Displaying the most recent of 91425 posts written by

Ruth King

Our Failed Approach to Schizophrenia By PAUL STEINBERG

TOO many pendulums have swung in the wrong directions in the United States. I am not referring only to the bizarre all-or-nothing rhetoric around gun control, but to the swing in mental health care over the past 50 years: too little institutionalizing of teenagers and young adults (particularly men, generally more prone to violence) who […]


http://politicalmavens.com/index.php/topic/politics/ Mayor Bloomberg’s private residence is protected 24/7 by an armed policeman who stands guard outside. The White House, Congress and most other government buildings are protected by armed guards or policemen and somehow no one worries about how these people are vetted or whether there’s increased danger by putting weapons in their hands. Why […]

Jews, Law, and Human Rights By Michael Pinto-Duschinsky

Jews, Law, and Human Rights Are legally enforceable codes of human rights good for the Jews? Even to ask this question seems parochial and unseemly. Human rights deserve the utmost respect—and by Jews of all people. They are morally necessary; they are in keeping with the best religious, moral, and cultural traditions of Judaism; they […]

How to Use American Influence by Shoshana Bryen

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3519/american-influence The U.S. and its allies could not, similarly, overthrow the Soviet Union or liberate its colonies. But we did not pretend that we were their friends, and we surely did not give them aid or political support. The best of the Cold Warriors spurred the United States staunchly to defend its political beliefs as […]


Hamas leader calls for intifada against Israel
Jerusalem Post
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
A senior Hamas leader called for a third intifada and the resumption of suicide bombings against Israel. The demand came in response to the government’s recent decision to approve the construction of housing units in east Jerusalem. Read more…
Pentagon readies for sequestration budget cuts
The Hill
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
At the Pentagon, administration officials have given Defense Department number crunchers the green light to begin planning for the $500 billion in budget cuts set to go into effect in January. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2GAHutZLD

Media need to ask obvious follow-up questions
National Review Online
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Media need to ask obvious follow-up questions
“Follow up.” It’s a term that has gone out of style in the age of Obama. Members of the press have become remarkably uncurious since he’s been in the White House. A blanket of benevolent uncuriousness smothers news about Obama administration wrongdoing. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2GAIAF2YO

Hillary’s Intriguing “Concussion” — on The Darwish Gang……see note please

Hillary’s Intriguing “Concussion” — on The Darwish Gang

On the Chris Wallace show last sunday, the delightful Laura Ingraham called it Hillary’s “immaculate concussion.”


On this week’s Darwish Gang, Paul Croshaw, Shari Goodman and Tommi Trudeau gathered to discuss Hillary’s Intriguing “Concussion.” Discussed in Part II, the gang wonders why the Secretary of State somehow just can’t get to testify about Benghazi. In Part I, Nonie Darwish hosts a dialogue on the Tragedy in Connecticut, as the gang members search for the roots of monstrous evil. Watch both parts of the two-part series below:


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/bruce-bawer/a-christmas-carol/print/ How some quick-acting Norwegian parents saved their kids from a halal yule. Here’s a cozy little seasonal story for you. You may want to play some yuletide music in the background as you read it. Or maybe not. Two years ago, as Christmas approached, it was reported that Klara Vogl, the vicar of the […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/336426 While virtually the entire nation unites around the reasonable proposition that people with serious mental illnesses should not own assault weapons, one group takes umbrage: mental-health experts. In the wake of incidents such as the one at Newtown, the experts immediately issue press releases claiming that people with mental illness are no more violent […]

Ahem, Eric Holder: Radical Environmentalists Post Assassination Hit List by J. Christian Adams


They post names and addresses of people they would like to see murdered.

The latest newsletter from the environmentalist group Earth First! Journal contains a curious topic — assassinations.

In fact, the newsletter conveniently provides the names, addresses and phone numbers of the assassination targets. Naturally, none of this is to be taken seriously, the environmentalists tell us. From the newsletter:

Let us say clearly, this is not a call to undertake assassinations of the elite scum who are pillaging the planet and enslaving the populace — but not because we think that is a bad idea. And it’s also not because we think killing CEOs and lobbyists is negative PR either. In fact, most everyone hates these creeps, and many would applaud their demise. Some would even be so enthusiastic as to make a bid on the assassin’s old underwear if given the chance in a government auction, as we found out last year, when the State sold off Ted’s personal belongings to further enrich the family of Unabomber victim Thomas J. Mosser, executive of corporate marketing giants Burson Marsteller.

We are not calling for the assassinations of CEOs and lobbyists primarily because those assholes are disposable and replaced with relative ease. Whereas eco-revolutionaries like us are still far and few between, and someone getting popped on that sort of charge it could pull them out of the game for a long time. So instead, until the police state and prison industrial complex is weakened, thus leveling the battlefield a bit more, we propose a campaign of “prank assassinations.”

And who are the suggested targets of the Earth First! Journal assassination campaign? Members of the productive class, of course, fill the “Hit List.” Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy, is listed because his company has developed more efficient methods of developing cheap natural gas.

Aubrey McClendon

Armando Olivera is on the “Hit List” because his company has proposed a new power plant. Russ Girling, the CEO of TransCanada, is “pillaging” tar sands in Alberta and is putting up wind farms in Maine (endangering a couple of lynx). To round out the “Hit List,” Earth First! Journal names conservative blogger Brandon Darby.

DAVID SOLWAY:How the Program Approach Has Failed Big Education

http://pjmedia.com/blog/how-the-program-approach-has-failed-big-education/?singlepage=true It seems that scarcely a semester goes by without the announcement, or is it annunciation, of some new and glorious educational reform which will infallibly redeem a deteriorating academic situation and restore conviction, hope, and effectiveness to those of us who have long ago stopped believing in an educational “system” that must aim up […]