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Ruth King

Con Coughlin and David Blair:Can Mali be Saved From the Islamists? Can France Do It Alone?….see note please

Something is amiss here…the French want to stop a Moslem terror state in Mali but they actively promote one on “The West Bank”…..rsk
France’s President François Hollande is sending in troops in to prevent the creation of a terrorist super-state, but can they do it alone?
As hundreds of French troops are deployed to Mali to do battle with al-Qaeda-backed terrorists and another chapter in the long-running war against militant Islam develops, it is hard not to feel a sense of déjà vu.

It is now more than a decade since the UN Security Council unanimously approved the American-led campaign to destroy the terrorist infrastructure al-Qaeda had assembled in southern Afghanistan. There is nothing the world’s most notorious terrorist organisation likes more than to move into the ungoverned space of failed Islamic states, and southern Afghanistan proved the perfect hide-out from which Osama bin Laden and his cohorts could plot their diabolical attacks against the West.

Thanks to the success of Nato’s military intervention in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda and its allies no longer enjoy that freedom: its terrorist infrastructure has been destroyed and the few survivors of bin Laden’s original organisation have sought refuge in mountain retreats.

But arguably the most depressing aspect of what used to be known as the war on terror is that no sooner has one group of Islamist terrorists been dealt with than another pops up. Since the elimination of al-Qaeda from southern Afghanistan in late 2001 we have seen variations of the movement take root in failing Islamic states such as Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, and large tracts of North Africa.

Indeed, the ease with which groups of al-Qaeda operatives were able to set up new terrorist operations prompted General David Petraeus, the former CIA director, to liken the agency’s counter-terrorism campaign to a “whack-a-mole” policy, saying that “you need to hit all the moles at once”.



“The West is trying to impose its moral norms on the Muslim world with bribes and interventions, while the Muslim world imposes its norms on the West by settling and blowing up Western cities. Within that chaos, the passenger planes depositing their cargoes of Pakistanis, Jordanians and Somalis at Heathrow, JFK and Charles de Gaulle Airport (the latter two names being quite fitting considering JFK’s impact on immigration policy and de Gaulle’s impact on North Africa) and the fighter jets and drones flying over North Africa and the Middle East, are a hundred small wars.”

The French are in Mali now, being shot at by Islamists armed with the very same weapons that France airdropped into Libya. Either those or the weapons that France sold to Gaddafi in the preceding period when European countries were competing to be his arms dealers. The joke is equally bleak, either way.
It used to be that decades would have to pass before a bad policy unraveled, but these days it only takes a few years to go from arming a tyrant to arming the rebels to shooting at the rebels.

In less time than it takes a pop star to go from fresh faced to train wrecked, Saif Gaddafi went from the toast of European academics to a mass murderer, Gaddafi’s opposition went from Al Qaeda terrorists to brave rebels, then the brave rebels, many of whom were actually Iraqis, Tunisians and Jordanians, shot up an American diplomatic mission, hooked up with some of Gaddafi’s Tuaregs to take over Northern Mali, shot them up and began carving out their own Islamist Emirate.

In barely two years, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, went from screaming that Egyptian children “must feed on hatred” to the toast of foreign diplomatic circles as the same geniuses behind the invasion of Libya try to make the best of handing over the most powerful country in the region into the hands of a terrorist organization.

In that same period, Syria’s Assad went from the pages of Vogue and meetings with John Kerry to being the most reviled man in the world. But two years from now, if he survives the worst that the Syrian rebels, most of whom are Al Qaeda or wish they were, you might well find him meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry while his family gets another four pages in Vogue Magazine.

In two years, the evil ruthless dictators who kill and torture their own people have been replaced by ruthless democratically elected dictators who kill and torture their own people. In Egypt and Tunisia things are worse now than they were under the “dictators” and unsurprisingly the one thing that they can all agree on is that it’s America’s fault.

The press can’t be expected to pay much attention to these events. The media will provide the obligatory coverage of Muslim Brotherhood torture chambers in Egypt and the labor riots in Tunisia. But it would really like to spend its time lamenting Israel’s fall to the far right by covering the rise of a political party which holds the shocking and outrageous position that the twenty year old peace process has failed and should be wrapped up and put away.

It seemed like only a few weeks ago that the cognoscenti were enthusiastically predicting a new Middle East, sending reporters in droves to be kidnapped and molested at the celebrations of freedom and democracy. And now the new Middle East looks a lot like the old Middle East.

