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Ruth King



At a time when demographers-of-doom attempt to frighten Israel into retreat from the mountain ridges of Judea & Samaria into the 9-15 mile wide sliver along the Mediterranean, it would be instructive to examine the demographic pressure on the Founding Father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl.

Demographers of doom did not deter Theodore Herzl

Shimon Dubnov, a leading Jewish demographer/historian
(researched by Yakov Faitelson, expert on Jewish-Arab demography)

Public Letters on Ancient and Modern Judaism (1897-1907)

Sixth Letter (March 1898), http://bit.ly/VuCPJE

“Let’s examine the impact of new and detached dreams on the establishment of a political base for the Jewish People… (p. 161)

“What a gap between the construction of a few modest settlements in Palestine and the realization of the vision of an autonomous Jewish center there… Fifteen additional settlements were erected during 1882-1898, and the Jewish population of Palestine grew by 15,000. However, a great gap exists between the settlement of a few tens of thousands of Jews in Palestine on one hand, and the political resurrection of the ten million exiled Jewish People on the other hand… How far is reality from the dream?! (p. 162).

“If the Basel Congress were non-political, then it would reach a resolution that Judaism is a nationality, which should not be advanced by messianic means in Zion, but by a credible struggle for realistic Jewish interests in the Diaspora… (p. 165).

“Zionists hope to retrieve the lost [enlightened] son via a Jewish State in Palestine. However, such an idea preconditions an attainable goal upon an unattainable tactic. The establishment of a Zukunftstaat constitutes a nice dream – a messianic utopia… (p. 167).

High-school Freshman Suspended for Having a Picture of a Gun Posted By Eric Owens!!! Please read the response by Janet Levy

Contact Poston Butte High School in Arizona NOW!

Email or Call: http://pbhs.fusdaz.org/contact (Here’s the link for the phone number and email response)

A big shame on you and your institution for suspending a fine young American male who is interested in guns and plans to serve our fine country one day. Your school displayed a disgraceful example of political correctness that is sadly rampant in public schools today. Surely, home schooling is the best (really, ONLY) option to prevent the kind of indoctrination you are perpetuating.Perhaps your teachers are not familiar with the First Amendment or the Second for that matter.
Send your faculty to remedial U.S. Constitution class as soon as possible. This is downright un-American! Next you’ll be prohibiting American flag shirts and banners! (Oops! You probably already are!)

A proud American and a staunch supporter of the Constitution, Janet Levy,
Los Angeles


Yet another student has been suspended for having something that represents a gun, but isn’t actually anything like a real gun.

This time, Daniel McClaine, Jr., a freshman at Poston Butte High School in Tan Valley, Arizona, made the mistake of setting a picture of a gun as the desktop background on his school-issued computer.

The picture shows an AK-47 lying on a flag, reports KNXV-TV. The gun isn’t his, McClaine assured the ABC affiliate in Phoenix. He found it on the Internet and liked it, partly because he is interested in serving in the military after graduation.

A teacher reportedly ratted McClaine out after noticing the Soviet-era rifle on the computer. McClaine originally received a three-day suspension.

After McClaine’s father contacted the local press, Florence Unified School District officials suddenly decided that the younger McClaine could return to school on Monday.

District policy states that students cannot use school-issued laptops to send or display “offensive messages or pictures,” explains KNXV. Students also cannot use them to produce, retrieve, send or forward images that are considered “harassing, threatening or illegal.”

It’s not clear who determines what is “offensive” or “threatening,” or the basis upon which the determination was made in this case.

McClaine maintained that he read the guidelines but did not think that a picture of a gun could threaten or offend anyone.

PolitiChick Warrior Unmasks Suhail Khan — on The Glazov Gang…..must see

PolitiChick Warrior Unmasks Suhail Khan — on The Glazov Gang
Ann-Marie Murrell joins Michael Finch and Dwight Schultz to discuss her confrontation with a major Republican figure who pals around with terrorists.

Global Leadership Vacuum: Europe Incapable, America Unwilling


An Analysis By Gregor Peter Schmitz in Munich

US Vice President Joe Biden is visiting Germany this week in an effort to strengthen trans-Atlantic ties. Global politics have come to a standstill in recent years, with the United States unwilling to show leadership and Europe and other major powers unable to fill the vacuum.

Ernest Rutherford, the chemist and nuclear physicist, wanted to conduct massive experiments in his laboratories in Britain. He had won the 1908 Nobel Prize in chemistry and would go on to become one of the legends in his field. But he often simply didn’t have the funds. Legend has it that he gathered together his team and said: “Gentlemen, we have run out of money. It’s time to start thinking.”
These words attributed to Rutherford have become world-famous — also in the realm of politics. And they could hardly be more applicable than to United States Vice President Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Germany. On Friday afternoon, Biden will hold a powwow with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. On Saturday, he is scheduled to deliver a speech at the annual Munich Security Conference.

The reason is clear: Biden might still speak eloquently in public about trans-Atlantic cooperation. But, behind closed doors, his main message will be that America and its allies need to come up with a new way of divvying up responsibilities in this uncertain world.

The Exhausted Nation

In 1998, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called America the “indispensable nation.” But now, 15 years later, it is primarily an exhausted one, a global power in decline that has its gaze turned toward the domestic front rather than Afghanistan or the Middle East.

This should come as no surprise. Since the end of the Cold War, US soldiers have spent almost twice as many months at war than they had in previous decades. The country has pumped a phenomenal amount of money into its military. Indeed, in 2011, it spent more on defense than the next 19 military powers combined. And, of course, this only contributed to its record mountain of $16 trillion (€11.8 trillion) in public debt.

When Biden gets up to speak, he will relay a message from his boss, US President Barack Obama. And the message will be: “Enough!” After all, when Obama recently gave his second inaugural address, he avoided making any reference to John F. Kennedy’s 1961 inaugural speech, in which he said that America would “pay any price, bear any burden … in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty” around the globe. Instead, the key sentence of Obama’s speech was: “A decade of war is now ending.”

Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, didn’t focus on creating a better world in his speech. Instead, he talked about a better America, one with more opportunities for immigrants, more rights for homosexuals and less social inequality. Today’s America is deeply divided, but all sides agree on one point: America’s well-being is more important than the world’s.

Obama’s predecessor, President George W. Bush, had far-reaching, messianic visions for American foreign policy. But what remains of that in the Obama era is the so-called “Eisenhower Doctrine,” as US commentators are re-discovering it. As a general, Dwight D. Eisenhower was the hero of World War II. But, as America’s president from 1953 to 1961, he wanted to avoid bloodshed at all costs — or at least the spilling of American blood. According to biographer Jean Edward Smith, from the end of the Korean War till the end of his presidency, America didn’t suffer a single combat fatality.

A Foreign Policy with Few Tangible Results

Obama has now nominated Chuck Hagel to become his new secretary of defense. Hagel, a former Republican senator and decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, gave Obama an Eisenhower biography as a gift and wants to keep today’s GIs out of harm’s way. Indeed, Hagel shares Obama’s global vision of “leading from behind” — whether it’s in Libya or, more recently, in Mali, where the US is happy to let France take the lead.

Still, this new division of duties isn’t the end of the world anymore than cuts in US military spending are. They are easier to implement than the grumbling military brass lets on. The real drama would be if America decided to completely retreat behind its own borders.


He was not the Big Apple’s first Jewish mayor…..that was his predecessor Abraham Beame (1974-1977). Although he rescued the city financially,in my opinion he fell short of being the best mayor. That praise is shared by La Guardia and Rudi Giuliani. Koch was the most colorful, brash, gutsy, original and spunky mayor. He was the last of his kind….a diehard Democrat who was also conservative jousting like Don Quixote at political correctness. He was always feisty and combative, but my best memory of him actually comes from my son.

In 1990 Koch gave a speech at Harvard Law School (Incidentally…that was while President Obama was there…but I don’t know if he attended). After his talk he took questions from the audience. One young lady raised her hand and before she could ask her question….he blurted out (I paraphrase based on my son’s recollection) “Oh I remember you. You accosted me before in New York. Sit down!” Next he was asked about legalizing drugs and he evoked the “Singapore solution”….life in jail. Best was his answer to a question about terrorist suspects being held in a 60 square feet room. His answer: ” They should hold 60 suspects in one square foot. Next question!”

For almost twenty years I have had the privilege of being invited four times a year to a small and private breakfast which Ed Koch never missed. He was often crass, insulting and combative. At the last breakfast he showed me a children’s book he had just written. He had many better angels. May they guard his rest.

N.B. the best way to Queens is the bridge from Second Avenue and 59th St. in New York City. It is now the Edward I. Koch Bridge.


http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/on-the-death-of-ed-koch/print/ Six days ago, Ed Koch described the tombstone that he had arranged for himself. On my tombstone, which awaits me at the Trinity Church nondenominational cemetery at 155th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, I had inscribed the last words of Daniel Pearl — uttered at his publicly viewed murder — which were, “My father is […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/339590/senate-republicans-arm-brotherhood-andrew-c-mccarthy I’m done grumbling about how President Obama is empowering America’s enemies. After all, it is not just Obama. When it comes to abetting the Muslim Brotherhood, Republicans are right there with him. Not all of them, of course. This week, for example, Senator Rand Paul proposed an amendment that would have prohibited our government […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/339573/containing-hagel-mark-steyn You don’t have to be that good to fend off a committee of showboating senatorial blowhards. Hillary Clinton demonstrated that a week or so back when she unleashed what’s apparently the last word in withering putdowns: What difference does it make? Quite a bit of difference it seems. This week, an over-sedated Elmer Fudd […]


http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/01/27/what-near-death-experiences-tell-us/?print=1 There is an afterlife, and a benign deity. At least, that’s the testament of tens of thousands (some say it’s now millions) of people all over the world who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) (an online collection of these reports is here). Two books now at or near the top of the New York […]

French Journalism Drowns Trying to Save Charles Enderlin: Nidra Poller

http://dev.d-intl.com/en/articles/international/2013-01-31/french-journalism-drowns-trying-save-charles-enderlin PARIS. The honor of French journalism reached new depths on January 16 with one more absurd hearing in the lawsuit brought by France 2/Charles Enderlin against Philippe Karsenty, convicted of slander in 2006, acquitted in 2008, thrown back into Appellate Court after the highest court (Cour de Cassation) rejected the 2008 judgment on a […]