Displaying the most recent of 91425 posts written by

Ruth King

Islamist CounterInsurgency in America – Thinking Like an American Jihadi by ALAN KORNMAN ****


Our American Jihadi adversaries believe that Allah’s divinely ordained Islamic governance is best for all mankind and our man made laws, Constitution and Bill of Rights, are corrupted.

The Jihadi Muslim Brotherhood are winning the hearts and minds of the American people in a very patient and methodical stratagem of war they call the “Civilization-Jihadist Process” as outlined in “An Explanatory Memorandum, On the Strategic Goal For The Group in North America.”

4- Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America:

The process of settlement is a “Civilization-JihadistProcess” with all the word means. The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack.

Allah’s Law 3 – U.S. Freedom O

The failed COIN or CounterInsurgency operations are known around military circles as the Petraeus Doctrine. The Petraeus Doctrine’s primary focus is winning the hearts and minds of our Islamist adversaries. Yes, I use the world adversaries because if the Islamists were not adversaries we wouldn’t have to win either their hearts or their minds.

America may have won the ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but never won the hearts and minds of the Iraqi and Afghani people. The result of those failures resulted in Nouri al-Maliki’s Iraq becoming a proxy state for Iran. In 2014-15, after U.S. forces leave the Afghanistan theatre, I predict, the Taliban will topple the Karzai government and instill Shariah Islamiyya or Islamic law across that nation.

President Obama was successful in his vision of removing the colonialist dictator Hosni Mubarak from his 30 year rule in Egypt. The Egyptian people voted in Mohamed Morsi of The Muslim Brotherhood whose stated goal is to destroy “western civilization from within.”

Recent Successes for Team Jihadi in America

4/24/12 – “The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Tuesday ordered the entire U.S. military to scour its training material to ensure it doesn’t contain anti-Islamic content. The order came after the Pentagon suspended a course for senior officers that was found to contain derogatory material about Islam.” (Wired Magazine).

June 2, 2009 – DHS designated the shooting at a military recruiting center in Arkansas by, Abdulhakim Muhammed as a “drive by shooting” not a terrorist attack on a military facility.

December 2011 – Lawmakers on Capitol Hill were mystified that the Fort Hood shooting was classified as “work place violence” by the Dept. Of Homeland Security(DHS).

The FBI training manual changed. Nearly 900 pages of training that was considered offensive to Islam were deleted. Rep. Gohmert discusses that the FBI training manual can no longer mention the terms: Islam, Muslim, jihad, enemy, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, caliphate, Shariah law. (Source)

9/25/2012 – President Obama said at the UN, “”The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam…”

These are examples of American Jihadis winning the hearts and minds of our policy makers at the highest levels of law enforcement, military, and government. The Jihadis have a strong incentive to influence how the United States Government labels terrorists. The Jihadis know that if we (Americans) can not identify the enemy by name we will not be able to defeat them.

The result of these American Jihadi influence operations is that many of those most knowledgeable on the Islamic Terrorist Threat Doctrine have been purged from our government.

The little known U.S. Muslim Engagement Project is the driving force that brought our Jihadi enemies inside the gate.

Church Hosting Muslim Public Affairs Council Receives Emails ‘Dripping with Hate’ by JANET LEVY ****

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/church-hosting-muslim-public-affairs-council-receives-emails-dripping-with-hate?f=puball For yet another example of how emboldened the Muslim Brotherhood has become in the U.S. and the naive blindness of the general public, Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), is holding its annual convention in a church – All Saints Church in Pasadena – for the first time in its […]

Sequestration Spotlights Real Defense Abuses by COLONEL KENNETH ALLARD (US ARMY, RET.)

