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Ruth King

Quenching “Sharia Thirst” on the Nile Posted By Andrew Bostom

http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/12/23/quenching-sharia-thirst-on-the-nile/ Three days before the first round of voting began for Egypt’s constitutional referendum on December 15, 2012, Hesham Darwish, from Cairo’s Hadayeq al-Qobba district, summarized [2] the views of those who planned to vote “yes,” and affirm the charter: People are thirsty for Sharia. [emphasis added] We do not support the president for who […]


The word, “jimmy,” means to pry open, as with a crowbar, an apt label for the former-president Carter, who uses his Carter Center (allegedly created to work for democracy, human rights, peace negotiations) to intrude, to meddle, to the detriment of those very goals. Carter is a family name of English origin and an occupational name given to one who transports goods by cart or wagon. Another aptonym (a name suited to its bearer), Carter transports tales, propaganda, and the Palestinian narrative worldwide to oppose democratic Israel, while profiting handsomely from Saudi funds.

Former-president Jimmy Carter declared in USA Today, that the Israeli government is expansionist and “flagrantly disregarded” clearly stated US policies, once again condemning the only democratic, sovereign nation in the Middle East that must protect her citizens against constant military and terrorist attacks and international meddling. His belief in self-determination extends only to Palestinians, not Israelis. Where all other countries have free rein over their own development and defense, Carter judges Israel by regulations designed to inhibit Israel’s growth, assault her border integrity, and ultimately embolden the Palestinians’ path to Israel’s destruction.

Of what is Israel pronounced so guilty by Carter’s standards? Surely not threatening jihad against Western civilization, not funding terrorism, not firing thousands of rockets at civilians. This religious man bears false witness as he accuses Israel of apartheid, of illegally expanding her borders, and more. He denounces Israel for constructing towns and villages on biblical and historical Judea and Samaria, where Jews have lived for thousands of years. These territories are Israel’s land, created and purchased under absolutely legal circumstances, never to be deemed Palestinian in any future negotiations.


Twenty-year-old Joshua Proutey received a bullet in his head by a gang of four blacks who were targeting white people. Where’s the media frenzy?

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Colin Flaherty, an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in more than 1000 new sites around the world, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and others. His story about a black man unjustly convicted of trying to kill his white girlfriend was featured in the Los Angeles Times and on Court TV and resulted in the release of Kelvin Wiley from state prison. He is a former ghost writer for a Chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights and author of White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It.

FP: Colin Flaherty, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

I would like to talk to you today about the recent murder of 20-year-old Joshua Proutey, who was shot for being white by a gang of four blacks who were out targeting white people who were “bound to have money” – as you reported in your story on this for WND.com.

Tell us what happened.

Flaherty: Four black people in Wilmington, North Carolina needed money for marijuana and traveling. So they set out to get it by robbing white people. They tried to break into a house, but were seen, so they fled. They stalked a woman through downtown Wilmington, but she escaped. Finally they came upon a 20-year-old college kid named Joshua. They took his money, cell phone and sandwich. Then he asked them to only take his money and not his ID because he explained to them it was hard to replace. Then they shot and killed him. The reason I wrote about this for WND.com and for my book, is not that it is special, but because racial violence is increasingly common and most media ignore it.

FP: What do you mean it is not “special”?

Flaherty: Racial mob violence and lawlessness ignored by the media and downplayed by the police is now so common I could write a story about it every day.

My backlog is enormous. There have been recent examples of black mob violence and lawlessness in Norfolk, Los Angeles, Tacoma, Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Haven, Gaithersburg, England, Ireland, Canada, Baltimore, Phoenix. We have black mob violence against gays, women, Asians, and on and on and on. These are all in addition to more than 400 cases I have already reported from 80 cities around the country.

Much of it is on YouTube. Yet no one is connecting the dots. They even refuse to admit the dots exist.

I received this email from a reporter in the Seattle area:

I check the police reports regularly and what you are saying is simply not reality here. I don’t see “black on white” violence.

I haven’t been beat up, had my car broken into, etc. Actually, I had my car broken into in Bellevue and Arlington, Wash. in places that are predominately white or Asian and have few blacks.

So no, I will not run your piece, now or ever.

Maybe where you live is some completely alternative reality. But other than maybe some isolated incidents, I just don’t see any pattern or anything.

Frankly, I don’t think there’s any more black on white violence than any other violence. In Seattle and Portland?

This is from an area where many accounts of black mob violence are on YouTube — and in my book.

