be surprised if either or both of these countries passed the 30 percent mark by the end of this year.

Delving deeper, it gets worse still. Youth unemployment in Greece is a jaw dropping 57.6 percent. In Spain it’s 56.5 percent. Again the trend is sharply up. In November of 2011, Greek youth unemployment was 50.3 percent. In Spain, it was 48.8 percent.



New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was on front pages and TV screens last week when he ripped House Republicans for not passing a Hurricane Sandy relief bill New Year’s Day, the same day they were engulfed with the fiscal-cliff tax bill.”There’s only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims,” said Gov. Christie, “the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner.” GOP Congressman Michael Grimm from Staten Island called the non-vote on Sandy “a betrayal,” and this being New York-New Jersey, Republican Peter King of Long Island invoked “a knife in the back.”

The spectacle was irresistible. The Republican Party, exhausted by the fiscal-cliff fiasco, was hanging on the ropes, and here was party hero Chris Christie flying off the turnbuckles to crush John Boehner.

The New York Times pumped the tale of betrayal to the top of its front page. “Fury in G.O.P. as House Stalls Hurricane Aid. Northeast Republicans Lash Out at Boehner.” GoogleGOOG +0.66% searchers were directed to “watch Peter King explode at his own party.” Make no mistake, Gov. Christie has just delivered his second poison pill to a major GOP candidacy: Any Republican who runs in New York City’s mayoral campaign this November will have the governor’s GOP-sellout statements thrown in his face.

Problem is, in virtually every respect, the betrayal story is wrong. House Republicans on the Appropriations Committee have been working for weeks to move a ton of money to the devastated Northeast. Indeed, within a day of learning more about this effort, Peter King, no shrinking violet, walked back his initial comments about Mr. Boehner and the party.

But Gov. Christie was back for more Tuesday in his State of the State speech: “New Jersey, both Republicans and Democrats, will never stand silent when our citizens are being short-changed.”

How about some facts about politics, federal spending and Sandy relief.


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=3200 This week, a photo that went viral on the Internet became a news feature in media outlets across the globe. It is a shot of a caesarian delivery in an Arizona hospital, taken by the husband of the woman on the operating table. What it shows is the hand of a not-yet-born baby girl […]


http://www.thejerusalemconnection.us/blog/2013/01/09/the-insanity-of-a-two-state-solution.html The phrase “Two State Solution” in referring to the Israel-Palestinian conflict has been embraced by politicians and journalists alike, repeated endlessly, and touted as the panacea for a “just and equitable” solution to the dispute. But it is based on erroneous geography and history; on a mixture of wishful thinking, naiveté and a brilliant […]


Corsi’s description of the State Dept “report” of their internal investigation is entirely accurate: pp. 48-79 are blacked out completely and most of pp. 9-29 and 37-41 are heavily redacted. It is a useless document. Also, a word search on “Obama” yields zero hits

Here is the Report, such as it was provided: See this PDF file


A “public record” of the State Dept’s own investigation of the Brennan firm’s passport breach operation:

In July 2008, the State Department’s Office of Inspector General issued a 104-page investigative report on the passport breach incidents, stamped “Sensitive But Unclassified.” The report was so heavily redacted, it was virtually useless to the public. Scores of passages were blacked out entirely, including one sequence of 29 consecutive pages that were each obliterated by a solid black box that made it impossible even to determine paragraph structures.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/did-cia-pick-sanitize-obamas-passport-records/#62kaUYVCpSk2KlMb.99



Obama’s Intelligence Adviser Involved in Security Breach


Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser, John O. Brennan, heads a firm that was cited in March for breaching sensitive files in the State Department’s passport office, according to a State Department Inspector General’s report released this past July.

The security breach, first reported by the Washington Times and later confirmed by State Department spokesman Sean McCormack, involved a contract employee of Brennan’s firm, The Analysis Corp., which has earned millions of dollars providing intelligence-related consulting services to federal agencies and private companies.

During a State Department briefing on March 21, 2008, McCormack confirmed that the contractor had accessed the passport files of presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain, and that the inspector general had launched an investigation.

Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to “cauterize” the records of potentially embarrassing information.

“They looked at the McCain and Clinton files as well to create confusion,” one knowledgeable source told Newsmax. “But this was basically an attempt to cauterize the Obama file.”

At the time of the breach, Brennan was working as an unpaid adviser to the Obama campaign.

“This individual’s actions were taken without the knowledge or direction of anyone at The Analysis Corp. and are wholly inconsistent with our professional and ethical standards,” Brennan’s company said in a statement sent to reporters after the passport breach was made public.

BREAKING: Islam ‘Helped to Shape’ CIA Nominee John Brennan’s World View

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/breaking-islam-helped-to-shape-cia-nominee-john-brennans-world-view?f=must_reads http://cnsnews.com/news/article/islam-helped-shape-cia-nominee-john-brennan-s-world-view “Travels around the world over more than three decades had taught him about “the goodness and beauty of Islam,” said Brennan.” Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/#ixzz2HZaAamK3 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Islam ‘Helped to Shape’ CIA Nominee John Brennan’s World View By Patrick Goodenough As a college student in the 1970s, John […]