Al Qaeda and its affiliates are running all over North Africa and the Middle East while remaining a serious threat to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Approximately 70,000 Syrians are dead in a civil war exploited by Iran, Russia and Islamist jihadists. Egypt is an economic basket case, ruled by an increasingly unpopular authoritarian Islamist regime. […]
John Brennan’s Islamic Conversion Moment? — on The Glazov Gang
Posted By On February 21, 2013 @ 12:31 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 33 Comments
Editor’s note: The graphic on the left is created by our IllustWriter Bosch Fawstin. Visit his site here.
“Dallas” star Morgan Brittany joins PolitiChick warrior Ann-Marie Murrell and Hollywood actor Dwight Schultz to discuss John Brennan’s Islamic Conversion Moment? The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on whether Obama’s CIA nominee converted to Islam while he was stationed in Saudi Arabia. The discussion included an analysis of why Islamists and the radical Left hate Valentine’s Day. In Part I, the Gang focused on the Left’s demonization of Rubio’s water-bottle-moment, the lies in Obama’s State of the Union Address and Dr. Ben Carson’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. To view both parts of this Blockbuster two-part Glazov Gang episode, see below:
Part I:
Part II: In his first term President Obama was criticized for trash-talking the one-percenters while enjoying the aristocracy of Martha’s Vineyard and the nation’s most exclusive golf courses. Obama never quite squared his accusations that “millionaires and billionaires” had not paid their fair share with his own obvious enjoyment of the perks of “corporate jet owners,” […] The Academy Award-nominated documentary The Invisible War examines the scourge of sexual assault in the modern American military. As presented by the New America Foundation (NAF) at Washington, D.C.’s E Street Theater at a February 13, 2013, screening and panel discussion, appropriately combatting such horrific crimes has become a serious concern for America’s defenders. […] HOW ABOUT A “FREEDOM FLOTILLA” THROUGH THE TUNNELS? RSK This morning, it has been reported that Egypt’s latest action in closing off the tunnels into Gaza is harming local business. Reuters reports that the network of tunnels has been a vital lifeline for Gaza, bringing in an estimated 30 percent of all goods that […]
Galloway wimps out of debate with Israeli student after being ‘misled’ over opponent’s nationality
In a statement late on Wednesday evening Galloway explained that “I refused this evening to debate with an Israeli, a supporter of the Apartheid state of Israel.
George Galloway, the Member of Parliament for Bradford West, has been accused by Oxford students of anti-semitism after storming out of a debate, refusing to share a platform with an Israeli.
But students would perhaps be better placed to show that Galloway was unable, rather than unwilling to have the debate, and was avoiding challenge on the issues due to a fear of being shown up, rather than any racial prejudices.
Mr Galloway “stormed out” of a debate at Christ Church on Wednesday evening, upon finding out that his opponent, Eylon Aslan-Levy, a third-year student at Brasenose, was an Israeli citizen.
Mr Galloway had spoken for ten minutes in favour of the motion ‘Israel should withdraw immediately from the West Bank’, before giving way to Aslan-Levy.
Billionaire media titan Rupert Murdoch took aim at the transnational Keystone XL pipeline, revealing his opposition to the controversial oil route, in a multi-Tweet rebuke of U.S. energy and economic policy that began on Friday.
The magnate, whose media empire News Corp. owns FOX News Channel and The Wall Street Journal, took an environmentalist view of the proposed pipeline, criticizing the “heavy, dirty oil” that it would carry from Canada’s oil sands to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries. The southern leg of the pipeline is under construction. The northern route, which needs federal approval to cross the Canadian-U.S. border, has been embroiled in a political war over its economic and environmental impact.
Murdoch has been a vocal proponent of developing U.S. oil and gas resources and a critic of renewable energy. In August, he called shale gas the “greatest news of the decade.”
“Gas means half carbon emissions and no need for ridiculous windmills,” he tweeted. Chinese computer hackers attacked the Department of Energy’s computer networks in late January, penetrating 14 servers and 20 workstations, according to several news reports. They were apparently seeking access to classified information as well as testing the means of penetrating other DOE networks. This incident is only one among thousands of computer attacks mounted […] NEW YORK, February 18, 2013 – Legal or illegal, what’s the difference? America is having a party. Bring your own. No need to check in at the door. Anybody can come. Give us your tired, your hungry, your jihadists, your gangsters, your drug lords yearning to breathe free. Come. Make us your home. Our […]
A fascinating collection of 21 stories detailing Israel’s inventions that benefit all of mankind. From desalting the ocean to the tiny PillCam that videos your insides, the Flash Drive to spinal surgery robots, watering the desert with drip irrigation, blasting breast tumors and curing major diseases: Israel is a hotbed of start-ups and idea incubation wildly disproportionate to its tiny size. Read these stories and discover why and how! ALSO included is a reference TIMELINE of Israeli Inventions. Tiny Dynamo is published by UNTOLD NEWS, founded in 2010 by Marcella Rosen to raise awareness of the innovative and life-altering work of ordinary Israelis, who with sheer determination and entrepreneurial spirit are making our planet a healthier, easier, better place to live.