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Ruth King


Which Future Do You Want?By Frank Salvato


As the media pushes the cosmetic differences between the two presidential candidates, I have long said that this election is about a fundamental question: Do you want more government or less government? Today, after the release of President Obama’s interview with the Des Moines Register, I would add a second tier to that question, but a tier just as important. Do you want a poor country or a plentiful country? The choice you make at the ballot box will, indeed, answer both of these questions, so I pray to the Almighty above that you are not voting with your emotions, but with your brains.

In the Des Moines Register interview, President Obama said:

“So when you combine the Bush tax cuts expiring, the sequester in place, the commitment of both myself and my opponent – at least Governor Romney claims that he wants to reduce the deficit – but we’re going to be in a position where I believe in the first six months we are going to solve that big piece of business.

“It will probably be messy. It won’t be pleasant. But I am absolutely confident that we can get what is the equivalent of the grand bargain that essentially I’ve been offering to the Republicans for a very long time, which is $2.50 worth of cuts for every dollar in spending, and work to reduce the costs of our healthcare programs.

“And we can easily meet – “easily” is the wrong word – we can credibly meet the target that the Bowles-Simpson Commission established of $4 trillion in deficit reduction…Now, once we get that done, that takes a huge piece of business off the table.”

What? What did he say? Did he say that he was going to let both the Bush tax cuts expire and allow the sequester to take place? Indeed he did.

In September, the AP reported that the White House itself issued a report in which it said allowing the sequester to proceed would be catastrophic:

My Country is Under Attack. Do You Care? Arsen Astrovsky



I’m angry.

You see, as most Americans were waking up this morning, and those in Europe and elsewhere around the world were going about their daily routines, here in Israel — over one million people were running for cover from a hail of rockets being rained down by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. In the space of 24 hours, since Tuesday evening, 80 rockets have been fired on southern Israel. That’s more than three rockets per hour. By the time I finish this article, odds are that count will have risen to 85 rockets.

Just to put things in context: one million Israelis is roughly 13 per cent of the population. Thirteen per cent of the U.S. population equates to about 40 million people.

A dozen Israelis have already been injured, with several of them seriously. The only reason more have not been hurt is because Israel has invested millions of dollars in bomb shelters and the Iron Dome defense system, while Hamas has invested millions of dollars in foreign aid in more rockets.

But here is why I’m angry.

I’m angry that in 2012, over 600 rocketshave already been fired from Gaza with no end in sight. I’m angry that the world only notices when Israel undertakes its (sovereign) right to defend its citizens. Can you imagine if even one rocket was fired on Washington, London, Paris or Moscow? No nation on earth can, or should, tolerate such attacks on its people.

I’m angry that while the United Nations never hesitates to call a ‘special emergency session’ on the ‘Question of Palestine’ or pass the umpteenth resolution blindly condemning Israel, that I am still waiting for a session on the ‘Question of Israel’ and Palestinian terror. In fact, 24 hours after the rocket attacks started, I am still waiting for even one syllable of condemnation from the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly or Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

I’m angry that Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary-General, could not find a moment to condemn the Palestinian rockets, but did find time to laugh and dance with South Korean rapper Psy from the popular dance craze Gangnam Style.

I’m angry that while the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton slammed Israel last week over the building of several hundred apartments (in an area that will arguably remain part of Israel anyway), that I am still waiting for her to slam the Palestinians for firing 80 rockets in one day.

I’m angry that there are those who continue to call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the Jewish State, but are silent in the face of Palestinian terror.

The Demographic Sources of Turkey’s Foreign Policy Crisis By David P. Goldman

http://www.jinsa.org/fellowship-program/david-p-goldman/demographic-sources-turkeys-foreign-policy-crisis#.UInKYcVG-QJ Syria’s two million Kurds have become a wild card in the country’s crisis, after the Assad regime encouraged Kurdish autonomy as a ploy against its Sunni opposition in the ongoing civil war. The importance of the small Syrian Kurdish zone extends far beyond its possible role as a base for PKK guerillas to attack […]

The Ideology Problem in Timbuktu Is Not al-Qaeda’s Making — It Is Classical Islam: Andrew McCarthy

http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/331635 Andrew’s post describing the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Mali is essential, if excruciating, reading. Beyond the monstrously cruel but all too usual punishments being imposed, I’m struck by two things, which really show how willful blindness leads inexorably to spring fever: The Guardian attributes the atrocious penalties to the “menace of al-Qaida”; it also […]


CBS sat on Obama Benghazi clip since Sept. 12
Human Events
Thursday, October 25, 2012
CBS sat on Obama Benghazi clip since Sept. 12
A curious bit of video has been released by CBS News, taken from an interview President Obama gave to Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” on Sept. 12. Here Obama professes himself suspicious that “there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start.” What’s curious about this video clip is that we’ve never seen it before. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AJlGbtqp
Powell endorses ‘transformational’ Obama — again
CBS News
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Powell endorses ‘transformational’ Obama — again
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell broke with the Republican Party during the 2008 election, to endorse then-candidate Barack Obama for president, calling Obama a “transformational figure.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AJlqnSBa


 http://www.jewishpress.com/news/media/carter-and-obama-he-who-is-merciful-to-the-cruel-ends-up-cruel-to-the-merciful/2012/10/25/0/?print When the Iranian student revolutionaries took American hostages in 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter chose a path consistent with his character, but inconsistent with the American character. He tried desperately, again and again, to prove to the Islamist revolutionaries and their ruling Mullahs that the big bad United States would not be a bully […]


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2292/Eighth-Question-Jay-There-Are-Some-Emails-That-Have-Emerged.aspx Yesterday, Reuters, Fox, CNN, CBS and other media reported that on 9/11/12 emails went to top Obama administration officials alerting them that the Benghazi consulate was under terrorist attack. The first arrived at 4:05 pm ET on 9/11/12 — 10:05 pm Benghazi time, about 25 minutes into the attack. At 6:07 pm ET, another […]


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2291/Ex-SEALs-Father-We-Need-to-Find-Out-Who-Gave-the-Order-Not-to-Save-Benghazi.aspx Charles Woods, father of fallen ex-SEAL Tyrone Woods, called in to the Lars Larsen radio show yesterday to express his thoughts about the news that Benghazi was known to be a terrorist attack right away, was observed via Drone cameras in real time, and that relief forces remained undeployed from nearby countries. Tyrone and […]


White House reprimands official for testimony
Fox News
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
White House reprimands official for testimony
Congressional sources tell Fox News that a top administration counterterrorism official was reprimanded by the White House last month after he testified that the Sept. 11 attack in Libya was terrorism. Read more…
Failed Benghazi response will haunt Obama
Fox News
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Failed Benghazi response will haunt Obama
If Barack Obama fails in his bid for a second term as president, historians and political analysts will spend years trying to answer why and how he and his administration so badly mishandled the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Read more…
Democrats already placing blame for Obama loss
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Democrats already placing blame for Obama loss
Some Democrats are apparently not waiting for Barack Obama to lose the presidential election before starting the inevitable recriminations. New York Times political writer Matt Bai’s choice for the person who steered the president wrong this year is none other than Bill Clinton. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz2AJCrUPPJ



(Editor’s Note: Ze’ev Jabotinsky was born in October so in reprinting this tribute to him we commemorate him on the one hundred and thirty second anniversary of his birth. Jabotinsky remains AFSI’s inspiration as he was the inspiration for his one-time secretary Shmuel Katz, who had a more direct role in AFSI’s birth. For those who would like to see a five part video on his life–25 minutes in all–we strongly recommend David Isaac’s new project, Zionism 101, The Founding Fathers, at http://www.zionism101.org).

One hundred years ago, at the port city of Odessa, a son was born in the house of Jabotinsky. Today, as we gather to memorialize and rejoice marking the 100th anniversary of his birth, we must say his life and work had changed the history of the Jewish people.

From his youth and up until his passing, Jabotinsky devoted his life to the salvation of our people, to free its land, Eretz Yisrael, to renew its Jewish forces, to educate a generation of warriors, to preach for social justice and its implementation, to create a sense of pride in every Jew for being born as such, and above all – to renew Zionism and fight the continuous battle for the establishment of an independent Jewish state.

Ze’ev Jabotinsky was a man of many talents in various fields, but his efforts and thoughts were concentrated on achieving his goal of educating the new Jewish character: The quiet, proud, devoted, faithful one who loves his people and is willing to make any sacrifice for their salvation, national freedom and honor. In both of these fields he achieved complete success and his victory met his aspirations. Indeed, he acknowledged the heroic fighters, and he was the one to provide them and the people as well with the flag raised by Herzl, the flag of renewed Jewish nationalism.

There are a few who claim that Jabotinsky was a tragic figure, for he dreamed, made sacrifices and suffered greatly, but yet he did not live to see his work come to fruition, for he had collapsed while working to achieve his goal and his life ended while on foreign land. This is far from the case. It is true – as of many others in history – that Jabotinsky’s victory was achieved after his passing. However, he was a winning figure; his goal was accomplished, a generation of fighters had come to life and the State of Israel was renewed from the pit of decay and dust. A Jewish force had come to life – a kind not seen since the time of the Maccabees.

Few are the men in history that have such powerful, clear triumphs. For us, Ze’ev Jabotinsky was a tutor, the carrier of hopes. Our souls were bound. We never, G-d forbid, anticipated his death and I can therefore say, 40 years after his passing, that he continues to live in our hearts. Throughout troubling times of rebellion and revival, we continue to stop and ponder: Under these conditions, what would Ze’ev Jabotinsky have done, how would he conduct himself and what would have been his decision.

Menachem BeginBut it is not only incumbent on us, the Jewish people in our land and in the Diaspora, to make this day marking the 100th anniversary of his birth one of high spirits and a renewal of faith. It is a day to pledge that we continue to follow in his footsteps and to work toward accomplishing his social and political beliefs until our final living days. Indeed – Ze’ev Jabotinsky is among us, he is eternal!