O’Reilly/Fox Hypocrisy: Ignore Murdoch, Ratchet Up Attacks on Gore: Andrew Bostom

http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2013/01/15/oreillyfox-hypocrisy-ignore-murdoch-ratchet-up-attacks-on-gore/ Last night (1/14/13) Bill O’Reilly [1] devoted his “Factor Impact Segment of the day,” (embedded below) to the limited coverage afforded Al Gore’s sale of Current TV to Al-Jazeera. Joined by Bernard Goldberg, both men were in high dudgeon against Gore’s obvious hypocrisy given the fossil fuel-funded outrages (i.e., myriad examples of jihadism/Sharia supremacism, […]



In June 2012, the “National Security 5” — five members of Congress led by Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) — called attention to U.S. government infiltration by Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives. Based on disturbing information from court evidence and documents, correspondence, media reports, congressional briefings, and public statements, they found that individuals with questionable loyalty to the United States held high-level security clearances and worked in key national security positions. Tragically for the security of the United States and the safety of its citizens, these five earnest members of Congress, armed with ample evidence, were roundly criticized by both Republicans and Democrats, and their request for investigations were ignored.

The five — Bachmann, Trent Franks (R-Arizona), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Tom Rooney (R-Florida), and Lynn Westmoreland (R-Georgia) — had sent letters to the inspectors general of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security, and to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. They identified specific individuals, organizational affiliations, and activities of concern conducted by Muslim Brotherhood operatives employed in various capacities in the U.S. government. They cited links to the much-publicized Muslim Brotherhood mission statement that has called its work in America “a kind of grand Jihad to eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within.”

All was ignored, despite the release five years earlier by the U.S. government itself of a list of several Muslim Brotherhood front organizations and their members across the United States, 300 in all, named as “unindicted co-conspirators” uncovered during the terrorism financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest such trial in U.S. history. The inside influence operation in America is extensive and goes far beyond the federal government to include Islamists posing as patriots and becoming part of the Tea Party movement, Islamists infiltrating the 9/11 Truther Movement, and Islamists becoming part of the fight for “civil liberties” through organizations like the ACLU, to name just a few.

Muslim Brotherhood in America

Established in 1928, four years after Kemal Ataturk dismantled the Ottoman Caliphate, the Muslim Brotherhood today has grown into the world’s oldest and largest Islamist movement. Its goal: to establish a global Islamic caliphate or government under sharia, or Islamic doctrine. It seeks to dismantle all non-Islamic governments on earth and supports terrorism against the West and Israel.

The Muslim Brotherhood has spawned al-Qaeda, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and various worldwide terrorist groups. In the 1950s, it established a beachhead in the United States and today has over 5,000 front organizations from coast to coast, according to a former FBI agent and designated “Subject Matter Expert” on the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic doctrine.

“The Project,” written in 1982 and discovered during a raid of the home of one of the organization’s international leaders by Swiss authorities following 9/11, is a multi-phased, long-term master plan for the cultural invasion of the West. The discovery of two documents in 2001 and 2004 provided, respectively, evidence of an actual MB plot for the cultural invasion and Islamic domination of the West and a general strategy for the takeover of America.


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/2442/extremists_target_uk_students New data has revealed almost 150 events with extremists on university campuses in 2012 New analysis by campus watchdog group Student Rights has revealed that Islamic extremists appeared almost 150 times on British university campuses in 2012. The infographic (below) shows that of 214 events logged by the group, 69 percent of them took […]

‘Muslim Patrol’ Vigilantes Attempt to Control London Streets !!!! See the videos at the site


Thugs masquerading as ‘Muslim Patrols’ have been accosting residents in London, demanding they abide by the laws of what they deem a ‘Muslim area’

The Commentator has found evidence of self-styled ‘vigilantes’ patrolling streets of London, accosting women and vandalising public property. The group, which is attempting to cordon off ‘Muslim areas’, has dubbed itself ‘Muslim Patrol’.

So far, the group has posted two videos to its new YouTube account which was set up in December 2012. The first video shows the destruction of advertising and vandalising of bus shelters, both displaying images of H&M push-up bras. The second video sees the ‘vigilantes’ approaching and harrassing members of the public for either consuming alcohol, dressing ‘inappropriately’, or being inebriated near a mosque.

Several of the videos uploaded to the account have already been removed as they violated YouTube’s terms and conditions. One specifically states that YouTube deemed it intentionally “designed to bully, harrass and threaten”.

The footage is likely to have come from East London, where ‘Shariah zones’ were set up last year. The new tactic of intimidation is said to appall local residents, who will likely find the ‘patrols’ disconcerting.

In the videos, the ‘Muslim Patrol’ is heard to say, “Alcohol banned. This is a Muslim area. Muslims patrol the area.”

One young woman, when confronted by the patrol, states, “I am appalled, this is Great Britain”, to which the authors of the video are heard to remark, “We don’t care. It’s not so Great Britain”.

Those involved are thought to be a part of an extremist network in East London and not linked to the wider Muslim community the local area.



The attempted commandeering of the cause of liberty should be rejected at every turn, says Austin Petersen

A young, attractive couple joined my group of dedicated liberty activists for cocktails and dinner one night in downtown New York City in the late summer of 2011.

