WASHINGTON, DC, February 5, 2013 — Just when you thought it was safe to leave your son or daughter on campus, any campus, along comes the New York Post’s Andrea Peyser to report that later this week, Thursday, Brooklyn College is set to host an anti-Israel “hate fest” in the guise of a debate. Debate, in Liberal-speak means, “I talk, you listen.”
The fix is in.
Among the featured “debaters” is Omar Barghouti, who will surely press his case for a boycott against Israel at an event co-hosted by the college’s Political Science department. Academic freedom, as we keep learning, has now become a synonym for Israel-bashing.
Fans of anti-Semitism know Barghouti as a Qatari-born activist who founded the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. His message is a mirror of tactics Hitler used a generation ago, introducing the genocide by means of a boycott against all Jewish goods and services.
Here’s the crazy part: Barghouti is going for his Masters degree in Philosophy at – Tel Aviv University. That’s right, an Israeli academic institution.
As we say around here when it comes to absurdity: “Never mind. It’s too complicated.”
On the plus side, from an education in an Israeli university, Barghouti may get a chance to do his cause some good, not just for himself but all around. In the fields of medicine, economics, physics, peace and literature, Muslims – 20 percent of the world’s population –have won 10 Nobel Prizes. Jews, with a world population of 0.2 percent, have won 181.
Personally, I am in favor of boycotting Jewish services as long as it is done right, which means everything. For all anti-Semites out there I recommend an immediate halt to the Salk polio vaccine and if it is syphilis you get, syphilis you keep, without the benefit of Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s “magic bullet” and the first effective treatment against the disease. Like Salk, he was Jewish, after all.
Our campuses, some may have noticed, have become a melting pot for anti-Semites, obviously to rouse up a generation of Hitler Youth. Get them while they’re young. So my concern is that this wildfire of anti-Semitism, from Europe and elsewhere, may yet spread out to the United States, if it hasn’t done so already.
I appreciate Europe for sending us Beethoven, but please, keep your Holocausts. Been there, done that!