Displaying the most recent of 90433 posts written by

Ruth King


Gallup: Obama loses support from most groups
Friday, October 26, 2012
Given the relatively similar demographic composition of the 2012 and 2008 electorates, the election’s outcome may hinge more on how groups vote rather than to what extent they will vote. And most groups are currently less likely to support Obama now than they were in 2008. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AP387san
Health care cutoff for vets delayed until election
PJ Media
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Veterans in select areas of the country may soon be hit with a reduction in health care coverage, a proposal that has sparked outcry from lawmakers. It looks like the announcement of the move to discontinue TRICARE Prime for military members in certain states will wait until after Election Day. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AP3w6rLJ
Ryan mocks Obama’s ‘comic book’ agenda
NBC News
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan hammered away at President Obama for lacking a second term agenda. “He came up with a slick new brochure, with less than two weeks left,” Ryan said. “It is a slick — well, comic book. … To me, a slick re-packaging of more of the same.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AP3QbqwL
Inhofe says Obama broke law on regulations
Daily Caller
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Sen. James Inhofe says that President Obama broke the law by not publishing a regulatory agenda this year. The White House is required to release a a list of regulatory activities that are planned by the administration twice a year. Inhofe says the White House hasn’t published one since 2011. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AP3jkqce


The 9/11 Prosecutor’s Quest for Transparency By Matthias Gebauer http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/despite-attempts-at-transparency-problems-remain-for-guantanamo-trial-a-862897-druck.html Pre-trial hearings in the prosecution of 9/11 mastermand Khalid Sheikh Mohammed began last week at the US base at Guantanamo. Chief Prosecutor Mark Martins hopes to create as fair a trial as possible, despite the death penalty being almost a foregone conclusion. But the challenges […]


http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/russian-conservatives-target-gays-and-lesbians-a-862745-druck.html Russia’s War on Gays and Lesbians Intensifies By Benjamin Bidder in Moscow Obscure conservative groups in Russia have intensified their fight against homosexuality, recently going after the pop-singer Madonna as well as an allegedly offensive milk carton label. The developments underscore a growing atmosphere of intolerance in the country. Russia’s self-proclaimed morality police have […]


2012.10.24 (Kirkuk, Iraq) – Mujahdeen take out a small child with a roadside bomb.
2012.10.24 (Mishahada, Iraq) – Six employees at a parts factory are brutally machine-gunned by al-Qaeda on their way home.
2012.10.23 (Lyari, Pakistan) – A reporter dies from injuries a few days after being shot by Sunnis who labeled him an ‘impure Muslim’.
2012.10.23 (Shuala, Iraq) – Targeted car bombings in a Shiite neighborhood leave at least nine residents dead.
2012.10.22 (Gerba, Ethiopia) – A guard is killed when a Muslim mob attacks a government facility over an alleged threat to Islam.
2012.10.21 (Damascus, Syria) – A bomb targeting Christians on their way to church leaves thirteen dead.


http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/10/darkness_descending_in_england.html The arrest of over 53 people in the United Kingdom is the beginning of the end for once-great Britain. The leaders of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, were among those arrested, as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP). I spoke with Kevin Carroll about his […]

Why Obama Gambled With American Lives — on The Glazov Gang


On this week’s Glazov Gang, Nonie Darwish, Dwight Schultz and Diane Zinn discussed Why Obama Gambled With American Lives. The discussion occurred in Part I and dealt with the secrets and lies of Benghazi-Gate. Part II dealt with Whoopi Goldberg’s Assault on Ann Romney and Mormonism, focusing on whether Whoopi would condescendingly interrogate a Muslim cleric about Qur’anic verses. Both parts of the two part series can be seen below:

Part I:


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/phil-orenstein/obama-or-romney-who-is-better-for-israel/print/ Two distinguished and knowledgeable speakers, Dan Fleshler, a media and public affairs strategist in New York City, and Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, trustee of the City University of New York and former FBI foreign counter-intelligence agent, represented the 2012 presidential candidates at the October 14 Israeli Affairs Breakfast at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills. In […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/matthew-vadum/chris-stevens-last-words/print/ Obama administration emails leaked to news organizations about last month’s terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, paint a shocking picture of the administration’s incompetence and callousness. During the military-style assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, four American officials died, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/331712 Three days after the bloody 9/11 siege on our consulate in Benghazi, the Taliban waged an intricately coordinated, brutal attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. The murderous jihadists released video exactly one month ago this week showing off their training exercises in preparation for the assault. Where are the questions? Where’s the accountability? Where’s […]

Palestine – Obama’s Befuddled Thinking Sends Peace Prospects Sinking By David Singer

President Obama has dramatically lowered his support for Israel over the past four years when one compares his latest response to a questionnaire from the American Jewish Committee to the answers he provided before the 2008 elections.

President Obama’s 2012 response is both vague and essentially directionless:

Last year, I stood before the United Nations General Assembly to address the Palestinian bid for U.N. recognition of statehood.I believe now, as I did then, that the Palestinian people deserve a state of their own.However, I continue to believe that lasting peace will only come from direct negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians themselves and not from unilateral Palestinian actions at the United Nations.That is why I made it clear that there can be no short-cuts to peace, and called on the world to recognize the legitimacy of Israel and its security concerns as a Jewish, democratic state.

We cannot impose peace or any final status details on the Israelis and Palestinians.Ultimately, it is up to the two parties to take action. Final status issues can only be resolved by the Israelis and Palestinians themselves.What we can do is state frankly what is widely known: that a lasting peace will involve two sovereign, independent states.And I am convinced that the majority of Israelis and Palestinians would rather look to the future than be trapped in the past.However, my Administration has made it clear that Israelis cannot be expected to negotiate with a partner that refuses to recognize its right to exist.That’s why it’s imperative that Hamas abides by the Quartet conditions to renounce violence, recognize Israel’s right to exist, and abide by past agreements.

His response was far more direct four years ago – indicating the parameters of the two-state solution he then envisaged should be the outcome of negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization through it’s agreed negotiating entity – the Palestinian Authority (PA) .

The United States cannot dictate the terms of a final status agreement. We should support the parties as they negotiate these difficult issues, but they will have to reach agreements that they can live with. In general terms, Israel clearly must emerge in a final status agreement with secure borders. Jerusalem will remain Israel’s capital, and no one should want or expect it to be re-divided. As for refugees, the Palestinians will need to reinterpret the notion of a right of return in such a way that will preserve Israel as a Jewish state, while Israel would likely contribute to international compensation for the refugees.

But these details are for the parties to decide. While negotiations are ongoing, both sides should take steps to improve conditions on the ground, so that people believe they have a stake in the process.

The following differences between Obama 2008 and Obama 2012 are starkly evident:

President Obama would find it virtually impossible to criticize the PA acquiring “a state of its own” by demanding as a necessary condition that all 5000000 Jews living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem be expelled from their homes and businesses.

The Palestinian Arabs deserved right to a state is timeless – no matter how many offers made by Israel are rejected by the PA. With that kind of Presidential mind set – Arab rejectionism of such a state – first proposed in 1937 and rejected on many occasions since then – is bound to continue without fear of any political consequences from America.
Whilst direct negotiations still remain the pathway to create any such Palestinian State – the President is apparently prepared to allow those negotiations to continue to be stalled indefintely without any express policy being proposed by him as a possible circuit breaker. Such Presidential inertia can only encourage the PA to prolong the resumption of negotiations until its demands to return to the negotiating table are first agreed on by Israel.
Whilst President Obama states that he has called on the world to recognise the legitimacy of Israel and its security concerns as a Jewish democratic State – he makes no similar direct call on the Palestinian Arabs.
Gone are the 2008 pronouncements on secure borders, Jerusalem, and refugees – positions agreed on in an exchange of letters in 2004 between Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President George W Bush. President Obama’s abandonment of his predecessor’s commitments will only embolden the PA to maintain its rejectionist stance on each of these issues.