The man, we’ll call him “Sven”, a handsome blonde of Germanic descent, and his similarly beautiful corn silk-haired girlfriend had been invited to join my friends and I in discussion and debate for the evening. We were all classical liberals, fighting for freedom from oppressive government, for civil rights, liberty and free markets for all.

But that’s not what one young man at the party believed.

As the presidential political season approached and the re-election of Barack Obama signaled that there would be no hope for change in leadership, the modern American libertarian movement found itself in a difficult position.

The campaign of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul had inspired hordes of free market youth activists, including this author, to his banner. The movement was composed of people from all ages and backgrounds and there was really only one thing that united all of them together, the belief in individual rights and personal liberty.

This was the second effort for many of these young men and women who had cut their teeth on the 2008 version of the Texas congressman’s campaign for the White House. Noted organizations such as the Campaign for Liberty, Young Americans for Liberty, and the now International Students for Liberty took root and have seen rapid growth across the nation. The total result of this movement has been to create a mini-industry centered on the ideas of limited government and personal freedom. We have our heroes and villains, our clowns and our workhorses. It’s really quite remarkable.

One self-proclaimed hero (that is up for debate in the community) is a man by the name of Alex Jones, whose conspiracy theory rants are broadcast into millions of homes on a daily basis. Jones is a radio broadcaster whose shows feature stories on how the US government is building camps, presumably to intern Americans in event of national disaster, and that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were an orchestrated attack carried out by elements within our own government.

Jones was recently made known to the world through an appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan show where his maniacal rants and ad hominems painted the British host a perfect stereotype of the gun-toting lunatic American. Although Jones has taken steps to personally distance himself from the worse of anti-Semitism; it’s an open secret that his online forums cultivate and harbor the worst kind of backwards thinkers and rage filled racists in the world of political discourse.

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro: A Gun Ban That Misfired

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324081704578235460300469292.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop What I saw as a prosecutor in Washington, D.C., makes me wary of strict firearms laws. In the wake of the horrific elementary-school shootings in Newtown, Conn., last month, many Americans, desperate to do something in response, have decided that much stricter gun control is the answer. Democrats have proposed reinstating the 1994 Assault […]


And Mohamed al Durah begat Mohamed Merah… http://www.dispatchinternational.com/ (CURRENTLY BEING RENOVATED) The fabricated murder of Mohamed al Dura has not lost its sting. Produced and broadcast by state-owned France 2 TV on September 30, 2000, the staged scene of the “death of a Palestinian child targeted by Israeli gunfire” has replaced “Christ killer” as a […]

Germany and Israel A Relationship Full of Misunderstandings By Christiane Hoffmann and Ren Pfister….see note please


Well you see where this is going…..bashing Israel is far more “respectable” than just unvarnished anti-Semitism….and Israel’s witless critics have given Germany the cudgels …..rsk

Germany and Israel A Relationship Full of Misunderstandings
By Christiane Hoffmann and Ren Pfister

How critical can one be of Israel? It is a question that Germany has been
debating since SPIEGEL ONLINE columnist Jakob Augstein was included on the
Simon Wiesenthal Center’s list of the world’s worst anti-Semites. Political
leaders in Berlin have a different answer than Germans at large.
Does Angela Merkel mistrust the very people she governs? Is she
uncomfortable with the German people?

In October 2011, the German chancellor stood onstage at the academy of the
Jewish Museum, in Berlin, next to conductor Daniel Barenboim. The
celebratory concert had concluded, and the museum’s director had just
presented Merkel with its Award for Understanding and Tolerance.

This is one of many awards the chancellor has received from Jewish
institutions over the last couple years, including the Heinz Galinski Prize
from the Jewish Community of Berlin, the American Jewish Committee’s Light
Unto the Nations Award and an honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University.
At the Jewish Museum, Merkel spoke a few pleasant words, calling the award
both an honor and a responsibility. Then she cited a study, according to
which 60 percent of Europeans — including Germans — consider Israel the
most significant threat to world peace.

Following Merkel’s logic seems to present a conclusion that two thirds of
Germans harbor anti-Semitic sentiments. Is this really what the chancellor
believes? Or was her intention simply, as she said in her speech, to warn
against allowing anti-Semitism to increase?

Merkel’s speech provides a direct path into the minefield that is relations
between Jews and Germans, and between Germany and Israel. Of course it is
absurd to label Israel the world’s worst aggressor. But does simply making
such a statement count as anti-Semitism?

Where does objective criticism end and defamation begin? The controversy over journalist Jakob Augstein’s
columns in SPIEGEL ONLINE and elsewhere has re-ignited this debate, a storm
triggered when the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles placed Augstein on
its list of the world’s worst anti-Semites.