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/sequestration-spotlights-real-defense-abuses Billions of dollars lost in cozy bureaucratic status quo. A panel of defense-industry executives complained last week to a National Press Club audience about the defense budget cuts known as sequestration. Calling those reductions “irresponsible,” TASC CEO David Langstaff said sequestration would shatter “our ability to execute U.S. national security strategy.” That may well […]


Obama’s Brotherhood Romance — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Josh Brewster, Dwight Schultz and Tommi Trudeau dissect why the president sides with Islamist monsters in the Middle East.


http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/p19160.xml It is a commonplace, but one that most of us ignore: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. That applies in spades to a proposal under active consideration by the school board in Virginia’s Loudoun County. It would use taxpayer funds to create a charter school to equip the children […]


http://pjmedia.com/spengler/2012/12/10/israel-gets-better-reception-from-berlin/?singlepage=true If the re-elected Obama administration has not quite shown its true colors, it’s given the world a peek. As former UN Ambassador John Bolton observed, the Palestine Authority could not have swung a UN vote for “observer” status without the passive support of Washington. After Israel responded to the Palestinian end-run around the Oslo […]


Click here: New York Times Sells A Bridge, Then Buys A Map – Maggie’s Farm http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/21168-New-York-Times-Sells-A-Bridge,-Then-Buys-A-Map.html New York Times Sells A Bridge, Then Buys A Map When Israel announced that planning would begin for some housing in an area known as E1, the New York Times led the media howling that building there would cut […]


 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/9733594/The-EU-takes-the-prize-for-being-out-of-touch.html At a ceremony in Oslo town hall later today the European Union will be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The EU’s three presidents – Jose Manuel Barroso of the Commission, Herman Van Rompuy of the Council, Martin Schulz of the Parliament – will accept the honour for fostering “peace and reconciliation, democracy and human […]

If You Want Peace, Prepare for Atomic War By LOUIS RENE BERES


UN condemns Israel’s “violation” of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Funny, because Israel isn’t a signatory on the 1968 pact.

“The US-backed Road Map , like the prior and once functional Oslo agreements, is merely a convenient enemy expedient. Nothing more. If ever taken seriously in Jerusalem, it could become an irreversible cartographic detour to oblivion.”
On December 3, just four days after voting in strong support of a Palestinian state, the UN General Assembly condemned Israel for allegedly violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Of course, this enthusiastic condemnation made no formal legal sense, because Israel, for very good reasons, has chosen to remain outside the 1968 pact. For Israel, agreeing to join the NPT as a non-nuclear member state, its only available treaty membership option, would be tantamount to national suicide.

Why would joining be so lethal to Israel? Plainly, making the Middle East in particular a nuclear weapon free zone could endanger Israel, and correspondingly strengthen Israel’s enemies, including non-Arab Iran. By removing Israel’s indispensable deterrent to suffering annihilatory military defeat, Israel’s non-nuclear enemies would no longer be confronted by the near-certain prospect of unacceptably damaging retaliations.

WES PRUDEN:The game plan at the lip of the cliff. Dependency Will Be Enthroned


Barack Obama ain’t afraid of no stinkin’ fiscal cliff. Why should he be? When the rest of us go over the cliff, doomed to pain and oblivion among the soup cans, plastic bags and empty soda-pop bottles at the bottom of the abyss, he’ll be soaring over the rooftops as only a tin-pot messiah can.

When the George W. Bush tax cuts expire at midnight on New Year’s Eve, with the rest of us singing a tearful adieu to Auld Lang Syne, the president will be popping corks. He’ll have his higher taxes. The joke will be on us, but nobody at the bottom of the cliff will be laughing.

Barack Obama’s goal is to raise taxes, and how he does that is of small consequence. He is determined not to cut spending. This has become clear enough to all. He will have redeemed FDR’s famous mantra – “Tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect” – in a way that Mr. Roosevelt could never have imagined. Mitt Romney’s infamous “47 percent,” the Americans who get a monthly government check, will balloon toward a hundred percent. Cuts, reforms, restraints, disciplines of any kind will be silly notions of the past. Dependency will be enthroned.

Once this is understood, there’s no mystery about why the “negotiations” between the Democrats and the Republicans have never amounted to very much. Mr. Obama reads the November 6 election result as a landslide, though 51 to 49 is far from a landslide. Nevertheless he is bold, and acting as if it were. He, and even a lot of timid and fearful Republicans, never absorbed the home truth that nothing recedes like success.

For now, everything is going his way. Mr. Obama’s vision of America is one he learned in his community-organizing days. Americans have to give up the idea that America is, in Lincoln’s memorable formulation, the exceptional nation, and learn to be miserable in solidarity with both Upper and Lower Slobbovia.