FP: Where is the media frenzy similar to the one that happened over the Trayvon Martin case? I have been checking Pierce Morgan, Anderson Cooper, Geraldo, MSNBC…to no avail. What gives?

Flaherty: We know that answer to that, of course: The usual reaction of the press and its liberal allies is silence and denial. Here is what they almost always say — almost always in the same breathe: One, racial violence is not happening and two, here is why it is happening. The press is afraid to report an epidemic of black mob violence — which of course just encourages more of it. You might be surprised at the virulent, hateful emails I get – from reporters — when my readers confront them with the fact they ignore racial violence and lawlessness.

FP: Can you give an example of a virulent, hateful email you got from reporters?

Flaherty: I have an entire chapter on this in White Girl Bleed a Lot. But here are a few:

Tom Parkinson at the NPR affiliate in Orlando, WMFE, replied to one of my readers when she suggested he read White Girl Bleed a Lot: “F–k You.”

Steve West of WKVT in Vermont has peppered me and several of my readers with nasty emails. The only one I can print is this: “Are you freaking kidding me? I won’t take the time to write the long list of reasons why I’m not interested in your premise. Don’t write me again, please.”

My favorite came from Chicago, an ABC news reader by the name of Ravi Baichwal:

So blacks are implicated in crime in the summer.

Not news. Your perspective is not fresh or particularly interesting.

If you’re such a great writer and commentator, work to solve problems… not put this trash out — and expect someone like me to ape your perspective.

It isn’t riots. It’s disaffected youth for sure but you’re just race-baiting here and it’s meaningless.

I re-read your stuff and looked at your website.

It was late last night when we were conversing and I wanted to double-check my sense of you and your thesis.

I was right. You are an idiot.

There are dozens like this to my readers and me. This is representative of the attitudes of reporters toward reporting racial mob violence: Disbelief to outright hostility.

FP: So why is this happening?

Flaherty: The psychiatrists tell us we are only as sick as our secrets. And nothing is more secretive in the media than racial violence and lawlessness. This secrecy is breeding racism and sickness among people black and white all over the country. And the first step to doing something about it is to stop denying it.

Hamastine: A Present from the U.N. to Khaled Mashaal by Amin Farouk

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3513/hamas-palestine-un Thus, thanks to the international help it received from the U.N., official acceptance of “Palestine” will pass over from Fatah to Hamas in the West Bank, causing “Palestine” to be the first terrorist state created and recognized by Europe and the U.N. In a field near the Islamic University — where PhD theses are […]

Soeren Kern: The Islamization of Germany in 2012


Opinion polls consistently show that growing numbers of ordinary German citizens are worried about the consequences of decades of multicultural policies, as well the emergence of a parallel legal system based on Islamic Sharia law.

Post-Christian Europe became noticeably more Islamized during 2012.

As the rapidly growing Muslim population makes its presence felt in towns and cities across the continent, Islam is transforming the European way of life in ways unimaginable only a few years ago.

Some of the more notable Islam-related controversies during 2012 occurred in Germany, where the Muslim population has jumped from around 50,000 in the early 1980s to more than 4.5 million today.

What follows is a brief chronological review of some of the main stories involving the rise of Islam in Germany during 2012.

In January, German authorities welcomed the start of the New Year by officially confirming that they are monitoring German-language Internet websites that are critical of Muslim immigration and the Islamization of Europe.

In a January 4, 2012 interview with the Berliner Zeitung and the Frankfurter Rundschau, Manfred Murck, the director of the Hamburg branch of the German domestic intelligence agency (the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV)), said his organization was studying whether German citizens who criticize Muslims and Islam on the Internet are fomenting hate and are thus criminally guilty of “breaching” the German constitution.

The BfV’s move marked a significant setback for the exercise of free speech in Germany and came amid a months-long smear campaign led by a triple alliance of left-wing German multicultural elites, sundry Muslim groups and members of the mainstream media, who have been relentless in their efforts to discredit the so-called counter-jihad movement (also known as the “Islamophobes”) in Germany.

In a country stifled by decades of political correctness, the counter-jihad activists and bloggers have been giving a voice to millions of frustrated Germans who see the harm being wrought by the cult of multiculturalism.

Opinion polls consistently show that growing numbers of ordinary German citizens are worried about the consequences of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged mass immigration from Muslim countries. Germans are especially concerned about the refusal of millions of Muslim immigrants to integrate into German society, as well as the emergence of a parallel legal system in Germany based on Islamic Sharia law.

Also in January, Muslims in Duisburg, one of the most Islamized cities in Germany, clamored for the right to turn empty churches into mosques. All of the churches are located in the gritty Hamborn and Marxloh districts in northern Duisburg where Islam has already replaced Christianity as the dominant religion, and where several Catholic churches have been abandoned.

In Germany as a whole, more than 400 Roman Catholic churches and more than 100 Protestant churches have been closed since 2000, according to one estimate. Another 700 Roman Catholic churches are slated to be closed over the next several years.

By contrast, Germany is now home to more than 200 mosques (including more than 40 mega-mosques), 2,600 Muslim prayer halls and a countless number unofficial mosques. Another 128 mosques are currently under construction, according to the Zentralinstitut Islam-Archiv, a Muslim organization based in Germany.

Meanwhile, on January 16 one of the oldest universities in Germany inaugurated the country’s first taxpayer-funded department of Islamic theology. The Center for Islamic Theology at the University of Tübingen is the first of four planned Islamic university centers in Germany.

The German government claims that by controlling the curriculum, the school, which is to train Muslim imams and Islamic religion teachers, will function as an antidote to “hate preachers.” (Most imams currently in Germany are from Turkey and many of them do not speak German.)

But the idea has been fiercely criticized by those who worry the school will become a gateway for Islamists who will introduce a hardline brand of Islam into the German university system.

In February, the interior minister of the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Jochen Hartloff, said he favored the introduction of Islamic Sharia law in Germany. In an interview with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, Hartloff, a Socialist, said that using the Islamic moral code “is certainly conceivable when it comes to questions pertaining to civil law.” Hartloff said using Sharia law to resolve family law issues such as alimony, divorce or financial contracts “could have a pacifying effect” in Germany.

Hartloff’s comments were seconded by Michael Frieser, an expert on integration issues for the Conservatives in the German parliament. He told the Süddeutsche Zeitung that he has nothing against Muslim immigrants seeking judgments according to their own legal systems. “That can ultimately serve the cause of integration,” Frieser said.

In March, Muslim mobs in Berlin threatened to “burn down the neighborhood” after a German fatally stabbed an 18-year-old Muslim, in what police deemed was an act of self defence. The March 9 incident occurred in the heavily Islamized Berlin neighborhood of Neukölln, when the German, Sven N., tried to stop a fight between two groups of Turks over who should get a football that had been kicked over a fence. The Turks quickly turned their anger against the German. After a group of 20 Muslims armed with knives and daggers challenged Sven, he stabbed one of the attackers, Yusef Al-Abed, in the heart. More than 3,000 Muslims attended Yusuf’s funeral, evoking scenes of the Gaza Strip (photos here).

In April, Islamic radicals launched an unprecedented nationwide campaign to distribute 25 million copies of the Koran, translated into the German language, with the goal of placing one Koran into every household in Germany, free of charge.

The mass proselytization campaign — called Project “Read!” — was organized by dozens of Islamic Salafist groups located in cities and towns throughout Germany.

Salafism is a branch of radical Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia that seeks to establish a Sunni Islamic Caliphate (Islamic Empire) across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, and eventually the entire world. The Caliphate would be governed exclusively by Islamic Sharia law, which would apply both to Muslims and to non-Muslims. Salafists believe, among other anti-Western doctrines, that democracy, because it is a man-made form of government, must be destroyed.

Although Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the BfV, regards the Salafist groups as a threat to German security, Salafists have free reign in the country, and Salafist preachers are known regularly to preach hatred against the West in the mosques and prayer centers that are proliferating across Germany.

In May, more than 500 Salafists attacked German police with bottles, clubs, stones and other weapons in the city of Bonn, to protest cartoons they said were “offensive.” Rather than cracking down on the Muslim extremists, however, German authorities sought to silence the peaceful critics of multicultural policies that allow the Salafists openly to preach violence and hate.

The clashes on May 5 erupted when around 30 supporters of a conservative political party, PRO NRW, which is opposed to the further spread of Islam in Germany, participated in a campaign rally ahead of regional elections in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).



No more shaking. For the first time in 10 years, Canadian Tony Lightfoot’s uncontrollable tremors stopped. It followed four hours of non-invasive treatment on his brain, using focused ultrasound from Israel’s InSightec. Tony is the fifth patient at Toronto’s Western Hospital to have the life-changing Israeli treatment.

US approval for Israeli surgical sealant. The US Food and Drugs Administration has given approval for Evarrest – a biological sealant for stopping problematic bleeding during surgery. Evarrest is produced in Israel by Omrix Biopharmaceuticals – a division of US giant Johnson & Johnson.

Israeli soldier saves life of US boy. Sgt Idan Ducach gave a blood sample to Israeli charity Ezer Mizion when he enlisted in the IDF. Later he was told he was a bone marrow match for Alex – a young American boy. Idan donated his bone marrow and one year later met a very healthy Alex in New York.


Israeli-Arab school-kids get top results. This important fact was missing in most other media reports on the recent International TIMSS scores for Israeli school children. Israeli-Arabs have improved so much that their math, science and reading standards now exceed those of Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East.

Knesset award for Arab-Christian hospital. The Nazareth Hospital has become the first non-Jewish hospital to receive the annual Chairman of the Knesset award for its service to the predominately Arab community in Northern Galilee region of Israel.

Israel funds transplant after PA refuses. A two-year old Palestinian Arab boy underwent a bone marrow transplant at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv. The Israeli Government funded the procedure in order to save the boy’s life, after the Palestinian Authority declined the family’s request to pay for it.

Nira keeps Gaza aid moving. Second Lieutenant Nira Lee is the IDF’s assistant foreign liaison officer to international organizations in Gaza. During the latest conflict, she helped get a Gaza female aid worker to safety when sirens went off and the woman froze. The experience changed the woman’s perception of the IDF.

Season of good will. Israel has issued 20,000 permits to allow Christians to visit sites in Judea and Samaria during the upcoming Christmas holiday. This includes 500 for Palestinian Christians from Gaza. The Tourism Ministry is also providing free transportation by shuttle bus between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

More women than men become Israeli lawyers. Of the 1,248 new graduate lawyers, 664 (53%) were female. Israeli Minister of Justice, Yaakov Neeman said, “It is moving to have all of you prepared to practice law in our Jewish democratic state”.

Egyptian hero of Tahir Square speaks in Israel. Maikel Nabil Sanad, a blogger and human rights activist in Egypt’s Tahrir Square Uprising visits Israel for the first time to speak at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was the first political prisoner of the post-revolutionary government and spent 302 days in an Egyptian jail.

Canada and Israel sign foreign aid pact. Canada and Israel have agreed to work together on international development and aid projects. Canadian minister Julian Fantino said that greater co-operation between their aid agencies, “will help those most in need and contribute to “a more secure and prosperous world.”

Muslim MP: After Britain, Israel is best. Sajid Javid, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and MP for Bromsgrove, described himself as a “proud British-born Muslim” and announced that if he had to leave Britain to live in the Middle East, then he would choose Israel as home. Only there, he said, would his children feel the “warm embrace of freedom and liberty.” For him, only Israel shared the democratic values of the UK.


Israeli scientist wins Fundamental Physics prize. Dr. Zohar Komargodski, of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, has been awarded the New Horizons in Physics Prize by the Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation for his Quantum theories proofs. The prize is given annually to three promising young researchers.

Treating sewage locally. Israel’s Negev Ecology has inaugurated a plant near Kibbutz Mishmar Hanegev that will treat “fatty” waste – sewage containing fats, organic matter and minerals. The Harov site is the first of its kind in the region. It will receive waste from gas stations, garages, food manufacturers, and army bases.

OECD praises Israel’s environmental progress. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has reported that Israel is successfully implementing OECD policies on waste and chemicals. Israel has mechanisms to manage chemicals, recycle waste, control emissions and prevent pollution.

An intelligent learning system. The new educational platform from Israel’s Mindojo will allow individuals or companies to create an online course that will automatically adapt to each student’s needs and learning style. Guy Zaslavsky’s system uses artificial intelligence and can be used for any subject that’s textbook based.

A store full of robots. Israel’s RobotAppStore says it is the first online marketplace to enable the purchase and download of hundreds of applications that extend the functionality of any type of robot. Soon all robots will connect to the Internet, share a common knowledge database and upgrade functions in real-time.

Israel feeds the world. Please watch this 8min youtube video to see fourteen Israeli agriculture technology companies and two Israeli renewable energy companies demonstrate their products at Israel Agritech 2012.

Analysing the ecosystem. A delegation of top Massachusetts water companies, investment companies and government representatives are now in Israel talking with Israeli start-ups. They praised Israel’s innovative projects, its work ethics, team dynamics and lack of fear of failure.


Times’ slap at black Republicans draws Cain ire
The Daily Caller
Herman Cain came out swinging Friday against a New York Times op-ed that claims Republicans strategically use black politicians, in this case soon-to-be Sen. Tim Scott, to “undermine black interests.” The former presidential candidate wrote at his CainTV.com: “Any newspaper that would publish a piece denigrating blacks as needing the benevolence of big government in order to serve their interests is obviously racist and deserves widespread censure for making such an insensitive and racially biased editorial decision.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2FsmK3800
Kerry should be grilled over questionable stands
American Thinker
Saturday, December 22, 2012
As John Kerry faces Senate confirmation hearings for secretary of state, he should be hit with tough questions regarding his: (1) testimony against fellow Vietnam War veterans before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971; (2) meeting with North Vietnamese communists in Paris, also in 1971; (3) campaigning for a nuclear freeze in Europe in the 1980s. Aren’t his failures over four decades something his colleagues should worry about? Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2Fsmds0ah
Ex-Marine Hammar freed, back in America
Fox News
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The ordeal for Jon Hammar Jr., who languished under deplorable conditions in a violent Mexican prison for four months, is finally over. The ex-Marine, who was arrested at the same border crossing Aug. 13 after trying to declare an antique shotgun, was released Friday and was suffering from a stomach virus, his father told Fox News as he and his son drove from the Texas border. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2FsmpZXEx

Dershowitzophrenia By Roger L Simon


Sometimes I think Alan Dershowitz is so politically schizophrenic he deserves a diagnosis title of his own in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM – Dershowitzophrenia.

Today the Harvard Law professor has an excellent article in NRO (one wonders if he offered it first to the NYT, WaPo, etc.) taking President Obama to task for his potential nomination of Chuck Hagel for SecDef. Given Hagel’s record on Iran (not even branding the Republican Guard as terrorists, etc.), Dershowitz correctly states the former senator’s appointment would send a message to the mullahs that the administration is not serious in their threat of using force to prevent the Iranians from developing nuclear weapons.

But, hello…. What kind of person would Obama nominate for SecDef and what does the president himself really think about Iran? The professor surely recalls Obama’s extraordinary indifference when the demonstrators in the streets of Tehran cried out for the president’s support.

It’s perfectly natural and predictable Obama would want a Hagel — or someone like him — at Defense. Where was Dershowitz? Ignoring what everyone else knew?

And it’s not just Defense. Who would Obama nominate for the even more important secretary of State? If he can’t get the prevaricating Susan Rice, a mindlessly progressive bloviating Assad apologist like John Kerry will be just the ticket.

No one but a certain Harvard professor and consistent public supporter of Barack Obama would be surprised.

BTW, the American Psychiatric Association has announced its Fifth Edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will appear next May. Dershowitizophrenia anyone?


http://melaniephillips.com/into-the-abyss To an astonishing silence by the media on both sides of the pond, the US along with the UK and a number of European governments is leading the west into an abyss. I have repeatedly noted here that the US, UK and France helped bring to power in Egypt Islamic extremists hostile to the […]


Sen. John Kerry as Sec. Of State?! Be Afraid, Kerry’s Poor Understanding of Climate Science Poses Threat to U.S. National Security

Kerry has called Global Warming the Next 9/11 & Has Equated Soviet Nuclear warheads & Iranian Nukes to threat of Global Warming
December 21, 2012 – By Marc Morano

Climate Depot Editorial
Democratic Senator John Kerry is set to become the next U.S. Secretary of State, replacing Sec. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Kerry has declared his intention to treat man-made global warming as a national security threat. See: Sen. John Kerry To Be Nominated As Next Secretary of State: Kerry ‘believes climate change is the ‘biggest long term threat’ to national security’ & A Secretary John Kerry Would Elevate Climate Issues: Reaction: ‘about as far as 2010′s failed Kerry-Boxer climate bill, which failed to launch’
Climate Depot Statement on Sen. Kerry: “Senator Kerry is on record expressing outlandish climate and national security claims based on his basic misreading of climate science. Having a Secretary of State who views the emission of a trace essential gas in the atmosphere – CO2 – as some sort of monster threat o national security or the equivalent a the 9/11 terror attacks or the equivalent of old Soviet nuclear warheads, is a sad day in American history. Kerry is ignoring a large body of data and research that demolishes his beliefs. (see below) The American people deserve much better.” #
See: Sen. John Kerry: Global Warming Is The Next 9/11: Kerry: ‘On August 6, 2001, Pres. George W. Bush famously received an intelligence briefing entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” Thirty-six days later, al Qaeda terrorists did just that. Scientists tell us we have a 10-year window — if even that — before catastrophic climate change becomes inevitable and irreversible. The threat is real, and time is not on our side… ‘Make no mistake: catastrophic climate change represents a threat to human security, global stability, and — yes — even to American national security’