Displaying the most recent of 90433 posts written by

Ruth King



On this week’s Glazov Gang, Dwight Schultz, Nonie Darwish and Tommi Trudeau gathered to discuss When Obama’s Mask Comes Off. The discussion occurred in Part I and focused on why Americans embraced the pain of more “hope and change” and what Obama’s second term means for America. Part II focused on Obama carrying out Islamic blasphemy laws and what the true motives are behind his Islamist odyssey. Below are both parts of the two part series:


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/ben-shapiro/lets-tax-hollywood/print/ President Obama and California Governor Jerry Brown are on the same page: the wealthy in America must foot the bill for the massive debts they’ve run up. Sure, the top 1% of income earners pay 37% of all federal income tax. But they’re not paying their fair share! Let Jerry Brown explain, hot on […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/dgreenfield/the-art-of-being-a-happy-warrior/ When we celebrate Thanksgiving in a little over a week, after being thankful for family and friends, for health and comfort, for food and shelter, it may be time to be thankful for the left. I have seen far too much despair and defeatism, too many comments that suggest there is no hope for […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/333415/oh-we-forgot-tell-you-victor-davis-hanson The second-term curse goes like this: A president (e.g., Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and so on) wins reelection, but then his presidency implodes over the next four years — mired in scandals or disasters such as Watergate, Iran-Contra, Monica Lewinsky, the Iraqi insurgency, and Hurricane Katrina. Apparently, like tragic […]


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323551004578117420761844996.html?mod=WSJ_article_MoreIn_Opinion Two days after the election, a friend told me that because he has an Asian surname, he was inundated for months with emails from liberal Asian groups urging him to vote for Barack Obama. I asked what reason the emails gave for Asians to support Mr. Obama. Their main message: Barack Obama is “better […]

THE TIDE OF WAR IN GAZA…Israel Finally Retaliates Against Hamas’s Missile Attacks.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324556304578119502970431628.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop Here’s another post-election news flash: The tide of war is not receding. The latest Middle East flash point among so many is the Gaza Strip, where Israel on Wednesday launched retaliatory airstrikes on Hamas commanders and weapons storage sites. The strikes were in response to the latest rocket fire from Gaza launched willy-nilly into […]

Ambassador Rice, Designated Non-Expert on Benghazi Posted By Claudia Rosett

http://pjmedia.com/claudiarosett/ambassador-rice-designated-non-expert-on-benghazi/?print=1 Finally, during his first press conference in eight months, President Obama has confirmed it was specifically “at the request of the White House” that on the Sunday after the Sept. 11 terrorist onslaught in Benghazi, his ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, appeared as the face of his administration on five TV news […]

France Waking Up to Its Anti-Semitism? Posted By Michel Gurfinkiel

http://pjmedia.com/blog/france-waking-up-to-its-anti-semitism/?print=1 There is something intriguing about François Hollande, the socialist president of France. Many of his policies boil down to sheer liberal mantras in the style of Paul Krugman or the New York Review of Books. He indulges in overtaxation, big government, inflated social programs, and such cultural demagoguery as compulsory gender parity, gay marriage, […]

Petraeus and Allen: Non-Combatant, General Disgraces Andrew Bostom

http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/11/petraeus_and_allen_non-combatant_general_disgraces.html Unlike Generals David Petraeus and John Allen, Colonel Douglas Macgregor (US Army retired), is an actual combat veteran, and innovative, iconoclastic PhD military strategist. After one year at the Virginia Military Institute, and four years at West Point, Macgregor was commissioned in the U.S. Army during 1976 As described by US News reporter Richard […]

Petraeus and Allen: Non-Combatant, General Disgraces Andrew Bostom


Unlike Generals David Petraeus and John Allen, Colonel Douglas Macgregor (US Army retired), is an actual combat veteran, and innovative, iconoclastic PhD military strategist. After one year at the Virginia Military Institute, and four years at West Point, Macgregor was commissioned in the U.S. Army during 1976

As described by US News reporter Richard J. Newman (July 28, 1997. “Renegades Finish Last. A Colonel’s Innovative Ideas Don’t Sit Well with the Brass”. U.S. News & World Report 123 (4): 35), Macgregor was the “squadron operations officer who essentially directed the Battle of 73 Easting” in the 1991 Gulf War. Under Macgregor’s bold leadership, U.S. troops with 10 tanks and 13 Bradley fighting vehicles destroyed almost 70 Iraqi Republican Guard opponents’ armored vehicles without any U.S. casualties during a 23 minute span of the battle. Moreover, positioned towards the front of the battle and involved in firing, Macgregor didn’t “request artillery support or report events to superiors until the battle was virtually over, according to one of his superior officers.”

My colleagues Diana West and AJ Rice, directed me to print and radio interview comments, respectively, that Colonel Macgregor has provided in the aftermath of the salacious allegations against Generals Petraeus and Allen.

Macgregor is singularly unimpressed with the military leadership record of these men – the Army’s Petraeus, Allen of the Marines – noting that both lacked personal combat experience, having, “never pulled a trigger” or “lead soldiers in direct fire battle.” Nonetheless, Macgregor observes, Petraeus and Allen created faux heroic identities and succeeded in their egotistical quest for military promotion.

Macgregor’s withering critique of Petraeus includes these comments made to Time reporter Mark Thompson: