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Ruth King


AARP: AMERICA’S LARGEST ASSOCIATION OF SENIORS AND PURVEYORS OF MEDIGAP INSURANCE IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS BY HAVING ACTIVELY LOBBIED FOR OBAMACARE….RSK Click here: Largest Ever Survey Of Doctors Negative Toward Obamacare – Maggie’s Farm http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/20823-Largest-Ever-Survey-Of-Doctors-Negative-Toward-Obamacare.html Largest Ever Survey Of Doctors Negative Toward Obamacare “Is there a doctor in the house?” is likely to be […]

Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Unreality of the Past Four Years ****

The Benghazi fiasco is a brutally illuminating portrait of the Obama White House in crisis mode.

In the 1967 film “A Guide for the Married Man,” a husband, played by a peerless Walter Matthau, is given lessons in ways to cheat on his wife safely. The most essential rule: “Deny! Deny! Deny!”—no matter what. In an instructive scene, he’s shown a wife undone by shock, and screaming, with reason: She has just walked in on her husband making love to a glamorous stranger.

“What are you doing,” she wails, “who is that woman?”

“What woman, where?” the husband serenely counters, as he and the tart in question get out of bed and calmly dress.

So the scene proceeds, with the distraught wife pointing to the woman she clearly sees before her, while her husband, unruffled, continues to look blankly at her, asking, “What woman?” Confused by her spouse’s unblinking assurance, she gives up. Two minutes later she’s asking him what he’d like for dinner.

For much of the past four years, the Obama administration’s propensity for asserting views of reality wildly at odds with those evident to most rational citizens has looked increasingly like a page from that film script.

All administrations conceal, falsify and tell lies—this is understood—but there’s no missing the distinctive quality of the prevaricating issuing from the White House in these four years.

It’s a quality on vivid display now in the administration’s mesmerizing narrative of the assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya. Here’s a memorable picture, its detail brutally illuminating, of Obama and company in crisis mode over their conflicting stories about who knew what when. The resulting costs to truth-telling and sanity, or even the appearance thereof, are clear. Nor can we forget the strong element of farce—think U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice on those five Sunday talk shows, reciting with unflagging fervor that official talking point regarding mob violence and a YouTube video. Farce, but no one is laughing.

Team Obama clung to its original story—the attack had come spontaneously at the hands of a mob enraged by that now famous video insulting to the Prophet—long after it was clear that it had been an organized terrorist assault by an al Qaeda affiliate. By Tuesday’s debate, we saw a Barack Obama in high dudgeon over suggestions that his office might have deliberately misrepresented the facts. It was, he fumed, an intolerable insult that such charges could have been made about him, the president who had had to receive the bodies of the slain Americans—and who then had to set about getting to the bottom of this murderous terror assault.



“It was not possible for him to show remorse,” Murat’s defense attorney said; “he believes he is right.”

An Islamist radical convicted of stabbing two German police officers during a protest against cartoons that were perceived as “offensive,” and has been sentenced to six years in prison.

Murat K, a 26-year-old German-born Salafist of Turkish heritage from the western state of Hessen, openly admitted that he had attacked and wounded the two police officers with a kitchen knife during the cartoon riots in May. He showed no remorse, however, during his trial at the district court in the city of Bonn; he said he had been morally obligated to follow Islamic Sharia law.

Murat, whose last name has not been made known to the general public due to German privacy laws, claimed that the attacks on the police officers were justified because the German state had allowed offensive images of the Prophet Mohammed to be shown in public. Many Muslims believe that according to Islamic law, it is forbidden to depict Mohammed in images.

During his trial, the judge — who allowed Murat to wear a black jihadist headband in court — asked the defendant whether it was necessary “to use violence to defend Islamic values.” Murat, who was born in the German town of Eschwege, and whose family has been living in Germany for decades, replied: “Yes, of course.”

The judge then asked him to “imagine you are a policeman and it is your job to ensure order. In your view, would you be a justified target?” Murat replied: “Yes. The German state allows caricatures of Mohammed to be shown, so the police are automatically involved.”


http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/10/21/why-team-obama-used-blame-video-tactic-after-libya-attack/ Perhaps the most under-examined aspect of the blame-the-video story spun by President Obama’s administration following the Benghazi terror attacks is how easy the White House presumed it would be to sell. An acquiescent mainstream media has for years encouraged an arrogant administration to expect its full support, even it has been forced to acknowledge […]


http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/10/a_plague_of_saviors_1.html Does humanity learn from its mistakes? The record doesn’t show it. Paging through history, time and again we find instances where people have ignored both facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a “savior” — a Marx, a Hitler, a Khomeini. And time and again we have ended up paying the price for […]


The CNN transcript of the debate can be found at http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/16/transcript-second-presidential-debate/This is the discussion on the Benghazi attack. I highlighted where the first mention of the transcript occurred. Play the video above that section. How could he possibly know that she had a transcript if he wasn’t told in advance? CROWLEY: Because we’re – we’re […]

Why Obama Gambled With American Lives — on The Glazov Gang

Why Obama Gambled With American Lives — on The Glazov Gang
by Frontpagemag.com
The catastrophic consequences of a president trying to avoid a confrontation with Islam.


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2282/What-Did-the-CIA-Know-and-When-Did-It-Stop-Knowing-It.aspx Yesterday, we learned specifically that the CIA station chief in Tripoli reported to Washington within 24 hours that the consulate attack was executed by terrorists and was not a spontaneous demonstration over a video that turned violent. The President, of course, would continue to weave a narrative blaming the video for two more weeks, […]


Panetta tells brass not to answer Benghazi queries
The Washington Free Beacon
Friday, October 19, 2012
The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee is demanding answers from four senior United States military officers about whether there was advance warning of terrorist threats and the need for greater security prior to last month’s terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi. However, an aide to the chairman, Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, R-Calif., said the office of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta blocked the senior officers from providing the answers last night. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz29qIbnjRj
Orlando Sentinel switches endorsement to Romney
Orlando Sentinel
Friday, October 19, 2012
We have little confidence that President Obama would be more successful managing the economy and the budget in the next four years. For that reason, though we endorsed him in 2008, we are recommending Mitt Romney in this race. Read more…
West opens up 9-point lead in Florida
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., is leading his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy by 9 points, according to a poll released Thursday, Oct. 18. Read more…
Poll puts Romney ahead in blue Pennsylvania
The Washington Examiner
Thursday, October 18, 2012
A new poll shows Republican Mitt Romney leading in Pennsylvania, a state that Republicans had all but written off just weeks ago but which is now listed as a toss up by the Real Clear Politics website. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz29qIruuPW



EDITOR’S NOTE: This column is adapted from Andrew C. McCarthy’s foreword for Andrew Bostom’s Sharia Versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism, published this week by Prometheus Books.

‘Multi-religious prayer almost inevitably leads to false interpretations, to indifference as to the content of what is believed or not believed, and thus to the dissolution of real faith.” So wrote Joseph Ratzinger in 1986. Even then, the man who would later become Pope Benedict XVI was renowned as a singularly deep thinker on the finer points of religious belief systems — to say nothing of the sweeping themes.

As head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office, Cardinal Ratzinger was ruminating on the World Prayer Day for Peace, forged by his legendary papal predecessor, John Paul II. Though he was among the pontiff’s closest advisers, Ratzinger was uneasy about John Paul II’s grand gesture: taking center stage in a spectacle of interfaith solidarity. Flanked about him were leaders of the world’s religions. Even Shamanism took its place among Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, Protestant sects, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and, of course, Islam — all joined in an iconic, ecumenical quest for “peace.”

It was as if there were but one civilization, one single, common way of looking at the world. It was as if there were a talismanic aura about “peace,” such that the word connoted a universal value, impervious to inquiry about its meaning to the variegated voices uttering it. Was this “peace” the mere absence of war? Hadn’t the 20th century already proved that there were evils worse than war? Was “peace” an absence of war achieved by appeasing malevolent oppressors? Or was it an absence of such oppressors because they had been righteously defeated — because liberty and equal opportunity, undergirded by the rule of law, had triumphed? Details, details. Surely a tidal wave of banners, splaying “peace” in a Babel of tongues, would wash away such impertinent questions.

In a nod to the host locale of this iconic display, the event’s legacy came to be known as the “spirit of Assisi,” that city of deep spiritual redolence. Ah, but deep spiritual redolence . . . for whom? Assisi is a holy city if you are a Christian. To other religious traditions, it is just another dot on the map. To a fundamentalist Muslim, it would be better understood as a coveted city than a holy one. What makes it sacred in Roman Catholic lore, its witness to what the faithful take to be ultimate truth, would make it anything but a place of reverence in classical Islam.

Nevertheless, papering over these distinctions is our convention, is it not? And nowhere is that manifested more clearly than in the cloying homage paid by the West to things Islamic. The ostentation with which the U.S. armed forces revere the Koran — indeed, “the Holy Qur’an,” as our top commanders unfailingly refer to it — borders on parody: mandating, at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp for instance, that a copy of the book be distributed to each detained jihadist (notwithstanding that each construes it to command war — I suppose I should say, holy war — against the West), the said delivery carried out by a white-gloved military guard, who must, if at all feasible, be a Muslim.

Who cares what the Koran and the other sources of Islamic scripture — the hadith and the authoritative biographies of Islam’s warrior prophet — actually say? We are to regard them as “holy,” the same adjective our official lexicon ubiquitously attaches to cities like Mecca, Medina, and Qom — even as the word “Christmas” is purged as a modifier of “carol,” “card,” “tree,” “present,” “party,” and “celebration.” In the West we no longer acknowledge, much less celebrate, what distinguished us as the West.